New chair and four new trustees for LifeCare Edinburgh

LifeCare Edinburgh has appointed Beverley Francis as its new chair and welcomes four new trustees to the board as the organisation celebrates its 80th year.

The renowned local charity offers registered care, outreach activities and help at home services for older people living across the North of the city. Established in 1941, the organisation supports over 800 elderly clients a year including those suffering with dementia, mobility issues, those experiencing isolation and loneliness, food poverty, mental health problems and support for carers. 

Beverley Francis has been involved the charity since 2018 and was appointed vice-chair a year ago.  Elaine Aitken will take up the position as vice-chair having been with the charity since 2017. 

She brings extensive public and third sector experience to the role.  Bringing 16 years in key positions within Scottish Government, including in welfare reform and most recently in health improvement, Francis also has her own consultancy supporting the third sector. 

She is currently in the role as Interim Director for ProjectScotland where she has supported the merger with Volunteering Matters and has previously supported mental health charities AdvoCard and Partners in Advocacy. 

Ms Francis takes over as chair from Jock Miller who held the position for six years. Miller will remain on the board as a trustee.

A further four trustees have joined the board.  Susan Mallinder, Christopher Paton, Jane Hogg and Momin Rasheed all joined the charity at the start of the year.  The new trustees all bring varying backgrounds, experience and skills which will help to shape and drive the organisation’s continued success.

Beverley Francis said: “On behalf of everyone on the board, past and present, we would like to sincerely thank Jock for his leadership, dedication and sheer hard-work over the past 10 years. 

“Through his direction we have successfully and quickly navigated the multiple challenges of COVID-19 and continued to provide essential care to over 500 older people through the crisis who simply could not survive without it.

“I feel absolutely honoured to take up the role of chair at such a vitally important time for us all. 

“Older people have been disproportionately affected by this life-shattering crisis.  We do not yet know the real impact this past year will have had on the people we care for within our communities.  So, we need to be ready to adapt, redesign and deliver the bespoke care they will need in a compassionate and caring way. We need to make sure our older people can safely and confidently re-enter our communities, and they will need our support to do so.

“As LifeCare enters its 80th year as a charity, we are all thrilled to welcome four new trustees to the board who are all eager to get involved.  I am excited to work more closely with the senior management team, alongside our new chief executive Damian McGowan.  Once we are able, I very much look forward to getting out into the community to safely meet with the people we support, our hardworking staff and all of our dedicated volunteers.”

LifeCare Edinburgh is a registered charity and relies on the support of its funders.  Key relationships include Barclays, The TOR Foundation, Foundation Scotland, Tesco Bank and all the many local people who take part in community fundraising events.

For more information visit

Being everything you can be

Support for children with disabilities

Education, Children and Families Vice Convener Cllr Alison Dickie writes about support for children with disabilities:

Being everything you can be.

It’s a grand line, and actually one of the aims of our new children’s services plan.  In true Council style though, there are more words: ‘It is important to promote and support every child’s aspirations to ensure they can become everything they can be, now and in the future.’

Yip, that all sounds hunky dory but I’m wondering … does that truly include children with disabilities, particularly those with the most complex needs?

Let’s put it this way.  Have you ever watched a parent’s eyes well up as they plead for their young person to be given a purpose to get out of bed every morning?  Or for recognition of their worth, and their ability to contribute to society in some way? 

Or, as fears replace tears, hear them voice their deepest dread …what will happen to them when I am gone?

I have and it’s heart-breaking.

Despite the wide range of dedicated work going on across Edinburgh to deliver for children with disabilities and their families, parents have shared that it can sometimes feel that they’ve had to fight for the right of their child to be everything they can be.

I first questioned the message we send out to young people with disabilities whilst on a tour of St Crispin’s school in my ward.  I was appalled at its condition, its failure to reflect the fantastic work of the staff and pupils within, and the story of our value of them.  Thankfully, a new chapter has been written and they will, this year, move into their wonderful and much deserved new school at Burdiehouse.

How do you solve a ‘problem’ like … the holiday support programme? 

I’m asked this every year, and the education committee discussed it just last week.  In the past, it’s been cited as a non-statutory service, even a luxury not afforded by other Councils.  But, listen to the stories of families at breaking point, who cry out for this need, and you’re convinced this is vital respite for the whole family and to help young people thrive.

So, whilst there are big issues to be addressed, such as safety and staffing, we aim to return to the pre-covid provision in the summer, and through engagement with parents, look to how we can further improve this service.

And what of those positive destinations…more so, the lack of them, for young adults with the most complex needs? 

Here, communication about what is available, earlier and stronger transitional support, an understanding that one size doesn’t fit all, and a more flexible and collaborative approach are all being considered as we explore with parents how to grow these opportunities and give every young person a future. 

Some of this will have budgetary implications, and some the need for more innovative thinking, but one thing’s for sure…every young person has strengths, interests and potential to use in their unique way.

Lockdown has been difficult for everyone, but it’s been particularly challenging for these children and their families. As part of the recovery process, let’s push for progress and help all young people to be what they can be.

This article first appeared in the Edinburgh Evening News

Rental sector loan schemes extended

Tenants and private sector landlords facing financial difficulties caused by the pandemic have more time to access support after two loan schemes were extended.

The Tenant Hardship Loan Fund and the Private Rent Sector Landlord (non-business) COVID-19 Loan Scheme, both of which offer interest-free loans, will continue to receive applications beyond the original deadline of 31 March 2021.

It comes after Housing Minister Kevin Stewart extended temporary regulations banning the enforcement of eviction orders in the private and social rented sectors, giving further safeguards to tenants during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

Mr Stewart said: “Throughout this pandemic our focus has been on enabling people to stay safe in their homes while the lockdown restrictions needed to suppress the virus are in place.

“These loan schemes have provided vital support as part of our broader effort to help those facing financial hardship as a result of COVID-19. For the majority of tenants facing financial difficulties and arrears the best means of support continues to be regular non-repayable support, for example through Universal Credit and Discretionary Housing Payments.

“However, for those who may fall through the gap and are unable to claim such support, these funds offer a helping hand to manage any rent issues that have arisen in the last few months as a result of COVID-19.

“We have been clear that no landlord should evict a tenant because they have suffered financial hardship due to the pandemic and that tenants in difficulty should engage with their landlord and seek advice on the options open to them.”

Applications for the Tenant Hardship Loan Fund and the Private Rent Sector Landlord (non-business) COVID-19 Loan Scheme can be completed online. 

Letters: Support Mary’s Meals this Mother’s Day

Dear Editor,

This Mother’s Day, school feeding charity Mary’s Meals would like to pay tribute to incredible women around the world.

From the mums in the UK whose food has nourished us throughout our childhoods, including those who volunteer and fundraise for Mary’s Meals, to the women who cook and serve our daily meals for children in some of the world’s poorest countries, we celebrate them all.

Mary’s Meals feeds more than 1.6 million hungry children in 19 countries every school day.

That’s why I am asking your readers to send a Mary’s Meals gift card to the special women in their lives this Mother’s Day. For just £15.90, it will feed a hungry child every day for an entire school year.

And because the childhood meals our mothers made often stay with us, reminding us of being nurtured and loved, we have included a favourite childhood recipe from TV presenter Lorraine Kelly with each gift card.  

Please visit to purchase your gift card or digital gift.

I know I’d love it if my three lovely children gave me this special present for Mother’s Day.

Gillian McMahon

Director of Supporter Engagement and Income, Mary’s Meals

Picture Copyright Chris Watt Tel – 07887 554 193

Steet Cred? Royal Bank teams up with rap artist Nova Scotia The Truth after Covid puts life on hold

  • New survey finds young people are some of the most anxious when thinking about their financial security and futures, as country begins to emerge from lockdown
  • Rapper Nova Scotia The Truth – who spent award win on Zoom rather than at annual celebration – fronts new campaign to encourage people to think about what they want from their future
  • Bank calls on the public to consider their financial situation as research shows more than half have parked a key ‘life moment’ during lockdown

New research from Royal Bank of Scotland has found that more than half (56%) of 18–34-year-olds in Scotland put a ‘life moment’ (e.g. wedding, graduation, buying their first home) on hold during the last 12 months.

Of those with life moments planned, almost a third (31%) said ‘financial insecurity’ caused by the pandemic had affected these plans, with one in ten (10%) citing a loss of employment and 8% affected by their lack of financial knowledge.

More than a fifth (22%) of all 18-34-year-olds said they feel anxious about money troubles in a post-Covid world compared with less than one in ten (9%) of those aged 55+.

As the country takes the first steps towards re-opening, Royal Bank has committed to improving the nation’s financial capabilities by offering every person a free Financial Health Check, to reduce money anxieties and help them achieve their goals.

To encourage signups for the service and urge young people to think about their future, the bank has enlisted the support of rapper and DJ, Shaheeda Sinckler aka Nova Scotia The Truth, who was crowned Scottish Album of the Year winner 2020.

The 25-year-old rap artist, who lives in Edinburgh but had plans to buy a new home in Glasgow, has seen her life put on pause with live gigs postponed, missed family moments and adjusting to a virtual existence with college, career planning and even collecting her SAY Award from behind the screen, rather than on-stage at Edinburgh’s Summerhall.

Shaheeda has been commissioned by the bank to write and produce an exclusive new track about the implications of 2020 and making future dreams happen – it’s due for release later this year.  

Despite the increased financial anxieties among young people, almost 2/5ths (39%) do believe the pandemic has made them better at financial planning and when asked about the things they are looking forward to once restrictions allow it, key sources of excitement for 18-34-year-olds in Scotland include:

·       Going on holiday (74%)

·       Date nights (50%)

·       Attending a live gig (48%)

·       A return to education (22%)

·       Buying a house (20%)

Shaheeda Sinckler, Nova Scotia The Truth, said: “At the start of 2020, I planned to move back to Glasgow and focus on gigging but because of the pandemic, I’ve had to stay at home with my family. It’s not been the easiest year but I’m lucky I’ve been able to focus on creative projects and do my college work virtually, I know not everyone has been so fortunate.

“The pandemic has given us time to reflect on our lives and the way we structure them and for me, that involved streamlining my finances to make sure I’m setting myself up well for when life goes back to normal. If you’ve got a plan in place now and the right support, you can achieve your goals quicker.”

Malcolm Buchanan, Chair, Scotland Board, Royal Bank of Scotland, said: “The impact of the pandemic on people’s plans – and their financial situation – has been immense.

“Directly or indirectly, everyone has been touched by it. Through our conversations with our younger customers and colleagues, a group who are normally working towards their future plans and goals, it is clear that many dreams and life moments have been paused. This is understandable given the climate.

“Shaheeda’s story has shown that it has impacted everyone, whether in the public eye or not.

“It has been challenging and there is a long way to go but we’ve seen that some people have reappraised what they want from life, whether it is a new life goal or even plans to set up their own business in the future.

“Regardless of how long it takes for people to get back on their feet, we want to help give everyone the support and skills they need to help them make their dreams a reality and help them plan for the future.”

Royal Bank is making financial management easier by providing the following:

·       Financial Health Check – A free 20-minute conversation with a senior advisor who provides guidance to make banking simpler, and tips for everyday spending or achieving future goals. This could include setting savings targets, advice on tracking monthly spending and creating budgets. Customers can choose to chat in a branch or over the phone.

·       Royal Bank of Scotland app – Customers using Royal Bank of Scotland’s award-winning app will now be able to easily see where their money is going with the new ‘spending’ tab which will show them how much they’re spending each month, helping them stay in control of their money.

·       MoneySense – MoneySense provides parents and teachers with the tools to give young people the confidence to use money responsibly on their own. MoneySense is fully digital and downloadable, it can be delivered by teachers in schools. It’s the longest-running bank-led financial education programme for young people in the UK.

Specialist support for health and social care staff

Confidential mental health workforce service

Health and social care professionals will have access to a new specialist service offering confidential mental health assessment and treatment.

The Workforce Specialist Service will be delivered by experts with experience in treating a range of issues such as stress, anxiety, depression or addiction, with a focus on the impact this may have on a person’s work.

A multidisciplinary team will support anyone who belongs to one of the regulated professions within health and social care. 

It is the latest part of a package of resources available to the workforce, including the National Wellbeing Hub, the National Wellbeing Helpline and specific psychological services provided by health boards at a local level.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said: “We are doing our best to support health and social care staff to ensure that they have the resources they require to look after themselves, and that they can get the help they need at an early stage. This is especially important given the challenges of responding to the pandemic in the past year.

“We know that some health and social care professionals can find it difficult to access mental health or addictions services due to concerns about receiving a confidential service or the professional implications of seeking support.

“Our Wellbeing and Mental Health Network offers a broad package of wellbeing and mental health support that is available for all health and social services staff, their families and unpaid carers and volunteers.

“The Workforce Specialist Service is the most comprehensive of its kind in the UK and has been established to ensure that people who access the service are afforded maximum confidentiality. We have worked closely with the professions regulators to ensure appropriate agreements are in place.”

Dr Jude Halford, Lead for Clinician Mental Health at the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland said:

“We welcome the development of a much-needed specialist mental health service for Scotland’s health and social care staff.

“Currently, there are barriers which stop some health and social care professionals from accessing mental health services including stigma, fears for their careers, concerns they will be treated by colleagues and worries about confidentiality. They may feel unable to seek the help they need.

“Improvement in staff mental health is essential. It benefits them and keeps health and social care services running for the public.

“The pandemic has caused extra demands, stress and pressure for staff making the requirement for mental health care even greater.

“The need for a specialist service predated the pandemic, was compounded by it, and will persist beyond it. It is very positive to see the Workforce Specialist Service being developed to address these needs.”

Lorraine Gray, Chief Executive, Scottish Social Services Council said:

“The Workforce Specialist Service is a great resource and I welcome the support it will give to the social service and health workforce, their families and colleagues.

“Their roles are demanding and they are working tirelessly to support our communities in the midst of the pandemic response. And, perhaps even more importantly, this support will be vital for our workforce in the longer term as we move from the crisis response towards normality.”

If you are a regulated practitioner working in Scotland, find out more about what the service provides and how to refer yourself by visiting:

The Workforce Specialist Service (WSS) – PRoMIS | National Wellbeing Hub for those working in Health and Social Care or you can also email or call 0300 0303 300.

The National Wellbeing Hub – – contains a broad range of advice and evidence-based resources including digital apps to help staff and unpaid carers cope with issues such as stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and to enhance personal resilience. It also signposts to a range of other national and local services.

The National Wellbeing Helpline – 0800 111 4191 – provides a 24/7 service to those who require psychological support and can offer advice, signposting and onward referral to local services where required.

Every Penny Feeds: Leith’s Utilita supports North East Foodbank

The Utilita Energy Hub team in Leith has donated £1,500 to Edinburgh North East Foodbank, as part of Utilita’s vital ‘Every Penny Feeds’ initiative.

The nationwide fundraiser saw Utilita donate a penny for every smart meter top-up made via the award-winning My Utilita app throughout December 2020, raising £17,000 in total for foodbank charities across the UK. The initiative is part of Utilita’s pledge for its customer-facing staff to deliver at least 10,000 hours’ worth of time supporting foodbanks across the UK in 2021. 

Charities receiving the donations include UK wide food charity FareShare, London-based The Felix Project, and six local foodbanks across the Utilita Energy Hub network. With around two million UK households having used a foodbank in the UK in 2020 – an extra 300,000 more than in 2019[1] – the valuable donations will help to provide meals for families and individuals experiencing poverty during the pandemic.

Alison Roxburgh, Manager of Edinburgh North East Foodbank, commented on the donation: Edinburgh North East Foodbank, which covers the Leith area, supported 4,159 individuals and families with emergency food parcels last year.

“As we continue to live in uncertain times, with the country still in lockdown, the furlough scheme coming to an end, and job security in the balance, we anticipate an increase in those seeking support from the foodbank. 

“It is thanks to the ongoing support and generosity of companies like Utilita that enables us to provide that much needed support to people within our community.”

Debra Clason, Hub Manager of the Utilita Energy Hub in Leith, commented: “As a Leither, born and bred, I know how proud people are in this community and how they pull together. 

“The fact that so many people have had to go to friends and family for support and rely on the foodbank shows how hard things are for people at the moment. The Utilita Energy Hub in Leith is proud to be able to support the most vulnerable in our community by supporting the foodbank and their sterling work.”

Donations from the ‘Every Penny Feeds’ initiative have gone to:

  • FareShare – The UK’s national network of charitable food redistributors, made up of 18 independent organisations, which takes good quality surplus food from across the food industry and delivers it to almost 11,000 frontline charities and community groups – received £6,000
  • The Felix Project (a member of the FareShare Network) – Delivers fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold to charities and schools in London so they can provide healthy meals to help the vulnerable – received £2,000
  • Southampton City Mission – A Christian charity which has five foodbanks and two clothes banks in locations throughout the city – received £1,500
  • Friends of the Homeless – Provides short-term practical support to anyone in a crisis or an emergency situation in Fareham and Gosport – received £1,500
  • Edinburgh North East Foodbank – A foodbank run in partnership with local churches in North East Edinburgh – received £1,500  
  • Springwater Community Group – A local community group in Derby which delivers surplus food from supermarkets to people and families who are going through financial difficulties – received £1,500  
  • Isle of Wight Foodbank – Helps those struggling with food poverty and short-term crisis on the Isle of Wight – received £1,500
  • Salma Foodbank – An emergency foodbank that delivers food to the doors of individuals and families in the West Midlands – received £1,500

As a direct response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Utilita – the only energy company created to help households use less energy – introduced measures to reassure and promote a ‘worry-free’ experience for all customers, especially those experiencing hardship or vulnerability.

In 2020 alone, Utilita issued £8.5m in account credits at zero interest for customers facing financial difficulty through its ‘Power Up’ feature in the My Utilita app, or via a customer call. Utilita’s dedicated Extra Care Team has also called every customer aged 80 and over to advise them on all the ways to top-up and stay on supply.

Central to helping people save money is the Utilita Energy High 5 movement, which enables every household to use around £163 less energy each year by making five free and easy-to-follow changes at home.

More than two million households have engaged with the movement so far – every household can benefit – not just Utilita customers, to start saving today.

Find out more:

Support confirmed for dental students

The British Dental Association Scotland has welcomed action from the Scottish Government in response to its call to support dental undergraduates who face having to repeat a year owing to COVID disruption.  

A bursary of up to £6,750 will now be offered to students at Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow Dental Schools that all moved to defer graduation given the limitations on clinical contact in the last year.  

The BDA issued an open letter to Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport Jeane Freeman, and Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills John Swinney on 2 February, calling for necessary action to prevent the next generation of dentists being saddled with unmanageable debt.  

Scottish dental students can already expect to graduate with debts of over £34,000. An additional year of study without a bursary would have pushed levels to over £40,000.

The Scottish Government has also confirmed it will continue to support trainers and trainees, based in NHS practices across Scotland. The BDA has renewed its call on the Scottish Government to provide additional funding to dental schools to mitigate the financial losses associated with today’s announcement.

David McColl, Chair of the British Dental Association’s Scottish Dental Practice Committee said: “This is the leadership we’ve needed from the Scottish Government.  

“No one wanted graduations to be deferred, but now the next generation of dentists have real certainty, support, and protection from what would have been eye-watering levels of debt.

“It’s inevitable that COVID will widen oral health inequalities that have long blighted Scotland. We can draw some comfort that Ministers have helped secure the pipeline of new talent we’ll need to meet these challenges.”

Public Health Minister Mairi Gougeon said: “This difficult but necessary decision by Scotland’s Dental Schools will be extremely disappointing news for dental students across the country. This is not their fault and that is why the Scottish Government is doing all we can to support them and ensure they do not suffer financially.

“Due to the potential risk of spreading COVID from aerosol generating procedures, dental training has had to be restricted and many students have not gained the necessary clinical experience this year which has resulted in the difficult decision to defer graduation.

“To ensure dental students who have to repeat a year are supported, we are giving each student an extra year’s bursary to the value to of their normal student loan of up to £6,750.

“Aerosol procedures are common in dentistry placements and unusual in other student placements. Therefore we are assured that despite the wider impact on clinical placements for other controlled entry university subjects, such as medicine, nursing and midwifery, students on those courses will not be required to repeat a year and any extensions to their programmes will be covered by other arrangements.

“The quality and calibre of dental treatment in Scotland is outstanding and it needs to be protected by taking the appropriate measures in education to ensure future dental professionals have reached the General Dental Council’s standard of clinical competence and can enter the workforce with confidence.”

Children’s charity survey reveals emotional wellbeing is the priority when children return to school

  • Responding to a national survey by charity Children 1st, parents and carers say there should be a focus on children’s emotional wellbeing when they return to the classroom
  • Parents and carers also call for more support for children on returning to routines, catching up on lost learning and on rebuilding friendships
  • Chief Executive Mary Glasgow says the voices of parents, carers and children should be at the centre of plans on how best to support children when they return to school

Scottish parents and carers believe their child’s emotional wellbeing should be at the top of the curriculum when the schools re-open, according to a national survey run by charity Children 1st. Parents and carers said they wanted their children to have time to reconnect with their friends, to play and have fun.

The national survey, conducted over social media, found that most parents and carers think a carefully managed transition and emotional support will be key to helping their children cope with a return to the classroom. This is in line with what the charity is hearing from Children 1st Parentline and the parents and carers it works with through its community services.

Over half of parents and carers (57.3%) said they would like schools to reopen with a focus on considering children’s emotional needs as well as their academic ones. Parents and carers believe that supporting the emotional wellbeing of their children is as important as learning, according to the 1515 parents and carers from across Scotland who responded.

Those responding to the charity’s survey also said that the biggest challenges they have faced during lockdown are around balancing their work and children’s needs, and helping their children maintain relationships with friends and family. Returning to routines was the biggest concern about schools reopening, with over 60% of parents and carers citing it as a worry (see tables below for more details).

It comes after calls were made this week for Scottish school days to be extended and school holidays to reduce.

But Mary Glasgow, the charity’s Chief Executive, is calling on the Scottish Government and the Scottish education sector to listen to families by putting children and young people’s emotional and social wellbeing at the heart of Covid recovery, warning that children can’t learn effectively if they don’t feel emotionally safe and secure. 

Children 1st Chief Executive, Mary Glasgow.

She said: “With all the discussion of longer school days, less holidays and general focus on formal learning as opposed to the wider social and emotional needs of children, it felt like the voices of families and children were being lost in the debate.

“That’s why we directly asked families what they would need to recover from the pandemic so they can cope with a return to school – and they have told us that many children will need support with their emotional wellbeing when they return to school.

“As we move closer to schools fully reopening, I urge the Scottish Government and the Scottish Education sector to listen to the voices of these families who are telling us that children’s wellbeing and self-confidence must be at the heart of the school’s response to Covid recovery.”

“We know that this year has been hard for all of us, but with the right support in place parents and carers are telling us that children can overcome any negative effects of lockdown.”

One respondent to the survey said: “I want my children to feel safe and wellbeing has to be priority. One whole academic year has been lost from education, but I feel a slow approach to learning should be made, not a rush to catch up.”

Another told us “Let them have time to play, forge friendships and space to emotionally recover from the pandemic.”

Another parent / carer told Children 1st “We need to focus on wellbeing. The impact all of this uncertainty has had on children is immense, even if they aren’t necessarily outwardly upset.

“Catching up on missed education is so important but we need to recognise the level of disruption they have all been through and support them positively to transition back into yet another change of routine.”

Children’s 1st Parentline offers families free emotional, practical and financial support on 08000 28 22 33 or online at

Freemasons invited to volunteer for vaccination drive

The Freemasons are encouraging its 200,000 members to roll up their sleeves and volunteer to help vaccinate the population.

To help protect all UK citizens during this difficult time, the Freemasons have also offered their lodges to administer the vital jabs and many buildings are being used as Covid-19 vaccination centres.

In Hertfordshire, for example, Halsey Hall is being used as a vaccination centre and supporting three local GP surgeries. The centre has been operational since 15 January and once fully scaled, there will be up to 1,000 vaccinations given each day at the centre.

NHS frontline staff members are also administering the jabs at the Freemasons building in Essex. Meanwhile, Freemasons in south Wales are opening the doors of Barry Masonic Hall to local medical practices to help in the mass vaccination against Covid-19, from 21 January.

Two halls are also being used as vaccination centres in west Kent. At the Westwood Masonic Centre in Welling, more than 2,000 people were vaccinated on 9-10 January 2021, while the Tunbridge Wells Masonic Centre opened its doors for vaccinations on 14 January.

In addition, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), the governing body for Freemasonry in England and Wales, is encouraging Freemasons to donate their time and efforts to help fight the virus. It also emphasised that those volunteering should not participate if they are in an at-risk group.

Freemason Alec Hurley is a retired RAF senior medical officer and a self-employed medical examiner for the Civil Aviation Authority. During these difficult times, he is back on duty working 12-hour shifts three times a week for clinical Covid-19 assessment, and as a clinical supervisor at the Stevenage super hub for vaccinations.

In many provinces, Freemasons are volunteering to help. In Devonshire, Lincolnshire, Leicester and Wiltshire they are assisting at vaccination sites, while in Dorset they are driving ambulances and working as volunteer vaccinators.

More than 100 Freemasons from Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire have volunteered with St John’s Ambulance to help the NHS Covid-19 vaccination team. St John’s Ambulance is providing full training for the volunteers, while the Freemasons have made their buildings available to the St John’s logistics team.

Meanwhile, in Cheshire, Freemasons are working with the Clinical Commissioning Group to provide the local Masonic Hall as a major vaccination hub to protect patients.

The UGLE campaign is being carried out through its monthly email to members and official social media channels. The idea is to reach as members as possible, to encourage them to help immunise the population.

Dr David Staples, chief executive of the UGLE, said: “In 2018, more than 18.5 million hours of volunteer work were undertaken by Freemasons. Now that we have the vaccine in the UK, it is crucial that we help in every way we can to protect the population. If the NHS needs people, then we are happy to encourage and emphasise the importance of this to our members.

“We want to support the NHS and show our gratitude for its people’s efforts and the amazing job they have done during the pandemic. Freemasons always stand behind our core values of friendship, integrity, charity and respect – and we are proud to help so many people.”

According to the NHS, more than six million people had received a vaccine by 28 January. Britain has ordered 140 million vaccine doses – enough to protect the entire population. But the NHS faces a race against time to protect everyone before a possible new wave.

More than ever, efforts to vaccinate those most at risk from serious illness are now paramount, and there is a need to ensure that the NHS has as many volunteers as possible. To help the NHS in the vaccination campaign, volunteers should sign up at:

Volunteers will then receive an email with login details to sign up online and be asked to download the GoodSAM app, which will match the person to their area.