Scottish Swimming announces the 2015 Adult Swim Series

These events are for adult swimmers who would like to take part in coached sessions in a 50-metre pool. The events are open to all and will be fun and informative. and follow on from the successful Come and Try Open Water Swimming event held in June last year.
The Adult Swim Series has been devised following research on swimming paricipation and questionnaires completed by adult swimmers in late 2014 about what gets them motivated to go to the pool and what would make their swimming session more meaningful.
Results of the survey suggest that there is a big demand for coach led swimming sessions, with 90 per cent of surveyed adults either likely or very likely to attend such sessions in the future. The main drive for adults to attend is to improve their swimming, train for an open water, Masters swimming or triathlon event, or simply to get fitter and meet friends at the pool.
The benefits of swimming are wider than the actual health benefits, as one past participant put it:
“The health benefits I can see with swimming here is that it brings people together from any background, so that’s like elderly who are not working anymore, people who are working, or students like myself. It’s creating a routine that keeps people healthy – that is in a physical sense, but also in a mental health sense, because it’s motivating.”
The social aspect is especially important for people that have attended sessions already. For one past participant It was more motivating than trying to work on their own, while another one said “it was good fun, enjoyable yet educational and improved my swimming and my motivation following the session.”
The Swim Series starts in Edinburgh this Saturday with sessions in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Stirling to follow over the coming months:
Saturday 17th January (A few places still available)
Edinburgh 5.30pm-7.30pm Royal Commonwealth Pool
Sunday 22nd February
Aberdeen 10am-12noon Aberdeen Sports Village
Saturday 21st March
Glasgow 2pm-4pm Tollcross International Swimming Centre
Saturday 11th April (Intermediate and Masterclass only)
Stirling 10am – 12pm National Swimming Academy, Stirling University
Sunday 31st May
Open Water Style Session
Stirling 3.30pm-5.30pm National Swimming Academy, Stirling University
There are different session types available depending on your swimming ability and level of fitness:
Skills and Drills: Beginners: This session will cater for the competent swimmer who would like to focus on their technique and perhaps work on one of their weaker strokes. This session would be ideal for those wishing to improve their front crawl breathing or to learn how to get more out of their swimming sessions by using coaching equipment.
Skills and Drills: Intermediate: This session is for the competent swimmer who would like to improve their technique and fitness through learning new skills and drills. This class will be suitable for an able recreational swimmer or perhaps a triathlete or individual hoping to take part in a participation event.
Masterclass: This session is for the more able swimmer who is perhaps competing or training with a Masters club or group. The session will focus on everything from speed of turns, starts and distance off the wall, to streamlining and core strength building.
All sessions are listed at
For more information on adult swimming in your area go to: