Sun comes out for Granton gardeners’ BBQ

What a difference some sunshine makes!

A steady stream of local residents – and at least one wee visitor from Pilton! – popped into the Granton Community Garden this afternoon to enjoy a barbecue. Much of the food was grown in the community garden – doesn’t it always taste better when you’ve grown it yourself?

The garden’s looking good and it’ll look even better with a few more days sunshine. Here’s hoping …

Stolen school files recovered

Dozens of school pupil files that were stolen from a city council worker’s home during a burglary have been recovered. The files contained information about  Broughton High, Granton and Forthview Primary School pupils who have had contact with the Education Welfare Service.

It’s understood that the data records, stolen during a break-in last month, concerned the childrens’ school attendance.

A city council spokesperson said: “The files were recovered on Wednesday after the car that had been used in the robbery was found. The files do not appear to have been tampered with and we have sent a letter out to all the families to let them know this.”

Campaign group seeks answers on 'privatisation'

Local campaign group North Edinburgh Fights Back has written to city council leaders seeking assurances that council services will not be privatised. The group wrote the letter following a recent meeting in Muirhouse where concern was expressed over the introduction of increasing numbers of non-council staff into cleansing and refuse operations.

Writing to council leader Councillor Andrew Burns, Mike Vallance said:

I am writing on behalf of North Edinburgh Fights Back, a community group
involved in opposing public service cuts and privatisation, and fighting  against injustice and inequality. You will of course be familiar with our group, not least from our recent presentation of the Anti Poverty Charter to the full CEC meeting.

 As is made clear in the Charter, our group is totally opposed to the privatisation of public services and the cuts in services and worsening in working conditions this invariably entails. As such we played a full part in the campaign to keep the Street Cleansing, Refuse Collection, Janitorial and related services in-house, and were very pleased when the CEC voted to reject the privatisation of these services.

Of course the Labour Group voted to keep these services in-house, and thus our members were shocked when they learnt at our meeting on 25 July in Muirhouse that your administration is presiding over the introduction of large numbers of workers from the private contractor Blue Arrow into the Street Cleansing and Refuse Collection services.

We understand that over the last fortnight around 60 Blue Arrow staff have started operating out of the Cowans Close depot, carrying out street cleansing in Edinburgh city centre. This follows the recent similar controversial use of employees from the private company Enterprise in street cleansing, an episode which was publicised in the local media.

And for several months, refuse collection workers have told us, at least 20 – 30 Blue Arrow employees have been working at the Russell Road refuse depot. In addition five lorries, each staffed by 3 Blue Arrow workers, have been operating out of Powderhall depot. What’s more, Blue Arrow recently advertised for 3 refuse collection supervisors to work on a council contract.

Our members are shocked to hear the CEC are effectively disregarding the decision to keep these services in-house, a decision that so many Edinburgh citizens campaigned to achieve.

We understand from workers we have spoken to, that they believe that new workers are indeed needed and that they should be recruited as normal directly employed council workers, where possible with permanent contracts, and we totally support this.

We have also been informed that shop stewards have brought these matters up with both management and with councillors, and they report their views seem to be ignored.

We also have been informed that the CEC is trying to impose new shift patterns on workers in Refuse Collection, including a compulsory back shift, working up to 10.30pm at night. We are in complete support of theworkforce’s opposition to being forced to work such anti-social hours.

What’s more, it is clear that these hours would mean bin lorries operating in residential areas late at night, causing disturbance to residents, including disturbing children trying to sleep before school the next day. Further we understand from workers that this would cause major problems at addresses where the workers, due to the resident’s disability or frailty, need to come into gardens to take out and empty buckets: such residents are likely to be alarmed at workers doing this relatively late at night, at a time when in winter it will be long past nightfall.

In this respect, we can inform you that at our meeting several people reported bin lorries already operating very late at night, even in the early hours of the morning, in north Edinburgh/ Greater Pilton – we presume this is the private contractors which the CEC are using?

We demand that the CEC reverse the decision to use private contractors in Refuse Collection and Street Cleansing and instead take on the new workers needed as normal directly employed council employees, where-ever possible on permanent contracts. We ask for your immediate reply to explain what you are going to do about this matter.

We further ask that you send us full details of the Blue Arrow contracts in Street Cleansing and Refuse Collection, including length of time, number of workers involved, etc. In addition we ask you to inform us who authorised these contracts, for example were they decided upon at CEC committees and/ or the full Council?

The North Edinburgh Fights Back letter has been passed on to Councillor Lesley Hinds, who has responsibility for Transport, Infrastructure and Environment issues. Cllr Hinds has requested information from the Director of Services for Communities and plans to respond to the group when this information is available.

Campaign group seeks answers on ‘privatisation’

Local campaign group North Edinburgh Fights Back has written to city council leaders seeking assurances that council services will not be privatised. The group wrote the letter following a recent meeting in Muirhouse where concern was expressed over the introduction of increasing numbers of non-council staff into cleansing and refuse operations.

Writing to council leader Councillor Andrew Burns, Mike Vallance said:

I am writing on behalf of North Edinburgh Fights Back, a community group
involved in opposing public service cuts and privatisation, and fighting  against injustice and inequality. You will of course be familiar with our group, not least from our recent presentation of the Anti Poverty Charter to the full CEC meeting.

 As is made clear in the Charter, our group is totally opposed to the privatisation of public services and the cuts in services and worsening in working conditions this invariably entails. As such we played a full part in the campaign to keep the Street Cleansing, Refuse Collection, Janitorial and related services in-house, and were very pleased when the CEC voted to reject the privatisation of these services.

Of course the Labour Group voted to keep these services in-house, and thus our members were shocked when they learnt at our meeting on 25 July in Muirhouse that your administration is presiding over the introduction of large numbers of workers from the private contractor Blue Arrow into the Street Cleansing and Refuse Collection services.

We understand that over the last fortnight around 60 Blue Arrow staff have started operating out of the Cowans Close depot, carrying out street cleansing in Edinburgh city centre. This follows the recent similar controversial use of employees from the private company Enterprise in street cleansing, an episode which was publicised in the local media.

And for several months, refuse collection workers have told us, at least 20 – 30 Blue Arrow employees have been working at the Russell Road refuse depot. In addition five lorries, each staffed by 3 Blue Arrow workers, have been operating out of Powderhall depot. What’s more, Blue Arrow recently advertised for 3 refuse collection supervisors to work on a council contract.

Our members are shocked to hear the CEC are effectively disregarding the decision to keep these services in-house, a decision that so many Edinburgh citizens campaigned to achieve.

We understand from workers we have spoken to, that they believe that new workers are indeed needed and that they should be recruited as normal directly employed council workers, where possible with permanent contracts, and we totally support this.

We have also been informed that shop stewards have brought these matters up with both management and with councillors, and they report their views seem to be ignored.

We also have been informed that the CEC is trying to impose new shift patterns on workers in Refuse Collection, including a compulsory back shift, working up to 10.30pm at night. We are in complete support of theworkforce’s opposition to being forced to work such anti-social hours.

What’s more, it is clear that these hours would mean bin lorries operating in residential areas late at night, causing disturbance to residents, including disturbing children trying to sleep before school the next day. Further we understand from workers that this would cause major problems at addresses where the workers, due to the resident’s disability or frailty, need to come into gardens to take out and empty buckets: such residents are likely to be alarmed at workers doing this relatively late at night, at a time when in winter it will be long past nightfall.

In this respect, we can inform you that at our meeting several people reported bin lorries already operating very late at night, even in the early hours of the morning, in north Edinburgh/ Greater Pilton – we presume this is the private contractors which the CEC are using?

We demand that the CEC reverse the decision to use private contractors in Refuse Collection and Street Cleansing and instead take on the new workers needed as normal directly employed council employees, where-ever possible on permanent contracts. We ask for your immediate reply to explain what you are going to do about this matter.

We further ask that you send us full details of the Blue Arrow contracts in Street Cleansing and Refuse Collection, including length of time, number of workers involved, etc. In addition we ask you to inform us who authorised these contracts, for example were they decided upon at CEC committees and/ or the full Council?

The North Edinburgh Fights Back letter has been passed on to Councillor Lesley Hinds, who has responsibility for Transport, Infrastructure and Environment issues. Cllr Hinds has requested information from the Director of Services for Communities and plans to respond to the group when this information is available.

Social History Group's site on show at local libraries

North Edinburgh Social History Group will be giving demonstrations of their ‘Never Give Up’ on-line archive at Granton and Muirhouse libraries next month.

The social history group spent three years researching North Edinburgh’s proud history of community activism, amassing a huge volume of material in the process. The group’s ‘Never Give Up’ book received great reviews when it launched last year, and all the background information – and a lot of great material that didn’t make the book due to size constraints – was digitised and launched on-line by charity SCRAN in April for all to share and enjoy.

Members of North Edinburgh Social History Group will be visiting the local libraries to publicise and demonstrate this amazing resource at two local libraries next month – at Muirhouse on Thursday 6 September from 10am and then at Granton on Wednesday 12 September from 1pm.

It’s well worth a visit – a treasure trove of community memories which can be accessed for free by using your library card!

For further information on Scran visit

Social History Group’s site on show at local libraries

North Edinburgh Social History Group will be giving demonstrations of their ‘Never Give Up’ on-line archive at Granton and Muirhouse libraries next month.

The social history group spent three years researching North Edinburgh’s proud history of community activism, amassing a huge volume of material in the process. The group’s ‘Never Give Up’ book received great reviews when it launched last year, and all the background information – and a lot of great material that didn’t make the book due to size constraints – was digitised and launched on-line by charity SCRAN in April for all to share and enjoy.

Members of North Edinburgh Social History Group will be visiting the local libraries to publicise and demonstrate this amazing resource at two local libraries next month – at Muirhouse on Thursday 6 September from 10am and then at Granton on Wednesday 12 September from 1pm.

It’s well worth a visit – a treasure trove of community memories which can be accessed for free by using your library card!

For further information on Scran visit

The Fringe – what's hot and what's not?

This year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe guide runs to 376 pages, packed with a cornucopia of comedians, dance troupes, musicians, actors and novelty acts – good, bad and downright dire – all vying for your attention at 378 official venues.

Choosing just what to go and see – and, more importantly, what to avoid! – is tough, so perhaps you can help. Let us know what’s worth seeing – we’ll publish your reviews on the blog. And if a performance is truly awful, it’s best that we know that too!

Enjoy the shows!

The Fringe – what’s hot and what’s not?

This year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe guide runs to 376 pages, packed with a cornucopia of comedians, dance troupes, musicians, actors and novelty acts – good, bad and downright dire – all vying for your attention at 378 official venues.

Choosing just what to go and see – and, more importantly, what to avoid! – is tough, so perhaps you can help. Let us know what’s worth seeing – we’ll publish your reviews on the blog. And if a performance is truly awful, it’s best that we know that too!

Enjoy the shows!

Share your story – join NEN's social media workshops

Would you like to use social media like Facebook, Twitter and blogging but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you know a little but would like to know more? Wahtever your level of knowledge, help is at hand – starting later this month, NEN is running a series of five informal social media workshops at Stockbridge Library. The sessions are informal, fun and they’re FREE!

Funded by Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Community Grants Fund and hosted by the NEN, new media experts Tom Allan and Emily Dodd will lead the workshops and help you find your way through the multimedia maze at your own pace.

It’s an exciting new initiative for NEN, offering local people the opportunity to learn new ways to communicate and how to share their stories with the wider community.

The first workshop, ‘Share Your Story – an introduction to Blogging’, takes place on Thursday 30 August from 5.45 – 7.30pm and subsequent sessions will focus on topics like safety and security, video blogging, the joy of stats and how to build an online community.

Interested? To find out more or to sign up visit

All sessions are free, but register early to avoid disappointment!



Share your story – join NEN’s social media workshops

Would you like to use social media like Facebook, Twitter and blogging but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you know a little but would like to know more? Wahtever your level of knowledge, help is at hand – starting later this month, NEN is running a series of five informal social media workshops at Stockbridge Library. The sessions are informal, fun and they’re FREE!

Funded by Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Community Grants Fund and hosted by the NEN, new media experts Tom Allan and Emily Dodd will lead the workshops and help you find your way through the multimedia maze at your own pace.

It’s an exciting new initiative for NEN, offering local people the opportunity to learn new ways to communicate and how to share their stories with the wider community.

The first workshop, ‘Share Your Story – an introduction to Blogging’, takes place on Thursday 30 August from 5.45 – 7.30pm and subsequent sessions will focus on topics like safety and security, video blogging, the joy of stats and how to build an online community.

Interested? To find out more or to sign up visit

All sessions are free, but register early to avoid disappointment!