Parents facing separation urged to avoid courtroom conflict as Family Mediation Week kicks off in Scotland

Parents facing separation urged to avoid courtroom conflict as Family Mediation Week kicks off in Scotland

Parents living in Scotland who are considering separation or divorce in 2024 are being urged to seek an alternative to a courtroom confrontation to settle parenting arrangements, with the launch of Family Mediation Week, 22 – 26 January. 

January usually sees a dramatic rise in the number of parents deciding to live apart as the various pressures that go hand-in-hand with the Christmas period act as a final straw for relationships.

Stuart Valentine, Chief Executive of Relationships Scotland said: “Family Mediation Week is designed to raise awareness of the benefits of family mediation, a process that can help ex-partners agree what works for them, whilst avoiding the court process with all the stress, delay and cost it can bring.

“Many parents emerge from the festive period feeling defeated by the pressures on relationships and finances that have been highlighted during the holiday period.

“Here in Scotland we find parents in this position simply don’t know which way to turn. Their life-changing decision to separate brings with it so many tough questions: Who lives where? Where will the children live, and how will we make sure we each spend time with them? How will we sort money? What about debts and pensions? And even the family dog?

Family Mediation Week shines a helpful spotlight on these tricky issues, offering separating parents information about their options as they look to make arrangements for parenting, property and finance.

“Family mediation is a process where an independent, professionally-trained mediator helps you work these things out, enabling you to avoid courtroom confrontation. Professional mediators help empower you to create long-term solutions for your particular circumstances, rather than leaving it to a court to make decisions for your family.”

The Scottish Government fund Relationships Scotland to provide family mediation at low cost where children are involved, and Legal Aid may also be available.

Anyone wanting to know more about the benefits of family mediation can visit: or call 0345 119 2020.

Increased support offered to Scottish families in relationship crisis across the country

Latest figures from Relationships Scotland show continued fallout from pandemic and cost of living crisis are having a negative impact on family life

Support for Scottish families seeking help to deal with relationship difficulties and family breakdown has increased by almost 40% in the last year, according to Relationships Scotland.

Relationships Scotland, the largest provider of relationship support in the country, has published its Annual Review highlighting the increase in support being offered to couples with relationship problems.

The figures for 2022/23 show that across the charity’s network of 21 member services, 86,000 hours of direct support were delivered, increasing from 62,000 the previous year. The figures also show the network provided support to over 14,400 people across the country, up from 13,850 in 2021/22.

Stuart Valentine, Chief Executive of Relationships Scotland said: “There is no doubt the pandemic and the cost of living crisis have put a strain on families and relationships, and these figures are a stark reminder of how acute this strain is.

“This is a significant increase in hours of support across the whole country, and while it paints a worrying picture of the pressures being felt across the nation, we are encouraged that people feel they have somewhere to turn, and are seeking help to deal with these issues.”

The Relationships Scotland network has a strong focus on early intervention and prevention, working with families as early as possible to support them to look at the issues they are facing and helping them avoid problems spiralling. The work of the 21 member services across the country is supported by around 900 people, including over 400 volunteers.

Stuart Valentine added: “The importance of positive and resilient relationships can not be underestimated, with the damage caused by relationship breakdown estimated to cost the Scottish economy around £3.5b each year.”

Pressure on relationships rising due to cost of living crisis

Family mediation experts offer advice on choosing a relationship counsellor

As the cost of living crisis puts pressure on relationships, experts encourage people to reach out for help before relationships break down completely.

Relationships Scotland, the largest provider of relationship support in the country, is offering advice to anyone looking to embark on counselling. The leading family mediation experts say there are five key questions to ask before choosing a relationships counsellor.

Stuart Valentine, Chief Executive of Relationships Scotland said: “Making the decision to seek help to deal with relationship issues is not easy, it can be a daunting process admitting you need help, let alone navigating the many different options available.

“Relationships Scotland strives to offer couples and individuals a safe space to discuss their concerns and our five step guide aims to make taking the first step as easy as possible.”

Relationships Scotland says anyone thinking about counselling should ask the following five questions:

Are they trained to work with relationships?

Before you begin counselling it is important to establish the level of your counsellor’s training and their experience. In recent years it is usual for a counsellor to do either a one-year full time or a two-year part-time course. It is also important to find out what areas of relationships the counsellor can work with. It is especially important to check that the counsellor is qualified to work with couples, if you hope to go to counselling with your partner.

Is there someone checking that they are working to the right standards?

Relationships Scotland counsellors are required to undertake a minimum number of hours of casework per year. They are also required to participate in clinical supervision with a supervisor who is experienced in couple work. This helps ensure that all of counsellors are properly trained and supported in their work.

What will they do with the information I give them?

Your counsellor will discuss confidentiality with you and where there might limits on this confidentiality, such as when someone might be at risk. This is to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

Where will I see the counsellor?

Relationships Scotland has over 200 counsellors covering the whole of mainland and island

Scotland. Face-to-face and online appointments are available and there will be a service covering your area.

Will there be a charge?

All Relationships Scotland affiliated local services that provide relationship counselling receive some funding from the Scottish Government. This does not cover all the costs, however, and so some services may ask for a donation or may make a charge, depending on income.

If you are on low income, please let the service know and they work with you to make sure you receive the support you need.

Stuart Valentine added: “Relationships Scotland understands the importance of positive and resilient relationships and the damage which relationship breakdown can cause if not handled properly, especially for children.

“We want to make counselling as accessible and as helpful as possible for anyone needing this type of support.”