Tartan Tory resurgence may save May

It’s a hung parliament 

Scotland’s ten Tory MPs have saved the day for Theresa May. The Tory leader went to the country to secure a bigger working majority only for her gamble to misfire spectacularly. With only four results still to be announced the Tories have lost twelve seats and have 315 MPs – well short of the 326 needed for a majority. Mrs May must now broker a deal with Ulster’s ten Democratic Unionist MPs to enable her to run the country: hardly a recipe for ‘strong and stable’ government. Continue reading Tartan Tory resurgence may save May

Mothers protest against ‘cruel cuts’

Mums and children facing eviction staged a peaceful protest at Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson’s constituency office yesterday to demand an end to the benefits cap. At least 11 families and 42 children face eviction from their privately rented homes in North Edinburgh due to ‘cruel’ welfare reforms. Continue reading Mothers protest against ‘cruel cuts’

Benefit gig to support young carers


Young Carers Rock! Is a 14+ benefit gig to celebrate young carers in the city and raise awareness of the challenges they face. Edinburgh bands Ayakara and Whitehill Grove with The Snuts from West Lothian head the line-up at the Mash House, 37 Guthrie Street next Thursday (15 June), from 7pm until 10pm. Continue reading Benefit gig to support young carers

The Power of Food Festival at North Edinburgh Arts

The Power of Food is a city-wide festival celebrating community gardening, with events and activities on throughout the city on the weekend of 17th/18th June, and North Edinburgh Arts is participating in the festival this year on Saturday 17th.

Wullie, our new gardener, will be in the garden from 10 til 1 giving tours and talking about our garden

PLUS we have a FREE yoga session between 11 and 12 in the garden (suitable for all abilities, yoga mats are provided).

Go to https://poweroffoodfestival.wordpress.com for more information or get in touch with us directly here at NEA.

Valla Moodie

Email: garden@northedinburgharts.co.uk

Learn with Living in Harmony

See flyers for upcoming training opportunities being delivered by Living in Harmony/Pilton Community Health Project. There is also a brief description below: 

  • Tuesday 27th of June – Unconscious Bias Training – Learn how our brain’s biases can influence the process of staff recruitment and how we can manage these biases.
  • Wednesday 28th of June- Equality and Diversity Training – Understand the Equality Act 2010 and how it relates to your work.
  • Friday 30th of June – Language Barriers for Reception/Frontline Staff –Effective strategies to deal with language barriers with clients or within your organization.

If interested lease contact  livinginharmony@pchp.org.uk or phone Adam on 0131 551 1671.

Forthview Primary to premiere WW1 animation

The red carpet will be rolled out at Forthview Primary tomorrow for parents to attend the premiere of a special animated film showcasing a project between Historic Environment Scotland, SCRAN (Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network) and Forthview Primary School. Continue reading Forthview Primary to premiere WW1 animation