Volunteers invited to shape Scotland’s social security system

People with lived experience to have their say

Volunteers are being asked to shape Scotland’s new, fairer social security system.

Applications are open to people from any background with experience of the current benefits system to join the Scottish Government’s Social Security Experience Panels.

Ethnic minorities, those living in rural communities and people under 25 are being particularly encouraged to apply to make panels as representative as possible.

The 2,400 panel members who have signed up so far are helping shape every detail of Social Security Scotland – from the opening hours to the design of benefit application forms.

Members are regularly asked for their views in a number of ways, including workshops, interviews and surveys that can be carried out face-to-face, on the phone and online.

Social Security Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “We want social security in Scotland to be based on dignity, fairness and respect, that’s why the views from the people who actually use the service are so important.

“Panel members have told us they find the experience rewarding, offering a real chance to make a difference to thousands of people’s lives.

“Panels should be a true representation of our society, so I’d like to encourage those from all backgrounds to join us and help make the system one we can all be proud of.”

Rob, a volunteer experience panel member, said: “Sadly there isn’t a week which goes by without a story in a national newspaper highlighting the systemic problem with the current social security system administered by the DWP.

“Joining the Experience Panel has given me a renewed sense of purpose and has allowed me to meet and work alongside a range of other people with first-hand experience of the current system.

“The panels have brought us together with a common purpose to make the most of this unique opportunity to help design a new Social Security system fit for a 21st century Scotland.”

The Scottish Government Social Security Experience Panels have been running for two years and will run for at least two more.

A number of research reports have already been published on work with panel members so far.

People can apply online or by calling 0800 029 4974.

Applications can also be completed on paper forms, which can be requested on the number above or by emailing socialsecurityexperience@gov.scot.


Government must act to tackle obesity, says cancer charity

Obese people outnumber smokers two to one

New figures from Cancer Research UK show that people who are obese now outnumber people who smoke two to one in the UK, and excess weight causes more cases of certain cancers than smoking, as the charity urges Government action to tackle obesity. Continue reading Government must act to tackle obesity, says cancer charity

Civil Service Strollers offers free season tickets to local Primary School kids

Civil Service Strollers have launched a new initiative that will see the club giving a FREE season ticket to every primary school pupil in north Edinburgh. 
Adults attending matches with the children will get in for half price – just £3.00.

Continue reading Civil Service Strollers offers free season tickets to local Primary School kids

Have your say on political participation

What impact will new laws have on political participation? This is the question that Holyrood’s Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee is asking as it launches a call for views on the Scottish Elections (Franchise and Representation) Bill.

The Bill extends candidacy rights for Scottish Parliament and local government elections for foreign nationals, as well as setting out a number of changes to the electoral franchise in Scotland.

These changes include provisions extending the electoral franchise to include all those with a legal right to live in Scotland and extending the right to vote to some prisoners.

Now the Committee is asking what effect this will have on political participation in Scotland.

Committee Convener, Bill Kidd MSP said: “Although the Bill before us is small, its ambition is clear.  By extending the right of who can stand in Scottish Parliament and Local Government elections, it is aiming to increase diversity and of course political participation.

“But we want to hear about how this would work in practice and whether this change really will have an impact on who gets involved in politics.”

More information about the Committee’s call for views can be found here.

Deadline for responses is 6 September.

Students visit Uganda as part of campaign to raise awareness of period poverty

International work will feature as part of documentary by Bleedin’ Saor collective

A creative collective from Edinburgh Napier that aims to raise awareness of period poverty has taken its campaign to East Africa as part of a once in a lifetime trip to Uganda.  Continue reading Students visit Uganda as part of campaign to raise awareness of period poverty

Festival Fun Day at North Edinburgh Arts

Monday 8th July at North Edinburgh Arts 11am – 3pm

with Edinburgh Art Festival and Licketyspit Theatre Company

We’re celebrating the start of our summer programme, and we hope you can join us for a day of street performers, garden and arts activities for all ages and a family-friendly BBQ!

What you can expect:

lots of fun
creative workshops
street performances
garden activities
pizza making
some lovely food
family-friendly atmosphere
a taste of what’s on offer at NEA this summer (8 July – 8 August)

Cost and booking: This event is free but please pick up your ticket from the NEA reception in advance to avoid disappointment on the day.

For more details, please email admin@northedinburgharts.co.uk

or call 0131 315 2151

Communities all set for summer with £1 million funding boost

No matter what the weather has in store, it’s going to be a summer to remember for community groups across Scotland as National Lottery Award for All Scotland today announces a bumper package of grants worth £1.1 million.  Continue reading Communities all set for summer with £1 million funding boost

End of an Era: All Change at Easter Road


The Board of Hibernian today announced that the majority shareholding in the Club has passed from HFC Holdings Limited – owned by Sir Tom Farmer and Rod Petrie – to Bydand Sports LLC, a new company set up for that purpose by US businessman Ronald Gordon. Continue reading End of an Era: All Change at Easter Road