£2.5 million to improve employment support

Projects that are improving employment support by linking with health and social care, justice and housing services are to receive a share of a £2.5 million fund. Thirteen projects operating across 15 local authorities will receive funding through the Employability Innovation and Integration Fund to help people access employment and training.
Funding will go to a mixture of projects including an approach in Fife which will increase employment outcomes for people suffering mental ill-health and an approach in North Lanarkshire to join up services for homeless residents who have recognised health, social care and housing support needs.

Minister for Employability and Training Jamie Hepburn said: “People affected by homelessness, who have criminal convictions or suffer from mental ill-health face significant barriers to finding work, and it can be challenging to balance the search for a job with the need to access other important services.

“These 13 new projects will join together employability and skills support with health and social care, housing, and justice services which will improve the quality of localised support available for people across the country.

“The work of these projects ties in with the fairer approach we are taking to deliver our newly devolved employment services, where we have removed the threat of sanctions and are providing support that is more flexible, tailored and responsive to people’s needs.”

Mr Hepburn announced the investment in Dundee. Funding of around £275,000 will go to a Tayside regional project to integrate employability and skills with housing, healthy living and community justice across Dundee, Perth and Kinross and Angus.

John Alexander leader of Dundee City Council said: “I am delighted that our joint bid to support people across the Angus, Dundee and Perth and Kinross area has been successful.

“We know that not having a job is only part of the challenge facing some people and this money will allow us to help them to overcome other issues around getting into employment including health, debt and housing.

“Specialist staff will be on hand to give support and advice as part of a 13-week programme, backed by the councils in Angus, Dundee and Perth and Kinross, while people are also learning new skills in applying for jobs, such as digital applications and improved interview techniques.”

Edinburgh’s initiative is the Joined Up for Jobs Integration Project, which will be operated by the city council’s arms-length employability organisation Capital City Partnership.

The project aims to ‘integrate the work of health and social care, housing and criminal justice by having a one year localities integration team to co-ordinate all activity working with a social care team, targeting social housing residents to engage with employability services, and implementing framework around Community in Motion pilot which aims to address the problems of low persistent re-offending’.

Edinburgh College student ambassadors help school pupils achieve their creative potential

City school pupils are unshackling their imaginations and getting help to explore creative careers thanks to a project set up by two Edinburgh College Graphic Design students. Continue reading Edinburgh College student ambassadors help school pupils achieve their creative potential

Childhood abuse survivors access support in their own safe place

Health in Mind’s counselling service just a free call away


ACCESSING support anonymously can be a barrier for many adults who experienced abuse as children, particularly those living in rural and remote areas of Scotland. Continue reading Childhood abuse survivors access support in their own safe place

New Lottery support to strengthen voluntary sector

disabled kids on beach

Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations will have the ability to improve their performance and sustainability, thanks to two new online tools supported by the Big Lottery Fund. Continue reading New Lottery support to strengthen voluntary sector

Muirhouse surgeries next week

Muirhouse Community Centre

colin keir & Michelle Thomson

Next week sees the monthly return of our M.S.P (Colin Keir) and M.P.(Michelle Thomson) for their local Surgeries here at the Centre (writes James McGinty).

Colin starts the week on Monday 2 November from 4 – 5pm and Michelle on Friday 6 November from 10.30 -11.30 am.

For more info on both parliamentarians click go to muirhousecommunitycentre.co.uk

PEEP at West Pilton

New PEEP group starts at West Pilton on Monday


PEEP supports parents and children to learn together, and there’s a new weekly group starting in West Pilton next week.

Join the PEEP group at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on Monday from 9am – activities, singing, rhymes, snacks and much, much more!

See flyer (below) for more info or telephone 551 3194

A5flier wpnc 1

Stepping Stones AGM


Steeping Stones North Edinburgh


Join us at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre

Thursday 29 October 12:30pm


10 Wardieburn Road, Edinburgh

Telephone 551 1632

Email: info@steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk 

AGM poster 2015 (1)


Immigration: Film screening and discussion at North Edinburgh Arts

East meets West to talk human rights tomorrow night

Glasgow Girls

It couldn’t be more topical …

Pupils from Broughton and Craigroyston High Schools will be among those taking part in a Q & A session and discussion with original ‘Glasgow Girl’ Roza Salih following the screening of the film at North Edinburgh Arts tomorrow night.

All welcome.


‘Amazing’ public response to refugee appeal


Minister for Europe and International Development Humza Yousaf was in Glasgow yesterday to support volunteers loading an aid lorry with urgent materials and supplies for refugees in the Balkans. The Minister praised Scots’ ‘amazing’ response to  the humanitarian emergency.  

The truck leaves Scotland later this week and will travel 1, 660 miles, bound for Novi Sad in the Balkans, where it will be received by the Red Cross and other NGOs working to aid refugees. It’s estimated materials and supplies will begin arriving at the regional aid hub in as little as 72 hours after departing Glasgow.

16 tonnes of warm winter clothing and ‘Soapaid’ hygiene bars have been kindly donated by the Scottish public to Glasgow The Caring City since the humanitarian crisis began. The soap can combat five of the seven main waterborne diseases.

Mr Yousaf said: “We have been overwhelmed with practical offers of support from people across Scotland who want to help alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people caught up in this humanitarian emergency. Scotland’s response has been amazing so far.

“The work of the refugee task force is well underway. Scotland stands ready to give the very best of Scottish welcomes to the refugees who are fleeing their homes and seeking protection, safety and security but we’re urging the UK Government to do more now and help those in need on mainland Europe.

“The Scottish Government has reiterated its support, making it clear to the UK Government that we will take a proportionate share of the numbers who come to the UK.”

Reverend Neil Galbraith from Glasgow The Caring City said: “Structuring a humanitarian response which meets the needs of people fleeing the most distressing circumstances of violence and conflict, is a skilled and professional tasks. Glasgow the Caring City charity leads from the front at times such as this. We are the conduit between the goodwill of the people of Scotland and those seeking refuge in times of crisis.

“Our people on the ground in Serbia and senior staff in Scotland are coordinating an aid distribution program which links with local statutory agencies, The Red Cross and other NGO’s to ensure that we effectively contribute to a situation which is ever changing in nature and scale with each passing day.

“Glasgow’s charity is matching the goodwill of the Scottish people with the needs of those in their greatest hours of need. Our aid will be sustained and will cover a large geographical area including Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and northern Greece but vitally, it is coordinated by our staff on the ground and highly experienced partner agencies.”

People who wish to donate to the crisis are being asked to raise money so that it can be deployed through charities to reach those most in need.

Members of the public are also being encouraged to visit the Scottish Government’s dedicated website: www.scotlandwelcomesrefugees.scot