Spokes Public Meeting, Wednesday 30th April: Cycling as part of Edinburgh’s Transport Policy

A first opportunity to hear Councillor Stephen Jenkinson, the Council’s new Transport Convener, speak on the role of cycling as part of Edinburgh City Council’s transport policy.

Cllr Jenkinson will be accompanied by Deborah PatonHead of Transport, Strategy and Partnership at the Council. Deborah has considerable previous transport and active travel policy experience, including at Glasgow and West Lothian Councils.

Followed by our always-anticipated one-hour panel QA, chaired by Helen Todd, chair of Planning Democracy and former Ramblers Scotland policy manager.

At the start of his convenership, Cllr Jenkinson said there has been a great deal of consultation and policy development in the last few years, resulting in the Mobility Plan and other excellent policies under Future Streets … and that his priority would now be delivery.

This is a chance to hear what is happening, and to put forward your priorities, ideas and concerns in the QA.


Further information and press queries

Phone, until 7 April0131 313 2114 from 8 April: 07982 278936

or email spokes@spokes.org.uk [reply may be a day or two]

Granton Tramline public meeting

Spokes public meeting – Wed 5 June 7.30pm

The Granton Tramline

Controversy rages over whether the proposed north-south tramline should use the Roseburn path or an onroad route via Orchard Brae and Dean Bridge.

The speakers at our June 5th public meeting will present the two cases, then the pros and cons of each option for cycling and walking, and for wider public health. Followed by our always-stimulating one-hour QA and panel discussion.


The case for tram using Roseburn path and not using the road route:

Lesley Hinds, Former Transport Convenor & North Edinburgh resident.

The case for tram using the road route and not using Roseburn path:

Euan BaxterSave Roseburn Path

Cycling aspects – pros and cons of each option

Alex Robb, Spokes Planning Group

Population health – pros and cons of each option

Adrian DavisProfessor of Transport and Health, Edinburgh Napier University

… then our always-inspiring one-hour panel QA – your chance to interrogate and challenge the speakers

Chair: Johanna BoydScottish solicitor [planning and local government law specialist], CEO of Planning Aid Scotland, former leader of Stirling Council.


  • Where Augustine United Church 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
  • Date Wednesday 5 June
  • Time Starts 7.30pm, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat, including a special stall to join Spokes or renew your membership
  • Questions Questions for the panel, can be emailed (at least a day in advance) to spokes@spokes.org.uk. However, questions in person from audience members are likely to have greatest priority on the night
  • Online We hope to live broadcast on our youtube channel – confirmation nearer the time – and make the recording available soon after

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