Edinburgh shopping centre central to Scottish economy

A report released today by Fort Kinnaird, Edinburgh’s leading retail and leisure destination, has highlighted the significance of the centre’s contribution to the Scottish economy. With 14 million visits in 2017, Fort Kinnaird has seen its Recruitment and Skills Centre help 3,200 people into work over the past five years. Continue reading Edinburgh shopping centre central to Scottish economy

Childcare Academy sessions in June

We now have a dates in place for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions:

Wednesday 6th June @ 10am

Wednesday 27th June @ 1pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Audrey O’Neill on 0131 311 6931.

2018 CA Publicity Poster

Liam Moffat

Training Administrator

North Edinburgh Childcare

18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh EH4 4BL

Tel:  0131 311 6929

Barnardo’s Scotland leaders’ skills honed through new training partnership with Edinburgh College

Edinburgh College has teamed up with leading children’s charity Barnardo’s Scotland to deliver professional training to enhance the skills of its leadership across central Scotland. Barnardo’s Scotland has tapped into the Scottish Government-created Flexible Workforce Development Fund and enlisted the help of Edinburgh College to create a new leadership and management training programme. Continue reading Barnardo’s Scotland leaders’ skills honed through new training partnership with Edinburgh College

Young people set the agenda for Holyrood’s Education and Skills Committee

Do some schools present university as the main path to take when college, training and work are equally valuable routes? This is just one question the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee will explore in a new inquiry that will also look at whether information about other pathways, such as work and training, is offered in school. Continue reading Young people set the agenda for Holyrood’s Education and Skills Committee

Childcare expansion plans “now well underway”

A huge increase in childcare training places has been announced to help deliver the additional workforce required for the transformation of early learning and childcare in Scotland.  The new training places are being made available in colleges and universities across Scotland in 2018/19. Continue reading Childcare expansion plans “now well underway”

Screen Education Edinburgh take Underpass to Southbank!

West Pilton-based Screen Education Edinburgh are flying the flag for the capital at film education charity Into Film’s  awards tomorrow at Central London’s famous BFI Southbank. Continue reading Screen Education Edinburgh take Underpass to Southbank!