How can food be fairer? Food politics expert Prof. Marion Nestle received the prestigious Edinburgh Medal at a ceremony last night.
Each year, The Edinburgh Medal is presented to those who have made a significant contribution to the wellbeing and understanding of humanity through the sciences. This year’s recipient is Prof Marion Nestle, a pioneer in the study of food politics, along with wider issues of nutrition and public health.
Food politics explores the wide-reaching implications of what and how we eat – from production and marketing, to the possibilities of fairer distribution of resources. Through her research, advocacy and public engagement work, Prof Nestle has contributed knowledge and inspiration to the field.
An award-winning writer, Prof Nestle is Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, Emerita, at New York University.
Alongside her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, she has been awarded honorary degrees from Transylvania University in Kentucky and the City University of New York’s Macaulay Honors College.
Prof Nestle has authored 15 books about food policy and politics. Her memoir, Slow Cooked: An Unexpected Life in Food Politics tracks a fascinating career which has placed the importance of nutrition at its heart.
This year’s oration was delivered by Prof Timothy Lang, Emeritus Professor of Food Policy at the University of London, and the Vote of Thanks by Prof Annie Anderson.
Noise is the biggest issue Brits have with their neighbours’, with nearly half (44 per cent) complaining about the amount of noise they make in the garden, according to new research from Churchill Home Insurance. The top causes of noise complaints are pet-related (such as dogs barking), playing loud music and drilling.
When it comes to their neighbours’ garden habits, 61 per cent of Brits have problems with their behaviour. Those in London have the most issues; there are an estimated nine million people living in London and 80 per cent of those admit to having garden gripes. Only 52 per cent of those in Wales are irritated by neighbourly behaviour – the lowest of any area.
People in the West Midlands are the most likely to speak directly to their neighbours about their annoying habits (31 per cent), while people in Yorkshire and Humberside are the least likely (16 per cent). Londoners are the most likely to report disturbances to their local council (18 per cent).
Almost half (49 per cent) of those with garden gripes are annoyed at least once a week. To try to resolve these issues, more than one in four (26 per cent) approached their neighbour directly to talk about it, 11 per cent reported the disturbance to their local council, and six per cent were forced to call the police.
Of those who decided to act, 52 per cent were successful in reducing the irritating behaviour, leaving 48 per cent with unresolved complaints. As a result of fallouts between neighbours, more than half (51 per cent) think local councils and the police should more strictly enforce rules and regulations around gardens.
Having noisy neighbours is a common issue across the UK. London received the most noise complaints in the UK, recording nearly 152,000 complaints last year and accounting for a third (34 per cent) of the total.
The research also shows that nearly a quarter (24 per cent) have had a boundary dispute with a neighbour. Despite this, only 54 boundary dispute cases have appeared before the Land Registration Division of the First Tier Tribunal in the past five years, suggesting most neighbours tend to settle disagreements before going to a tribunal.
Other frustrations cited by those surveyed include leaving rubbish in their garden (11 per cent), lighting bonfires (9 per cent), and leaving food out that attracts rodents or pests (8 per cent). Neighbours participating in naturism or sunbathing with too few clothes on is also an issue for two per cent of people.
Sarah Khan, Head of Churchill Home Insurance, said: “Unfortunately, high numbers of us end up falling out with our neighbours because of their noisy habits, something that has become even more heightened given the increased numbers of us who now work from home.
“We recommend that people try to speak to their neighbours first to find a solution to these problems, saving time, money, and relationships, but we know this is not always possible. If individuals are not able to come to an amicable resolution with their neighbour, our Churchill Home Insurance Policy offers added Family Legal Protection, which gives access to a 24-hour legal advice helpline and covers up to £100,000 of legal costs.”
Separate Churchill research found there were nearly 450,000 noise complaints made to councils in the financial year 2021/225. This equates to 1,229 every day, or one every 70 seconds.
Table two: Regions that have the most garden gripes with neighbours
Three charities providing support for children and young people across Scotland have received donations totalling £1,500 from the team at Amazon’s fulfilment centre in Dunfermline.
Children’s Liver Disease Foundation, UK Career Academy Foundation and Ronald McDonald House received £500 each following nominations for support from employees at the Amazon fulfilment centre.
Children’s Liver Disease Foundation provides information advising families and helping them to cope with living with liver disease. The charity also run events across the UK to help families and children affected by childhood liver disease connect with each other.
UK Career Academy Foundation encourages young people to realise their potential, regardless of the barriers they face in society.
Ronald McDonald House Glasgow offers a safe space for parents and carers next to the Royal Hospital for Children to allow them to remain close to a child undergoing treatment.
Speaking on the donations, Jamie Strain, General Manager at Amazon in Dunfermline, said: “We think very highly of the charitable organisations supporting children and their families through hard times, so it’s great to lend a helping hand to Children’s Liver Disease Foundation, UK Career Academy Foundation and Ronald McDonald House Glasgow.
“The work they do for children and families both across Scotland and locally is excellent, and we are pleased to support them with these donations.”
George Fleming, an employee at Amazon in Dunfermline, added: “The three charities we’re supporting put so much time and effort into their causes and it really shows.
“The care my family received at Ronald McDonald House Glasgow was excellent and I’m so pleased we can support the team with this donation.”
Lauren Coffey, from Ronald McDonald House Glasgow, added: “I would like to thank the team at Amazon in Dunfermline for their support with this donation. We aim to support families and children during such difficult times and as a fully self-funded House we couldn’t do it without help from the community.”
The donations to Children’s Liver Disease Foundation, UK Career Academy Foundation and Ronald McDonald House Glasgow were made as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities around its operating locations across the UK.
Dobbies’ Edinburgh store is inviting local residents to cast their vote and help the UK’s leading garden centre crown the Helping Your Community Grow winner for the store.
Seventy-five groups across the country have the chance to create or refresh a community space with Dobbies’ support, and the garden centre is now asking locals to help narrow its shortlist down, to one winner for its Edinburgh store.
This year’s initiative has welcomed nominations from schools looking to enhance their gardens; charities supporting the most vulnerable members of the community proposing sensory gardens; and community groups and clubs looking to create a garden space where they can grow their own fruit and vegetables.
Newtongrange Community Garden is a community initiative looking to bring residents together. The group have begun growing fruit and vegetables to give back to the local community and are looking to encourage more locals to get involved. Dobbies’ help would provide the group with flowers, shrubs and peat-free compost.
Dalkeith Guerrilla Gardeners is a community initiative run by volunteers who aim to make a difference in the local area from gardening to litter picking. Funded by local donations and fundraising, Dobbies’ support would provide the group with plants, bulbs and seeds as well as watering butts to increase their sustainable practices.
Mayfield Nursery School are looking to improve the outdoor learning experience for the children through their field to folk learning scheme to help give back to the local community. With Dobbies’ support, the school are looking to grow more fruits and vegetables in their new polytunnels, as well as receive children’s gardening tools, peat-free compost and expert advice on the best varieties to grow.
There was a notable increase in the number of entries from groups looking to grow their own this year. This follows research from Dobbies and Censuswide (commissioned in March) that found 67% of people in Edinburgh plan to grow their own fruit, vegetables and herbs this spring. Tomatoes are set to be the most popular crop for this year, closely followed by potatoes.
The winning group for Edinburgh will receive advice, gardening products and plants from Dobbies’ horticultural team. Dobbies’ own-brand peat-free multipurpose compost, recycled and recyclable containers, UK-sourced plants and safer pest control products are among the many products the garden centre will donate.
Notably, the project that receives the most votes from all Dobbies stores will be the national winner, receiving extra funding and support.
Graeme Jenkins, CEO of Dobbies said: “We were overwhelmed with the response to our Helping Your Community Grow initiative and have seen a significant increase in nominations, with over 800 applications for 2023.
“A huge thank you to everyone who nominated their project for our Dobbies’ Edinburgh store to support. It’s now up to the public to select the winner – our Edinburgh team are very much looking forward to seeing who this will be.”
Votes are open until Tuesday 25 April. There is only one vote per person. The project with the most votes will be the winner. The project with the most votes across the UK will be the national winner.
Following the shambles of this year’s City of Edinburgh Council budget in which full council voted for a budget including privatisation and compulsory redundancies, Edinburgh’s trade unions have joined together to demand better for the workforce and the community.
GMB, Unison, and Unite represent the majority of workers employed across the council including front line services such as waste, care, parks and roads, and non-teaching staff in schools.
The joint trade unions welcome the council leader’s assurances he has no intention of implementing the budget in full, but this is not enough and are further calling on City of Edinburgh Council to give their workforce security by re-setting a budget which takes compulsory redundancies and privatisation off the cards completely.
The joint trade unions are asking the public to stand by the council workforce, by signing the public petition and writing to their local councillors:
GMB Organiser Kirsten Muat Said: “Scotland’s council’s have been underfunded for decades, but it is unacceptable of the council to ask front line workers to bear the brunt of the lack of political leadership on this issue.
“The workforce need to be given job security, the only way this can happen is by political leaders putting their words into action and putting a complete to stop to any privatisation or compulsory redundancies.
“Privatization and redundancies will never be in the public interest, it would be wrong and short sighted for City of Edinburgh Council to pursue this.”
UNISON Branch Secretary Tom Connolly said: “We want all Edinburgh Councillors to not only adopt the trade union pledge, but we also want them to publicly endorse their commitment and outline how they will ensure our pledges are delivered.
“The public have a massive role to play here too. You can help save our services by using our campaign tools to write to your elected officials and put pressure on them to deliver.
“The Edinburgh Council unions have continually warned over many years about the devastating impact of cuts to council budgets and the threat to democratic accountability.
But under the Tory Government at Westminster and the SNP/Green Government in Scotland, local government is under pressure as never before. For years now, council workers have continuously been asked to do more with less and deliver more for less. With the current council budget, that trend will continue, and things will continue to get worse.”
Unite branch secretary Brian Robertson said: “The council needs to provide security to its workers as insecurity for the workers not only causes stress to them and their families but also puts stress on the services they deliver.
“Best Value reviews must examine in-house service delivery as a serious option. Improving Services, Creating Jobs is the Best Value our council can give to our workers, citizens, families and communities. Doing otherwise is a dis-service to our city.”
Victims and witnesses are set to use virtual reality headsets to familiarise themselves with giving evidence in court as part of a pioneering Scottish Government initiative to allay fears or discomfort around the process.
Ahead of giving evidence in court, the world-leading £500,000 virtual court project will allow victims to ‘walk through’ a 3-dimensional world, comprising actual videos of the court building where their case will be held. The system uses cutting-edge software to allow victims and witnesses to interact in a virtual environment that includes depictions of the people and objects they can expect to encounter when they go to court.
The project will enable victims and witnesses to be supported at all times by Victim Support Scotland (VSS) volunteers as they experience the virtual court environment. This will remove the need to travel to court prior to their hearing date, while allowing people to familiarise themselves with what can be an unfamiliar, daunting and often retraumatising environment.
The project – a partnership between VSS, tech provider Immersonal and CivTech, the world’s first successful public-sector-focused innovation accelerator – has delivered a working prototype for Glasgow Sheriff Court and the High Court in Glasgow with wider development and roll out over the next year.
Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs Angela Constance said: “We continue to put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system, their needs are an absolute priority.
“However victims and witnesses can naturally find giving evidence a daunting prospect. This unique project, using innovative technology to support and prepare victims for attending court, could prove transformative.
“It has the potential to reduce anxiety and additional trauma, and also reduces the need to travel often long distances for victims to familiarise themselves with a new environment before experiencing it ‘in real life’.
“We hope that this will reduce retraumatisation and anxiety, supporting victims to give the highest quality evidence.
“This project is part of the Scottish Government‘s wider work that has seen more than £93 million invested through the justice budget over the past five years to prioritise victims’ rights and needs. Our Victim Centred Approach Fund continues this important commitment, making £48 million available to victims’ organisations.”
Chief Executive of Victim Support Scotland Kate Wallace said: “Victims and witnesses often tell us of the retraumatising effects caused by giving evidence in court and that it can cause as much anxiety as the crime itself.
“Victim Support Scotland strongly advocates for victims being able to give evidence remotely and in trauma-informed environments.
“This virtual reality experience will provide just that and can be accessed through a headset available with the help of volunteers from Victim Support Scotland, as well as through laptops, smart phones and tablets thereby offering more choice and access about how to prepare for court at a time and place that suits the victim.”
A young two-year-old Domestic Short Hair cat narrowly avoided losing her leg, thanks to PDSA, after an accident left her badly injured and unable to walk.
Nathalie Kassoul, from East Ham, arrived home one evening to find her beloved cat, Carrot Cake, injured and unable to walk on her back leg. She took Carrot Cake to her local vet, who examined her and found that she had serious injuries to her back leg, likely caused by a car accident or a fall. Carrot Cake was stabilised and given pain relief, but x-rays showed that she would need surgery in order to save her leg.
Devastatingly, the ongoing cost of living crisis meant the family would have struggled to afford the surgery required, which could have reached thousands of pounds. Nathalie and her daughter sought help from PDSA, the vet charity for pets in need, who confirmed that they were eligible for support.
Carrot Cake was transferred for treatment at PDSA Bow Pet Hospital on Barker’s Butts Lane, where further x-rays luckily confirmed there was no other damage. A few days later, once she was stable, she was taken to surgery where the team worked tirelessly to repair Carrot Cake’s leg.
Thanks to the dedication of the Bow vet team, the operation was a success and Carrot Cake was subsequently allowed to go home with strict instructions to rest. Carrot Cake is now happily on the road to recovery – and her family is completely overjoyed.
Nathalie said: “I have absolutely no idea what happened to Carrot Cake, and finding her like that was so horrible. When we got to the private veterinary practice, they explained that her leg was broken and it could cost as much as £5,000 to treat.
“I’d put my pet’s health before anything else, but we just couldn’t afford this. Due to the sheer impact the cost of living has had, we’re already trying to make cutbacks – we try not to use the heating, and we’ve even bought a microwave as it’s cheaper to run than using the gas oven to cook our meals.
“We faced a heart-breaking decision, as it we couldn’t afford the full cost of repair at the private practice. We’re so grateful PDSA were there in our hour of need to step in and treat Carrot Cake’s leg.”
PDSA Vet Claire Wood said: “When Carrot Cake arrived at the hospital, she had wounds and bruising around her pelvis and back legs. We took further x-rays to check there were no other injuries before she had surgery, and thankfully, these showed there was no more damage so we were able to operate using a pin and plate with screws to hold the bone together while it heals.
“The surgery went well and Carrot Cake was able to go home later that day with pain relief and antibiotics to prevent any infection developing from her wounds.
“To make sure Carrot Cake had the best chance of healing and fully recovering, she needed strict rest – luckily after six weeks the fracture had healed, and we were able to remove the pin.”
Nathalie added: “Carrot Cake has recovered really well and is back to her loving and energetic self – up and about, jumping, and running to her hearts content.
“She’s such an active cat who loves exploring outside so we couldn’t be more grateful to PDSA for treating her and helping to avoid amputation. Whilst my daughter and I both work, I don’t know how we would have afforded to pay the cost of the veterinary care needed to treat her leg.
In our time of need, PDSA were able to save our beloved family pet, the work they do really does change lives.”
PDSA relies on donations to deliver life-saving treatment to hundreds of thousands of pets across its 48 Pet Hospitals in the UK. To keep families together, the charity is urgently calling on the public’s support more than ever to prevent vulnerable people having to make a truly heartbreaking decision.
Glacial Narratives: Cracks in the Iceis on until Sunday (16 April) at Custom House in Leith (entry on the wharf side) from 11am until 6pm, as part of the Edinburgh Science Festival.
Glacial Narratives: Cracks in the Ice is an innovative and experimental multi-artform exhibition about ice from four artists who have spent considerable time in Arctic environments, and have developed a complementary series of artworks inspired by their experiences. These works will not only raise awareness of the wonder of ice as a material, but will also ask questions about its disappearance. The artists are:
It has been funded by Creative Scotland’s Open Fund, and supported by Tinderbox Collective, University of Edinburgh Department of Geosciences, Scottish Historic Buildings Trust and the University of Svalbard in Norway.
Strachan House Care Home resident, Bill Lathe had dreamed of being able to garden again so staffed teamed up with a local boy Struan Dow who helped Bill out with his wish to make it come true.
Bill has lived at Strachan House for several years and is oved by staff and residents alike. Staff and Struan were delighted to be a part of making his dream come true, as they knew how much it meant to him and they all wanted to be there to see the smile on Bills face.
Staff first found out about Bills wish through their active activities program. Mandy, Head of Activities, said “Bill has always had a love of gardening and when we were a contacted about a local boy Struan needing to complete his JASS project it made sense to pair the two up by surprising Bill.”
JASS is the junior programme for the Duke of Edinburgh awards and Struan needed to undertake his silver award. This meant he was tasked with having to complete a 12 hour project. A student in class 6HD at Erskine Stewart Melville School, meant that Struan gave up his Easter break to work on the project.
He said: “When I heard of Bill’s wish I knew I could combine my project with his wish, so I decided to spring into action and build Bill an accessible herb garden box and present it to him within the gardens at Strachan House.
“I was so happy to see Bill’s face and was so happy to be part of something special for him. To know that my herb box will be appreciated and go to good use is awesome!”
Mandy Head of Activities added “What and amazing young lad Struan is and he should be proud of his hard work. Bill is over the moon!”
In response to this wonderful surprise, Bill said: “I was overwhelmed. It is such an amazing feeling to know that the youngsters still look out for us and care so much.
“I’m really grateful to Struan and the team for making my wish come true. I can’t wait to get planting my herbs for the use in the kitchen”
Gordon Philp, General Manager at the home, said: “We want everyone we care for to know how important they are to us here at Strachan House. It was so nice to see how happy Bill was and the staff loved being a part of this as well.”
Strachan House care home is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals.
Strachan House provides residential care, nursing care and dementia care for 83 residents from respite care to long term stays.
A local man is thanking his lucky stars and staff at a popular city sports venue for saving his life, when he collapsed on the running track following a training session early in March.
Keith Ridley, 69, from Willowbrae, and a coach with Edinburgh Athletic Club had just finished his own training session on the outdoor running track at Meadowbank Sports Centre, before he was due to start training younger members of the club, when he collapsed.
Thanks to the quick action of some medical students, who were training on the track, and Martin Bews, Operations Supervisor at Meadowbank Sports Centre, who administered CPR until the ambulance arrived to take over, Mr Ridley has lived to tell the tale. Greg Cobb, a Welcome Host at Meadowbank, who had trained as a cardiac nurse in a previous life, also gave invaluable support to Martin at the time.
Keith was taken to the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh, where he had two stents installed in blocked arteries and an ICD (implantable defibrillator) in his chest.
Keith Ridley said: “I count myself incredibly fortunate with the circumstances in which my heart attack happened and will be forever grateful for the quick actions of the medical students and the staff at Edinburgh Leisure’s Meadowbank Sports Centre, especially Martin and Greg, who most definitely saved my life.
“Medical friends of mine have told me just how critical those first few minutes are in terms of the right care administered that can make the difference in saving a life.”
Claire Rusack, Operations Director at Edinburgh Leisure said: “We are so glad that Keith is doing well and on the road to recovery. We are so proud of all the team and for the great outcome.
“Edinburgh Leisure places a huge importance on equipping our staff with the necessary skills to cope with lots of different situations. In this instance, their first aid training and accident and emergency procedures ensured an incident well managed. You hope you’ll never have to use your first aid skills, but it just highlights how critical these skills can be in saving someone’s life.”
Keith spent a week in hospital but recovered well and has now returned home. On the advice of his cardiology nurse, he is undertaking light exercise including walking and hopes to return to a structured exercise programme in the near future. He is hoping that he might be eligible to be referred to Edinburgh Leisure’s Fit For Health programme to help with his rehabilitation.
Fit For Health is a 16-week physical activity referral programmed delivered by Edinburgh Leisure in partnership with the Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership. Sessions are delivered across various Edinburgh Leisure venues.
Edinburgh Leisure offers First Aid courses, which are accredited by Ofqual and presented in association with the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK). These include First Aid at Work (Full 3 days); First Aid at Work (2 days refresher), Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day), Paediatric First Aid (2 days),
Emergency Paediatric First Aid (1 day).
Edinburgh Leisure also run first aid courses for clubs and colleges. These are in addition to their RLSS programme, and they welcome any requests.