Student renters face a financial crisis due to the pandemic

  • Over two thirds of student renters (69 per cent) are concerned about their ability to pay their rent
  • A third of students believe that they would not be allowed to leave their tenancy agreement early due to the pandemic
  • 57 per cent of those who have been self-isolating have not received any support from their accommodation provider
  • 22 per cent of students have been unable to pay their rent in full over the past 4 month

Over two thirds of student renters (69 per cent) are worried about their ability to pay rent with around a quarter having been unable to pay rent (22 per cent) or bills (27 per cent) during the pandemic, a new survey from NUS (National Union of Students) has found. International students and students of colour are most likely to be extremely concerned.

Almost half of students live in rented accommodation of some sort, with around a third believing they would not be allowed to leave their tenancy agreement early due to the pandemic.

These problems are likely to be exacerbated with the most recent lockdown announcement that has left the majority of student renters still liable to pay for accommodation that they are not allowed to access.

The Coronavirus and Students Survey phase III took place in November and involved over 4,000 students, building upon the previous research issued by NUS in April and September 2020. A quarter of students have had to self-isolate during last (Autumn) term, or are currently self-isolating, while a small proportion have had to lockdown.

57 per cent of those who have been self-isolating have not received any support from their accommodation provider. Students have called for more regular check-ins, financial support and food deliveries to support them.

The proportion of students living with parents/guardians has gone up since September, now representing 30 per cent of students compared to 21 per cent. Prior to the pandemic a quarter of students were living with parents indicating some students have had to reconsider their living arrangements as a result of the pandemic.

Hillary Gyebi-Ababio, NUS Vice-President for Higher Education, said: “It is astonishing that the UK government has placed students under lockdown yet are still requiring them to pay rent for accommodation that they cannot legally access. It goes to show the level of disregard that this government has for students.

“We need rent rebates immediately to ensure that students are not out of pocket for rental payments of properties they are not living in. Over two-thirds of students are already concerned about their ability to make rental payments, and this will have only increased with the most recent lockdown announcement. 

“Students deserve better than to be financially punished for following public health guidance.”

Ellen Fearon, NUS-USI President, said: “Governments have been dodging the problems facing student renters throughout the whole of this pandemic. We have consistently raised the fact that students are in a unique situation, being unable to claim Universal Credit and therefore unable to access housing support if they lose their income, but these calls have fallen on deaf ears. 

“In September students were brought back onto campuses only for many classes to be moved online in a matter of weeks and for some students to find themselves effectively locked in their halls. It’s not surprising that so many students feel they have been exploited for profit. Students deserve better than to be used to prop up a failing business model.”

The full survey results are available here.

Five young entrepreneurs from Scotland win national award

Nina Birchard, Lucy Fisher, Elena Höge, Iona Mackenzie and Petra Baiba Olehno start the new year with a boost

Five of this year’s Young Innovator Award winners, announced today by Innovate UK and The Prince’s Trust, are from Scotland. The winners will receive a £5,000 grant, one-on-one business coaching and an allowance to cover living costs.

The Scottish innovators looking to make the world a better place are:

  • Nina Birchard, 24, Glasgow, who has designed the Newborn Rescue Towel, a low cost emergency medical device which provides thermal support and the correct positioning to aid resuscitation in newborns.
  • Lucy Fisher, 25, Aberdeen, who has taken a childhood passion for knitting and turned it into a business. Knit It aims to bring knitting into the 21st century via a new digital platform which enables knitters to have a choice in how they follow a pattern and guides them through creating their new designs.
  • Elena Höge, 28, Edinburgh, who is creating educational games like Wholesome, a mobile forest school experience that teaches children and adults about nature, including how to forage and cook with wild food.
  • Iona Mackenzie, 26, Edinburgh, whose Talk and Grow business aims to take the stress out of finding a therapist for those in need of support in Edinburgh with an online matching and booking platform to pair clients with a number of local counsellors.
  • Petra Baiba Olehno, 30, a Glasgow-based Latvian who wants to create REPAIREL, a one-stop-shop for buying ethical footwear online which allows people to compare information about shoes and brands.

The Young Innovators Awards recognise young people from across the UK with great business ideas who have the potential to become successful entrepreneurs and future leaders in innovation.

Following an unprecedented level of entries, with an 87% increase in applications year-on-year, 64 young people have started the New Year with a boost after getting the coveted award, double the number of award winners/recipients of previous years.

With recent research showing over a third of 18 to 34 year olds want to launch an independent enterprise in 2021, compared to 28% of 35 to 54 year olds, it’s even more important the support is available to those who want to venture into starting a business.

The winners from Scotland, are five of 64 inspiring young people who will receive Young Innovators Awards this year, each benefitting from a £5,000 grant, one-on-one business coaching and an allowance to cover living costs. The programme is set to continue awarding young people from diverse backgrounds until at least 2023. This year, 49% of the winners are female; nearly a third are Black, Asian or from an ethnic minority background; 17% have a disability and the projects cover all regions across the UK.

From a way to help stroke survivors on the road to rehabilitation to support for parents to protect their children online, all of this year’s Young Innovators have ideas that promise to address current challenges. Ideas this year span everything from technology to physical and mental health and from sustainability to fashion.

Commenting on her award and project, Nina Birchard said: “It is a simple, non-invasive positioning aid which ensures open airways while providing thermal support and an aide-mémoire to guide the user through the procedure. It is a novel, game-changing product which is simple to use and easy to produce.

“The Young Innovators Award seems like an amazing, supportive platform to learn, build and launch your business idea. I am so excited to get stuck in!”

Emily Nott, Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Innovate UK says:With 2020 proving to be an incredibly difficult year, maintaining our focus on Young Innovators was a priority for Innovate UK since finding the great entrepreneurial minds of the future is more important than ever.

“Working alongside this year’s winners, Innovate UK will help them grow and develop their business idea to make the world a better, and more innovative place. We can’t wait to see what they achieve this year.

UK Government Minister for Scotland Iain Stewart said: “It’s fantastic to see young people so passionate about starting a business. The UK Government is committed to encouraging entrepreneurship and rewarding innovation and hard work.

“Investing in young people has never been more important as we bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic. We have seen truly exceptional ideas from some very worthy Scottish winners. I’m delighted to see their hard work pay off and I congratulate everyone involved.”

Details on all 64 Young Innovators can found here. If you’re an inspiring young innovator, check out how Innovate UK could support you here

Help to warm homes this winter

First award through £7 million fuel poverty fund

A project which helps people struggling to heat their homes has become the first to receive a share of a £7 million fund to tackle fuel poverty this winter.

The Fuel Bank Foundation will receive £444,500 to extend its work, which includes providing same-day support to top up prepayment meters for those at risk of disconnection, and help for households that are reliant on solid fuel – often people living in remote and rural communities.

The £7 million for winter fuel is part of the £100 million winter support package announced by the First Minister in November. The remaining funding will be allocated to other projects which help to alleviate fuel poverty.

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said: “We know the economic impact of the pandemic is taking its toll and this, combined with increased fuel bills as people spend more time at home, can lead people to struggle.

“The £7 million part of our overall winter support package is being targeted to help those most at need. It complements ongoing work, which includes our Fuel Poverty Act, the most comprehensive legislation of its kind in the UK.

“It will complement the other measures we are funding through the £100 million winter package, which will help those on low incomes, children and people at risk of homelessness or social isolation cope with winter weather and the economic impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) and Brexit.

“The Fuel Bank Foundation does tremendous work to help some of the people most impacted by fuel poverty, including those living in remote and rural areas. I am confident this initial funding award will make a real difference to people’s lives.”

Matthew Cole, chair of trustees at Fuel Bank Foundation, said: “The Scottish Government’s commitment to providing funding for our fuel banks through the winter will ensure we can continue providing emergency support at a time when many households will be feeling the pinch from increased winter fuel costs and the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic. 

“We also recognise challenges faced by households using solid fuels and are pleased to be able to introduce support in these situations too.

“Tighter COVID-19 restrictions will mean people spending more time at home and therefore using more energy on heating and lighting and putting extra pressure on their already stretched finances.

“As a charitable trust we rely on funding from central and devolved government, local authorities, energy companies, and other charitable organisations. Their financial support is invaluable to us and to those in society who depend on it the most.” 

‘Doing Politics Differently’: Scotland’s first Citizens’ Assembly publishes final report

Scotland’s first Citizens’ Assembly has published its report setting out a shared vision and 60 recommendations for the country’s future.

The vision and recommendations were agreed by an overwhelming consensus of members, and cover a wide range of areas including future Citizens’ Assemblies, incomes and poverty, tax and the economy, health and wellbeing, support for young people, sustainability and further powers for the Scottish Parliament.
Doing Politics Differently: The Report of the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland can be read online at  
This report has been submitted to the Scottish Government and Parliament. It will be laid in Parliament for debate, with an action plan from the Scottish Government to follow.
To accompany the report, a short film on the Vision and Recommendations agreed by the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland, and featuring the voices of members is here: Our Vision and Recommendations – YouTube

And a second one that considers the deliberative process is here: Finding common ground through deliberation – YouTube
All of the materials including evidence from previous weekends, an interim report and range of supporting papers covering previous work and articles and videos about the impact of COVID-19 are available on the Assembly website 

together with recordings of plenary sessions.
 We will be promoting the report and other content on our social media channels (FacebookTwitter and Instagram).

 Citizens’ Assembly Secretariat

7 in 10 requests for furlough turned down for working mums

  • Over 50,000 working mums respond to new TUC survey on challenges of managing work and childcare during lockdown
  • Working mums report huge levels of anxiety and stress following school closures
  • TUC calls for an emergency temporary right to furlough for working parents – and for government to promote this new right to mums and dads

Nearly three-quarters (71%) of working mums who have applied for furlough following the latest school closures have had their requests turned down, according to a new TUC survey carried out in the past week and published today (Thursday).

The job retention scheme currently allows bosses to furlough parents who can’t work due to a lack of childcare.

But the TUC says many mums are missing out on this financial lifeline as the scheme is not promoted to parents.

The union body is also concerned some employers are refusing to furlough those who request it, leaving mums in an impossible situation where they are forced to reduce their hours at work, take unpaid leave and annual leave to cope, or leave their job altogether.

TUC survey

Last week, the TUC and campaigner Mother Pukka launched a call for evidence for working mums to share their experiences of how they are managing their work and childcare commitments during lockdown.

More than 50,000 mums got in touch – an unprecedented response to a survey of this kind.

Of those working mums who contacted the TUC:

  • Nearly three-quarters (71%) who asked for furlough had their requests refused.
  • Most (78%) hadn’t been offered furlough by their employers.
  • And 2 in 5 (40%) of all mums who replied were unaware that the furlough scheme was available to parents affected by school or nursery closures.

Impact on working mums

Working mums told the TUC they were struggling with the strain of being expected to carry out their jobs as normal, while balancing childcare and home-schooling. They were also concerned about being treated badly by their employers as a result:

  • Nearly all (90%) of those who replied said that their anxiety and stress levels had increased during this latest lockdown.
  • And almost half (48%) were worried about being treated negatively by their employers because of their childcare responsibilities.

Financial strain

Around half (44%) of mums told the TUC they were worried about the impact having to take time off work would have on their household finances.

A quarter (25%) of mums were using annual leave to manage their childcare – but nearly 1 in 5 (18%) had been forced to reduce their working hours and around 1 in 14 (7%) were taking unpaid leave from work and receiving no income.

An emergency right to furlough

The TUC says that the UK’s inadequate system of parental leave and woefully low level of sick pay is leaving parents in impossible situations, where they risk losing their job or facing a catastrophic loss of income. 

To support these workers, the TUC is calling on ministers to introduce a temporary right to furlough for groups who cannot work because of coronavirus restrictions – both parents and those who are clinically extremely vulnerable and required to shield. And ministers should clarify that furlough can be used by both private and public sector employers for these purposes.

The union body says employers should first explore with parents and those shielding whether other measures – such as offering additional paid leave, changes to working hours or other flexibilities like working from home, and offering alternative work – could help the worker balance their responsibilities, but that as a last resort, workers should have the right to be furloughed.

Ministers should encourage employers to use the furlough scheme for parents and those shielding where other arrangements cannot be made, and run a major advertising campaign so that parents and shielders understand that they can use furlough.

The TUC says this situation results from the UK’s failure to help families balance paid work and childcare. Alongside a temporary right to furlough, it is calling on the government to introduce:

  • Ten days’ paid carers leave, from day one in a job, for all parents. Currently parents have no statutory right to paid leave to look after their children.
  • A right to flexible work for all parents. Flexible working can take lots of different forms, including having predictable or set hours, working from home, job-sharing, compressed hours and term-time working. 
  • An increase in sick pay to at least the level of the real Living Wage, for everyone in work, to ensure workers can afford to self-isolate if they need to.
  • Newly self-employed parents to have access the self-employment income support scheme (SEISS).

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:“The safety of school staff and children must always come first. But the government’s lack of support for working parents is causing huge financial hardship and stress – and hitting low-paid mums and single parents hardest.

“Just like in the first lockdown, mums are shouldering the majority of childcare. Tens of thousands of mums have told us they are despairing. It’s neither possible nor sustainable for them to work as normal, while looking after their children and supervising schoolwork.

“Making staff take weeks of unpaid leave isn’t the answer. Bosses must do the right thing and offer maximum flexibility to mums and dads who can’t work because of childcare. And as a last resort, parents must have a temporary right to be furloughed where their boss will not agree.

“The UK’s parental leave system is one of the worst in Europe. It’s time for the government to give all parents the right to work flexibly, plus at least ten days’ paid carers leave each year.”

Founder of Mother Pukka Anna Whitehouse said: “What working parents have been tasked with in lockdown is not humanly possible. You’re looking at an average eight hour working day, six hour school day, 12 hours of parenting wrapped around that – that’s 26 hours in a 24 hour day. And I’m hearing daily from women who are stepping back, standing down and logging off because they’re burning out.

“Some are quitting out of choice, many not. Because who looks after kids home-schooling? Who looks after pandemic patients when out of hospital? Who takes a Tesco shop to elderly neighbours? Who runs community What’s App groups making sure everyone has everything they need?

“This unpaid labour is mainly strapped to female shoulders because – for all the International Women’s Days Sellotaped together – that’s the current working world we live in.

“One thing that can change right now is seeing the Government supporting all businesses to enable them to offer a much more flexible solution and furlough. The system needs to step up for parents before we step back to the 1950s.”

Founder and CEO of Pregnant Then Screwed Joeli Brearley said: “The parents of young children are currently being asked to either sacrifice their income or their child’s education and care; placing them in an impossible situation.

“We know that this burden is predominantly falling to mothers, and the consequences for maternal employment will be disastrous.

“What we are seeing here is a cry for help on a massive scale. Our advice lines are awash with mothers who have no idea how to care for their children and maintain their paid employment when their employer is refusing to furlough them.

“This is an emergency and if the government doesn’t step in soon there will be a generational roll back in maternal employment that will take us decades to repair.”

Lockdown restrictions strengthened

Further measures to help stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and limit non-essential contact will be introduced this weekend.

Nobody who lives in a Level 4 area should leave or remain outside their home except for essential purposes.

Working from home arrangements will be strengthened through updated statutory guidance. Working from home should now be the default position for all businesses and services, and only those who cannot do their job from home should be asked to go to the workplace. 

From Saturday non-essential click and collect retail services will be prohibited in Level 4 areas and further changes will be put in place to how services open for essential purposes operate. 

Timeslots will be required for collection and people should not enter a store to collect an item. 

Businesses providing takeaway food will also operate on a ‘non-entry’ basis only, meaning customers cannot enter the premises when placing or collecting orders.

Restrictions banning the consumption of alcohol in public places will also be introduced.

In a statement to Parliament, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “The situation we face in relation to the virus remains extremely serious.

“We must continue to do everything possible to reduce case numbers – this is essential to relieve the pressure on our NHS and to save lives.

“Both individually and collectively, these additional measures – in further reducing the interactions that allow the virus to spread – will help our essential efforts to suppress it.

“At this critical and dangerous moment, please: Stay Home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.”

The new regulations apply to all parts of Scotland currently in lockdown and will come into effect at 00.01 on Saturday

Read the Coronavirus (COVID-19): stay at home guidance

Responding to the latest announcements, David Lonsdale, Director of the Scottish Retail Consortium, said: “The situation with the pandemic is fast moving and we fully recognise government wants people to stay home. However these further revenue-crushing restrictions and the fresh complexity they bring, together with constant chopping and changing to the Covid Strategic Framework, are disconcerting and come at an incredibly difficult time for retail.

“Firms operating click and collect or food-to-go takeaway have taken every reasonable step to make their operations as safe as possible, complying with every twist and turn to government guidance and often at pitifully short notice. They have demonstrated they can operate safely and have invested significantly to make their premises Covid-secure, and it appears no evidence to the contrary has accompanied this announcement.

“The businesses affected – who have already lost much of their income during the crisis – are trying to make the best fist possible of the current severely curtailed trading conditions, and that just got even harder as a result of this decision which will add to their cash flow woes.

“The blunt reality is that the taxpayer-funded grant support on offer won’t make up for lost sales and firms’ mounting bills and debt during this pandemic. Even when we eventually emerge from lockdown shops will be unable to trade at capacity due to physical distancing and caps on numbers in stores, while the threat of a return to full business rates liability in April still looms. Decisive action is urgently required to extend rates relief into 2021-22 and avoid April’s reverse cliff edge which will see 100% reinstatement of business rates.”

“It’s vital shoppers continue to play their part, by shopping considerately, where possible alone, wearing face coverings, and following in-store signage. These are incredibly difficult times and it’s up to everyone to follow the rules to keep us safe and the virus at bay.”

Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “Today’s announcement will be very disappointing to those who have carefully adapted their businesses to be COVID safe and continue the trading that has kept them afloat up to this point.

“The lack of any certainty over when currently closed shops would be allowed to re-open added to the importance of Click and Collect services propping up many small and independent retailers.

“The Scottish Government must provide detailed evidence on how these new measures will support public health restrictions and urgently provide sufficient finance to support Scottish businesses if they are to get through yet more rules suddenly imposed upon them without prior consultation.

“Otherwise, it will only add to the growing desperation of businesses who have put finance and time aside to make their business COVID compliant, only to have to close anyway, with no clear route back to reopening.’’​

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer has voiced union frustration at the absence of definitive new restrictions to meet the upsurge in infection risk and new virus strain.

She condemned the refusal to require closure of non-essential manufacturing and construction. The STUC welcomed the pledge to strengthen the obligation on employers to allow their staff to work from home whenever possible but said it would seek urgent engagement on how this will be implemented.

Roz Foyer said: “It is becoming increasingly clear that the Government has a blind-spot in some sectors when it comes to introducing similar safeguards to last year’s first lockdown. This is causing confusion for workers and, in too many cases, allowing employers to play fast and loose with government advice.

“We have been contacted with a wide range of worker concerns about employers who are choosing to interpret the government’s position to allow them to stay open and/or require staff to attend work rather than operate from home.

“We will be urgently seeking details on how the Government intends to legislate for employers to default to home working.”

CAMRA’s Scotland Director Joe Crawford said: “Pubs are a force for good in our communities and they deserve to be supported through these latest restrictions, which have dealt another devastating blow to trade for hospitality businesses. When this nightmare is over, pubs and social clubs will be vital to the nation’s healing process – so long as they are still standing. 

“Whilst no one wants to see irresponsible drinking in the streets during a lockdown, it is good that the Scottish Government is allowing pubs and breweries to continue selling alcohol in sealed containers for people to take home. This helps pubs, clubs and brewers to compete with the large supermarkets, and means that people can still get cask beer, which is under threat due to months of forced pub closures. 

“I’d encourage everyone to safely and responsibly support their local breweries, clubs and pubs where they are still able to act as an off-licence and sell beer and cider to enjoy at home.” 

Industry representatives wrote to the Scottish Government on Tuesday, insisting takeaways should remain permitted. Some had feared the worst, so yesterday’s announcement offers at least some respite.

Ten representative organisations from across Scotland’s Food and Drink industry wrote a joint letter to the Scottish Government’s Rural Economy Secretary, Fergus Ewing MSP, to request that food and drink takeaway services be permitted to continue.

The letter stated:-

“Dear Mr Ewing,

Potential Restrictions on Food and Drink Takeaway

Last Thursday the First Minister stated she wanted takeaway businesses to switch to delivery where possible, and we understand from subsequent media reports Ministers are considering prohibiting food takeaway activity from taking place.

Food and drink, hospitality, and catering businesses are concerned at the move away from the transparency and certainty which the Government was able to provide in the final months of last year through the Strategic Framework.

It is worrying we appear to be returning to a less considered approach – one which doesn’t effectively engage affected businesses in advance – which is less likely to provide the benefits of consultation and rounded decision making provided by the earlier approach.

It goes without saying food and drink businesses are facing an incredibly difficult time. The desired outcome of the current restrictions, with people broadly staying at home, means footfall for businesses has collapsed.

The inability to offer sit-in facilities should hopefully help prevent the spread of Covid – but it comes at a very high economic price.  In the context of a very uncertain economic outlook, these are very challenging trading conditions.

One of the few chinks of light in this dim outlook has been the ability for food and drink businesses to provide takeaway and click/telephone and collect services to customers. These services allow local businesses and suppliers to keep colleagues employed, provides a service to people – many of whom now are essential workers doing vital tasks – and of course are easy for smaller businesses to operate and establish. Limiting trade to home delivery only will force some businesses to close – and also ensure customers are more likely to purchase food and drink from grocers – ensuring more people are congregating in a smaller number of places.

Beyond this we are concerned at how any measures would be implemented into legislation. From our point of view how you would distinguish between a sandwich or sausage roll or hot or cold drink sold from a pub, bakery, café, restaurant, carry-out, newsagent, petrol station, or grocery store seems impossible to ascertain, but all are providing fundamentally the same service. The same applies across hundreds of product categories and thousands of businesses.

With these points in mind we remain very concerned at the suggestion this commercial activity could be suspended – especially as there is no indication when these businesses will be able to return to normal trading.  Our members undertaking these services have complied with every change to government guidance and put in place many mitigation measures and invested significantly to keep shoppers and workers as safe as possible. They are providing an important service in difficult circumstances, helping to support key workers as well as the Scottish food and drink industry.

Of course, we all support every effort to tackle Covid. If there is clear and unequivocal evidence measures in this area will proportionately suppress the virus we would recognise that.  However, we haven’t been sighted on any data or public health evidence as to why takeaway services are a risk. As such, forced closure seems somewhat arbitrary and marginal in terms of contributing to the suppression of the virus – not least as the new ‘stay at home’ order has just come into effect and is substantially reducing footfall.

Finally, it is only a week since the First Minister announced the new stay at home restrictions, which explicitly allowed takeaway businesses to trade. It’s very difficult for businesses to plan in any sense when government announcements emerge without warning, providing a metaphorical damoclean sword above any business trading right now.

These are very difficult circumstances for government. We want to work with you and your officials to continue to develop and deliver the proportionate measures which will suppress Covid and keep everyone safe. We hope you will look to engage constructively with us over the next few months.

Yours sincerely

Alasdair Smith, Chief Executive, Scottish Bakers

Colin Wilkinson, Managing Director; Scottish Licensed Trade Association

Ewan MacDonald-Russell, Head of Policy; Scottish Retail Consortium
Jim Winship, Director; The British Sandwich & Food to Go Association

Jim Winship, Director; The Pizza Pasta & Italian Food Association

Marc Crothall, Chief Executive; Scottish Tourism Alliance

Paul Togneri, Senior Policy Manager; Scottish Beer & Pub Association  

Dr Pete Cheema OBE, Chief Executive; Scottish Grocers’ Federation
Stuart Reddish, National President; NFRN

Willie Macleod, Executive Director, Scotland; UK Hospitality

Snow and ice warning issued

An Amber warning for snow has been issued for parts of Scotland and north east England.

There is also a yellow national severe weather warning in place for snow and ice across large parts of England and Scotland.

The Amber snow warning is valid until 10am this morning (Thursday).

Rain will turn to snow, initially on high ground this afternoon, but increasingly to lower levels.  The risk of snow will extend southwards into northern parts of England this evening. 10 to 20 cm of snow could accumulate above 200 metres within the warning area and some places at lower levels could see 5 to 10 cm of snow by Thursday morning. Snow is likely to slowly die out through tomorrow afternoon.

Met Office Chief Meteorologist, Paul Gundersen, said; “There is cold air from the north pushing down the east side of the UK and warm air moving in from the west. Where these two air masses meet a weather front is bringing some heavy rain which is turning to snow in places.”

The current, more widespread, yellow warning for snow and ice is valid until 9pm tonight.   It covers the risk of snow and sleet this afternoon across large parts of northern England and Scotland, as well as the risk of ice with rain falling on frozen surfaces overnight tonight and tomorrow morning.

There is a continued risk of  wintry, unsettled weather into next week as warm and cold air continue to battle it out above the UK and weather fronts try to make headway across the country. 

yellow snow and ice warning has already be issued for Saturday covering large parts of Scotland and northern and central England.

Keep up to date with the latest weather warnings and the forecast for your area using the warning and forecast pages on the Met Office website.

You can also follow the Met Office on Twitter and Facebook, as well as using the  mobile app which is available for iPhone from the App store and for Android from the Google Play store

Letters: Volunteer with Action for M.E.

Dear Editor

The serious neurological condition Myalgic Encephalomylitis (M.E.) will sadly be all too familiar to some of your readers: at least 20,000 children and adults in Scotland live with M.E., also diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or M.E./CFS).

Many face barriers in accessing health and social care services that meet their needs, and some professionals still don’t understand the impact of M.E. and its symptoms.

UK charity Action for M.E. is trying to change this by offering people with M.E. across Scotland one-to-one advocacy, via phone and email, to help them be heard, understand their rights and access support.

We want to expand this much-needed service, and are seeking enthusiastic volunteers in Scotland who can make the most of our online advocate training programme to develop their skills, gain valuable experience, and help improve the lives of vulnerable people with M.E., all from home.

Anyone who is interested in finding out more can call, email or visit our website – we would love to hear from good listeners who can spare two hours a week.

Alice Cranston

Advocacy Coordinator, Action for M.E.

Tel: 0117 927 9551



Dental group to continue offering treatments through lockdown

SCOTLAND’S largest dental group has announced it will continue to provide its patients with essential dental care treatments throughout the second national lockdown.

Clyde Munro Dental Group has reassured its patients they will be able to receive fundamental care in all 45 of the group’s practices, with the exception of a few treatments.

The group’s three Edinburgh practices, Earl Grey Dental Practice, Gilmore Dental and Bellstane Dental Care, will remain open throughout lockdown for essential dental work.

Essential travel, including leaving home for healthcare, has been permitted by the Scottish Government meaning patients can travel to their dental surgery for a scheduled appointment.

Patient safety is deemed Clyde Munro’s number one priority with measures introduced throughout all of its practices.

Jim Hall, founder and Chief Executive of Clyde Munro, said: “Once again we have gone into national lockdown in order to keep our loved ones safe, but we would like to reassure all our patients that our practices will remain open during this period and our practices will be available to carry out essential dental care throughout this lockdown.

“The safety of our staff and patients is our top priority and we have worked hard to ensure we have in place all the necessary precautions to safely provide the essential care our patients need during this challenging time.

“Please contact your local Clyde Munro practice to find out what treatments are available to you.”

Those attending their practice are asked to observe a wide range of safety procedures which include, filling in forms digitally before attending, using on site sanitising stations, observing strict social distancing, and paying by contactless methods where possible.

Virtual consultations with dentists are also available for patients using a video link prior to visiting the practice.

Patients with dental emergencies are also being encouraged to call their practice during opening hours, or contact NHS 24 on 111 out with opening hours.

Clyde Munro was founded by Jim Hall in 2015 with the acquisition of seven practices. Since then, it has enjoyed rapid growth through acquisition and has plans to continue expanding.

It now comprises 45 practices across Scotland, with more than 200 dentists, 350 staff and 400,000 patients. The group’s ambition is to become Scotland’s “local dentist”, operating an expanding network of family dentists across Scotland, with each devoted to providing the best dental care, while reflecting the needs and character of its community.

Covid placing real strain on council budgets,says COSLA

Communities across Scotland will face unavoidable and damaging consequences if Local Government does not receive a fair funding settlement in this year’s Budget, COSLA has warned.

COSLA said that the trend of recent settlements for Local Government needs to change because on top of existing pressures, the COVID pandemic has placed unprecedented strain on the finances of Scotland’s Councils this year.

The organisation has produced a comprehensive 14-page briefing document, ‘Respect Our Communities: Protect Our Funding’, which covers three areas:

  • the costs of COVID-19 to Local Government and the need for these to be met,
  • flexibility on how the budget allocated to Councils is spent and
  • an increased budget allocation to address the reduction in funding to Councils over recent settlements.

Speaking as she launched the document yesterday, COSLA Resources Spokesperson, Councillor Gail Macgregor, said: “This year, across every community in Scotland, Local Government’s essential role has been magnified and once again we have delivered for our communities.

“Nobody in Scotland has been unaffected by this pandemic and the financial impacts of COVID-19 are severe. Individuals, families and businesses have all felt the effects and continue to look to Councils for support every day.

“Sustaining this lifeline support is placing extreme pressure on already strained budgets and without fair funding for Local Government this year, the consequences for the most vulnerable in our communities would be unacceptable.

“That is why we need fair funding for 2021/22 that respects our communities. Without this, there will be further cuts to services, reductions in spending locally, increases in the inequalities exposed by the pandemic and a much slower recovery.”

Echoing these concerns, COSLA President, Councillor Alison Evison, said:  “Local Government’s role on behalf of our communities cannot be underestimated anymore. The COVID pandemic has shown exactly how much the public rely on us as leaders and as providers of vital services.

“The reality is that in recent budgets, the Scottish Government has chosen not to provide enough funding for the essential services that communities rely on day in day out.

“On top of this, this year we have had to contend with COVID-19 which has seen the inequality in our society grow.

“Our ability to recover from this and continue to deliver for Scotland’s communities depends on a change of emphasis from Scottish Government that provides fair funding for Council services.

“If we are to truly recover from this pandemic then Local Authorities must receive a fair settlement.”

Download the full document, ‘Respect Our Communities: Protect Our Funding’
(PDF, 579.11 KB)