£5 million more for services to address gender-based violence

Frontline services for women and girls affected by gender-based violence will receive £5 million to deal with additional pressures that have occurred during the pandemic.

The funding will go to rape crisis centres and domestic abuse services to cut waiting lists, helping to ensure those affected can access the support they need more quickly. The increased support fulfils one of the commitments for the first 100 days of this government.

It will comprise approximately £4.5 million to be split between Scottish Women’s Aid and Rape Crisis Scotland, and a total of £500,000 for 12 other specialist support services and organisations.

Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie said: “Violence against women and girls is one of the most devastating and fundamental violations of human rights and is totally unacceptable.

“We recognise the vital work that local women’s aids and rape crisis centres do day in, day out to support women and girls, including throughout the pandemic, and I know demand for these services has increased. This in itself is appalling and I am determined to support rape crisis centres and domestic abuse services, which provide a lifeline for many women and girls.

“As the need for these services has grown in this most difficult of times, this funding will help survivors, and those at risk, to access specialist support when they need it most.

“We will continue to encourage survivors to report their experience and seek support they need.”

Dr Marsha Scott, Scottish Women’s Aid Chief Executive, said: “We have seen a huge increase in demand for support from survivors of domestic abuse and the impact from this is already being felt as our waiting lists are growing.

“This funding from the Scottish Government will help us manage this higher demand and reduce these waiting lists, allowing more accessible support for survivors.

“For us, this is an opportunity to bridge funding between Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency funding and a new funding system based on need, rather than historical arrangements.”

Sandy Brindley, Rape Crisis Scotland Chief Executive, said: “Seeking support after sexual violence can be an incredibly difficult thing to do, and it’s so important that when people do feel able to reach out, that specialist services are resourced to be able to provide the support that is often described to us by survivors as life-saving.

“This funding – in conjunction with the new Delivering Equally Safe fund – is a very welcome and much-needed investment in local Rape Crisis services, but our approach must be sustainable. It is only through a strategic and co-ordinated approach that we will be able to make sure that survivors across Scotland are able to access the support they deserve, at the point of need.”

Full list of organisations receiving funding:

  • Aberdeen Cyrenians
  • Barnardos
  • Committed to Ending Abuse
  • Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault Team – West Lothian
  • Dumfries and Stewartry Women’s Aid
  • Fife Women’s Aid
  • Grampian Women’s Aid
  • Kingdom Abuse Survivor’s Project
  • Moray Women’s Aid
  • Rape Crisis Scotland
  • Saheliya
  • Scottish Borders – Children First
  • Scottish Women’s Aid
  • West Dunbartonshire Council Support Service

This latest funding comes on top of £5.75 million allocated in 2020-21 to help redesign frontline services to ensure they are best equipped to handle the additional pressures of the pandemic.

The Scottish Government is also providing £18 million this year to third sector organisations and public bodies working to end violence against women and girls through our Delivering Equally Safe fund.

Scotland’s 24 hour Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline is available on 0800 027 1234.

Rape Crisis Scotland Helpline is available on 08088 01 03 02. Calls to this number are free. Alternatively email support@rapecrisisscotland.org.uk or text 07537 410027.

In an emergency please call the police on 999.

Further information on the law can be found at safer.scot

Meet the Funders event next Thursday


Thursday 12 May – Public Drop in from 5 – 8pm

Waverley Court Courtyard Coffee Bar/Restaurant area

waverely court

‘Meet the Funders’ is a free marketplace event providing access to funding information for community projects. It is an opportunity for groups to discuss their ideas with potential funders and collect a range of information about possible sources of grant aid. The event also offers the groups an opportunity to meet and work together.

The following exhibitors have confirmed attendance with more expected:

Big Lottery
Community Grants Fund
PassIT On
Royal Bank of Scotland Foundation
The Robertson Trust
Resourcing Scotland’s Heritage
Princes Trust Youth Business Scotland
Registered Tenants Grants
MyParkScotland – Greenspace Scotland
First Port
Edinburgh Business Gateway
Scotland’s Employment Recruitment Incentive Fund
Art and Business Scotland
MOD Covenant Fund
The Melting Pot
Edinburgh Community Food

Volunteering Matters

The Big Lunch Eden Project

Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland 

Home Energy Scotland

Scotrail Community Fund

In Kind Direct

Turn2Us & The Edinburgh Fund

Greenspace Scotland Tesco Bags of Help

Waste Aware

The Charity Bank

Unity Bank Trust

Macmillan Cancer Care

20mph Speed Limits


For more information, or if you would like to attend as an exhibitor, please contact Maureen Thompson on 0131 469 3595.


£6m grants to ‘vital’ Third Sector

More than 115 organisations to benefit from Enterprise Ready Fund

spartans 2Grants totalling £6 million have been awarded to over 115 enterprising third sector organisations, Finance Secretary John Swinney confirmed yesterday. Mr Swinney said that an enterprising third sector is ‘vital’ to Scotland’s future.

Fresh Start, Edinburgh Cyrenians Trust, MY Adventure and The Spartans Community Football Academy (pictured above) are among the Edinburgh organisations to benefit from Enterprise Ready funding (see below for full list of awardees).


The Enterprise Ready Fund fund provides continued support to enterprising third sector organisations across Scotland, building on the Scottish Government’s commitment to promote a sustainable, capable and enterprising third sector.

Mr Swinney said: “We had a great response to the Enterprise Ready Fund and I would like to congratulate all organisations that have been successful in securing grants.

“Each and every one of the recipients are working in their own unique way to become more self-sufficient but more importantly for me, they are creating change at a local level. We can look forward to a future where these organisations play a full role in public service reform.

“We strongly believe that an enterprising third sector is vital to our economy, to civic society and in the creation of a fairer and more inclusive Scotland. That is why we have invested heavily to help the sector develop further.

“Organisations like Move On which operates across Scotland to deliver a range of support and advice services to those affected by or at risk of homelessness are excellent examples of how the sector is helping to create a fairer and more inclusive Scotland. This investment will help them deliver important services and opportunities to people across the country.”

Foundation Scotland’s Chief Executive Giles Ruck said: “We were encouraged by the high volume of applications received and are delighted that the fund is supporting such a variety of enterprising third sector organisations. We look forward with great anticipation to seeing the difference these awards will make in communities throughout Scotland.”

Foundation Scotland (FS) is Scotland’s busiest grant maker, making more awards to charity than any other independent funder. Each year FS clients make over 2,000 payments to charities and community organisations, about a third of which are to organisations recommended by FS.

FS supports a wide range of charities, voluntary community groups and sports clubs, giving clients a great range of causes to donate to and enabling FS to reach a wide range of community activity across Scotland.

A broad spectrum of local projects have received support through Foundation Scotland – from small grants to Pilton Community Gardeners, North West Carers Centre and Davidsons Mains & District Children’s Pipe Band through t0 a £30,000 grant to Pilton Community Health Project to contribute to the cost of a Women Supporting Women development worker. In all, 34 Edinburgh-based charities, community organisations and sports clubs received funding through Foundation Scotland.

For full details of grants awarded (1 July 2013 – 30 June 2014) see below

July 2014 awards

FoundationScotland logo