The weather hots up – but are you hot on water safety?

As the heatwave sweeping across the UK continues, the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) fears that many people will head to waterways in a bid to cool off from the 30+ degrees reported to hit some regions this week. 

A 16-year-old boy tragically lost his life to drowning in Lancashire over the weekend and the charity is urging people to ensure enjoying the water is fun and not fatal.

Lee Heard, Charity Director at RLSS UK said: “Every year during the summer we see a sharp rise in the number of accidental drownings in the UK as many people look to cool off on hot summer days like we are experiencing currently.

“I deeply regret to say we have already seen a number of drownings already in the past few weeks as the temperatures have soared.

“It is vital to ensure that everyone has an understanding of water safety and makes it their responsibility to educate their family and friends on how water can be enjoyed safely to prevent such tragedies. In July 2021, there were 49 accidental drowning fatalities in the space of just two weeks in the UK.

“We want to help families enjoy water safely with our summer water safety information. We truly believe that people can be equipped with the right knowledge around water safety, and as a result we won’t need to see the fatalities we currently are seeing with accidental drownings.”

The Royal Life Saving Society UK has some simple and easy to follow tips on its website and social media channels to help keep families safe this summer, including their five summer water safety tips:

  1. Look out for Lifeguards
    If you’re looking for a place to cool off, always find a lifeguarded swimming site.
  2. It’s colder than it looks
    Water at open and inland sites is often much colder than it looks, cold water can affect your ability to swim and self-rescue.
  3. Don’t go too far
    Always swim parallel to the shore, that way you’re never too far away from it.
  4. It’s stronger than it looks
    Currents in the water can be very strong. If you find yourself caught in a current – don’t swim against it – you’ll tire yourself out. Stay calm, swim with the current and call for help.
  5. Bring a friend
    Always bring a friend when you go swimming so if anything goes wrong, you’ve got someone there to help.

Lee continued: “We often see people trying to cool off in lakes, quarries, rivers and other waterways when we experience extremely warm weather like this week brings, and many of these people do not have the experience of swimming in these waters and that is where we see people getting into trouble.

“As a result we then see others trying to help those in difficulty by going into the water themselves to attempt a rescue which can have fatal consequences. 

“ If you or someone else finds themselves in difficulty in the water, it’s vital to remember the Water Safety Code:

  • whenever you are around water you should stop and think to assess your surroundings and look for any dangers;
  • stay together when around water and always go with family and friends;
  • in an emergency call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue service when inland and the Coastguard if at the coast;
  • and finally float to live, if you fall in or become tired, stay calm, float on your back and call for help, or if you see someone in the water, throw something that floats to them and resist temptation to go in.”

For further water safety information visit the RLSS UK website –

Picnics, parks and killer deals: Instagram Mum reveals how to save money during the summer holidays

The annual summer holidays can be a tiring and expensive time for parents. With the kids at home looking for constant entertainment and no school to keep them busy or provide meals, often parents end up splurging on activities, food and outings – making the ‘six weeks’ the most expensive times of the year.

To help parents save money this summer and still maximise their quality time with their children, has partnered with ‘Instagram Mum’, Emma Stretton, who shares her expert advice on how to have fun with the kids this summer break, without breaking the bank.

“I’m super lucky in that the summer holidays are actually pretty easy for me. My husband is a teacher so I don’t have to worry about where the kids are going to go for six long weeks. It does mean though, that all three of them are at home and need entertaining every day. These are some of the tried and tested things we do to save money over the school summer holidays.”

Emma Stretton is a mum-of-two and savvy saver living in Manchester. She has a keen eye for fashion and interiors and knows how to keep her two children entertained during the summer holidays. Emma commented:

  1. Picnics

“Picnics are literally my favourite thing in the world. Pitching up at a nice park or beauty spot and just enjoying a few sandwiches easily passes a couple of hours with the kids.”

“The boys will take their bikes, scooters or a football and entertain themselves for a bit.

Our picnic blanket is a piece of gingham fabric I bought from the bargain bin at a fabric store too, which is a cheap and easy option for those looking to save a few pennies.”

  1. Snacks

 “If the cost of feeding two kids wasn’t bad enough already, my food bill has shot up in the last few months. Without free school meals each day, it goes up even more in summer. I tend to buy snacks at budget supermarkets like Aldi or Lidl and have found a few cheap ways to make fun stuff. My kids’ all-time favourite snack is peanut butter and jam in a rolled-up wrap. They would live off them and it costs peanuts!”

“We also make homemade sausage rolls using veggie sausage meat and tortilla wraps. Flatten the ‘sausage’ meat all over the wrap, roll it, cut it into pieces and bake for about 20 minutes. It’s loads cheaper than Greggs. Pesto pasta is another super cheap meal, and pitta pizzas are also a big win in our house.”

  1. Parks

“Obvious? Yes! But my kids love a park, especially a new one they haven’t been to before. The summer holidays are an excellent time to explore new parks or places they can run around in. Even a trip through the woods is an adventure for them.”

“Sometimes I’ll draw a nature or ’treasure’ map that they can follow on our walk as well. Just Google local parks and make use of them all summer long – they’re free!”

  1. Free museums

“There are quite a few free museums near us (in Manchester); like the Portland Basin or the Imperial War Museum. We also get free entry to the Football Museum in Manchester if you can prove you live in the right postcode. Again, just get on Google and look for free things to do near you. is a great website with loads of fun things to do across the UK.”

  1. Shopping

“I know the food shop isn’t the height of excitement but it does kill time and is a good activity for when it rains. I normally do it online but in the summer holidays, my husband takes a list to the shops and gets the boys to read it and shout when they spot what we need.”

“Some shops have those hand-held scanners you carry around with you. The kids love scanning the items and fighting over who gets to hold the scanner next. Making an everyday expense into an activity for the kids kills two birds with one stone.”

  1. Restaurant deals

“Lots of places will do ‘kids eat free’ offers over the holidays. Usually, it’s when you buy an adult meal. Have a look for places near you that are running similar offers.”

“We also use Manchester Confidential a lot where you can buy vouchers for local restaurants at half their value. So, we recently bought £50 worth of vouchers for £25 and had a nice meal together. Banyan is a big chain that often does it” 

  1. Loyalty Schemes

“My bank account is linked to my Sainsbury’s Nectar card so I earn points every time I spend. I can then use these to get discounts or vouchers for big days out like Alton Towers. I would also always look for 2 for 1 deals on things like cereal before I ever booked a big attraction.”

“We get £5 cinema tickets from our bank account which are great for rainy days and we’re signed up to Subway rewards and Mcdonald’s rewards so we get free food every now and then. Never spend before checking whether you can get a discount or better deal first.”

  1. Buddy up

“If there are days when my husband can’t be with the kids, we try to ask friends or family rather than pay for holiday clubs. One of my friends does a summer swap every year where she has her friend’s kids one day and then her friend does it another day. So they can both go to work without forking out a fortune on childcare.”

“We also still pay £10 a month into childcare vouchers so that come the summer holidays, we’ve accrued enough to put the boys in for a couple of days. Most school holiday clubs will take them so it’s worth checking if you have any left that you didn’t use up when your kids were in pre-school.”

Commenting on the tips,’s Personal Finance Expert, Dan Whittaker, said: “The summer holidays are easily one of the best and brightest times of year to spend quality time with your children. However, it’s also one of the most expensive, with the costs of entertainment, meals and childcare increasing enormously.

“Emma’s tips demonstrate tried and tested ways to save money over the summer break, whilst still having fun and adventures with her kids. The advice goes to show that you don’t have to spend a fortune to have the most fun in the sun.” 

Over a third of adults say they’re unable to afford adult education

The biggest barrier to British adults continuing their education is cost, with more than a third (35%) saying they’re unable to afford to study, while almost a fifth (19%) say they don’t have time.

A YouGov survey of 2,109 GB adults commissioned by distance learning provider Oxford Opening Learning found that, although  69% of respondents said they could be motivated to learn for any type of new qualification – from GCSEs to PHDs and industry certificates – only just over a quarter of Brits (27%) are likely to actually do so.

The five most common issues that stop adults continuing with education in the future are:

  1.    Lack of affordability (35%)
  2.    Time constraints (19%)
  3.    Not needing any further qualifications (18%)
  4.    Lack of motivation (17%)
  5.    Lack of energy (17%)

Almost half of millennials (25–34-year-olds) say they are likely to consider studying for a new qualification in the future.

The other barriers that Brits said most commonly stop them studying are that they don’t have the time to devote to it (19%) and feeling that another qualification would be unnecessary because they feel they are educated enough (18%).

As well as respondents also saying that they lack the motivation to study (17%), the same number also said they lack the energy. Many Brits also commented that they deem themselves too old.

The research also revealed that many British adults would be happy to continue learning if they felt they could. Receiving a boost to their pay packet is only the third most common incentive, agreed by three in ten (30%) of  Brits , whereas 42% would be more likely to take a course simply out of their own general interest in the subject.

Greg Smith, Head of Operations at The Oxford Open Learning Trust, said: “The fact that so many would like to study further but don’t feel they can points to a lot of misconceptions that people have about adult education.

“For those who think they’re too old, adult learning isn’t only about furthering a career – it’s also extremely beneficial in terms of mental health. There’s evidence to show that, not only does keeping the brain active combat depression and anxiety, but also helps prevent dementia in later life and boosts confidence.

“Studying for a new qualification with a distance learning course is also vastly different to a classroom and can be spread over a longer period to fit in with your current work or lifestyle.

“The initial cost is often far outweighed by the benefits of gaining a new qualification, through an increase in pay, a promotion or a career change.”

Oxford Open Learning’s Top Tips for Adult Learners:

  • Make the learning experience as relevant and useful as possible. Draw on your personal experiences and link the subject matter to real world benefits for your work and personal life
  • Make learning as engaging as possible to boost motivation. Use a variety of learning stimuli, such as images, activities, videos, lectures and podcasts to find what works for you
  • Breaking down information into bite-sized chunks can also help to make it easier to process, and don’t forget to take regular breaks to help you maintain concentration
  • Master your skills by playing an active role in your learning experience. Exploring the subject matter through self-study and active participation can help you to learn in a way that is meaningful to you
  • Let learning occur through mistakes. Trial and error can make the learning experience more effective, while the sense of overcoming a challenge can help to boost confidence

More advice on how to overcome perceived barriers to adult education can be read here:

Red flags to look out for when buying second-hand

We all love a good bargain, and often these can be found through second-hand items and purchased both online and in-person. While these items are often fine, some may face problems when buying them, particularly if they are purchased online.

Selling experts from second-hand retailer have revealed six red flags you should look out for when buying used items to avoid disappointment, or worse fraud:  

The seller asks for payment outside of the app or website: 

Many resale sites and apps have security measures for making payments such as the option of a refund if an item doesn’t arrive, however these usually only work through the site itself.

If a seller is pressuring you to make the payment outside of the app, there is a chance that the person is scamming you, and you should avoid them.   

The seller is selling a lot at once: 

If there’s an item you’re interested in and the seller is also selling a lot of other items at the same time, this may be a red flag.

You should especially watch out for this if all the items they are selling are high value – few people are selling a laptop, a games console, a designer bag, and a phone all at the same time.

If an account on a selling site seems suspicious, avoid it.  

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is: 

If the item you are interested in is in high demand, consistently sold-out on online retailers, or is priced far below the market price, it is likely a scam.

Follow your gut: if something about the purchase doesn’t feel right, don’t go through with it. 
The listing isn’t on a trusted website: 

Many reputable selling sites will have in place measures to help protect buyers against scams.

Sites such as Depop and Poshmark authenticate designer items to avoid scams, and some encourage in-person sales to prevent people from selling items which don’t exist.

If you find an item for sale on a site that you don’t recognise or that doesn’t have a lot of positive reviews, it may be best avoiding it.  
The seller is asking for money before giving you the item: 

Although unavoidable in some cases, such as purchases made over Depop and eBay, if you are purchasing an item from a local seller, you shouldn’t pay until the item is yours.

If you’re collecting an item you’ve purchased online, don’t pay the seller until the item is in your hands and you can be sure it’s not a scam.

Selling items which don’t exist online is a common way for scammers to take your money, and there often isn’t a way of confirming the seller’s identity, meaning that you likely won’t get the money back. To avoid this, pay the seller after you receive the item, wherever this may be possible.  

When buying electronic devices, ensure they work: 

If an item you’re buying needs to be plugged in, don’t buy it until you’ve tried it. Again, this may be difficult in situations where the item is being sold online, but if the purchase is being made face-to-face, check that it works before buying. If you don’t, you risk being stuck with a broken item that the seller likely won’t accept a refund on.

Scots reminded to take small steps to get set for a healthy Easter

People across Scotland are being encouraged to put a spring in their step this Easter with a few simple steps from NHS 24 to manage their health safely at home.

NHS 24’s Spring Campaign features lots of simple tips and advice on how to keep you and your family well by preparing for minor illness or bumps and scrapes.

NHS 24’s Medical Director, Dr Laura Ryan says: “Easter is one of the busiest times of year for Scotland’s health services. Lots of people tackle gardening or DIY over the break, so it’s a really good idea to think about what you might need at home to stay safe.

‘Treatments for minor injuries, such as plasters and antiseptic, are always useful to have at home, and your local pharmacy can help with advice about how to treat any minor cuts, bumps, bruises and scrapes.

‘If you have kids at home, some simple medicines such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, cold and hayfever remedies are great to keep in the cupboard to make sure that any sniffles or sore heads don’t get in the way of enjoying the break.

‘This year many GP practices and community pharmacies across Scotland may have different opening hours over Easter so it’s useful to know where to go if you do require medical advice or you have run out of medicines. NHS Inform has lots of symptom checkers on common illnesses so you can get fast, clinically assured advice that can help you decide what to do next. Managing minor ailments at home means we can enjoy Easter and make the most of the holidays.”

General advice and information on how to stay healthy this Easter can be found at

How to get the best mileage from your tank of fuel

Increase your MPG with these top ten tips

With petrol prices hitting another record high, families and businesses are being hit in the pocket every time they fill the tank.

The RAC said today that it now costs £90 to fill a family car with petrol. The average price of a litre of petrol rose to 163.71p on Monday, and diesel also hit a fresh record of 173.68p.

The war in Ukraine triggered a surge in oil costs.

With prices so high, how do you ensure you get the most out of your tank of fuel? Greentech company SulNOx Group PLC has these top 10 tips:

  1. Maintain your vehicle: Make sure your vehicle is regularly serviced, and regularly maintained between services. If an engine is not serviced regularly, it will use more fuel than one that is well-maintained.
  2. Check your tyre pressure: It’s vital to make sure your tyres are inflated to the pressure shown in the car’s manual. Underinflated tyres can affect fuel economy – and so can overinflated tyres. Remember, your tyre pressure may need to be higher if you are carrying more passengers and/or a heavy load
  3. Slow down: Excessive speed burns more fuel, as does harsh acceleration. Slow and steady wins the race!
  4. Be smooth: In line with point 3, drive as smoothly as possible. Anticipate what’s going on ahead of you and try to slow down gradually by easing off the accelerator.
  5. Easy on the A/C: Air conditioning burns more fuel, so don’t use it unless you need to.
  6. Take it off: Lots of us have roof boxes and roof bars these days – and it’s often easier to leave them on. But the wind resistance caused by doing this means they use more fuel because of ‘drag’.
  7. If you don’t use it, lose it: Lighter cars need less fuel, so don’t carry unnecessary items in the boot or the back seat. 
  8. Don’t fill up: The added weight of a full tank of fuel means burning more fuel. Next time, consider only filling half way. Don’t be tempted to run your tank down too much though. Always fill up before the red light comes on.
  9. Get more bang for your buck: Revolutionary SulNOxEco™ Fuel Conditioners improve the combustion of light fuels including gasoline and diesel. In tests, they have proven to reduce fuel consumption by 8-10% and are certified to comply with fuel standards so any warranties remain intact. Adding SulNOx to your tank takes you further and reduces harmful emissions.
  10. Plan ahead: Avoid rush hour black spots if you can. Use your SatNav to keep you on the right track and warn you of any potential hold-ups.

Give your garden a spring clean

Richard Partington, garden paving expert from Simply Paving, offers his top tips on how to give your garden a well-deserved spring clean this month:

“As we move out of the winter months and start to enjoy those milder days and lighter evenings, getting outside and giving our gardens a spring clean is vitally important to help ensure they are refreshed, nurtured and a welcoming space both for us, and wildlife.

“There are some really simple tasks that you can carry out now that will make an immediate impact – from raking up leaves and debris to giving your patio slabs a clean – and a little bit of prep now will help ensure you can enjoy your outdoor space for longer.”

  1. Clear up winter debris

There’s no escaping the fact that the first step in bringing your garden back to life is clearing out any remnants of winter.

It might feel like a big task initially but once you’ve done that first spring clean, you’ll not only feel a huge sense of accomplishment, but you’ll also find it much easier to stay on top of your garden over the coming months.

Head outside and start by picking up leaves that have collected around your flower beds, in pots and on paving slabs. You’ll be amazed by the transformation, and you’ll be protecting your plants from any harmful bacteria that might be lurking in the debris and muck below. 

  1. Get weeding and freshen up your compost

While we’ve been warm and cosy indoors, weeds have had free rein over the winter months and have most likely run wild, so now is the time to clear them out and prepare your soil for the spring.

Firstly, it’s important that you pull out any weeds at the root. Also, make sure you remove any winter mulch which protected your plants through the colder months.

Once all of that organic matter has been cleared away, you can add it straight to your composter, so it doesn’t go to waste. Remember to turn over your compost pile if it’s been laying dormant over the winter months, and you should find excellent mulch at the bottom which is ideal for spreading around your newly cleared flower beds.

  1. Get planting

Now you’ve tidied, prepped and primed your borders, why not add some new blooms? Spring and summer gardens should be bright and colourful, so look at which flowers are suitable for springtime planting. 

Rake over your soil to maintain airflow and ensure that when you start to plant new perennials, they will have the best growing matter possible, adding new topsoil as needed. You may also find that some of your existing plants could do with a little TLC so consider re-potting, moving them to a more protected area of the garden or trimming the stems to encourage new growth.

  1. Clean your patio slabs

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Whilst plants and lawns are affected by the dank and cold weather, so too is your patio. Often the place in the garden that sees the most footfall during the winter months, it’s important that any hard landscaping forms part of your garden spring cleaning routine.

As a bare minimum, give your paving slabs or block paving a once over with a stiff brush, and make sure to pick up and clean under any pots which can leave marks behind.

To help you get your patio looking its best, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide, which details three easy ways to get your paving gleaming again – and some handy hints to keep it in tip top condition all year round.

  1. Show your lawn some love

Just like your garden slabs, you need to show your lawn some love too. Now is a good time to rake the grass and scarify the ground.

In doing so, you’ll remove any debris or old grass cuttings left over from last season and you’ll allow your lawn to breathe, preventing it from becoming waterlogged. You could also sprinkle new grass seed over your lawn to give your turf a helping hand.

  1. Dust off your outdoor furniture

After all your spring cleaning and tidying, it’s time to start enjoying your newly revitalised garden just as soon as the weather allows, whether that’s dining alfresco or setting up an outdoor bar.

Bring out and uncover any garden furniture which may have been hidden away over the winter months, giving it a good clean with warm soapy water and a sponge to remove any cobwebs or dirt before placing on your garden paving.

Of course, if made of timber, start with a simple clean and then use the appropriate wood oil to seal it so it is protected from the elements.

For further information, please visit

Expert Bio:

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Richard Partington – Garden Paving Expert at Simply Paving

Richard is one of the most experienced members of the Simply Paving team, having been with the company since 2006. He is responsible for simplifying the product choice on and is dedicated to knowing the technical attributes of every product.

During his time at Simply Paving, Richard has picked up a wealth of knowledge about the laying and maintenance of patios and driveways.

Avoid deer in the headlights on winter nights

Forestry and Land Scotland joins with Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) to give tips on night time driving

At this time of year and as more people will be driving in the dark, Forestry and Land Scotland is urging drivers to be extra alert to wild deer on the roads.

Wild deer numbers in Scotland have reached record levels at 1 million – double the amount recorded in 1990 – and the consequent danger of deer-related road traffic accidents is predicted to rise. Forestry and Land Scotland previously released the figure of almost 2,000 reported deer-related accidents a year, though figures are believed to be nearer 8,000-14,000.

Collisions with large animals such as deer can be catastrophic, but there are some simple guidelines that can increase chances of avoiding a shocking accident. FLS has joined with RoSPA to offer guidance for night time driving when there could be deer on the road:

Dr Karen McDonnell, Head of RoSPA Scotland said: “When driving on country roads you have to try to anticipate the unexpected.

“Single track lanes, blind corners, and even the possibility of animals crossing can make driving challenging even for the most experienced drivers. To minimise your chances of a collision with a large animal, such as a deer, follow some straightforward steps.”

RoSPA’s tips:

Watch your speed on rural roads
Be aware of warning road signs
Be vigilant in areas where you have seen deer during daylight
If you see a deer, slow down to pass it and keep an eye out for more
Be ready to brake if a deer appears on the road
Use indicators to warn other drivers if you are passing deer or slowing down

Ian Fergusson, Head of Wildlife Management for FLS said: ”As Scotland’s deer numbers rise and expand their range, it’s really important that those driving on rural roads at night are extra vigilant.

“We are aware that deer accidents are more likely to happen on rural roads adjacent to forests and other wild habitats but they are becoming more common on major roads around towns and cities.

“As we enter the Christmas season, we’ve pulled together advice for motorists. Hitting a large animal is distressing at best and apart from damage to vehicles and potential injury to drivers and passengers, no-one wants to leave a wild animal hurt and in enduring pain.”

To help protect Scotland’s national forests and land from the negative impacts of deer, Forestry and Land Scotland employs a number of techniques, including deer culling and fencing, where appropriate, to keep numbers down to a sustainable level.

This helps to keep herds healthy, mitigates against habitat loss and helps reduce deer/vehicle collisions.

Most recorded road accidents involving deer occur in the Highland, Aberdeenshire, Central Belt, and Fife regions, but areas in west central Scotland, including North and South Lanarkshire have also seen significant increasesForestry and Land Scotland Deer Accidents.jpg in the last decade.

Police: Keep safe when partying

Everyone should be able to enjoy a night out without worry, but here are a few things you can do to stay safe:

Plan how you’re getting home before you go out.

Arrange a lift from friends or family, or use a licensed taxi hire.

Charge your mobile.

Stick with your friends and look out for one another.

Don’t do drugs, there is no ‘safe’ way to do so. Don’t risk your health and life.

If you see someone acting suspiciously, report them to door stewards, bar staff or police.

Visit our website for more safe night out tips ➡️