Hope springs eternal at Walled Garden


On 28 March we had a gathering at the Walled Garden when John & Agnes Smith, the previous owners, unveiled Historic Environment Scotland’s plaque commemorating Sir Thomas Hope (writes LINDA GARCIA).

Thomas Hope was born around 1580. He studied with the intention of going into law and was admitted as an Advocate on 7 February 1605.

Hope gained prominence in 1606 when he defended John Forbes (c. 1568-1634), Minister of Alford, and others, at Linlithgow, on the charge of having committed treason when they declined to acknowledge the jurisdiction claimed by the Privy Council (of James VI of Scotland, James I of Great Britain and Ireland) over the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

Although his clients were convicted, Hope had shown himself to be in the top rank at the Bar. He became a very successful lawyer and profits from his practices enabled him to build estates in Fife, Stirlingshire, Midlothian, East Lothian, and Berwickshire. In May 1626 he was appointed Lord Advocate and in 1628 he was granted a Nova Scotia baronetcy.

In 1634 he managed to secure the conviction of James Elphinstone, Lord Balmerino, for treason. These were difficult years of religious strife but Hope managed to avoid any participation in the preparation of the National Covenant, nor did he sign it. However, he did pronounce an opinion in favour of its legality.

Although his son, Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse, served with the army of the Covenanters, Hope neither declared the action of the Covenanters to be illegal, nor did he defend episcopacy, thus putting himself in a precarious position.

Indeed, when a Committee of the Estates (Scottish Parliament) required his official signature to Writs of Summons against opponents of the Covenant, he refused it because there was no authority for this from King Charles I.

In 1643 he opposed the proposal to summon the Estates without any warrant from Charles. Hope’s publications include the legal treatises Minor practicks and Major practicks, Carmen saeculare (1626) in honour of Charles, and a Latin translation of the Psalms and the Song of Solomon.

Sir Thomas Hope died on 1 October 1646. Of his four sons, three became Lords of Session and one of these became Lord Justice General. A fourth son was Cupbearer to Charles I.

Descendants of Sir Thomas Hope would become Earls of Hopetoun as a reward for supporting the Act of Union with England in 1707, and later on Marquises of Linlithgow.


Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

SARCS: Rape and sexual assault support service launched

Improving healthcare choices and support

A marketing campaign has been launched to ensure people know about a dedicated national NHS service that offers choices in healthcare, forensic examination and support after a rape or sexual assault.

The national service, which is to be implemented across all health boards, will allow those aged 16 and over to self-refer for a forensic health examination at a Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS), whether or not they wish to report to the police.

Funding of £11.7 million has been invested by the Scottish Government alongside the unanimous passing of Forensic Medical Services Act 2021 by Parliament. This money has gone towards creating healthcare facilities for examinations across all health boards, to recruit more specialist staff and set up a single point of contact for self-referral through NHS 24.

The campaign which will run across digital channels and outdoor advertising sites encourages people who have experienced a sexual crime to visit the NHS Inform website for information to help them decide the best next step for them.

Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sir Gregor Smith said: “It is very important that everyone knows about this service and while I hope that people will never need to use it, for those that do, knowing where to turn for support and information is a vital part of giving them back control.

“This legislation marks an important step in ensuring that those who have experienced a sexual assault have access to healthcare and support, even if they don’t feel ready to report it to the police.

“The campaign will be running over the next few months to raise awareness of the Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS), to help improve the experience of those who have suffered a sexual crime.”

Jennifer Wilson, Nurse Director for NHS Ayrshire & Arran added: “Improving healthcare services for victims of sexual offences is a priority for NHS Ayrshire & Arran.

“We are committed to the Taskforce vision of consistent, person-centred, trauma-informed healthcare and forensic medical services and access to recovery, for anyone who has experienced rape or sexual assault in Scotland.

“With the launch of the FMS Act and the National Self-Referral Service we can now offer local services to victims of sexual assault who require a Forensic Medical Examination (FME) and who do not wish to, or are not yet ready to report this to the Police.

“This is a vital part of improving services for victims of sexual assault and making sure that timely healthcare support, including a forensic medical examination, is available to victims of rape and sexual assault in a way that is sensitive, compassionate and reduces the risk of any re-traumatisation.”

Sandy Brindley, Chief Executive of Rape Crisis Scotland said: “This is a huge step forward in improving responses to rape in Scotland. Immediately following rape or sexual assault can be a really difficult time to make a decision about whether to report what has happened to the police, but there are time limits involved in being able to capture forensic evidence.

“Self-referral means that if someone doesn’t feel ready to make the decision about reporting they can ensure all the evidence is captured and make the decision when they are ready.”

Truss: We will not rest until Putin fails and Ukraine prevails

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss gave a speech at the British Embassy in Poland about stepping up our efforts to stop Putin’s appalling war in Ukraine

Welcome to the British Embassy in Warsaw. It’s good to have the opportunity to hear from my friend and colleague Dmytro Kuleba, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister at what is an extremely difficult time.

What we have seen on the streets of Irpin and Bucha are scenes that we will never forget. We have seen butchery, evidence of rape and sexual violence as well as the indiscriminate killing of civilians.

We will ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice for these barbaric crimes. And together with our allies we will step up our efforts to stop Putin’s appalling war.

Three weeks ago, the UK led 41 states to refer these atrocities to the International Criminal court. We are providing additional funding to the ICC.

The UK military and police are providing technical assistance to the investigations. And the Metropolitan Police War Crimes unit have commenced the collection of evidence. We are working very closely with the Ukrainian government on this.

We have appointed former ICC judge Sir Howard Morrison as an independent adviser to the Ukrainian prosecutor general.

And today, I can announce that we are launching a £10 million civil society fund to support organisations in Ukraine, including those helping the victims of conflict-related sexual violence.

We will not rest until these criminals have been brought to justice.

We are clear that after these appalling crimes Russia has no place on the Human Rights Council.

And it is the responsibility of the UK and our allies – and that is what Dymtro and I discussed today – to step up our support for our brave Ukrainian friends. That means more weapons and more sanctions. Putin must lose in Ukraine.

Later this week, the G7 Foreign Ministers and the NATO Foreign Ministers will meet. We need to announce a tough new wave of sanctions.

The reality is that money is still flowing from the West into Putin’s war machine, and that has to stop.

In Brussels, I’ll be working with our partners to go further as has been advocated by Dmytro in banning Russian ships from our ports, in cracking down on Russian banks, in going after new industries filling Putin’s war chest like gold, and agreeing a clear timetable to eliminate our imports of Russian oil, gas and coal.

We also need even more weapons of the type the Ukrainians are asking for.

The UK is supplying more including next-generation light anti-tank weapons, Javelin Missiles and Starstreak anti-aircraft systems. And last week, we hosted a donor conference with our allies to secure more.

The fact is that being tough is the only approach that will work. Putin has escalated this war.

And this approach is vital to ensuring he loses in Ukraine, and that we see a full withdrawal of Russian troops and Ukraine’s hand is strengthened at the negotiating table.

There should be no talk of removing sanctions whilst Putin’s troops are in Ukraine and the threat of Russian aggression looms over Europe.

We need to see Putin withdraw his troops. We need to see Ukraine’s full territorial integrity restored. We need to see Russia’s ability for further aggression stopped. We need a plan to rebuild Ukraine. And we need to see justice done at the International Criminal Court.

Dmytro – we salute your bravery and the bravery of the Ukrainian people.

We are determined to help in whatever way we can. We will back you unwaveringly in your negotiations.

And together, we will not rest until Putin fails and Ukraine prevails.

Scotland: Strengthening sanctions on Russia

Public bodies in Scotland are being given advice on how to handle contract bids from companies linked to Russia.

To help strengthen economic sanctions imposed on Russia following the illegal invasion of Ukraine, guidance has been published on how to reject bids to procure a contract for goods or services from firms which are established in Russia and Belarus. This also applies to companies with substantial business operations in Russia, as well as those under the control of a person with links to the Russian regime.

Business Minister Ivan McKee said: “The Scottish Government has been clear since the beginning of the illegal invasion of Ukraine, that the business community has a moral responsibility to take economic action by reviewing operations for links and connections to Russia – and severing them where it is possible to do so.

“While it is up to the contracting authority as decision-maker to make an informed, rounded, case-specific assessment, this guidance will ensure public bodies can exclude companies from new contracts, or terminate existing ones, if the bidder has connections to the Russian regime.”

Read the guidance in full here.

Climate Catastrophe: No Time to Lose

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report published yesterday (Monday 4 April) shows growth in global emissions has slowed over the past decade, but much more needs to be done, including halving global emissions by 2030, to keep the goal of 1.5C in reach and avoid the worst impacts of global warming.

  • The window to keep 1.5C in reach is closing fast
  • Global growth in emissions slowed in last decade but further urgent action vital
  • UK COP Presidency calls on countries to deliver on the historic Glasgow Climate Pact agreed at COP26

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report published yesterday shows growth in global emissions has slowed over the past decade, but much more needs to be done, including halving global emissions by 2030, to keep the goal of 1.5C in reach and avoid the worst impacts of global warming.

The IPCC’s independent report highlights the need for urgent action in decarbonising energy, industry, transport and making homes more energy efficient, to achieve the Paris Agreement’s central goal of keeping a global temperature rise this century to well below 2C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5C.

The report also shows reasons for optimism with a trend showing a slowing growth of global emissions. It also details how economic growth can be achieved alongside ambitious emissions reductions and the falling costs of renewables. Since 2010, solar energy costs and lithium-ion battery costs have decreased by around 85%, and wind energy by around 55%.

The UK is calling on countries to deliver on the Glasgow Climate Pact, in which 197 countries agreed to revisit and strengthen their 2030 emissions reduction commitments (Nationally Determined Contributions) as necessary this year to align with the Paris Agreement temperature goal and thereby limit the worst impacts of climate change.

Governments from around the world have spent a fortnight at a UK-hosted session examining climate scientists’ evidence for this report. The IPCC has concluded that to limit warming to 1.5C, global emissions must peak before 2025, and then be halved by early 2030s – in part by ending the world’s reliance on fossil fuels, including reducing use of unabated coal by three quarters by 2030.

COP26 President Alok Sharma, said: “This report makes clear that the window to keep 1.5 degrees alive is closing alarmingly fast. The warning lights are yet again flashing bright red on the climate dashboard and it is high time for governments to sit up and act before it is too late.

“That is why it is absolutely vital that as agreed in the Glasgow Climate Pact all countries, especially the G20 nations which are responsible for 80 per cent of global emissions, revisit and strengthen their 2030 emission reduction targets this year as necessary to align with the Paris temperature goal if we are to avoid the catastrophic impacts of climate change.

“But this report also gives hope that the rate of growth in emissions is slowing and that thanks to the falling cost of renewables and technological innovation it is possible to transition to a cleaner future.

“We know that a net zero economy presents huge opportunities for growth and the creation of good green jobs and so countries and companies need to accelerate that transition.

“The UK has already committed to reducing carbon emissions by 68% by 2030 and by 78% by 2035 compared to 1990 levels, before reaching net zero by 2050 as set out in the UK’s comprehensive Net-Zero Strategy. It is calling on the global community to honour the commitment to provide at least $100bn a year to support developing countries take ambitious climate action.”

UK Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change, Greg Hands, said: “Today’s report is a reminder to the world of the grave threat of climate change.

“There is still a window of opportunity to act to reduce the effects.

“The UK is going further and faster to generate more cheap and clean renewable power. This will reduce our exposure to expensive global gas prices.

“We call on the global community to seize the moment and join us in stepping up a green transition.”

The IPCC’s last report, published in February, warned that some of the impacts of global warming are “irreversible”, with more than 40% of the world’s population now highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events like floods and heatwaves.

Today’s report also highlights the economic opportunities from the transition to a net zero economy, with the falling costs of renewable energy, and comes six months after the UK published a comprehensive Net Zero Strategy.

This sets out how it will secure 440,000 well-paid jobs and unlock £90 billion in investment by 2030, by helping British businesses and consumers transition to clean energy and green technology. It included £1 billion investment in electric vehicles, £3.9 billion for insulating our homes, along with support for commercialising sustainable aviation fuel and help heavy industry move to hydrogen power.

This month the UK is starting to spend its £200 million pledged to support developing countries cut emissions through the new extension of the Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (PACT) programme.

The UK will also soon publish a new International Climate Finance (ICF) Strategy, laying out its delivery plan for £11.6 billion of investment to help countries across the globe respond to the climate emergency. The funding represents a doubling of support for communities worst affected by global warming.

Friends of the Earth: IPCC Climate Report shows ‘economic system is incompatible with life on Earth’

Environmental campaigners have said that the latest UN climate report makes clear that Governments must say no to new fossil fuels and tackle an economic system that is speeding us towards climate breakdown.

The IPCC’s latest report looks at ways to mitigate climate change and follows reports on the physical science in August 2021 and on the impacts of a changing climate that was presented last month. These reports help shape Government climate action around the world.

The report presents various models of future mitigation scenarios or ‘pathways’, for reducing emissions. These models are limited in that they are shaped by a variety of economic assumptions including continuous economic growth, and are therefore hotly debated politically choices about how to act.

Many of the models presented assume that we can allow global heating to rise beyond 1.5°C – known as overshooting – and then bring the temperature back down using as yet unproven technologies at some point in the future.

The IPCC’s last reporting cycle was 8 years ago, in which time the remaining carbon budget for holding warming to the critical 1.5°C has significantly diminished.

Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns Mary Church said: “Today’s UN report is another stark warning that the likelihood of avoiding 1.5°C is shrinking fast.

“Deep emissions cuts are needed now, and the message at the heart of this latest study is that we must say no to all new oil and gas, put an end to fossil fuel subsidies and urgently start delivering a just transition for impacted communities.

“In assuming varying degrees of overshooting the critical 1.5°C threshold, the pathways set out in this report are simply untenable and show the political battles that are being fought around how to act on the science.

“Only last month we saw the previous UN report warning that the impacts of climate breakdown are happening sooner and are more devastating than previously thought, and of the irreversible impacts of going beyond 1.5°C.

“Yet corporations who are profiting from this catastrophe are pushing dangerous and speculative techno-fixes, that would gamble with life on earth for the sake of squeezing out every last drop of oil, and we are seeing their influence in the pathways set out.

“What’s crystal clear is that this crisis is being driven by over-consumption by the rich, particularly in the global north. Despite the bleak findings of today’s report, hope remains because the science also shows that another world, with decent standards of living for all, is possible within the remaining carbon budget.

“But only if we rapidly phase out fossil fuels, and wealthy countries responsible for driving the climate to the brink step up to the plate and start doing their fair share of action.”

Hemantha Withanage, Chair of Friends of the Earth International, based in Sri Lanka, said: “We cannot betray the promise of a 1.5°C degree warming threshold. If the IPCC’s WG3 report does not contain any mitigation pathways that keep us from breaching 1.5°C degrees within the constraints of the current economic paradigm, that is only proof that this economic system is incompatible with life on Earth.

“The priority for our communities, movements, and decision-makers must now be to end the era of fossil fuels and transform our societies and economies towards sustainable systems designed to address peoples’ needs, safety and wellbeing, not profit and greed.”

Scottish Child Payment doubles

104,000 children have payment increased to £20 per week

The flagship family payment – Scottish Child Payment – has now doubled to £20 per week per child. 104,000 children are already benefiting from this increase.

The payment, which is unique to Scotland, was designed to tackle child poverty head on. It is one of five family benefits which provides financial support to low income families with children aged under 6.

The benefit will be extended at the end of the year to all eligible children under the age of 16 – and at that point also increase further from £20 to £25.

Once extended, it is expected over 400,000 children could be eligible. The newly doubled Scottish Child Payment, together with the three Best Start Grant payments and Best Start Foods, will provide families with more than £10,000 by the time their first child turns 6 and £9,700 for subsequent children.

This compares to less than £1,800 for an eligible family’s first child in England and Wales, and less than £1,300 for subsequent children.

Visiting Glasgow based family charity Govan Help, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “We are using our social security powers to take immediate steps to put cash in the pockets of families by doubling the Scottish Child Payment to £20 per week per child – support not replicated anywhere else in the UK.

“This is a key part of our national mission to tackle child poverty. We will further increase this payment to £25 by the end of 2022 – five times the amount campaigners originally asked. This will gives families additional financial support of £1,300 for each eligible child every year. We will back this with investment of around £671 million over the next two years – just part of our package of support for families.

“Our Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan will also build on our investment in employment support for parents, through new skills and training opportunities and key worker support to help reduce household costs and drive longer term change.

“We are determined to give children the best start and a bright future by putting more money into the pockets of those who need it most. Increasing the Scottish Child Payment will make a real difference to families and help to build a more equal and fairer Scotland for everyone.”

Viv Sawers, Chief Officer at Govan Help, said: “This is a fantastic measure from Scottish Government in tackling Child Poverty in Scotland. The roll out and the uplift in Scottish Child Payment will have an incredible impact on the families across Scotland who need it most and we are delighted to see money going directly to families who we know are struggling to meet their basic cost of living.  

“Govan has higher than average rates of Child Poverty so this will have a hugely positive impact on the quality of life for families in this local community. We see families struggling daily, they have told us what a difference this has made already with the cost of living increases, we look forward to supporting more families to access this as it rolls out to children up to age 16 later this year.

“We know parenting is a really hard job, without financial pressures, this funding will go a long way to removing stresses that can impact on  healthy family functioning and wellbeing.”

  • Scottish Child Payment increased to £20 from Friday 1 April
  • Parents and carers do not need to reapply and will see their payments increase automatically
  • Social Security Scotland administers five benefits for families on tax credits and certain benefits. These include Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Early Learning Payment, School Age Payment,  Best Start Foods and Scottish Child Payment. Parents and carers can find out more and apply at mygov.scot or by calling 0800 182 2222
  • Ahead of extending the Scottish Child Payment to under 16s, the Scottish Government is set to invest £225 million this year (2022-23) in our Scottish Child Payment.
  • The Scottish Government is also  putting around £150 million in the pockets of families through Bridging Payments to families of 145k children in receipt of free school meals across 2021 and 2022
  • The extension of Scottish Child Payment is subject to data on qualifying benefits being received from the Department of Work and Pensions
  • The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2022-26 – Best Start, Bright Futures outlines actions to be taken to provide immediate support to children and families and to break the cycle of child poverty

Monopoly reimagined


  • The board gets a reshuffle, with Whitehall and Strand now some of the most expensive places in London, with prices increasing over 700% in the past 25 years alone
  • Victor Watson’s 1935 selection looks to be completely different
  • Old Kent Road and The Angel, Islington still among the cheapest

While the original 1935 order of the Monopoly board was loosely based on property values at the time, new research has revealed what the board could look like with modern property values.

The research by gaming experts SolitaireBliss analysed the average sale price of each area since 2015 to see what the order of the board would look like nowadays. It also looks at property size to see each area’s average ‘price per metre’.

It found that Mayfair still sits as the most expensive area with an average sale price of £6,830,154. Strand, which was once halfway down the board as a red tile, is now the second most expensive area, with an average sale price of £5,438,715.

One of the most significant differences in Whitehall, which has now seen itself be moved 13 spots up the board to a green tile, with an average sale price of £4,393,652. Adjusted for inflation, 1935 prices would see Mayfair worth only £93,911, Strand worth only £74,799 and Whitehall worth only £60,410.

Whitechapel Road, The Angel Islington and Old Kent Road remain as the three cheapest on the board.

Oxford Street, which was previously one of the most expensive tiles on the classic board, has been moved down 13 places, with an average sale price of £1,019,975. Coventry Street has also seen a significant reshuffle, being pushed down 11 spots to now be a light blue tile. Adjusted for inflation, a 1935 property in Oxford Street would cost you only £14,020 on average.

StreetAverage sale priceAverage price per metreOriginal order
Strand£5,438,715£30,945Park Lane
Whitehall£4,393,652£23,847Bond Street
Trafalgar Square£3,786,694£23,964Oxford Street
Piccadilly£3,706,235£28,958Regent Street
Vine Street£3,629,885£34,276Piccadilly
Park Lane£3,113,750£25,554Coventry Street
Bond Street£2,230,125£21,311Leicester Square
Bow Street£2,153,900£20,584Trafalgar Square
Pall Mall£2,041,488£16,445Fleet Street
Marlborough Street£1,890,650£17,628The Strand
Regent Street£1,861,179£25,127Vine Street
Fleet Street£1,480,313£21,101Marlborough Street
Northumberland Avenue£1,310,257£15,168Bow Street
Euston Road£1,110,000£12,658Northumberland Avenue
Pentonville Road£1,052,125£17,311Whitehall
Oxford Street£1,019,975£13,478Pall Mall
Coventry Street£796,774£18,598Pentonville Road
Leicester Square£670,779£11,950Euston Road
Old Kent Road£539,438£10,261The Angel Islington
The Angel Islington£501,117£6,706Whitechapel Road
Whitechapel Road£423,509£8,998Old Kent Road

In terms of looking at the average ‘price per metre’, The Angel, Islington comes in as having the lowest price per metre of £6,706.

Whitechapel Road and Old Kent Road are the second and third cheapest. Vine Street has the highest price per metre with £34,276, along with Strand and Mayfair coming in second and third.

A spokesperson from SolitaireBliss said: “What can be looked at as simply a modernisation of the legendary Monopoly board game, can also be viewed as an illustration of current house prices in the capital.

“It’s interesting to see how more commercial areas have seen huge changes with the likes of Oxford Street and Whitehall, whereas more residential areas such as Old Kent Road and Whitechapel Road have seen a steady and consistent with housing cost trends.”

This study was conducted by SolitaireBliss, an online gaming service with a wide array of card games and challenges available to play for free. 

Loose Women’s Carol McGiffin becomes breast cancer ambassador

Chat show star and breast cancer survivor raises awareness of forgotten disease 

Loose Women star and breast cancer survivor Carol McGiffin has been appointed as an ambassador for a charity highlighting a forgotten form of the disease. 

The outspoken broadcaster, who underwent a year of treatment after her own diagnosis, will represent Make 2nds Count, which campaigns to fund research into secondary breast cancer and support patients and their families. 

And her big personality and fearless opinions are set to raise the profile of the little-known, incurable cancer which kills 1000 women a month. 

Secondary breast cancer – also known as metastatic, advanced or stage IV breast cancer – is a cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body.  On average there are around 35,000 patients in the UK currently living with this form of the disease. 

Carol was diagnosed with the aggressive and highly-invasive triple negative form of breast cancer in 2014, the year after she came an impressive fourth in Big Brother.

Following successful treatment, she passed her five-year remission milestone in late 2019. But her cancer was not suitable for treatments like Herceptin and Tamoxifen which can help to prevent the disease returning. As a result, she is well aware of the feelings that can provoke. 

She said: “I am constantly aware and fearful of secondary cancers that might not be obvious early on but can never be cured. I monitor my health religiously and attend checks all the time. But I’m concerned at the lack of awareness of secondary breast cancer and of this brilliant charity which does so much to help women who are suffering.” 

Carol learned of Make 2nds Count, which recently celebrated raising its first £1 million, when it supported a live tour she was taking part in and is now passionate about promoting its work: “Even though secondary breast cancer is incurable, early detection is still key and treatment more likely to preserve a decent and longer life.

“So, it’s vital that more people are aware of the disease and informed about the support, information and initiatives like patient trials that Make 2nds Count promotes.” 

Make 2nds Count founder Lisa Fleming of Edinburgh said: “Having Carol on board is fantastic and  gives us a really vibrant, authentic voice. She’s got the lived experience and can identify exactly with what we are trying to do and the anxieties patients face. We’re really looking forward to working together to raise the profile of the disease and our work.” 

Lisa set up Make 2nds Count after being diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. She had no primary diagnosis, warning signs or lump when she was told the disease had already spread to the majority of her bones. It swiftly spread to her brain and she is living with a life sentence. 

Carol started her media career at Music Box, precursor to MTV, and later co-presented a weekend morning radio show with her former husband Chris Evans. She went on to become a producer on the Big Breakfast before moving on to Talk Radio and, subsequently, other radio work. In 2000 she joined the Live Talk panel – Loose Women by another name – and, barring a five-year break in 2013,  has been there ever since.    

She had a lifelong dream to live in France and in 2016, motivated by the cancer diagnosis, sold her London flat and bought a house near Nice where she lives with her now husband Mark, travelling back to the UK to do Loose Women. 

Artisan Real Estate’s Rowanbank Gardens nominated for National Climate Crisis Award 


Artisan Real Estate’s wholesale commitment to sustainable residential development across the UK has been recognised with its Edinburgh-based Rowanbank Gardens development being nominated for a prestigious national accolade geared to tackling climate crisis.  

Rowanbank Gardens, in the bustling Edinburgh suburb of Corstorphine, has been shortlisted for the best residential Climate Crisis Initiative for the 2022 RESI Awards, which recognises excellence in UK-wide residential property.  

The award nomination reflects Artisan’s continued multi-million investment in fossil-fuel free regeneration-based residential projects in key regional city centres across the UK – with major developments currently taking place in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds and Bristol. 

Due for completion in 2023, Rowanbank Gardens provides immaculate environmental credentials creating a spectacular blueprint for low-carbon living. The industry-leading sustainable development, replacing a former care home on a brownfield site, is set to deliver 126 high quality apartments all with private gardens and balconies set around a shared courtyard garden in a well-connected central location. 

Welcoming the RESI Climate Crisis Initiative award nomination, Clive Wilding, Artisan’s Group Development Director said: “I am absolutely delighted that Rowanbank Gardens has won national recognition for its bold ambition to tackle the very real challenges of climate change which are currently facing our industry.  

“As a niche developer, Artisan Real Estate has always striven for improvement by creating a lower carbon footprint in the homes and buildings we create – not just in delivery but throughout their multi-generational lifespan. 

“Rowanbank Gardens is the latest manifestation of Artisan’s stated commitment towards a radical improvement in its development cycle to create the lowest possible carbon footprint in the residential buildings that the company creates. With innovations such as green roofs, it brings together smart energy-efficient design geared to achieving low to zero carbon ratings whilst responding to the rapidly changing requirements of home buyers and the wider community post-Covid.”

He added: “The evolution of Rowanbank Gardens shows that, as well as reducing urban sprawl by optimising the number of people living in well-designed sustainable homes in well-connected locations served by public transport, we are also pioneering the application of innovative technology to eliminate the use of fossil fuels whilst vastly reducing energy consumption.” 

Fuelled by a desire to transform brownfield city centre sites into sustainable, contemporary and low carbon homes developments, Artisan’s residential developments are creating a progressive residential blueprint which has a timely resonance for post-lockdown living across the UK.  

As well as Rowanbank Gardens, this has also helped shaped the delivery of the 179-apartment Canonmills Garden development, overlooking the Water of Leith to the north of Edinburgh’s city centre which is now nearing completion. 

The development has pioneered the integration of low and zero carbon generating technology, incorporating green roofs as well as a combined heat and power system helping to support building energy loads whilst charging electric vehicles, reducing both building and transport CO2 emissions.  

Artisan is also delivering the Kirkstall Place development in Leeds, providing 263 family homes designed to meet low carbon and non-fossil fuel standards together with substantial amounts of external space, providing a wide range of biodiversity. 

The winners of the 2022 RESI Awards will be revealed on Wednesday 11th May at a live ceremony in London.  

For more information on the awards, visit:
