Following the announcement by Unite the union that Lothian’s drivers and engineers have voted to strike from 3 a.m. on 2 August, Social Care Alba, one of Edinburgh’s leading care and support providers have confirmed the extent to which this will affect those requiring social care and support across the capital. Continue reading Bus strike will have a ‘significant impact’ on those in need of social care and support, says Alba
Tag: social care
Health and social care: An improving picture but more needs to be done, says EIJB Chair
The length of time people are waiting for care assessments in the Capital has fallen by almost 50% under the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB), (writes its Chair, Councillor Ricky Henderson). Continue reading Health and social care: An improving picture but more needs to be done, says EIJB Chair
Expansion of free personal care
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Health Secretary Jeane Freeman visited the Capability Scotland Edinburgh Hub yesterday ahead of the extension of free personal care to people of all ages who are assessed as requiring it. Continue reading Expansion of free personal care
Not fair: report calls for better deal for care workers
The Fair Work Convention today published its report Fair Work in Scotland’s Social Care Sector 2019. The report calls for urgent interventions by policy makers, commissioners and leaders in the social care sector to improve the quality of work and employment for the 200,000 strong workforce in Scotland.
The Scottish Greens have urged the Holyrood government to put fair work at the heart of social care by accepting the report’s recommendations in full. Continue reading Not fair: report calls for better deal for care workers
Councils ‘buying homecare on the cheap’
Councils in Great Britain and Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care Trusts are continuing to exploit their dominant purchasing power, according to a new report from UKHCA, the professional association for homecare providers. Continue reading Councils ‘buying homecare on the cheap’
Pay boost for social care staff: workers guaranteed Living Wage for overnight hours
Social care staff working ‘sleepover’ hours are to receive a pay increase, Health Secretary Shona Robison has announced. Care workers will now be paid the real Living Wage of £8.45 for sleepover hours, meaning the Living Wage will now be received for all hours worked. Continue reading Pay boost for social care staff: workers guaranteed Living Wage for overnight hours
Social care in crisis: UNISON calls for fully funded services
“If we want our most vulnerable citizens to be treated as well as they deserve, the Scottish Government and the council have to face facts: good care costs money.” – Kirsten Hey, UNISON
UNISON City of Edinburgh is relieved that the difficulties in social care which we have raised for so long are finally making the news headlines, and we welcome Michelle Miller’s recent statement that social care services are under-funded. We do not like to use the word “crisis” as it can cause great anxiety for vulnerable people and their families, but at this time it is apt. Continue reading Social care in crisis: UNISON calls for fully funded services
Nominate now for OneFamily community awards
OneFamily customers across Edinburgh have less than one week left to nominate a local community project for a OneFamily Foundation Community Award – giving them the chance to win up to £25,000. Continue reading Nominate now for OneFamily community awards
North West Recovery Service: Lifeline service replaced by CGL
Health and social care CGL (Change Grow Live) has taken over the local recovery service previously run by Lifeline from a shop unit in Muirhouse Shopping Centre. Lifeline is no longer in operation, having ran out of money last month. Continue reading North West Recovery Service: Lifeline service replaced by CGL
£1 million for national social and community care organisations
More than £1 million has been awarded to voluntary organisations to help support and develop social and community care services in Scotland. The allocation is part of the Section 10 grants scheme and together with on-going grants, brings current Scottish Government investment in the scheme to £2.82 million. Continue reading £1 million for national social and community care organisations