Cruise Ship Levy consultation

Views sought on proposed new power for councils

Local authorities could be given the optional power to introduce a tax on cruise ships that visit their areas in future.

The Scottish Government is seeking views on the practicalities of such a levy, as well as the potential market implications and effect on local economies and communities.

Analysis shows there were around 1,000 cruise ship visits to Scottish ports in 2024, bringing 1.2 million passengers – an increase of almost 400,000 per year compared with 2019.   

Finance Secretary Shona Robison said: “The tourism sector is a crucially important part of the Scottish economy and cruise visits are increasing. The consultation will help to inform the Scottish Government’s decision over whether or not to bring forward legislation and it is really important that we hear from a wide variety of voices on this matter.

“Last year, we held events to hear the views of the cruise ship industry, local government, and others. We want to continue the helpful dialogue which started at those events, and explore further what a cruise ship levy could mean in a Scottish context.”

Consultation on a potential local authority Cruise Ship Levy in Scotland –

The Scottish Government has no plans to introduce a nationwide cruise ship levy.

The areas that welcome the most cruise passengers are Invergordon, Orkney, Edinburgh, Lerwick, and Greenock, and the average ship in the five busiest ports carries over 1,000 passengers. 

Edinburgh declares Scotland’s first visitor levy

Councillors have formally agreed to introduce Edinburgh’s Visitor Levy scheme. Hailed as a ‘historic moment for Edinburgh’, the decision was taken during a special meeting of the Council held online yesterday (Friday 24 January) .

From 24 July 2026, a 5% fee will be applied to the cost of overnight accommodation in Edinburgh, capped at five nights in a row. Businesses will need to apply the levy to any advance bookings made as of 1 October 2025 for stays on or after 24 July 2026.

The levy is projected to raise up to £50 million a year once established, for the city to invest in protecting, supporting and enhancing Edinburgh’s worldwide appeal as a place to live and visit.

The final proposals for the scheme have been updated to provide accommodation providers and booking agencies with extra time to prepare systems for advance bookings ahead of next summer’s launch.

Responding to yesterday’s decision, Council Leader Jane Meagher said:What an historic moment for Edinburgh. Introducing this ground-breaking visitor levy means realising a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest tens of millions of pounds towards enhancing and sustaining the things that make our city such a great place to visit – and live in – all year round.

“The scheme has been many years in the making and I’m grateful to Council officers, businesses and residents who have helped shape it, every step of the way. Its introduction is declared today with a huge amount of backing, not least from local residents.

“At all stages we’ve listened to and taken account of the views of industry and other stakeholders. It’s in this spirit that we’ve also extended the amount of time hoteliers and small businesses will have to prepare for the changes that are coming in.

“It’s vital that we continue to work closely as we get ready to launch this scheme and deliver the many benefits it is going to bring. We’ve always said this is a city fund and spending decisions need to be taken with a whole city mindset, and we’ll soon be establishing a Visitor Levy Forum with an independent Chair.

“We’ll also be reporting next steps to executive Council committees.”

Neil Ellis, Chair of the Edinburgh Hotels Association, said:Edinburgh Hotels Association welcomes the introduction of the visitor levy for its intended use of improving the experience of all visitors – local, national or international – through additional spending.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to further enhance Edinburgh’s reputation on the World stage as a must visit destination.”

Donald Emslie, a representative of Edinburgh’s tourism industry, said: “This new income stream presents a unique opportunity to generate significant funds for the city’s long-term development.

“The levy’s potential to generate transformative funds for the benefit of all who live, work, and visit Edinburgh is well recognised and I’m pleased to see a decision made to declare a scheme which will not only support spending on city operations and infrastructure, but sustain Edinburgh’s cultural offering and destination and visitor management.”

There has been some criticism of the decision, however. Fiona Campbell, CEO of the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers, said: “We are extremely disappointed that Edinburgh Council has failed to properly appreciate the widespread concerns of our sector who are the ones responsible for administering this tax.

“While the transition period will be altered by a few months, there remains very clear operational impossibilities. In the rush to be first, rather than getting it right from the get-go, their slapdash approach risks undermining the levy before it has even started. Edinburgh will be a guinea pig for this new tax and hopefully other councils will now take stock and learn from the mistakes made.

“While tourist levies are common in other destinations, Edinburgh’s plans make it an outlier. First, it is a tax on a tax: the 5% levy itself is subject to 20% VAT, something unheard of in Europe. Other destinations have a reduced rate of VAT on tourism services, where Scotland does not. Those demanding a levy of 8% or more need a reality check.

Second, this is not an ‘international’ visitor levy paid only by foreign tourists with exemptions for residents, but one applicable to ordinary Scots staying overnight in the capital, those who have already made a financial contribution to local services. And as with all taxes, the only way is up, especially when councils are starved of funds.

“Finally, the credibility of those continuing to blame the tourism industry for all manner of ills, especially the relatively small number of short-term lets, is wearing thin. The housing crisis won’t be solved by causing a crisis in Scottish tourism; and those seeking to respond to the Housing Emergency should focus their ire on the capital remaining an empty homes hotspot.   

We understand the rationale behind a visitor levy but a badly implemented policy will do more harm than good, damaging the very industry it is supposedly meant to support.”

The agreed Visitor Levy for Edinburgh scheme:

Scheme Objectives

The overarching aim of the Scheme is to sustain Edinburgh’s status as one of the world’s greatest cultural and heritage cities and to ensure that the impacts of a successful visitor economy are managed effectively and in support of the priorities as set out in the Council’s Business Plan (or equivalent).

The objectives of the Scheme are therefore to Sustain, Support and Develop:

  1. Public services, programmes and infrastructure that provide an enjoyable and safe visitor and resident experience.
  2. Edinburgh’s culture, heritage and events provision to ensure it remains world-leading and competitively attractive to visitors as well as residents.
  3. The city’s visitor economy, by fostering innovation in response to environmental and societal challenges, enhancing Edinburgh’s global reputation while promoting responsible and sustainable tourism.

Scheme area, start date and duration

The Scheme covers the entirety of the City of Edinburgh Council boundaries and will apply to overnight stays from 24 July 2026, booked and paid for (in part or full) on or after 1 October 2025. It will apply indefinitely, or until the Council decides to end or amend it, and at all times of the year.

The levy rate

The levy rate will be 5%, payable for a maximum of five consecutive nights and will apply at the same level, year-round, across the entire City of Edinburgh Council boundary area.

Accommodation liable for the levy

The levy will apply to all overnight accommodation, including those with an annual turnover below the applicable VAT threshold, based within the City of Edinburgh Council boundary.

This includes:

  • Hotels;
  • Hostels;
  • Guest houses;
  • Bed and breakfast accommodation;
  • Self-catering accommodation, including short-term lets;
  • All paid accommodation on caravan sites and campsites, including temporary tent and campervan pitches;
  • Accommodation in a vehicle, or on board a vessel, which is permanently or predominantly situated in one place; and
  • Any other place at which a room or area is offered by the occupier for residential purposes otherwise than as a visitor’s only or usual place of residence.

Certain accommodation providers may apply to the Council for a discretionary site exemption if they meet both of the following criteria:

  • The property is occupied by a charity or trustee of a charity; and
  • Overnight stays must be wholly or mainly for charitable purposes.

This discretionary exemption is aligned with the cases where charities may receive mandatory relief from paying Non-Domestic Rates and may be cross-checked with that register.

Accommodation providers who do not charge for overnight accommodation, or who cater fully for individuals who are exempted from paying the levy are not liable for the levy.

Individuals exempted or excluded from paying the levy

The Visitor Levy is payable by anyone staying in accommodation which is not their only or usual place of residence (temporary or otherwise). Individuals who do not have an only or usual place of residence are therefore not required to pay the levy. This includes people who are homeless, refugees and asylum seekers and people whose homes are unfit or unsafe for habitation. In addition, individuals defined in s. 14 (1) of the Act are exempt from paying the levy.

Individuals who are exempt or excluded will need to pay the levy to the accommodation provider and request reimbursement from the Council, unless their accommodation has been arranged and paid for directly via the Council. Reimbursement can be applied for online, submitting relevant evidence (as detailed below and on the Council’s website) and bank details (to enable payment via BACS). Alternative provision can be made for those who do not have internet access.

Evidence which will be required to be submitted includes:

  • The name of person exempted/excluded;
  • If exclusion applies, verification of such status from relevant official body (this can include the Council’s Homelessness service, Social services, relevant third sector provider, Police Scotland etc);
  • If exemption applies, a copy (scan/photo) of the relevant benefit award letter or similar document;
  • Booking confirmation/accommodation invoice – the name of the person exempted/excluded should be included on this document; and
  • Proof of payment for overnight accommodation.

The Council will assess the evidence received and pay the reimbursement via bank transfer within 5 working days if the applicant is found to be eligible.

Collecting and enforcing the levy

Accommodation providers within the local authority area will be liable for the levy. They will be required to submit quarterly reports, detailing the total accommodation charges and the total levy collected to a national online visitor levy portal. The levy will be payable at the same time as submitting returns.

Accommodation providers are required to keep accurate records of all transactions that are subject to the levy. The Council will conduct inspections, as required, to ensure compliance with the scheme and remittance requirements.

Accommodation providers who fail to comply may be subject to penalties.

Appeals relating to decisions made by the Council on the operation and/or enforcement of the scheme can be registered following the Visitor Levy appeal process detailed on the Council’s website. The Council will aim to review and process such appeals within 28 calendar days.

Use of net proceeds

The Act stipulates that the net proceeds of a visitor levy must be spent on facilitating the achievement of the scheme’s objectives and on “developing, supporting and sustaining facilities and services which are substantially for or used by persons visiting [overnight] for leisure or business purposes (or both)”.

After administration costs, which includes the establishing and maintenance of a contingency fund, a fixed amount will be assigned to:

  • Housing and tourism mitigation (£5m p.a.);
  • Participatory budgeting (£2m over 3 years) with appropriate audit checks in place to ensure that these funds are spent on facilitating the achievement of the scheme’s objectives; and
  • Reimbursement of 2% of remitted funds to Accommodation Providers, to off-set the administrative cost incurred from operating in accordance with the Scheme and collecting visitor data

The remaining funds will then be split into the following investment streams:

  • City Operations and Infrastructure (55%);
  • Culture, Heritage and Events (35%); and
  • Destination and Visitor Management (10%).

The Council will make decisions on the use of funds after consultation with the Visitor Levy Forum (see details below), with these decisions delegated to the relevant executive Committees.

Reviewing and changing the scheme

The Council will review the scheme every three years to assess whether it is successfully achieving its objectives and to measure the impact of the scheme on businesses, visitors and communities. The review will be published along with a report detailing how the income has been spent and the benefits which the VL-funded projects have brought.

If the Council wishes to make changes to the scheme following the review, it will publicly consult on the change and publish a report detailing the decision and its justification. Significant changes to the scheme will require an 18-month implementation period.

Significant changes to the scheme include:

  • Increasing the scheme area;
  • Increasing the percentage rate; and/or
  • Removing any exemptions

Visitor Levy Forum

A Visitor Levy Forum will be established to discuss and advise on the VL scheme, including the review of the scheme and any modifications to the scheme. The Forum will also be consulted on how the VL funds will be spent.

The Forum will be made up of an equal number of representatives from the community and from businesses in the city’s visitor economy and at least 40% of the representatives must be women. Council officers responsible for the investment streams and officers from the Council’s Programme Management Office will be in attendance at Forum meetings and may make recommendations to the Forum but will not be members of the Forum itself.

The Council will report publicly and to the Scottish Government on

  • the amount we collect
  • how we use the net proceeds, (the amount collected minus costs or expenses of operating the scheme)
  • how we demonstrate that we are delivering the objectives of the Scheme.

Edinburgh’s intentions to introduce the scheme have been communicated to the Scottish Government.

Edinburgh moves another step closer to a Tourist Tax

Councillors have agreed to adopt Edinburgh’s Visitor Levy scheme, subject to further officer advice on the transition period and final approval by Council next week.

The final proposals for the scheme, updated to take account the findings of the 12-week public consultation, were presented by officers at a special meeting of the Policy & Sustainability Committee yesterday (17 January).

The final decision will be made by Council on Friday, 24 January.

Responding to the decision (which is set out in full below), Council Leader Jane Meagher said: “Today represented yet another important milestone in our journey towards securing a visitor levy for Edinburgh – and to realising a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest tens of millions of pounds towards enhancing and sustaining the things that make our city such a great place to visit – and live in – all year round.

“At all stages of this process, we’ve listened to and taken account of the views of residents, industry and other stakeholders – and we mustn’t lose sight of just how much positivity there is for the scheme across all of these groups.

“It’s in this spirit that we’re considering the further submissions received from the wider tourism sector this week, ensuring we’re as well informed as we can be ahead of taking a decision next Friday.

“I remain focused on delivering a scheme that will be both fit for purpose and workable – and that will benefit our city, our residents and our visitors for many years to come.”

The full webcast of yesterday’s meeting along with the committee report is available on the council’s website

Committee decision in full:

To approve the following adjusted Motion by Councillor Meagher:

1)       To note the outcome of the consultation on the draft Visitor Levy for Edinburgh scheme.

2)       To agree to adopt the final Visitor Levy for Edinburgh scheme, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report by the Interim Executive Director of Place, with the exception of the proposed three-month transition period and note this would be subject to further officer advice ahead of the decision of Council, and with the following change:

At 7. Participatory budgeting (£2m over 3 years). The following wording be added “with appropriate audit checks in place to ensure that these funds are spent on facilitating the achievement of the scheme’s objectives.”

3)       To agree to begin the recruitment for the Chair of the Visitor Levy Forum immediately, with the appointment subject to the approval of the Council.

4)       To agree in principle the use of the Spend to Save fund to support preparatory work for the Edinburgh Visitor Levy scheme as well as its implementation.

5)       To refer the report to the Council meeting on 24 January 2025 for approval and ratification of the scheme and the use of Spend to Save funding.

6)       To agree to defer the following items in Appendix 6 to the report by the Interim Executive Director of Place as individual reports to each relevant executive committee for discussion / approval.

                     2. Mitigation of Tourism on Housing

                     5. City Operations and Infrastructure

6. Culture, Heritage and Events

7. Destination and Visitor Management.

7)      To note that, should Council approve the scheme, each investment theme would be presented to the relevant executive committee for approval, and to agree to reaffirm previously agreed principles, namely that spending should:

a)       prioritise additionality in terms of investment in services and improvement projects, and,

b)       wherever possible and in a way that was consistent with the statutory requirements, be used to benefit communities across Edinburgh and not just the core city centre.

8)     To agree that the development of projects under the TVL themes for investment should also demonstrate their adherence to existing Council strategies where applicable.

9)     To agree that the Visitor Levy Forum should contain an equal number of representatives from community and business organisation and recommend that at least 40% of the representatives must be women.

10)    To note that an initial decision on how housing funds would be spent would come to Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee in May 2025 and to request that this report should set out what options were legally possible across different housing tenures including social housing.

Council can be ‘sensible or slapdash’ on tourist tax, warns ASSC

Ahead of today’s meeting of City of Edinburgh Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee, the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC) has joined the chorus of industry warnings regarding the operability of the Council’s plans for a tourist tax.

It will also be put to a vote of all councillors next Friday (24th January).

The so-called ‘visitor levy’ – which will be payable by those staying overnight in tourist accommodation, including Scottish residents – is not officially due to start until 24th July 2026. However, affected businesses are expected to start applying the surcharge to advance bookings in May of this year which many have cautioned is operationally impossible.

In recent days, business and tourism stakeholders like the Scottish Tourism Alliance and Federation of Small Businesses have warned of the significant disruption this timeline would likely cause accommodation providers in the capital. 

The ASSC joined them in writing to Edinburgh Council and Scottish Government pointing out the insurmountable challenges and calling for a postponement of the implementation period.  

Fiona Campbell, CEO of the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers, commented: ““Edinburgh Council have two choices for their tourist tax – they can be sensible or slapdash.

“A sensible approach involves taking stock and listening to the concerns of the small businesses who will be the ones ultimately responsible for collecting this new tax on both Scots and international visitors. 

“However, the timeline is totally unrealistic for operators to start applying the tax to advance bookings in just 15 weeks’ time and risks undermining it before its officially begun. The Council wants to be visionary but this could easily end up as a cautionary tale in how not to do public policy.

“Indeed, the Council’s experience with its flawed short-term let regulations, and subsequent court losses, shows what happens when policy is rushed through without due regard to the consequences. The capital’s small businesses simply cannot afford to repeat the same mistakes with a slapdash approach.

As the ASSC have said from the outset, if you are going to do this, do it right.

Edinburgh poised to declare Scotland’s first visitor levy

Councillors set to grasp opportunity to introduce a levy that will ‘enhance and improve the city of Edinburgh’

After years of campaigning and engagement – including successfully advocating for a visitor levy to the Scottish Government to bring forward necessary powers – the Council is set to agree the Visitor Levy for Edinburgh scheme this month.

Following support from Councillors in August and the results of a 12-week public consultation, updated officer proposals will be considered by the Policy and Sustainability Committee on Friday, 17 January and by all Councillors at a special meeting on Friday, 24 January.

With over 4,500 responses, the wide-ranging consultation with residents, businesses and visitors reveals most people are aware of and supportive of the Council’s Visitor Levy plans.

Slight adjustments to officer recommendations have been made to reflect the public feedback, including:

  • 5-night cap: Capping Edinburgh’s levy at 5 consecutive nights per person, rather than 7
  • Campsites and caravans: Temporary campsites and parks proposed to be liable for the levy
  • Refunds within 5 working days: for all visitors eligible for national exemptions
  • New transition period: a levy grace period until May 2025 for bookings made for July 2026
  • Admin support for accommodation providers: equalling 2% of visitor levy income

If agreed, Edinburgh’s Visitor Levy charge will start being applied to bookings made on and after 1 May 2025 to stay in overnight accommodation in the city on and after 24 July 2026, representing a significant step forward in securing a new funding stream for the city.

Once established, the levy is expected to raise up to £50 million a year.

Council Leader Jane Meagher said: “This is the moment we have been working towards – a once in a lifetime opportunity to sustain and enhance Edinburgh’s position as one of the most beautiful, enjoyable destinations in the world. 

“With income of up to £50 million expected once it is established, the funding could provide Edinburgh with the single biggest injection of new funding this side of the millennium, providing a unique opportunity to further improve and protect all that makes Edinburgh the incredible destination it is today.

“We’ll be able to use funds to help us manage tourism sustainably and boost projects which benefit the experience of visitors and residents. I’m looking forward to working with Councillors to agree the scheme this month, which will allow further work to be carried out on the details of Edinburgh’s new levy.”

Some businesses have expressed concerns over Edinburgh’s ‘Tourist Tax’ proposals, however.

Fiona Campbell, CEO of the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers, said: “Given the importance of the tourist economy to the capital, Edinburgh Council cannot afford to be reckless with these plans. The implementation of short-term let licensing was a policy shambles and we cannot have history repeating itself with the visitor levy.

“Many simply don’t realise that this tax won’t just be paid by international visitors but by ordinary Scots staying in the city – be it for business purposes, seeing friends, visiting family in hospital, or taking in the Fringe. 

“Other European cities might have it, but they often charge a small flat rate, don’t charge their own residents, and don’t have a 20% VAT rate. The schemes are not comparable. There is a real risk of undermining Edinburgh’s position as a leading destination. 

“This policy will also disproportionately impact small local accommodation businesses, including self-catering and B&Bs, further increasing the administrative burden. The accumulative regulatory impact could cripple them at a time when recovery is precarious.”

“We also fear that the transitional period is too short. The Council still has a lot of work to do to reassure business that these plans won’t erode the very industry it is supposedly meant to support.”

Tourist Tax intro date is 20 September

Visitor Levy legislation confirmed to come into force

The commencement date of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act has been confirmed as Friday 20 September 2024.

Welcoming the news of the legislation soon coming into force, Council Leader Cammy Day said: “This is a once in a generation opportunity for Edinburgh and I’m pleased to see Government move quickly on this. We’re looking forward to harnessing the opportunities the new legislation will bring.

“Since the Visitor Levy Scotland Bill became an Act on 5 July, we’ve been working on our plans to run a widescale public consultation that will seek views on our draft scheme. We’ve spent many years designing a scheme that works for our city, and we’ve published details of our plans for a 5% levy on overnight stays.

“This charge could raise up to £50 million per year once established, presenting a welcome and innovative way of sustaining our tourism sector and our incredible city. I’m looking forward to people from all over the city, and the world, sharing their views.”

The Council will launch a formal 12-week public consultation on the draft Visitor Levy scheme for Edinburgh soon after the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act commences on 20 September. The results will inform the final scheme, which will be considered by Councillors early next year.

Find the full report considered by Councillors and more information on Edinburgh’s visitor levy scheme.

Edinburgh’s visitor levy scheme takes another step forward

PLANS for a Visitor Levy in Edinburgh took another significant step forward yesterday (22 August), as councillors agreed key details of the draft scheme.

It is anticipated that the levy will generate tens of millions of pounds a year to reinvest in the city’s infrastructure and sustainable tourism from summer 2026.

A formal 12-week public consultation seeking further input from residents, visitors and businesses, will commence in the coming weeks. This will inform the final scheme, which will be agreed in January 2025, allowing the 18-month implementation period to begin.

Edinburgh will become the first place in the UK to launch such a city-wide levy, which will drastically help the Council manage the demands of increased tourism while ensuring sustainable investment in the visitor economy, public services, city maintenance, affordable housing and preserving the Capital’s cultural heritage.

Edinburgh Council backed the Lib Dem proposal to split Transient Visitor Levy income, after a fixed Housing investment, between: 55% city operations 35% culture and 10% destination management.

Key highlights of the draft visitor levy scheme include:

  • Flat 5% charge per night: Visitors staying in accommodation will be required to pay a small, fixed fee per night of 5% of the accommodation cost, capped at seven consecutive nights.
  • Wide range of accommodation: The levy will apply to paid accommodation including hotels, short-term lets, hostels and bed and breakfasts, but will exclude stays in campsites.
  • Funding allocation: The levy is expected to raise £45-50 million a year by 2028/29.  Revenue generated will be reinvested directly into initiatives that benefit residents and enhance visitor experiences, such as a ‘Well Kept City Fund’, affordable housing, city infrastructure, destination marketing and support for major events and festivals.
  • Shaped with industry input: The draft scheme has been shaped by many years of engagement with local businesses, residents, and tourism stakeholders including hoteliers.
  • Expected to launch 2026: When the draft scheme is finalised, early in the new year, the Council will begin working with partners to implement the Visitor Levy and make it live by Summer 2026.

Read the full report considered by Councillors and more information on the visitor levy scheme.

The decision is a victory for Edinburgh housing campaigners and trade unionists:

Council Leader, Cammy Day, said:We can’t take Edinburgh’s incredible cultural offering and reputation as a fantastic place to visit for granted, and a visitor levy presents an innovative way of sustaining the sector and the city.

“It will significantly increase our ability to invest in the visitor experience and the tourism pressures we face, from keeping the city clean to responding to our housing emergency, so that everyone can continue to enjoy all that the city has to offer. By better supporting these services we can secure Edinburgh’s future as a top global destination.

“These proposals have been shaped by the views of residents, visitors and industry. We’re committed to making sure this is the best levy for Edinburgh and will begin our formal consultation as soon as the Scottish Government allow.

“This is a once in generation opportunity for Edinburgh and I look forward to the many benefits a visitor levy will bring, allowing us to reinvest tens of millions of pounds in sustaining and improving the things that make our city so special – for our visitors and residents who live here all year round.”

Neil Ellis, Chairman of the Edinburgh Hotels Association, said:Edinburgh Hotels Association welcomes the introduction of the visitor levy for its intended use of improving the experience of all visitors, local, national or international, through additional spending.

“This is a fantastic opportunity to further enhance Edinburgh’s reputation on the world stage as a must-visit destination.”

Christina Sinclair, Director of Edinburgh World Heritage, said: “The visitor levy brings an opportunity to generate crucial funds to invest in our historic city, ensuring its heritage remains authentic and that the UNESCO-designated Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site are protected, enhanced and promoted for future generations.

Charlie Cumming, Chief Executive of the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust, said: “ELGT are in support of the funds raised from the proposed visitor levy to provide additional resource to make improvements to the city’s public spaces. It will be encouraging to see much needed funding for the upkeep of our much-valued greenspaces that provide many benefits to residents and visitors.

“The funding will also provide an opportunity to develop sustainable improvements to help mitigate against climate change and biodiversity loss.”

Roddy Smith, Chief Executive of Essential Edinburgh, said: “We welcome the next phase of the consultation by the City of Edinburgh Council.

“The key principle for the implementation of the visitor levy remains, that the money collected and then distributed should be additional to existing Council resources and not replacement funds and be used to finance projects that primarily support the tourism sector.

“We welcome the three potential funding pots which if used appropriately will have a significant impact on how our city looks, and how we can support our crucial heritage and arts/event sectors.

“Importantly, it will also invest in dedicated marketing and promotion, to ensure our successful tourism sector continues to grow sustainably. With an effective public and private partnership driving this work, we are excited that real progress can be made.

“Edinburgh must not take our tourism sector for granted, and if the finance generated through the levy goes towards supporting our tourism sector, then the city will see economic benefits for our business both directly and in the supply chain, employment growth and much needed large infrastructure projects being delivered. This will materially benefit all the residents in the city.

“Essential Edinburgh will continue our engagement with our members, the industry and Council to move forward towards the finalisation of the scheme.’

Holyrood passes Visitor Levy Bill

TOURIST TAX: Local authorities empowered to invest in tourism

MSPs have backed legislation giving councils a new power to introduce a visitor levy that would raise funding for local visitor facilities and services.

The Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill will enable local authorities to apply a levy on overnight stays with all money raised to be reinvested in services and facilities largely used by tourists and business visitors. Similar levies already apply in tourist destinations across Europe, including Amsterdam and Berlin as well as in countries outside of Europe, such as Canada.

Councils that want to introduce a visitor levy will be able to do so after they have consulted with local communities, businesses and tourism organisations.

An 18-month implementation period will then apply before any local authorities can introduce a visitor levy scheme in their area. This is to provide adequate time for councils and businesses to put in place the systems needed to collect and administer a levy.

An expert group of representatives from the tourism industry, COSLA and other partners will continue to work together to produce guidance for local authorities putting in place a visitor levy scheme.

Investment Minister Tom Arthur said: “We share a vision with the tourism industry for Scotland to be a global leader in tourism and one of the most economically, environmentally and socially sustainable destinations in the world.

“A visitor levy can help achieve that vision by empowering councils to raise funding, if they wish to do so, that can be invested in local visitor services and activities.

“This Bill has been a clear example of partnership working between the Scottish Government, local authorities and the tourism industry, in line with the New Deal for Local Government and New Deal for Business.

“We have sought to deliver as much flexibility to local authorities as possible and to listen to businesses to make it as easy as possible for them to adopt these measures.”

Councillor Katie Hagmann, COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson, said: “I am extremely pleased that the Visitor Levy Bill has now passed through stage 3 in Parliament. With the introduction of these new Visitor Levy powers, councils across Scotland will have the ability to use a discretionary mechanism, that is firmly based on local flexibility.

“The opportunity of these new powers recognise the great diversity of Scotland’s communities, acknowledging that a one-size-fits all approach does not work. It will allow councils to respond to the needs and circumstances of both the local communities and our important visitor economies.

“The revenue raised through the introduction of visitor levy powers will be to the mutual benefit of residents, tourists and businesses. There will be opportunities for much-needed additional investment, potentially available across a range of facilities and services, from transport and culture to maintaining and improving our world-famous natural heritage and environment.

“The visitor levy is a crucial step towards greater empowerment for local government, and we will continue to progress joint work with the Scottish Government in ensuring the smooth progression of these powers into the hands of councils across Scotland.”

Council Leader Cammy Day has welcomed the Scottish Parliament’s decision to pass the Visitor Levy Bill.

He said: “We will continue to work closely with the sector, @VisitScotland and other partners to develop the scheme in the months and years ahead.”

Former Edinburgh city council leader SNP Cllr Adam Nols-McVey said: “Delighted to see this pass! It took a great deal of work, determination, engagement & collaboration when I led this process & changed @scotgov policy.

“The tourist tax can create investment for Edinburgh to help communities & local businesses thrive!”

The earliest a visitor levy could come into force would be spring 2026.

‘Broad support’ for Edinburgh’s Tourist Tax plans

Edinburgh residents, visitors, and industry back plans for a visitor levy, an engagement exercise has revealed.

Generating close to 4,000 responses in total, a four-week survey conducted by the Council over Christmas and New Year found broad support for the aims and objectives of its Visitor Levy for Edinburgh proposals.

The survey found that Capital residents and community groups are particularly keen to see some of an Edinburgh levy reinvested towards enhancing essential public services, such as keeping the city clean and moving.

Business groups, who have largely fed back via focussed engagement sessions, express greater support for dedicated destination marketing and industry support, while everyone tends to agree a levy should be simple to administer and support the protection and enhancement of Edinburgh’s heritage and world-famous cultural offering.

The full findings – which echo evidence gathered by Council officers over the last six years – will be presented to Councillors on the Policy and Sustainability Committee on Tuesday (12 March).

Members of the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee will also meet on the same day to debate amendments to the national Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill which, if set in legislation as the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Act this Spring/Summer, will allow Scotland’s local authorities including Edinburgh to charge a levy on overnight accommodation.

With much of the Capital’s scheme already researched and developed, Edinburgh is well placed to formally consult on and finalise its plans and is likely to become the first city in the UK to formally adopt a city-wide visitor levy.

Cammy Day, City of Edinburgh Council Leader, said:Edinburgh has been lobbying the Scottish Government for more than a decade for the local powers to introduce a visitor levy. Finally, we are edging closer to this long-called for legislation.

“Throughout the years, we have repeatedly and actively engaged with our tourism and hospitality industry, as well as with residents, seeking views at various stages on the type of visitor levy Edinburgh needs.

“At every turn, we’ve had overwhelming backing at a community level and have witnessed growing support from those in the tourism and hospitality industry. This is only building as we head towards the last Parliamentary hurdle.

“Edinburgh has an enviable reputation across the world as a bucket list destination and just this week was crowned Europe’s Leading Cultural City Destination at the World Travel Awards and listed as the best city in Scotland to live in, visit and invest

“We’re very proud that Edinburgh is one of the world’s most popular visitor destinations, but we’re equally aware that this success comes at a cost. A small overnight charge is common practice in other major cities and destinations, so why not here?

“The introduction of a levy will provide a funding stream that would be reinvested in the city and our infrastructure, to the benefit of our visitors and, crucially, the people who live here in our great Capital city all year round.

“While I welcome how far the Bill has come, I also echo the concerns shared by COSLA last week that it needs to allow visitor levies to be more flexible and quicker for Councils to roll out.

“Now that Edinburgh is ready to lead the introduction, I hope to see these adopted in the amendments Members of Parliament debate next week.”

Tourist Tax legislation clears first hurdle

Legislation which would give councils the power to introduce a visitor levy to raise funding for local tourism facilities and services has passed its first vote in Parliament.

MSPs have voted to endorse the general principles of the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill, which would enable councils to apply a levy on overnight stays in line with many tourist destinations across Europe. All money raised would be reinvested in facilities and services that are substantially used by visitors, benefitting tourists and local economies.

The proposals were backed in a Scotland-wide consultation led by the Scottish Government. Should they wish to use the powers, councils would be required to consult local communities, businesses and tourism organisations on whether a visitor levy should be brought in and how any revenue should be spent.

Representatives from the tourism industry, COSLA, the Scottish Government and other partners have formed an expert group to consider how the legislation could be best implemented if passed.

Speaking after the Stage One vote in Parliament, Public Finance Minister Tom Arthur said: “I strongly believe that a visitor levy can be a force for good, offering councils the opportunity to use the proceeds to invest in their local economy, bringing benefits to residents and visitors alike.

“This Bill is about giving local government a new power, which they can use as appropriate. It fits with our ambition of fiscally empowering local government and strengthening local democracy, and the New Deal for Business and the New Deal for Local Government are at the heart of the Scottish Government’s approach to this measure.

“We have already taken on board the helpful input we have had from business, councils and others and I am committed to continuing that meaningful and constructive engagement as we move forward.”

COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Katie Hagmann said: “I am delighted to see the progression of the Visitor Levy Bill through Parliament.

“The introduction of visitor levy powers is a small but significant step towards maximising the revenue raising powers available to local government, enabling those closest to the community, your democratically elected councillors, the power to decide what works best for their local communities, and recognising the great diversity of needs across Scotland.

“The revenue raised by the levy has the potential to provide much-needed additional investment in our communities, in areas from the natural environment to cultural and leisure facilities, at a time when local government is facing significant strain on resources. Meanwhile, we are keen to ensure that this additional revenue stream helps us to maintain Scotland’s position as a world-leading tourist destination.

“We are fully committed to further joint work with the Scottish Government as the Bill continues its journey through Parliament, as well as continued engagement with colleagues across our important tourism industry.”

Having passed Stage One, the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill will be considered for line-by-line amendments by the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee before Stage Three when the full Parliament considers further amendments and makes a final vote on whether or not to pass the Bill.

If passed, the legislation will give local authorities the power to introduce a visitor levy in all or parts of their area. The levy would be a percentage of the overnight accommodation cost, with the rate set by the local council.

The levy would be collected by the accommodation providers and remitted to the relevant local authority. It would apply to almost all types of overnight accommodation, including hotels, self-catering accommodation and campsites.

Of the 27 European Union member states, 21 charge occupancy taxes.