Skanska staff to support Social Bite

Employees from the Skanska’s facilities management business are taking part in a twelve-hour cycling event to raise money for the Edinburgh-based charity the Social Bite Fund today.

The Social Bite Fund helps homeless people, and runs a number of food shops in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen. The organisation also offers a range of employment and training opportunities for vulnerable or homeless people.

Twenty people from Skanska will take part on Friday (June 16) between 7.00am and 7.00pm. The idea is that while individuals cycle for smaller periods of time, someone will always be cycling during the marathon 12- hour stretch.

The event will take place at The Fountain spin studio in Eurocentral, Glasgow. A number of employees from the Midlothian and Edinburgh areas are also participating in related activities in those areas.

The event has been organised by Skanska’s Susan Weir, who said: “We hope to raise as much as possible for the Social Bite Fund. It’ll be exhausting, but worth it, in order to help the homeless.”

Ama-zing Harmonies at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Monday 26th June, 6 – 7pm

Amaz-ing Harmonies is an initiative to bring the people of my neighbourhood together through songs and food where all participate.
We started in March and have grown to around 30 people per evening. We meet on the last Monday of every month from 6pm to 7pm.
It gives us the opportunity to network and know our neighbours. This makes us love each other and break barriers of silence, culture and religion as we are all united through music. I chose music to bring us together because I am a musician myself. Music relaxes, refreshes and takes away anxiety. It’s an antidote to depression also.
If you need more information please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you



Brexit talks: let us in!

UK’s devolved administrations argue that they should be involved in negotiations

The Scottish and Welsh Governments have written jointly to the Brexit Secretary David Davis to ensure the UK’s devolved administrations are properly involved in the forthcoming Brexit negotiations. Continue reading Brexit talks: let us in!

News from Muirhouse Millennium Centre

The preparation for the summer playscheme is extensive and we were thankful for the offer from the Scottish Gas Board offer of 2 teams of volunteers to give us a hand (writes James McGinty).   The 1st team cleaned and prepared  the youth annexe (Pictured ) whilst the 2nd team prepared the large storage in the Main Hall.

We would like to add our thanks and congratulations to both TRIM (Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse) and Friends of West Pilton who were declared Tenants Group of the Year at the Tenant Information Service National Excellence awards in Glasgow last week. The partnership deserve all the acclaim and support from the locals and they so richly deserve for working on our behalf.







Yes folks, it’s Capital Coalition 2!

‘Stable leadership for the Council moving forward’ – Council Leader Cllr Adam McVey

The City of Edinburgh Council is to be run by an SNP and Labour coalition. SNP group leader Adam McVey (SNP) and Labour’s Cammy Day will sign the formal agreement later today, ending weeks of uncertainty. The capital has been without political leadership since last month’s council elections. Continue reading Yes folks, it’s Capital Coalition 2!

Water result: Pirniehall pupils conquer three minute challenge

Pupils from Pirniehall Primary School put their engineering skills to the test at a special event organised to encourage more young people into science, technology, engineering, or maths (STEM) related careers. Continue reading Water result: Pirniehall pupils conquer three minute challenge

Stewart Brewing and Heriot-Watt students unite in a common cause

A new beer is being launched as part of a collaboration between leading Scottish craft brewer, Stewart Brewing, and Heriot-Watt University.  The beer, called ‘Common Ancestor’, has been created by four masters students at the university’s International Centre for Brewing and Distilling. Continue reading Stewart Brewing and Heriot-Watt students unite in a common cause

Children join First Minister for Reading Challenge celebration

Children from across the country took part in the first celebration event for an initiative that fosters a lifelong love of reading amongst Scotland’s young people. Around 600 P4 – P7 children joined First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at the inaugural First Minister’s Reading Challenge ceremony in Edinburgh. Continue reading Children join First Minister for Reading Challenge celebration