Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP sees community in action in Corstorphine

  • Scottish Lib Dem leader sees value of a local branch to prevent fraud and scams and build financial confidence
  • Corstorphine branch supports charities including their upstairs neighbours at Dean and Cauvin Young People’s Trust
  • Long-serving colleague’s retirement marked with gifts from local community

Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP, the leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, visited the Nationwide branch in Corstorphine to learn more about how important the branch is to its local community.

The MSP toured the branch and learned more about what branches do to tackle fraud and scams. Fraud has become more sophisticated, and branch staff often act as a last line of defence. In recent times Corstorphine branch staff have noticed spikes in attempted WhatsApp scams and cowboy tradespeople.

Nationwide has promised that everywhere it has a branch, it will still be there until at least 2026 – making sure that face-to-face service stays available on the high street. This policy has led to Nationwide becoming the biggest banking brand network on the high street, with more branches than any other provider across the UK.

Corstorphine’s branch supports a range of charities by acting as a collection point for the Kids Love Clothes clothing bank and with staff from the branch volunteering for Dean and Cauvin Young People’s Trust, which is located above the branch.

Nationwide offers all its staff two days a year of paid volunteering time, and in 2023 donated over £50,000 to the charity to support young people aged 16-26 who are in or leaving care.

Mr Cole-Hamilton also saw the Safe Space in the branch for people facing abuse, which forms part of an initiative Nationwide has introduced in over 400 branches across the UK. Branch staff at Corstorphine are able to offer a private space for someone to call friends, family, support charities or the police.

Customer representative, Lorraine Mudie, has worked for Nationwide for 42 years and met Mr. Cole-Hamilton a week before her retirement.

She said: “It was such an honour to welcome Alex Cole-Hamilton to our branch. I’m glad to be able to show how important the branch is to our local community here in Corstorphine.

“Some of our customers heard I was retiring and have been bringing in gifts and cards just to say thank you and goodbye – which I find really touching.”

Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said: “At a time when most other banks are closing branches everywhere, it’s refreshing that Nationwide have decided to stick by their communities in this way.

“I know many of my constituents will be delighted to have the reassurance that their local branch will remain open.”

Scottish Gaelic is ‘in a perilous state’

Bill does not provide sufficient support and protection to Gaelic and Scots

Scottish Gaelic is in a ‘perilous state’ according to a new report released today by the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee.

The Committee’s report details reservations about the practical impact of the Scottish Languages Bill, which aims to support Scotland’s indigenous languages. The Committee recommends the Bill should proceed to the next stage of scrutiny, but says that more needs to be done to effectively support Gaelic and Scots.

The Committee understood the symbolic importance for stakeholders of designating Gaelic and Scots as official languages in legislation, and the general aims of the Bill were widely supported.

However, witnesses expressed significant concerns about the lack of tangible support for communities using these languages and dialects, concerns the Committee shares. In the report it warns that without additional support, the Bill’s aim to strengthen the support for and promotion of the languages will not be achieved.

In particular, the Committee describes Gaelic as being in a ‘perilous state’. During evidence sessions, most witnesses, including the Deputy First Minister, agreed that action beyond legislation was needed to solve the problems facing the language.

The Committee’s report calls on the Scottish Government to explain how it would use the powers in the Bill to improve the position of Gaelic.

Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, said: “We have serious concerns about the future of Gaelic.

On its own, we believe the Scottish Languages Bill does not address the challenges facing the Gaelic language or provide the necessary support to either Gaelic or Scots.

“While our Committee has recommended that the Parliament backs the general principles of the Bill, the Scottish Government must do more to avoid it being purely symbolic.

“We’re also concerned by the lack of clarity around what the obligations attached to this Bill mean for public bodies and local authorities regarding Gaelic and Scots. We would expect the Scottish Government to provide clarity on this, and the other concerns in our report, as scrutiny of the Bill continues.”

The report also highlights concerns about one of the flagship proposals in the Bill, which would see areas of linguistic significance established in areas where there are high proportions of Gaelic speakers.

The Committee agreed with witnesses that the Bill does not explain:

  • what an area of linguistic significance would look like in places with smaller proportions of Gaelic speakers
  • how public bodies would work in these areas to deliver opportunities for Gaelic speakers
  • what funding would be available for local authorities to establish and maintain an area of linguistic significance

The Bill is expected to be considered by the Scottish Parliament in a Stage 1 debate in the autumn.


Holyrood Committee seeks views on the impact of the Child Poverty Act

The Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee has opened a consultation to consider the impact of the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017.

The Act aims to measure, tackle and report on child poverty in Scotland. It set out specific targets that seek to virtually eradicate child poverty by April 2030. The Act also established the Poverty and Inequality Commission, which has responsibility for scrutinising child poverty reduction targets.

The Committee has launched its call for views to understand the impact of the Act, and in particular the difference that has been made by having the framework for reducing child poverty set in law.

In addition to interested individuals or groups, the Committee would like to hear from local authorities, health boards, academics with expertise in this area and private and third sector organisations that are working to reduce child poverty.

The Committee also wants to hear from people who engaged in the scrutiny of the Bill in 2017, before it became an Act, so that it can assess whether the Government’s approach has lived up to expectations.

The issue of child poverty has featured prominently in the Committee’s work, including during an inquiry that focused on parental employment where the Committee encouraged the Scottish Government to “supercharge” its efforts.

Speaking at the launch of the call for views, Collette Stevenson MSP, Convener of the Social Justice Committee, said: “The Child Poverty Act is a landmark piece of legislation, enshrining in law targets to virtually eradicate child poverty by April 2030.

“As we are now more than halfway towards the date when the 2030 targets are due to be met, our Committee would like to hear views on how the Act is working in practice.

“We’re really keen to understand whether putting the targets into law has been effective and what might have been different had the Scottish Government not taken this approach.”

Committee concerns over elements of Police Bill

The Criminal Justice Committee has backed the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1. However, they have concerns over whether the reforms will sufficiently improve the experience of officers and members of the public when it comes to dealing with police complaints.

In the Committee’s Stage 1 report they say the introduction of a statutory Code of ethics and a duty of candour send a clear message about the culture of Police Scotland and the behaviours that are expected of police officers and staff.

However, concerns are raised that these two proposals could be largely symbolic and not fundamentally improve the culture within policing and public confidence in its ability to deal effectively with police complaints.

Concerns are also raised that the Bill, in its current form, will have little impact on the length of time taken to consider and conclude police complaints. The Committee say this is a vital issue and one which the Bill leaves unresolved.

The Committee say they heard evidence of unacceptable behaviours and practices within Police Scotland and have questioned the robustness of the oversight mechanisms in place, including that of the Scottish Police Authority (SPA), and of whether the culture within police is changing.

Several provisions in the Bill are welcomed by the Committee, which they say will improve the accountability of police officers. This includes proposals that would enable gross misconduct proceedings for officers to commence or continue to a conclusion, regardless of whether an officer retires or resigns.

Changes that would allow the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) to consider allegations of gross misconduct that come to light over 12 months after an officer has left the force are also welcomed by the Committee. They recommend the SPA monitor this process to ensure that these cases are being dealt with timeously.

The Committee has welcomed increased powers for the PIRC and greater transparency around its work. They recommend that the SPA and Police Scotland should be under a duty to comply with the PIRC’s recommendations and that the PIRC publishes the responses to its recommendations, unless there are exceptional circumstances for not doing so.

 The introduction of barred and advisory lists for police officers, to ensure that those who are found guilty of gross misconduct cannot gain employment in another police force in Great Britain, are also supported by the Committee.

As the report was published, Criminal Justice Committee Convener, Audrey Nicoll MSP, said: “Our Committee is backing the general principles of this Bill as we believe the police complaints system must improve, both for those making a complaint and those who are the subject of a complaint.

“There are measures in the Bill which we support and believe will improve the robustness, accountability and transparency of the police complaints system. These include the commencement or conclusion of misconduct proceedings regardless of whether a person leaves the police service, and the introduction of Scottish advisory and barred lists.

“We also welcome greater powers for the PIRC and increased transparency around their investigations.

“However, we are unsure whether the provisions in the Bill will sufficiently improve the experience of officers and members of the public of the complaints system.

The Convener added: “We have concerns that the Bill has no impact on the length of time taken to consider and conclude police complaints, which is a key issue for those involved. Questions also remain about the robustness of the oversight mechanisms in place within policing and whether the culture within policing is changing for the better.

“We recognise that the vast majority of police officers and staff are dedicated, honest and do an incredibly difficult job in challenging circumstances.

“Our Committee believes an effective, fair, and transparent complaints system is essential to help strengthen public confidence in policing in Scotland and although we back the general principles of this Bill, we believe it could go further to achieving this.”

Holyrood committee invites public to share views on Residential Outdoor Education proposals

Proposals to ensure that every school pupil in local authority or grant-aided schools can attend a course of residential outdoor education are to be scrutinised by the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee.

If passed, the Schools (Residential Outdoor Education) (Scotland) Bill would give all state school pupils the chance to have four nights and five days residential outdoor education. The Scottish Government would be expected to fund the proposals.

The Committee is now asking for views on the proposal to see whether this would work in practice. It is also keen to hear views on the school year during which pupils should be entitled to residential outdoor education, and whether this should be specified in the Bill, and the requirement for the Scottish Government to fund the programme.

The Bill was introduced by Liz Smith MSP, who has stated the importance of outdoor education as being one of the most valuable and rewarding learning experiences that a young person can have access to.

Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, said: “This Bill would enshrine in law that all state school pupils must have the chance to attend residential outdoor education during their school careers.

“According to the documents presented alongside the Bill, many pupils do not have access to this.

“Our Committee is really keen to hear what the public, and particularly young people, think of the proposal in general and some of the specific ideas within it, before we embark on detailed public scrutiny.

“Please share your views with us by visiting the Scottish Parliament’s website.”

The call for views is now open and will run until 4 September 2024: 

Eric Liddell Charity set to inspire new generations with Holyrood exhibition


An inspiring exhibition commemorating the legendary athlete Eric Liddell will be unveiled at the Scottish Parliament this summer, marking the centenary of Liddell’s iconic Olympic gold medal victory in Paris in 1924.

Launching on the 25th of July and coinciding with the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the exhibition, ‘Eric Liddell: Legacy of an Olympic legend’, will be on display in the Parliament’s Main Hall and will run until the 12th of September.

Eric Liddell’s remarkable story reached global audiences through the 1981 Oscar-winning film, ‘Chariots of Fire’.

The film, celebrated for its inspiring narrative and memorable soundtrack, continues to influence and uplift people around the world. Born in Tianjin, China, Liddell was a devout Christian who famously withdrew from the 100m heats at the Paris Olympics because they were held on a Sunday, his Sabbath.

Instead, he competed in the 400m event, where he triumphed, securing his place in history as the last British athlete to win gold in this event.

This exhibition offers a unique opportunity for visitors to explore the life and legacy of Eric Liddell – the Flying Scotsman and 1924 Olympic champion – alongside other legends from the Scottish Sporting Hall of Fame and Scottish athletes competing in the 2024 Olympics.

Organised by The Eric Liddell 100 campaign, which Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal serves as Patron, this initiative seeks to honour Liddell’s legacy and inspire future generations through a series of events and activities emphasizing his core values of passion, compassion, and integrity.

John MacMillan, CEO of The Eric Liddell Community, said: “We are thrilled to see the launch of the Eric Liddell exhibition today, as part of our exciting programme of events to celebrate the centenary of Eric Liddell’s gold medal win.

“All of our partners involved in this initiative spent a significant amount of time considering what Eric Liddell would have wanted and how important it is that we reflect him in our endeavours; we believe that any individual can make a positive impact on the world if they approach the challenges they face with passion, compassion, and integrity, which are our three values for The Eric Liddell 100.

“We hope everyone who visits the exhibition leaves feeling uplifted, inspired, and motivated to live life with these values in mind.”

Rt. Hon Alison Johnstone MSP, Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, said: “We are delighted to host this exhibition in the Scottish Parliament, which celebrates the significant achievements of Eric Liddell but also serves as a powerful reminder of his legacy.

“It seems particularly relevant as Olympians from across the world prepare to compete in Paris. The Scottish Parliament is delighted to provide a platform for sharing his inspiring story with the thousands of people who will visit us this summer.”

The Eric Liddell Exhibition will be on display at the Scottish Parliament daily, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The display is free to the public, with no ticket required.

For more information on the event, please visit:, or for more information on The Eric Liddell 100, please visit

‘A voice to shape Scotland, a voice above all for the future’


YESTERDAY marked the 25th Anniversary of the Scottish Parliament, which took up it’s legal powers on 1st July 1999.

The Parliament was opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Scotland’s First Minister Donald Dewar replied to the Queen’s address with a speech thanking her for the Mace, the parliament’s symbol of authority.


“Your Majesty, on behalf of the people of Scotland I thank you for the gift of the Mace.

It is a symbol of the great democratic traditions from which we draw our inspiration and our strength.

At its head are inscribed the opening words of our founding statute: “There shall be a Scottish Parliament”.

Through long years, many long years in the case of many of us, those words were first a hope, then a belief, then a promise. Now they are a reality.

This is indeed a moment anchored in our history. Today we can reach back to the long haul to win this parliament, to the struggles of those who brought democracy to Scotland, to that other parliament dissolved in controversy over 300 years ago.

Today we can look forward to the time when this moment will be seen as a turning point – the day when democracy was renewed in Scotland when we revitalised our place in this, our United Kingdom.

This is about more than our politics and our laws. This is about who we are, how we carry ourselves.

And in the quiet moments of today – if there are any – we might hear some echoes from the past: the shout of the welder in the din of the great Clyde shipyards, the speak of the Mearns rooted in the land, the discourse of the enlightenment when Edinburgh and Glasgow were indeed a light held to the intellectual life of Europe, the wild cry of the great pipes and back to the distant noise of battles in the days of Bruce and Wallace.

The past is part of us, part of every one of us and we respect it. But today there is a new voice in the land, the voice of a democratic parliament, a voice to shape Scotland, a voice above all for the future.

Walter Scott wrote that only a man with soul so dead could have no sense, no feel for his native land.

For me – and I think in this I speak at least for any Scot today – this is a proud moment, a new stage in a journey begun long ago and which has no end. This is a proud day for all of us.

A Scottish Parliament, not an end but a means to greater ends and these too are part of our Mace. Woven into the symbolic thistles are these four words – wisdom, justice, compassion, integrity.

Burns would have understood that. We’ve just heard beautifully sung one of his most enduring works, and at the heart of that song is a very Scottish conviction that honesty and simple dignity are priceless virtues not imparted by rank or birth or privilege but part of the soul.

Burns believed that sense of worth ultimately prevail, he believed that was the core of politics and that without it our profession is inevitably impoverished.

Wisdom, justice, compassion, integrity – timeless values, honourable aspirations for this new forum of democracy born on the cusp of a new century.

We are fallible – we all know that. We will make mistakes but I hope and I believe we will never lose sight of what brought us here – the striving to do right by the people of Scotland, to respect their priorities, to better their lot and to contribute to the common weal.

I look forward to the days ahead and I know there will be many of them. This chamber will sound with debate, argument and passion, when men and women from all over Scotland will meet to work together for a future built on the first principles of social justice.

But today we pause and reflect.

It is a rare privilege in an old nation to open a new parliament. Today is and must be a celebration of the principles, the traditions, the democratic imperatives which have brought us to this point and which will sustain us in the future.

Your Majesty, we are proud that you are here today to hansel this parliament and here with us as we dedicate ourselves to the work that lies ahead.

Your Majesty, our thanks.”

Committee seek views on proposed amendments to the National Care Service Bill

A Holyrood Committee is seeking views on substantial amendments the Scottish Government is proposing to make to the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill.

The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee backed the Bill at Stage 1 (by a majority) but made clear they would seek to carry out detailed further scrutiny of the proposals at Stage 2. This followed the conclusion of a consensus agreement between COSLA and the Scottish Government on shared legal accountability for governance of the proposed National Care Service, which the Scottish Government had indicated would require the Bill to be substantially amended.

Maree Todd, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, has now provided the Committee with draft Scottish Government amendments to the Bill and the Committee is keen to find out views on these proposed amendments, ahead of formal Stage 2 proceedings.

One of the key proposed changes to the Bill which the Committee is seeking views on is the creation of a National Care Service Board which would be responsible for national oversight and improvement of social care and social work services.

The Committee is also seeking views on a newly proposed ‘National Care Service strategy’ and substantial reform of integration authorities via amendment of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.

In a letter to the Committee, the Minister outlines four areas where she says, ‘further work is needed to confirm which legislative approach would best deliver the intended changes.’ These include direct funding, the inclusion of children’s services, the inclusion of justice social work and Anne’s Law, and the Committee is asking for views on each of these areas.

Clare Haughey MSP, Convener of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, said: “When a majority of our Committee backed the general principles of this Bill, we made clear we would need to carry out detailed further scrutiny at Stage 2.

“Now the Government has provided a package of proposed draft amendments, we are determined to make sure stakeholder organisations and the public are given an opportunity to comment on these proposed changes.

“Since this Bill was first introduced as a ‘framework Bill’, many of the original proposals have changed. These amendments represent some quite fundamental changes, including the introduction of a National Care Service Board and far-reaching reforms to integration authorities through amendment of the 2014 Public Bodies Act.

“That’s why it’s essential our Committee takes the time to scrutinise these proposals effectively. After we have considered the views received, we intend to take further oral evidence before formal Stage 2 proceedings.

“The evidence we gather will be vital to aid our Committee’s scrutiny of these proposals, and to inform individual Members as they prepare their own Stage 2 amendments to the Bill. We look forward to hearing your views.”

The call for views is open until Friday 30 August 2024.

 Let the Committee know your views

More progress is needed a decade on from procurement reform

Despite improved transparency, a Parliament committee has found that inconsistency, bureaucracy, and inflexibility are still creating challenges for small businesses and third sector organisations looking to participate in public procurement.

A decade on from the introduction of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 (the Act), Holyrood’s Economy and Fair Work Committee has explored how the Act is operating.

Intended to support economic growth with procurement systems which were transparent, fair and business friendly, the Act put in place regulation for public procurement contracts above certain financial thresholds.

During its inquiry, the Committee heard from businesses and the third sector, as well as local authorities and the Scottish Government.

The Committee found that while the Act’s improvements to transparency were welcomed, there were still challenges which made navigating public procurement difficult, with one witness giving the Act a “C+ for its performance.”

Challenges experienced by witnesses included inconsistency across contracting authorities and heavy bureaucratic load.

The Committee’s report makes a number of recommendations to improve the system including:

  • Ensuring that the Public Contracts Scotland website is updated to make it once again “best in class”.
  • The Scottish Government should work with contracting authorities to drive consistency and reduce administrative burden.
  • A uniform process for the provision of feedback should be developed.

Speaking as the report launched last week, Committee Convener Claire Baker MSP said: “Public procurement plays a vital role in the Scottish economy, involving small business, the third sector and public bodies.

“But with more than ten years now passed since the Act came into force, it is time to reflect on whether the ambitious aims are being met.

“There is no doubt that the Act has had a positive impact on increasing transparency of procurement processes which of course is to be welcomed. But for too many businesses, especially new or small businesses, there is still confusion and inconsistency. all of which is causing a barrier to those who may want to engage.

“Our report calls for a number of changes which would have a real impact to ensure that the bureaucracy and inflexibility can be addressed.”

During its inquiry, the Committee also found that the Act had contributed to an increase in Scottish procurement. However, the report makes clear that the Committee believes more can be done to increase local procurement.

The Committee noted the results from the community wealth building pilot areas and called for the principles and lessons learned to be fully embedded in procurement processes.

Electrical waste piled outside Scottish Parliament ahead of vote on new environmental law

CAMPAIGNERS piled electrical waste outside the Scottish Parliament ahead of today’s final debate on a new Circular Economy law. They say MSPs need to do more to improve the way electrical waste is managed and are calling for changes in the final version of the law.

The circular economy bill is being debated and voted on in the Scottish Parliament this week (Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 June). This is the last chance for MSPs to improve the bill.

The new law should bring in policies to create a circular economy in Scotland where materials are used sustainably and fairly. However, it’s been criticised for its lack of ambition and focus on disposal rather than reduction and reuse of products, which can lead to greater social and environmental benefits.

Friends of the Earth Scotland are campaigning for the circular economy bill to include a plan for the materials required in the transition away from fossil fuels, many of which are used in consumer electronics too.

Every mobile phone and laptop is powered by precious materials such as lithium, cobalt and copper. Inadequate waste management systems means that these materials are often thrown away rather than being reused or recycled. Less than 1% of lithium is recycled, despite it being required for electric vehicles.

Many of these materials come from mines in the Global South, including Chile, the Philippines and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which exploit local communities, create pollution and increase carbon emissions.

The steel used in Scottish wind turbines is likely to include significant amounts of iron ore from Brazil, where there have been two major tailing dam disasters in the last decade. A 2019 disaster in Minas Gerais killed at least 244 people.

Scotland does not have a plan for how to manage these transition minerals. The Scottish Government’s draft Energy Strategy includes plans for electrifying vehicles but fails to consider where the lithium needed to do this will come from.

Kim Pratt, Circular Economy Campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland said: “The scale of electronic waste in this country is shocking. All of the waste that we’ve gathered today came from simply asking around – most of us have something sitting in a cupboard because we don’t know what to do with it.

“Electrical waste contains precious material which is lost when these items are thrown away. Scotland can’t afford to keep treating electrical products, and the precious materials they contain, as disposable.

“Reducing our consumption of the materials used to create these products, by increasing reuse and repair, is essential to reduce the harm being done to people and the environment. The new circular economy law also needs to include a plan for these minerals, which are required for our transition away from fossil fuels. If the law does this, it has the potential to have a big impact in creating a fairer and more sustainable future.”

Key facts about e-waste:

– In the UK, the average person generates 24kg of e-waste every year, that’s the second highest in the world, behind only Norway. The UK is on course to overtake Norway and become the world’s largest contributor to e-waste this year (2024). The global average is 7.3kg.
– Globally, e-waste has increased 21% in 5 years to over 50 million tonnes. The total value of the raw material dumped annually is estimated to be £46 billion. By 2030, it’s predicted the world will throw away nearly 75 million tonnes of e-waste.
– Only 17% of e-waste is recycled.
– There are, on average, 2 mobile phones for every person on the planet. Only 9% are recycled.
– A typical iPhone is estimated to house around 0.034g of gold, 0.34g of silver, and 0.015g of palladium. It also contains the less valuable but still significant aluminium (25g) and copper (around 15g).
– One tonne of iPhones would deliver 300 times more gold than a tonne of gold ore and 6.5 times more silver than a tonne of silver ore.