Edinburgh International Book Festival celebrates huge success in first year in new home

100k visitors, almost 600 events, 100 sold out and 55 countries watch online

  • Over 100k visits were made to the Book Festival’s new home at Edinburgh Futures Institute from 10-25 August for first programme from new Director Jenny Niven
  • Authors, poets, politicians, musicians, thinkers and illustrators including Margaret Atwood, Richard Osman, Salman Rushdie, Blindboy, Sarah Pascoe, RF Kuang, Naomi Alderman, Jess Phillips  took to stage and screen for almost 600 events
  • Over 200 events sold to 90% capacity or more
  • Audiences from 55 countries joined online for pay what you can events – many of which are still available to watch
  • Over 4,500 school children from 89 schools across Scotland were transported to the Festival (31 groups free of charge), to attend free events and take home a free book each
  • EIBF authors took part in 12 visits to hospitals and prisons across Scotland
  • Thousands of local residents were introduced to Edinburgh Futures Institute for the first time

Over 100k visits were made to Edinburgh International Book Festival’s new home at the newly opened Edinburgh Futures Institute from 10-25 August 2024, with ticket and book sales significantly up on previous years, and thousands of curious passers-by exploring and enjoying the new site, amongst the heart of Edinburgh’s festival action.

Future Tense, the first Book Festival programme to unfold under new Director Jenny Niven, tackled topics of global importance ranging from AI to the climate crisis, capitalism to the war in the Middle East, migration to inheritance, and more besides.

Legendary authors, writers, poets, thinkers and entertainers including Margaret Atwood and Salman Rushdie (who joined down the line), Richard Osman, Dolly Alderton, Alan Cumming & Forbes Masson, Phillipa Gregory, Jackie Kay, James O’Brien, Lemn Sissay, Elif Shafak, Louise Welsh, Raja Shehadeh, Marian Keyes, Roger McGough appeared on stage, alongside RF Kuang, Blindboy, Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson, Evie Wyld, Julius Roberts, and Samantha Shannon.

As well as greats from the literary sector, stars of music and film (Stuart Brathwaite of Mogwai, Esther Swift, Evelynn Glennie, Stuart Murdoch, Steven Moffat, Anjoa Andoh), theatre makers (including Grid Iron’s Ben Harrison), producers, publishers (many appearing as part of the Business of Books strand aimed at those in the industry, and artists (Ruth Millington, Kate Leiper) and actors also featured, bringing the multi disciplinary magic of the Edinburgh Festivals to life, right at the heart of the city.

This year saw a number of brand new types of events unfold, many celebrating cross-discipline collaboration, including the ambitious digital experience, Perambulations of a Justified Sinner and the intimate Have Lunch With… series at Elliott’s Studio, featuring chef-writers (Asma Khan, Sami Tamimi and Rachel Roddy). Clean Money: Can Fundraising Ever Be Ethical brought in audience members with a variety of views to discuss the detail and nuance of modern arts funding in a safe and supported space, and events including ThinkTanks offered audiences unparalleled access to world-class minds including Harold Hongju Koh, Ingrid Robeyns, Joseph Stiglitz and Ken Costa.

Voices from across the political spectrum also joined the conversation, with appearances from John Swinney, Jess Phillips, Caroline Lucas, Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan

Jenny Niven, Director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, said: “We are absolutely thrilled with the success of the Book Festival this year. Audiences have voted with their feet and we’ve seen full houses and brilliant, engaged crowds.

“Debate and discussion has been relished by audiences and authors alike proving the Festival is a truly important space for people to be inspired and come together.

“Edinburgh Futures Institute as a Book Festival venue has been terrific and we’re already looking at the ways we can build on what we’ve created for next year.

“We’re looking forward to beginning conversations in the Autumn with everyone who will be part of our story in our next glorious edition.”

Edinburgh campaign has had over 3,000 conversations with people to help keep children safe from abuse

A campaign to help protect young children from sexual abuse has resulted in approximately 3,240 Talk PANTS conversations with people in Edinburgh since it launched last September.

Edinburgh, Talk PANTS is being delivered by NSPCC Scotland, the Edinburgh Child Protection Committee and a wide range of partners across the city to spread the NSPCC’s Talk PANTS message.

Talk PANTS gives parents, carers and professionals advice on how to have simple, age-appropriate conversations with children to help keep them safe from sexual abuse.

With the use of a colourful animated dinosaur, called Pantosaurus, it helps children to understand that their body belongs to them, that they have a right to say no, and they should tell a safe adult they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried. 

During the past year, local PANTS professionals have been trained to deliver the campaign messages and resources to other professionals and families across Edinburgh through webinars and workshops.

And several awareness raising events have been held across the city for parents, carers and children, including a fun family day with Pantosuarus at Edinburgh Zoo in July when more than 370 adults and children attended, and family sessions at Edinburgh Book Festival.

Carla Malseed, NSPCC Scotland Local Campaigns Manager, said: “A simple conversation can make a big difference and that’s what Talk PANTS is all about.

“With the help of our fun, loving dino – Pantosaurus – we’ve reached thousands of people across the city. 

“We have been really pleased to see so much engagement with the campaign from families and professionals in Edinburgh, and we’re looking forward to having more conversations with Edinburgh residents at our upcoming family events.”

Other upcoming Talk PANTS events in Edinburgh include a family day at Sighthill Library on Friday, August 30, when popular children’s author Bruna De Luca will read ‘Pantosaurus and the Power of PANTS’ and from her own book ‘I’m Not Cute, I’m Dangerous.’

Bruna De Luca, who lives in Melrose in the Scottish Borders, said: “I’m a parent of young children and I love how the TalkPANTS message is tailored to a young audience in a fun, positive, and reassuring way.

“I can’t wait because it’s not every day you get to meet a Pantosaurus. I also think my feisty crocodile character – Fifi – would fully support the TalkPANTS message. She might be little and cute, but she is NOT to be underestimated!

“The TalkPANTS message is so crucial in preventing abuse because it helps children to have the confidence to speak up if they feel unsafe.”

Lillian Cringles, Chair of the Edinburgh Child Protection Committee, said: “It’s fantastic that this campaign has helped thousands of parents, carers and professionals to have such important conversations with children about their bodies and how to stay safe. 

“I’d urge families to come along to this fun event at Sighthill Library or look out for other events on our web pages to learn more about the TalkPANTS message.”

As well as book readings there will be facepainting, colouring, games and singing and dancing at the event which runs from 1pm until 2.30pm.

For more information about other events taking place in Edinburgh, visit: 


Anyone with concerns about the welfare of a child can call the NSPCC’s free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 5000 or email: help@NSPCC.org.uk for advice.

Children and young people can contact Childline about anything that may be worrying them by calling 0800 1111 or by visiting: www.childline.org.uk

The NSPCC would like to thank Baker-Ross for their donation of children’s craft packs.

Edinburgh International Book Festival programme update: Steven Moffat

STEVEN MOFFAT: A Journey through Screen and Time

Unfortunately, David Mamet can no longer attend his event tomorrow (Thursday 22 August) at 3.15pm. However, EIBF are delighted that Steven Moffat (aka Doctor Who) will join us instead!

Steven Moffat: A Journey through Screen and Time

Steven Moffat has been one of the UK’s most prominent and creative screenwriters and producers for almost 40 years.

From his origins working on the cult teen drama series Press Gang, becoming showrunner and head writer for five series of the revived Doctor Who, his iconic reworking of Sherlock for the BBC, to his most recent series, Douglas Is Cancelled, Moffat has created, or evolved, some of the most iconic characters in modern TV history.

His work has won countless awards as well as millions of fans around the world, and he joins us to reflect on his remarkable career, and how TV can not just survive, but thrive, in the streaming era.

More Words from the Wards tonight

WISHING my CITIZEN friends and colleagues good luck as they take to the stage at Edinburgh International Book Festival this evening.

They will be reading their stories about the old Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh Futures Institute, which was built on the grounds of the old Royal off Lauriston Place.

In spring 2024 EIBF called for people from Edinburgh to submit stories about the former Royal Infirmary, to capture and honour the experiences and memories that people connect with the building’s previous life.

Tonight’s local writers readers will joined by special guest Lisa Williams to perform their work and commemorate the building’s rich history.

The event is free – well worth seeing if you can make it along!

Supported by Edinburgh Futures Institute

First Minster thanks Makar as tenure comes to an end

First Minister John Swinney has thanked Scotland’s national poet, Makar Kathleen Jamie, for her contribution to public life as her three year tenure comes to an end.

The Makar’s work was celebrated at an Edinburgh International Book Festival event, attended by the First Minister, which saw award-winning composer David Paul Jones take Kathleen Jamie’s back catalogue of poems and set them to music.

Mr Swinney said: “I want to thank Kathleen Jamie and pay tribute to the stellar work she has done over the last three years as Scotland’s fourth modern Makar, and as a national ambassador for poetry in Scotland and overseas.

“Her term as Makar will leave a powerful legacy. She encouraged the public to become engaged with the role by writing a series of collective poems curated from individual lines of poetry submitted by the people of Scotland. This allowed a large number of people to contribute to the important role of Makar.

“Kathleen has also recently completed a collective poem using lines from prisoners throughout Scotland on the theme of hope, which I am very much looking forward to reading when it is published shortly.”

Kathleen Jamie said: “It’s been a huge honour to be Scotland’s fourth modern Makar and I have greatly enjoyed this role.

“I have performed at the opening of Parliament, written poems to commemorate the COP26 Summit and the life of the late Queen and I have toured libraries from Kirkwall to Coatbridge, tapping into the rich seam of grassroots poetry activities taking place across Scotland.

“In 3 ‘collective poems’ I curated pieces from lines provided by hundreds of members of the public. We wrote a National Nature Poem, a Letter to the People of Ukraine, and a Letter to World Leaders. I was happy to be asked to extend this to the prison population and develop a poem on the theme of hope.

“The role of the Makar is vital in engaging a vast audience with poetry. Rather than speaking to or for the nation, I am most proud of enabling the nation to speak for itself, and keep poetry at its heart.”

Tonight at Edinburgh International Book Festival: Stories and Scran

Enjoy tasty food and brilliant performances from local people. Returning for its fifth year, Stories and Scran celebrates dynamic, thought-provoking work created by our Citizen participants.

Expect diverse and creative talent from Project Esperanza’s Women’s Group, WHALE Arts, the Book Festival’s own Adults Writing Group, and Citizen Collective.

And Scran Academy are back to serve up delicious, sweet treats you can enjoy during the event.

Stories and Scran runs from 8 – 9.15pm at the Book Festival’s new home at Edinburgh Futures Institute on Lauriston Place.

Supported by Jenny Colgan Books

TONIGHT: Words from the Wards

Looking forward to meeting up with some of my Citizen pals this evening at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. We have a slot at 6.15pm, sharing stories about our memories of the old Royal Infirmary.

The Book Festival has a new home this year – the Edinburgh Futures Institute, which is built on the site of the old hospital in Lauriston Place – and I really do hope it has the same warm and welcoming atmosphere as the ECA did last year.

Pop in and say Hello!

Edinburgh International Book Festival event: Clean Money: Can fundraising ever be ethical?

This August, in direct response to the debate on ethical fundraising in the arts, a topic impacting many organisations across the UK and further afield, the Festival will host a brand new event aimed at expanding the conversation from a place of polarisation to one of positivity and possibility.

Entitled Clean Money: Can fundraising ever be ethical? the event will be fully interactive in nature and groups of participants will be handed questions, based on real or possible situations, to discuss alongside a range of expert facilitators.

Encouraging audiences to step outside their viewpoints, and consider these important topics from another angle, participants of the event will be required to argue from or for a particular point of view, as opposed to their personal perspective, based on a prompt courtesy of the facilitators.

The event will be guided by Alisha Fernandez Miranda, author and Chair of the award-winning social impact advisory firm I.G. Advisors, and will feature nine other industry peers including Harriette Tillott, Advisor at I.G., and Joni O’Sullivan, trustee at Hastings Contemporary Gallery. Further facilitators will be confirmed nearer the time.

Jenny Niven, Director at Edinburgh International Book Festival, said: “We’re excited to be able to curate this vital conversation at the Book Festival.

“In a climate where it can feel harder than ever to have meaningful discussion, and with a vanishingly small number of platforms that truly allow for the exchange of views or tolerance for viewpoints which don’t align with our own, the Book Festival is an unique forum for this type of learning and debate.

“The question of ‘clean money’ brings in everything: climate, conflict, ethics, politics, the role of government, the state of the arts and charitable sector, societal change, and allows us to wrestle with the really thorny questions underpinning the debates recent months

“The level of public engagement in the topic at the moment is unprecedented and the strength of feeling from many different perspectives has been evident throughout.  We hope people with a range of perspectives will join this conversation and help further everyone’s understanding of the issues and the contexts at hand, and help us bring this topic offline and into the daylight.”

Held in the spirit of open dialogue and constructive debate, each participant will be required to only share a first name – no other identifying information can be shared until after the debate, and then only with explicit permission – and the event will follow Chatham House rules, meaning that while information gathered during the event can be shared, it cannot be linked to any individual participant.

Those who do not wish to be quoted, even anonymously are under no obligation and will be invited to sign to this effect.

Future Tense is the first Edinburgh International Book Festival programme from Director Jenny Niven and will unfold for the first time at the Festival’s new home at Edinburgh Futures Institute.

The full programme can be found here: 


Edinburgh International Book Festival welcomes Alice Oseman

Full day of FREE themed activities to coincide with headline YA event at McEwan Hall

  • On Tuesday 13 August award-winning YA author and HEARTSTOPPER creator Alice Oseman appears in an EIBF event in conversation with author Lauren James
  • In tandem a full day of FREE themed events will take place at the Festivals new home at Edinburgh Futures Institute
  • From the chance to write a letter to your younger self, to posting your letter to Alice via the onsite postbox, making your own zine, and chilling out with some gorgeous dogs from Therapets®, there is something for all ages to enjoy 

On Tuesday 13 August the Edinburgh International Book Festival will welcome award-winning author and HEARTSTOPPER creator Alice Oseman to the Festival with a whole day of FREE events and activities for audiences of all ages.

Alice Oseman says: ‘I always love visiting the Edinburgh International Book Festival and I couldn’t be happier to be teaming up with them and BKMRK for a whole bunch of extra special Heartstopper activity on site this year.

“There’s loads for fans and festival goers to get involved with, whether that’s coming along to the event itself or getting creative with the free zine making sessions, hugging a Therapets puppy, or joining in on the Heartstopper treasure hunt – I can’t wait to see you all there!’

Alice, who enjoys global success thanks to their graphic novel HEARTSTOPPER series (and subsequent Netflix show of the same name) will be in conversation with young adult author Lauren James at an event at McEwan Hall as part of the Festival’s Front List.

The pair will discuss the success of the series which tells the story of the ups and downs of first loves, friendships, coming out and mental health.

Aspiring illustrators, comic creators and all round creatives can relax in the dedicated Chill Out Zone on site at the Edinburgh Futures Institute throughout the day.  Inside there will be drop-in zine making sessions courtesy of the Glasgow Zine Library. 

For those needing a more mellow moment, Therapets® will also be joining us for the day in this brand new outdoor area. In keeping with the relaxed vibe of this space, the Therapets® are dogs with calm and gentle dispositions, who love being petted, and bring canine cuddles to site.

Throughout the day of Alice’s event, LGBT Youth Scotland will be onsite at EFI delivering self led activities in Venue C, and there will be Heartstopper leaves for visitors of all ages to write messages to their past selves. 

If you would like to share your experience pre-or-post event you can catch a sound recorder roaming around site, and there will also be a podcast episode with Alice to listen back to after the day is over.(TBC) You will have the option to add your stories and letters to their (Un)seen, (Un)heard archive.

The Edinburgh International Book Festival is also delighted to be partnering with Young Scot, with the Young Scot Reward scheme offering 15 members an opportunity to win the chance to attend Alice Oseman in conversation with Lauren James with a friend, as well as an exclusive meet and greet with the author.

Fans of Alice’s will also have the opportunity to share their very own letters with Alice via an onsite postbox and will be able to record dedicated vox pops via a special sound recorder.

Before all of this, from Mon 29 July you can also snap a selfie with a series of illustrated posters at three city centre sites, to be in with a chance to win a signed complete HEARTSTOPPER Vol 1-5 set, and tickets to Alice’s event on 13 August.

Young Scot Chief Executive, Kirsten Urquhart, said: “We continuously aspire to provide unique opportunities for young people.

“It is therefore extremely exciting to have partnered with the Edinburgh International Book Festival to offer a chance for Young Scot Members to win tickets to see Alice Oseman, author of the global phenomenon Heartstopper, in conversation with Lauren James. If you’re not already a member you can sign up for free here. We hope the lucky winners have an incredible day!”

At a time when the cost of living crisis continues to impact families, the Book Festival is committed to providing free events and entertainment through its two week run to ensure that all young people in the capital, and indeed from further afield, can enjoy engaging with books and the power of words.

These events make up Future Tense, the first Edinburgh International Book Festival programme from Director Jenny Niven, and it will unfold for the first time at the Festival’s new home at Edinburgh Futures Institute.

The full programme can be found here: 


Edinburgh International Book Festival announces James Crawford as new Chair of Board of Directors

The Edinburgh International Book Festival today announces celebrated writer, broadcaster, and publisher James Crawford as the Festival’s new Chair of the Board of Directors.

The author of ten books including The Edge of the Plain: How Borders Make and Break Our World, which investigates the shifting geopolitics of a world beset by climate change, James joins a number of new faces on the board as the Festival enters a new era under director Jenny Niven and in its new home at Edinburgh Futures Institute.

Bringing a nuanced understanding on topics ranging from law, history  and technology, to globalisation and mass migration, James brings practical expertise on both the media and publishing landscapes thanks to his current roles as Editor-at-Large for the celebrated independent Scottish publisher Birlinn/Polygon, and as writer and presenter of landmark BBC One series Scotland from the Sky; and from previous experience, including asChair of the Board at industry body Publishing Scotland.

James joins recent Board appointees, disability advocate Tomas Gerrard, award-winning writer Yassmin Abdel-Magied, fundraising and sponsorship expert Hannah Hyde, and Anna Frame, Communications Director at publishing house Canongate, all of whom have been elected to the Board in the past 12 months.

James will take up his role in September after the current chair, Alan Little, steps down at the end of this year’s Festival.

James Crawford, incoming Chair of the Edinburgh International Book Festival Board of Directors said: “I was just seventeen when I first travelled to Edinburgh to visit the Book Festival, and I have been coming back ever since – first as an audience member, then as a publisher and author.

“The strength of the Festival has always been the melting pot of ideas, discourse, argument, imagination and inspiration that it offers. It is embarking on a new chapter now – with a new director and a new home – and it is a privilege to support Jenny and her team as they shape their vision for the Festival’s future.

“While challenges lie ahead, the importance of book festivals – both what they are and what they represent – should never be underestimated.”

Jenny Niven, Director of the Edinburgh International Book Festival, said: “We are delighted to welcome James as Chair of the Board.

“As well as being a highly experienced writer, editor, broadcaster and chairperson, Jamie is hugely respected in literature and publishing, and understands the festival and the wider sector from a range of perspectives.

“He’s extremely well placed to help us achieve our goals to make the Book Festival as widely relevant as possible, to create opportunities for writers and the creative community and to champion good information and the exchange of ideas.

“Myself, the Board, and the wider Festival team are looking forward enormously to the energy he’ll bring as we open a new chapter for the Book Festival, and to working with James in the years to come.”

Jenny took up the role of Director in September 2023, taking over from Nick Barley who had been in post since 2010. A leading cultural producer and director, she has worked in literature for 20 years.

Founder and Director of the award-winning Push the Boat Out, a festival of poetry, spoken word and language she was also formerly Executive Producer of Dandelion 2022, of the Edinburgh International Culture Summit, and was Head of Literature at Creative Scotland from 2014-2018. She has extensive international experience; Jenny co-founded Beijing’s first Book Festival, and was Associate Director at the Wheeler Centre for Books Writing and Ideas in Melbourne.    


The 2024 Edinburgh International Book Festival runs from 10 – 25 August, and takes place for the first time at the new Edinburgh Futures Institute on Lauriston Place.

For more information on Edinburgh International Book Festival visit: https://www.edbookfest.co.uk/