Health advice for freshers

Health advice for students from NHS 24

freshers1STUDENTS starting university and college this year are being advised to prepare ahead byNHS 24, Scotland’s national telehealth and telecare organisation.

NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks reminds students that there is a wealth of health advice and information available to them at the dedicated Freshers’ Health section at

He said: “Many students find themselves living away from home for the first time when they start university or college and I would urge them to use NHS inform for information on healthcare.

“During Freshers’ week, I would advise students to take the time to register with a GP in their new area. A number of universities have a dedicated GP practice for their students and for those that do not, you can search by postcode at NHS inform.
“For those students who use regular repeat prescriptions, make sure you take enough with you to last until you register with a GP and it is also a good idea to have a first aid kit and supply of pain relief with you.

“Setting up home on your own for the first time is a daunting, yet exciting experience. By preparing ahead and thinking about your health, students can make sure they make the most of it.”

For further health advice and information go to

The popular health resource provides a wealth of advice and information on health issues relevant to young people as they embark on or continue their higher education years, including safety advice, what to pack and where to go for health care.

The Health A-Z is packed with information about common illness, treatments and health services, covering topics from acne to yellow fever. The Common Health Questions section includes areas dedicated to sexual health, women’s and men’s health and food safety. Users can also find out about local health services and information on how to register with a GP.

Click on link (below) for an Audioboo clip of NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks discussing the subject:


Youth employment strategy to be ‘refreshed’


Edinburgh’s young people to have their say

apprenticesScotland’s Youth Employment Strategy is to be updated to reflect the strengthening economic conditions and the Government’s ambition to radically improve how young people move from education to employment .

Employers, public bodies and the third sector all now have the chance to contribute to a ‘refreshed’ strategy which is expected to be published later this year.

Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment Angela Constance will meet around 60 young people in Edinburgh later today to gauge their views on the best ways to help 16 to 24 year olds into work. She said: “The Scottish Government’s Youth Employment Strategy was published in late 2012 as a cross government drive to ensure the right links were being made by government, local authorities and other key partners.

“Much has changed since then, with the latest figures showing that youth unemployment has fallen from 91,000 to 65,000 in the last two years. The number out of work is still unacceptable but Scotland’s economy has returned to pre-recession levels and employment in the general population is higher than ever.

“I am determined to maintain a strong focus on youth unemployment so that young people will continue to benefit from the economic growth that we are delivering. There has also been considerable activity at government level, not least our response to the work by the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.

“History tells us that following a period of economic difficulty, it takes longer for the jobs market for younger age groups to recover, but I am determined to push beyond even the pre-recession levels of youth unemployment of around 13 per cent.

“We share the Commission’s vision of a world class system of vocational education and of a 40 per cent cut in youth unemployment by 2020. But to ensure we are doing everything in our power to help our young women and men to succeed and to take advantage of the strengthening economy, our approach must continue to evolve and our central strategy must reflect the current economic conditions.

“With the full range of economic levers that an independent country would have including taxation and welfare, we would be able to better align our service so that we make an even greater difference in the lives of our young women and men.”

In a joint statement YouthLink Scotland, Scottish Youth Parliament, and Young Scot, said: “As organisations who work with young people we welcome the government’s continued focus on youth employment. It is important that an updated youth employment strategy listens to the views of young people so we can develop the right employment programmes, training and opportunities that reflect their needs. A well supported, vibrant and dynamic youth work and young people’s sector will play a key role alongside the strategy in bringing skills and positive opportunities to young people.”

youth young people



PYCP’s Preventative Opportunities Programme (POP) are now looking to receive referrals for young people aged 14-18 years to start now and continue until February next year.

It is a six month intensive support package for young people and their families. We will offer the young person 1:1 support, group work based sessions on a range of different issues and interests and possibly some outings.

We will also provide the parent/carers and siblings with support on what issues are affecting the family and opportunities to get involved in new experiences and activities together as a family.

If you have any young person or family who would benefit from this type of support or have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly on 332 9815 or send a referral to

I have attached a referral form and a poster for families (see below) to look at as we do require the family to agree to the support before a referral is received.

POP Leaflet pdf version

POP referral-form

Katie Grover
Senior Preventative Worker, Pilton Youth and Children’s Project

Don’t judge our young people too quickly

Youngsters get stuck in to support Millennium Centre


Some of the youngsters in Muirhouse are given a hard time by others, but here we show the other side of them and prove we should not judge the majority by the minority.

Some youngsters came along to the Centre and volunteered during their summer holiday period and we thought it was a great idea. The lads went at it with gusto, tidying the garden as our older retired volunteer was on his annual vacation, and as shown in the photo sweeping and hoeing the paths and car park spaces. No task was beneath these young lads, and they were polite, friendly and hard working.

We would like to thank them all and ask others not to judge our young people too quickly.

James McGinty

Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre


MYDG host annual Youth Work Games

MYDG host their annual Youth Work Games 2014

YWG12Sixty-five young people, by the banks of Loch Tay and the very enthusiastic staff and volunteers from Muirhouse Youth Development Group (MYDG), Granton, Citadel and State Street proved to be the perfect concoction for this year’s youth work games.

MYDG’s annual event brings together youth organisations from across North Edinburgh and Glasgow to compete in 10 events over the two-day residential hosted by our sponsors Wildfox events just outside Aberfeldy, at Kindorchit by Loch Tay.

This year the event took place in early July with a Commonwealth Games theme; the group were raring to go and the beautiful sunshine added to the enthusiastic spirits of those participating.

The first of the events was the cross-country run, followed by the tandem bike ride, then into some wetsuits for a swim and canoe in Loch Tay.

Evening entertainment was the amazing Corra ceilidh band with the participants creating a massive strip the willow right out the marquee and into the field, dancing the night away! As bedtime loomed none of the young people showed signs of tiredness, but went to their separate tents to tell stories and laugh until the wee hours of the morning!

As the sun rose on the second day so did the young people, sleepy but excited about the day ahead. With a buzz in the air, breakfast was eaten and the last events were well underway. Swamp football, tree climbing, archery, long jump and tug of war with the finale as a particularly fun assault course, involving balloons and blindfolds.

The swamp football proved to be one of the favourite events as the young people and leaders slid around the grass in an attempt to score some goals, additional water from the loch was brought in to make it extra soggy! With over 65 young people, volunteers and staff members all contributing to the games it was a great to see the teamwork camaraderie and sportsmanship throughout the two days of the games: everyone encouraged each other to participate and showed good teamwork, keeping energy up and motivation high for every event.

Pilton Youth and Childrens Project (PYCP) went on to win the games overall, with the other teams from other organisations claiming medals in each event. Bridging the Gap (from Glasgow) won the sportsmanship award for their enthusiasm and all round spirit throughout the whole event.

It was great to see relationships build up across various organisations and young people. Plans are beginning to take shape for an even bigger and better event in 2015, so watch this space!!

MYDG will be hosting a mini Triathlon on the 22nd July and a Commonwealth opening ceremony event on the 23rd July – for more information contact Katie Tuff 0131 332 3356.

Katie Tuff

Be inspired at Craigroyston

Craigroyston Community High School is organising a week of arts activities with a sporting theme later this month.

The Commonwealth Games Summer Arts Programme runs from 21 – 25 July (10am – 4.30pm daily) for young people aged 11- 18.

Murals, sculpture, printmaking, jewellery and dance – all with a Commonwealth Games twist!

For more info or to book your place call 0131 477 7801.


Scotland’s young people: the future’s in your hands


First Minister Alex Salmond published a youth version of Scotland’s Future at a youth engagement event in Glasgow yesterday.

The young person’s guide to Scottish independence (see below) was made available as the Scottish Government hosted the first ever ‘Youth Cabinet’ – an opportunity for over 100 young Scots from across the country to quiz Scottish Ministers directly on independence plans.

In the first event of its kind event at Glasgow’s SECC,  the young people quizzed the politicians who were seated at portfolio-themed tables. Then, after a rapid-fire 15 minutes a ‘gong’ was sounded and the young people moved on to ‘grill’ the next Minister!

Young people were involved in all aspects of the event, including hosting duties and the filming and live streaming of the session.

Speaking at the youth cabinet First Minister Alex Salmond said: “I am proud that for the first time ever we have ensured 16 and 17 year-olds will get the vote.

“The case for independence rests on the talent and ability of our people. It will be better for all our futures if decisions about Scotland are taken by the people who care most about Scotland – the people who live and work here.

“No-one else will do a better job and no-one else has a bigger stake in our success and that fundamental truth applies to young people more than anyone else. In an independent Scotland your future – Scotland’s future – will be in the hands of our young people.

“Today we are also publishing a version of Scotland’s Future which focusses, in particular, on issues of interest to young people. It’s a plan to demonstrate how, working together, we can build a better, more prosperous and fairer country.

“For young people the prospect of an independent Scotland really is the opportunity of a lifetime and my message to them is let’s ensure Scotland’s future is in Scotland’s hands.”

Scotland’s Future

All set fair for Saturday’s Summer Blast!


Royston Wardieburn Community Centre’s the place to be for children and young people this Saturday (21 June). It’s Summer Blast Saturday!

Billed as ‘ a celebration of children and young people in North Edinburgh’ you’re guaranteed a day (and evening) of fun fun fun – and it’s all free!

Summer Blast kicks off at 11am …

For further information contact Callum McLeod on 332 6316 email


New clubs for young people in Muirhouse


Muirhouse Community (Millennium) Centre

We are pleased to announce that four new children’s clubs opened in May.

These four clubs are funded for one year by the Social Justice Fund, Total Craigroyston and CLD.Each group will have space for 16 young people and be supported by at least two professional youth workers – they will run in 3 eight week blocks with a different focus for each block i.e. getting physically active, new hobbies, joining in wider community activity and a half day outdoor adventure.

There’s more info on muirhousecommunity

or call 0131 467 3578.

Peter Airlie.

Youth Employment blueprint launched at Craigroyston


Education Working For All report

The final report by the group tasked with helping Scotland develop a world class system of vocational education and training has been welcomed by the Scottish Government and education leaders.

Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment Angela Constance joined Sir Ian Wood, fellow members of the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce and representatives from COSLA, at Craigroyston Community High School to mark the publication yesterday.

Its recommendations include:

  • Youth unemployment should be reduced by 40 per cent
  • Enhanced careers education in Primary School
  • The opportunity to prepare for a Modern Apprenticeship (MA) in the senior phase of school
  • More support for employers to take on young employees
  • Closer links between employers and schools and colleges
  • Measures to improve gender balance in training
  • Measures to remove barriers for young disabled people, care leavers and black and minority ethnic groups taking up training opportunities.

Sir Ian believes that Scottish businesses have ‘got out of the habit’ of employing young people and said schools must prepare young people better for the workplace and ensure vocational training was offered as well as academic qualifications.

He explained: “It’s all about building a bridge between school and college into business and industry.

“We’re suggesting that we set up 15 to 20 employer-led groups across Scotland. They’ll have a three-year life and will facilitate every secondary school in Scotland having a long-term partnership with local employers, to include work experience.

“We’re suggesting a really worthwhile work experience and also better advice and career information.

“Frankly, business says ‘we would like to employ more young people, but we’re not sure how to, we don’t have the resource’. We’ve tried to do something quite concrete to change that.”

The Scottish Government will respond formally to the report in the coming weeks, with £12 million budget consequentials already set aside for youth employment.

Speaking at Craigroyston, Ms Constance said: “Today’s report sets out recommendations to deliver a 40 per cent reduction in youth unemployment by 2020 and a challenging programme to transform the way we work with young people, employers, schools and colleges to ensure that all our young women and men have the choices and opportunities they need to fulfil their potential.

“Our young people are an enormous asset in helping us to achieve our aspiration to strengthen Scotland’s economy. Our ambitions to see significant improvements in our youth employment numbers go beyond a return to pre-recession levels when, during a period of growth, youth unemployment stood 7.7 percentage points above that of the general population.

“A substantial amount of activity to help young women and men towards employment is already in place, including our very successful Modern Apprenticeship programme, which has seen over 77,000 new opportunities in the last three years. Opportunities for All also guarantees every 16 to 19 year old the offer of a place in education or training.

“The £12 million we announced earlier this year will help accelerate progress, and we will discuss with our partners in local government how best that is deployed.

“I would like to thank Sir Ian, members of the Commission and all those who have contributed to this landmark report which both matches the scale of our ambition and clearly sets out the challenges we face in delivering it.

“There is now much to consider and we will work closely with the public, private and third sectors on how the recommendations could be taken forward. Our partners in local government have a pivotal role to play in tackling youth unemployment and will be very much part of this work going forward.”


Minister for Learning Alasdair Allan added: “Curriculum for Excellence has been designed to equip our young people with the skills they need to succeed both in Scotland and in the global workplace, with local authorities having the freedom to shape education to meet the needs of our pupils, whatever their background.

“In order to truly give every young person the best possible chance of finding a sustainable career we need world class vocational education and training, allowing schools and colleges to join up with employers so that learning can be even more aligned to student needs.

“Today’s report builds on the steps we have already taken and I look forward to considering with our key stakeholders how it could make the difference we seek.”


Mandy Exley, Principal of Edinburgh College, has also warmly welcomed the findings in the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce report. She said:

“The Wood Commission report’s emphasis on ensuring young people at college study courses that will lead to employment in the prevailing labour market echoes our commitment to delivering opportunities that are relevant to the economic needs of Edinburgh and Scotland.

“The report’s objectives of establishing of a world class vocational training system that puts employers at the heart of this process is positive and something we have already embraced at Edinburgh College.

“Greater involvement between employers and colleges fits well with our activity at Edinburgh College. One of our aims is to ensure most full time students have a practical work experience embedded in their course. This is already well established in some areas such as catering and hair and beauty through the college’s restaurants and salons as well as our close links with industry in areas such as creative industries, health and social care, engineering and construction. We are seeking to extend this across all the full time courses we offer, where practical and beneficial to our students.

“The South East Scotland Academies programme that we are involved in is an excellent example of education institutions working closely with schools and employers to equip young people with the skills, experience and attitude to make a difference in industry. We will continue to pursue such initiatives to ensure we provide young people with the experience and opportunities that will help them into employment.”

Cllr Douglas Chapman, COSLA Spokesperson for Children and Young People added: “This landmark report today by the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce comes at a time of great change for Scotland. Whatever happens in September we have already embarked upon a decade long journey of renewal in education as a result of Curriculum for Excellence. The report today by the Commission in many ways represents the next steps that we need to take if we are to have a first class system of vocational learning in schools alongside the more established route to academic success.

“The report recognises the crucial role that our schools and teachers in local authorities across the length and breadth of the country can play at expanding pupil’s knowledge about the world of work and the job opportunities that are out there.

“The report’s recommendations are ambitious and transformational but in no way unachievable. This is because a key strength is that the recommendations are based, in part, on existing good practice which has been developed by local authorities, colleges and partners”

“We look forward to considering the report in more depth with Government in order to work together to progress the recommendations, as it is essential not only to support but also inspire young people with new opportunities to develop long-term rewarding careers.”