Dear Editor
It never fails to amaze me to see the varied skills and knowledge of working people and their dedication. This is made clear to each and every one of us when we need help.
Working people are the largest section of the total population; they make and design everything that we use and need.
The importance of each and every one cannot be overstated: it is the skills of the working people that make things – no investor or financial institution can or does produce anything. Their contribution, if investing can be called that, is to buy the abilities and skills of people for a weekly wage. Then, they lay claim to everything that has been produced, making even more profit from the labour of working people.
This is how the society in which we live operates – it is called Capitalism, an outdated system that works for the benefit of the wealthy.
It buys the labour power and skills of working people, as many hours as possible and for as little pay as possible, and when the goods are made takes them as theirs to sell for their own profit. What an incredible system we tolerate!
To change this blatant exploitation of working people needs examples of where public ownership of such industries as Gas and Electicity, railways and other public passenger transport; water companies, too, would also benefit not just the people employed but the public at large.
Capitalism cannot control the greedy, or solve any problems.
A. Delahoy
Silverknowes Gardens