Equally Safe: strategy to address violence against women expanded

A strategy to prevent and eradicate violence against women and girls is to be expanded and backed by more than £1 million of additional funding. The Equally Safe delivery plan includes measures to teach school children the importance of consent and healthy relationships and will see Rape Crisis Scotland’s sexual violence prevention programme rolled out across a further 11 local authorities.  Continue reading Equally Safe: strategy to address violence against women expanded

WHEC and Currie Community High Schools to go? New schools proposed for West Edinburgh

City schools review kicks off in West Edinburgh 

Plans to tackle the expected increase in pupil numbers in the west and south west of Edinburgh have been drawn up by the City of Edinburgh Council. Proposals for West Edinburgh would see Wester Hailes Education Centre and Currie Community High Schools closed and replaced by two new High Schools.

Continue reading WHEC and Currie Community High Schools to go? New schools proposed for West Edinburgh

‘Tis the season to avoid tree-related ladder accidents …

Christmas is a time for celebration and festive fun, but it is also a peak time for tree related ladder accidents. Every year, hospital A and E departments across the country report a rise in the number of people brought in during December after falling from heights, many of whom have toppled off ladders whilst putting up outside lights and decorations. Continue reading ‘Tis the season to avoid tree-related ladder accidents …

At last: Dr. Elsie Inglis honoured at Central Library

A memorial to pioneering doctor and founder of the Scottish Women’s Hospitals, Dr Elsie Inglis, was unveiled yesterday at Edinburgh Central Library, 100 years on from her death. Members of Dr Inglis’ family were among the first to see the plaque on the library’s first floor landing commemorating her and the work of the Scottish Women’s Hospitals during World War One. Continue reading At last: Dr. Elsie Inglis honoured at Central Library

City supports UN’s Women’s16 Days of Activism campaign

The Edinburgh chapter of a 16-day global initiative that aims to end gender-based violence launches today. The UN’s Women’s 16 Days of Activism campaign will see a range of events held across the world in the lead-up to Human Rights Day on 10th December. Continue reading City supports UN’s Women’s16 Days of Activism campaign

Childcare Academy Information Session on Monday

We now have dates in place for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

Monday 27th November @ 1pm

Monday 18th December @ 10am

Thursday 11th January @ 10am

Wednesday 24th January @ 1pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.

2017 CA Publicity Poster

Kind Regards

Audrey O’Neill – Senior Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare, 18b Ferry Road Avenue

Edinburgh EH4 4BL

DDI:  0131 311 6931

Fax:  0131 315 4420 

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

Like our Training Services on Facebook @https://www.facebook.com/pages/North-Edinburgh-Childcare-Training-Services/664092880377307

Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers


Today – 24 November 2017 – is national Carers’ Rights Day and VOCAL, a charity that supports unpaid carers, is using the day to highlight the development of a new Edinburgh Carers’ Hub and launch an appeal for £100,000 to prepare for its opening in spring of next year. Continue reading Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers

On Granton Waterfront: Carols by Candlelight


We invite you to an unforgettable Christmas experience packed with uplifting carols, multimedia, and a thought-provoking message. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served.

Also featuring a fun-packed Christmas party for kids aged 1-12.

Destiny Church | North Saturday 9th December, 5pm 7 Waterfront Broadway
EH5 1SA (Morrisons complex)
