Outgoing council leader has the last word

City of Edinburgh Council Leader Andrew Burns has issued his final Leader’s Report. Cllr Burns is one of a number of experienced city councillors who will not be seeking re-election next month.

He said: “As you may be aware, many councillors, including myself, have chosen not to stand on 4 May. I haven’t done the maths, but the cumulative experience leaving the Council must add up to many hundreds of years.

“As current Council Leader, and on behalf of all the Group Leaders, I’d like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to all the retiring councillors who have given dedicated public service to their local communities over so many years.

“I’d also like to wish all remaining councillors, and new candidates, all the very best of luck. It really is a privilege to serve your local community – and you never know how long that privilege will last – so please do enjoy it while you can.

“Huge thanks also to our dedicated workforce, who have shown nothing but enormous understanding, adaptability, and sheer dedication to public service, over recent years. It’s been my pleasure to work with you all.

“And finally, many thanks to the people that matter most: the residents of Edinburgh. You have given us the chance to make a contribution to the ongoing evolution of this most beautiful city; one which I’ve had the good fortune to call my family home for the last 24 years.”

Protecting children online: Action Plan launched

A new national action plan to help protect children and young people online has been launched by Minister for Childcare and Early Years Mark McDonald. The refreshed plan will help children and young people develop the skills they need to stay safe on the internet and support parents and carers to be more aware of the potential risks that their children face online. Continue reading Protecting children online: Action Plan launched

Minister visits Mental Health Information Station

The Mental Health Information Station (MHIS)  in Palmerston Place played host to Mental Health Minister Maureen Watt recently. Lead Occupational Therapist, Community Mental Health Services Jane Sutherland guided the Minister round the service, where she met with some of the project’s partners and Ms Watt went on to speak with a number of people who have benefited from using the service. Continue reading Minister visits Mental Health Information Station

Ask Alex: new Messenger “bot” to teach Scots about causes of youth homelessness

15% of Scots think young people are homeless by choice

A Scottish charity has launched a new Facebook Messenger “bot” to teach Scots about the real causes of homelessness amongst young people after research found nearly half believe it is through choice or a refusal to accept assistance. Continue reading Ask Alex: new Messenger “bot” to teach Scots about causes of youth homelessness

Walking Group Open Day

Pilton Community Health Project, Boswall Parkway

Wednesday 26 April, 1 – 4pm

Pilton Community Health Project (PCHP) are hosting an walking group open day from 1-4pm on Wed 26th April at PCHP, 73 Boswall Parkway EH52PW. The aim is to introduce people to our regular walking group that happens on a Monday and Friday every week (and has done for six years or more!).

If you know anyone who might would benefit from a walking club, might want to get out and about but feels shy or who has been recommended they exercise more but doesn’t know what to do, then this is the perfect opportunity to come and meet our walking volunteers and find out more about our walking group. Just drop by, no appointment necessary. Clare Symonds, Development worker – Physical Activity, Move It, Pilton Community Health Project, 73 Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh, EH5 2PW, 0131 551 1671, http://www.pchp.org.uk/!

One week to go: Beltane Festival returns to set Edinburgh alight

Next Sunday (30th April), the Beltane Fire Festival will return to Edinburgh’s Calton Hill to welcome the onset of Summer. With one week to go, Beltane Fire Society have released the map and proposed schedule of the procession that winds its way around Edinburgh’s Calton Hill.

Continue reading One week to go: Beltane Festival returns to set Edinburgh alight