Ocean Terminal regeneration hits first milestone with opening of new 24 hour PureGym

The major redevelopment of Ocean Terminal has hit its first goal with the reopening of PureGym, the UK’s largest gym operator, in a new location on the first floor.

The newly upgraded 24/7 gym is the first commercial unit to open as part of a complete overhaul of the shopping centre, and a wider project to regenerate Leith. Following the refurbishment, PureGym Edinburgh Ocean Terminal includes a larger free weights area, a new look functional zone with prowler track, a dedicated cycle studio and a new look fitness studio.

Ocean Terminal’s Masterplan was unanimously approved by City of Edinburgh Councillors in January this year, and includes plans for the provision of a pedestrian-centred waterfront, new mixed-use community amenities comprising residential, retail and commercial spaces, and high-quality public realm spaces.

Chris Richardson, Managing Director of Ambassador Investment Management, the Scottish owner of Ocean Terminal, said: “It’s an exciting time to see years of planning coming to fruition with the opening of PureGym.

“We are committed to working with the local community to deliver on a vision which brings positive social, economic and environmental benefits to the whole of Leith as part of a wider regeneration project, so we’re delighted to see the first steps of this becoming reality.”

A PureGym spokesperson said: “We’re delighted to bring PureGym Edinburgh Ocean Terminal members a new look and feel to their gym.

“Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre is a fantastic location for PureGym and the brand new, upgraded gym will ensure members have 24/7 access to the latest state of the art gym equipment to meet their fitness needs.

“We look forward to seeing everyone, both returning members and new ones, enjoy our upgraded gym!”

Granton gasholder taking shape for future public park

New footage released by the Council shows the tank in the iconic gasholder frame has been infilled in preparation for the site to become a public park in the future.

Around 50,000 tonnes of infill material has been placed and compacted within the 11 x 78 metre tank ready for placement of the bentonite membrane. This follows the dramatic removal of the tank walls and bell last year.

Work is currently being carried out on the enormous amount of steel making up the structure with every steel member being looked at and repaired if required. This involves replacing corroded sections or filling holes. To repaint the structure the process involves blasting it with cooper ore which removes the old lead paint and corrosion, cleaning it down and prepping the surfaces then priming coats before the final paint colour.

The progress is the latest in the restoration of the site which began last year. McLaughlin & Harvey are completing the work on behalf of The City of Edinburgh Council using £16.4m from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund and an additional £1.2 million from the Scottish Government.

The gasholder, which sits at the heart of the Council’s £1.3bn regeneration project for a new sustainable coastal town at Granton Waterfront, will become an exciting multifunctional public area.

The space within the restored gasholder is to have multi-sensory play zones, a dedicated area for permanent and temporary public art and one for relaxation, outdoor trails, and tracks for exercise as well as a large outdoor space for sports, markets, seasonal events, community use, festivals, performance arts, exhibitions, and play. Work will also be carried out to plant trees, shrubs and wildflowers improving biodiversity and local habitat in the area.

Councillor Cammy Day, Council Leader, said:It’s exciting to see this footage and the culmination of all the hard work that has already gone into bringing this fantastic project to life for the area. The transformation of the structure will give the local community a much-needed place to come together to enjoy arts, sports, and culture.

“The project forms part of the wider £1.3bn regeneration of the Granton area where we are unlocking brownfield land to build a new sustainable 20-minute neighbourhood. We’re continuing to work hard to ensure Granton is somewhere residents will be proud to live and I look forward to seeing progress continue throughout this year.

Graham Brown, McLaughlin & Harvey Senior Contracts Manager, said:We are delighted to have reached another milestone on this exciting project.

“The Gas Holder tank has been dewatered, demolished and infilled alongside the ongoing structural frame refurbishment works. This has involved in-depth logistical planning to ensure both aspects of the project can progress side by side whilst ensuring the safety of our workforce.

“The finished paint surface is also progressing well under the cover of our immense scaffold structure and in the coming months we will commence the public realm works as the final phase of the project.”

Planning Minister, Joe FitzPatrick, said: “Derelict sites can be a blight on communities and often hold back development.

“The Scottish Government’s low carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme is helping to unlock these sites by providing investment to create great places for people to enjoy, regenerating communities and tackling climate change.

“I am delighted that £1.2 million from the programme is supporting this transformative project on this historic site with the creation of a biodiverse, multi-use, and accessible park within the frame of the gas holder, opening it up to public access for the first time.”

Waterfront housing developments among Scottish projects to benefit from new cycle storage

More than 1,300 residents of new housing development on Granton’s waterfront expected to benefit from access to residential cycle storage

A major new mixed tenure housing development at Granton waterfront is set to benefit from dedicated, secure cycle storage, supporting more than 1,300 future residents to travel by bike more easily.

Secure cycle storage is to be provided at locations across the development, at Western Villages, Granton Gas Holder, Waterfront Avenue and Silverlea.

The City of Edinburgh Council project aims to help more people choose cycling as an affordable and sustainable way of travel for everyday journeys, and has been developed in partnership with the nation’s cycling charity, Cycling Scotland and supported by Transport Scotland grant funding.

Having nowhere safe or convenient to store a bike is a big barrier to cycling, with Cycling Scotland research showing that a third of Scottish households are likely to be living in accommodation without access to suitable cycle storage.

In total, supported projects are estimated to benefit 160,000 people by providing better access to secure cycle storage and parking where they live across Scotland: from new on-street cycle storage in Dundee, to storage for residents of high-rise properties in Aberdeen, through to bike parking at rural bus stops in Perth and Kinross.

Katharine Brough, Head of Grant Funding & Partnerships, at Cycling Scotland, said: “It’s been so positive to work in partnership with local authorities to increase access to essential, secure residential cycle storage across Scotland.

“Each of these projects will have a real impact in making cycling more accessible, helping more people to choose an affordable and sustainable way to travel for everyday journeys.

“As well as having storage at home, bike storage at key destinations where people work, shop and connect to public transport is vital in supporting more people to cycle, and helping tackle the climate emergency, health crisis and transport poverty.”

City of Edinburgh Council’s Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Scott Arthur, said: “The regeneration of Granton Waterfront will be transformative for that part of the city, opening up new sustainable homes, commercial opportunities and leisure and cultural offerings.

“It’s essential that we fully integrate sustainable, accessible travel into this. First class public transport links will be at the heart of this community, and this will be complemented with high quality active travel infrastructure.

“Providing secure cycle storage is essential for supporting people to consider cycling, and thanks to Cycling Scotland we’re going to be able to deliver hundreds of spaces throughout the area. This will connect residents and visitors to newly-upgraded cycle infrastructure connecting with the city centre and beyond.”

Case study: The impact of new on-street cycle storage in Dundee

Newly installed on-street cycle storage units in Dundee are helping make it easier for more people to travel by bike for everyday journeys across the city.

Blackness resident Nick Toner, making use of one of the 40 new on-street cycle storage units which have been installed across Dundee.

Nick Toner, a community development worker and resident of Blackness, Dundee, has found his new on-street bike storage space has made a big difference to how he travels around the city:

“Having the bike storage space has removed a mental and physical barrier for me. Just facing the idea of looking for somewhere safe to store my bike and lock it up, it was such a hassle. But now I come to work, and I have a parking spot nearby. It’s so much more convenient and it’s given me the freedom to use my bike to get around the city more often.”

Martim Mas, a resident of Stobswell, Dundee, cites his storage space as enabling him to combine cycling with public transport to travel to work: “I actually got my bike after I got my storage, because I had no space in my flat. I would’ve had to keep it inside and there was just no space.

“I use my bike now to cycle to the bus station, then to work at St Andrews. My bike is my main mode of transport across the city. Having this storage space is super convenient for me, and it’s good to know I can leave my bike there and it will be safe.

Green light for Ocean Terminal planning application

CITY Councillors have today (10 January) given their unanimous approval for a major planning application redeveloping the Ocean Terminal centre at Leith waterfront. 

The Ocean Terminal Masterplan has been in development and consultation with the local community since 2020, and promises to deliver a sustainable new neighbourhood on Leith’s waterfront with the provision of new homes in addition to community amenities, health and leisure facilities for people from all over the Capital and further afield. 

Planning consent for the first phase of the masterplan, for part-demolition of the multi-storey car park and former Debenhams retail unit, was received in autumn 2022. Phase 2, which has received approval from councillors today, will deliver the full Masterplan with the provision of a pedestrian-centred waterfront, new mixed-use community amenities comprising residential, retail and commercial spaces, and high-quality public realm spaces. 

During the hearing of City of Edinburgh Council’s Development Management Sub-Committee, councillors commended the developer’s attention to detail and incorporation of key Council and national priorities including housing provision, green space provision, community amenity and sustainability. 

Chris Richardson, Managing Director of Ambassador Investment Management, the Scottish owner of Ocean Terminal, said:“Having worked closely with residents, businesses, locally-elected representatives and planning officers at the City of Edinburgh Council since 2020, we are delighted to have received approval for our Masterplan today.

“The result of our collaborative engagement with local stakeholders is a development which puts community front and centre.

“Our plans will meet Edinburgh’s housing needs during a housing emergency, support the vibrancy of Leith waterfront with the creation of new commercial units, serve our community through various amenities including a supermarket and medical centre, and embed sustainability. 

“With planning approvals in place, we look forward to delivering this vision for a new neighbourhood on Leith’s waterfront.”

The plans amount to a £250 million investment in Leith’s waterfront, retaining and creating over 600 local jobs, with further job opportunities during the construction phase, and had won the support of neighbouring businesses and community groups.

Brendan Reilly, President of Leith Chamber of Commerce said: “We at the Leith Chamber of Commerce are delighted to hear that the proposed transformation of Ocean Terminal has gained consent.

“The redevelopment of this area will improve and add significant enjoyment value to the cosmopolitan and European feel that visitors and residents alike already experience when spending time in this thriving area that is Leith.”

Over 530 new homes with multiple tenure options will be constructed under the Masterplan, with a key focus being residential amenity with secure courtyard gardens and raised terraces. 

Opening up access to the waterfront and The Royal Yacht Britannia via an extension to Ocean Drive, the project will re-connect the new neighbourhood back to Leith. Together with the re-imagined retail centre, the high-quality public realm spaces will create a safe, vibrant neighbourhood and new waterfront destination for the wider community.

Neil Whatley, Associate Director at Keppie Design which developed the architectural design of the proposals, said: Keppie is delighted that the City of Edinburgh Council has approved the proposals for Phase 2 of the re-imaging of the existing retail centre, securing its future retention and operation as a key local amenity and introducing a new, residential-led, mixed-use neighbourhood.

“Ambassador Investment Management’s bold and determined vision will allow the Ocean Terminal project to buck the current trend for whole-scale retail demolition – instead retaining and reimagining the existing asset, creating an outward looking development, integrated into a wider, residential-led urban environment that embodies the rich history, character and vibrant spirit of Leith.”

Colin Smith, Director, Head of Planning Scotland at Turley, acting for Ambassador Investment Management said: “This approval marks a significant milestone in Ocean Terminal and Leith’s regeneration, completing the strategic reshaping of Ocean Terminal from an inward-looking, retail and leisure driven commercial centre, to an outward-looking, mixed-use town centre.

“The dynamic neighbourhood will enhance the quality of living, working and leisure space for all, including new public realm next to the waterfront.

“Key sustainability and climate change objectives from the National Planning Framework 4 – which supports the recycling of assets, such as brownfield land, promotes local living and compact urban growth – are delivered by this development, providing convenient, accessible, mixed-tenure living, well connected to the wider city.”

Bringing communities together in cleaner, greener spaces

Councillor Val Walker writes about revitalising our town and local centres with a 20-minute neighbourhood approach:

Being able to live well locally is incredibly important to our quality of life. Our town and local centres play a huge role in daily lives. Whether you live round the corner or in the surrounding area, many of us meet friends and family, shop, work, use libraries and other local services, and enjoy culture around our high streets.

The importance of town and local centres has been a leading thought in updating one of our key strategies to help people across Edinburgh live in places that are healthier, greener, more vibrant and inclusive.

The updated 20-minute neighbourhood strategy outlines our support for local living to give more people more choice within their neighbourhood, while also making it easier to travel further to reach the other services and facilities they need on public transport and by active travel. It’s one that many communities already enjoy, but sadly isn’t a universal experience for all of our residents. 

Local centres that are easy to access and great places to spend time can boost our own health, help us to be more physically active, and make it easier to connect with the other people in our communities. 

This work is already well underway in Craigmillar, Muirhouse and Pennywell where our regeneration projects have enhanced the local centres with the delivery of new community facilities, shops, and homes.

They will soon be joined by the new Community Hub at Macmillan Square, which will feature an early years centre, library, skills hub and expanded North Edinburgh Arts facility.

New active travel links with green spaces and areas for socialising are also being planned to make it easier to access the local centres and create a more pleasant place to live and visit.

We are also approaching the next stages of an exciting town centre revitalisation programme in Dalry and Portobello. These town centres are built around busy main roads with compromised and cramped public spaces. 

Our engagement work in these areas earlier this year presented a real appetite for change and ideas for making local spaces more people-friendly. These ideas have helped shaped some of the very initial plans for development, which we will be presenting to the community through consultation next year. We strongly welcome everyone’s feedback. 

This is our 20-minute neighbourhood approach in action, ensuring services and facilities are close to people, making them easier to access and helping make walking, wheeling and cycling to be the natural choice for shorter journeys.

If we work together, we can start to see how all residents throughout Edinburgh can enjoy a more thriving city that brings communities together in cleaner, greener spaces.

Council set to award environmentally friendly heat network contract for Granton Waterfront regeneration

The creation of a £1.3bn well-connected, sustainable new coastal town at Granton Waterfront in Edinburgh has reached yet another major milestone.

A contract for pre-development work to refine and finalise the design of a sewer source low carbon heat network solution to serve thousands of homes, local facilities and the many other commercial and social enterprise businesses planned for Granton Waterfront is set to be awarded by the City of Edinburgh Council in the coming weeks.

Following a competitive procurement process Vattenfall Heat UK Ltd is being proposed as the preferred bidder and the Finance and Resources Committee will consider a report on the award of this contract at its meeting on Tuesday next week. It is anticipated the contract will be signed by both parties in the coming weeks.

The energy company, known for its work supporting many areas throughout the UK find net zero solutions, will work with the Council to finalise the plans for this heat network.

The aim, subject to future further approval from the Finance and Resources Committee, is for an agreement for the company to build, operate, finance, manage and maintain the network over the following 40 years.

This is a significant milestone for the Council and the Granton Waterfront area to help Edinburgh reach net zero by 2030.

As well as supporting the Council’s commitment to build new affordable homes over the next 10 years, the Granton Waterfront £1.3bn regeneration project has exemplar urban design which will also champion low carbon transport and active travel.

Council Leader Cammy Day said:It is fantastic to see work continuing at pace at Granton Waterfront, the largest sustainable regeneration project of its kind in Scotland.

“As well as helping the Capital reach net zero by 2030, awarding this contract is the next step towards finalising the right heat network solution for our tenants and others moving into the area to provide them with a cost competitive low carbon heating source.

“The homes being delivered in the area are being designed to be well insulated and energy efficient which will also be a huge benefit to everyone living there, particularly those facing fuel poverty.

“Work is also continuing to transform the iconic gasholder in the area into a place for the wider community and visitors to play and relax. Arts and social enterprise charity WASPS has moved into the eye catching former Granton Station building now refurbished and taking pride of place at the heart of the community, with a spacious attractive public square. And we’re currently building hundreds of energy efficient affordable homes which will be ready for tenants to move into next year.”

Eoghan Maguire, Director of Heat Networks – Scotland at Vattenfall Heat UK said:Granton Waterfront is an ambitious long-term project that will act as a blueprint in urban development and regeneration in Scotland. District heating will enable the Granton Waterfront development to deliver on its pioneering and climate conscious ambitions for its residents.

“Vattenfall has responded to the low carbon district heating proposals for Granton Waterfront and is proud that these have been recommended for approval by the City of Edinburgh Council. We are excited to work with the City of Edinburgh and its partners to help deliver on the city’s net zero by 2030 targets.

“The Granton Waterfront heat network aims to capture heat that would otherwise be wasted from the sewer system and could serve the community of 3,000 new homes, as well as existing buildings. The network will adopt a future proofed design, meaning expansion to the northwest of Edinburgh would be possible.”

Work starts tomorrow on Pennywell – Gypsy Brae active travel route

Greens welcome new Active Travel Route in North Edinburgh

TOMORROW (Monday) we start work on a new active travel route between Pennywell Road and Gypsy Brae including a cycle route, pedestrian improvements + landscaping.

Walking + cycling links are part of Granton Waterfront Regeneration + Western Villages.

Greens welcome new Active Travel Route in North Edinburgh

Work has begun on the construction of the Western Villages Active Travel Route which is on the boundary of Forth and Almond Wards.

The work is part of the wider regeneration of Granton Waterfront and will improve infrastructure along Marine Drive and West Shore Road between Pennywell Road Roundabout and Gypsy Brae.

Work will include a fully segregated cycle route, improved pedestrian facilities including new footways and pedestrian connections, landscaping improvements including street trees and rain gardens.

This construction is being supported by Sustrans Places for Everyone Programme and is being carried out by CCG (Scotland) Ltd.

Green Councillor for Forth Ward, Kayleigh O’Neill said: “I’m really pleased that these are improvements are on the way. This work will create a coherent active travel network for people in my ward and anyone who wants to travel through.

“It is so important that these improvements are made as we need safe, accessible and well-connected routes for people to walk, wheel and cycle in.”

“Earlier this year the Scottish Government announced the allocation of £20 million as part of its active travel funding. With Greens in the room this issue is being taken seriously and it’s amazing to see on the ground.”




Prime Minister to put local people in control of more than £1 billion with long-term plan for left-behind towns

  • Fifty five towns – seven in Scotland – given £20 million endowment-style funds each over 10 years to invest in local people’s priorities
  • Long-term Plan for Towns will empower communities across the UK to take back control of their future – taking long term decisions in the interests of local people 
  • Funding to be spent on local priorities; reviving high streets, tackling ASB, improving transport and growing the local economy   

The UK Government has unveiled 55 towns that will benefit from a £1.1 billion levelling up investment, as part of a long-term plan for towns that provide long-term investment in towns that have been overlooked and taken for granted. 

Towns that will be given the opportunity to develop a long-term plan supported by a Towns Board include 6 in the North East, 10 in the North West, and 4 in the West Midlands. In total, 55 towns will benefit from the UK-wide approach, including 7 towns in Scotland and 4 in Wales.  

The Government will work with local councils and the devolved administrations to determine how towns in Scotland and Wales will benefit from funding and powers under the long-term plans. In Northern Ireland, we look forward to working with a restored Executive to determine the approach to providing support there. 

Under the new approach, local people, not Whitehall-based politicians, will be put in charge, and given the tools to change their town’s long-term future. They will:   

  • Receive a ten-year £20 million endowment-style fund to be spent on local people’s priorities, like regenerating local high streets and town centres or securing public safety.    
  • Set up a Town Board to bring together community leaders, employers, local authorities, and the local MP, to deliver the Long-Term Plan for their town and put it to local people for consultation.   
  • Use a suite of regeneration powers to unlock more private sector investment by auctioning empty high street shops, reforming licensing rules on shops and restaurants, and supporting more housing in town centres.     

More than half the population live in towns, but half-empty high streets, run-down town centres and anti-social behaviour undermine towns in every part of the UK.

Yesterday’s announcement marks a change in approach that the government hopes will put an end to people feeling like their town is ignored by Westminster and empower communities to take back control of their future, taking long term decisions in the interests of local people.  

The announcement came on the eve of the Conservative party conference – perhaps the last gathering of the Tory faithful before the general election. 

This plan builds on the Government’s ‘central mission’ to level up the UK by putting more power and money in the hands of people who know their areas best to build a brighter future for their community, creating bespoke initiatives that will spark the regeneration needed.    

Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, said: “Towns are the place most of us call home and where most of us go to work. But politicians have always taken towns for granted and focused on cities.  

“The result is the half-empty high streets, run-down shopping centres and anti-social behaviour that undermine many towns’ prosperity and hold back people’s opportunity – and without a new approach, these problems will only get worse. 

“That changes today. Our Long-Term Plan for Towns puts funding in the hands of local people themselves to invest in line with their priorities, over the long-term. That is how we level up.”

Levelling Up Secretary, Michael Gove said: “We know that in our towns the values of hard work and solidarity, common sense and common purpose, endeavour and quiet patriotism have endured across generations. But for too long, too many of our great British towns have been overlooked and undervalued.  

“We are putting this right through our Long-Term Plan for Towns backed by over £1bn of levelling up funding.   

“This will empower communities in every part of the UK to take back control of their future, taking long term decisions in the interests of local people. It will mean more jobs, more opportunities and a brighter future for our towns and the people who live and work in them.”

The government’s ‘Long-Term Plan for Towns’, published today, is carefully designed to complement the wider levelling up programme, working alongside funding for specific projects across the UK, our targeted support to the places most in need through Levelling Up Partnerships, and initiatives supporting economic growth in wider city regions like investment zones.     

The Long-Term Plan for Towns will require town boards to develop their own long-term plan for their town, with funding over 10 years and aligned to the issues that research shows people want the most, including:  

  • Improving transport and connections to make travel easier for residents and increase visitor numbers in centres to boost opportunities for small businesses and create jobs
  • Tackling crime and anti social behaviour to keep residents safe and encourage visitors through better security measures and hotspot policing    
  • Enhancing town centres to make high streets more attractive and accessible, including repurposing empty shops for new housing, creating more green spaces, cleaning up streets or running market days   

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said: “I wholeheartedly welcome the launch of the UK Government’s Long Term Plan for Towns.

“It’s great to see that seven Scottish towns will benefit from £20 million each from the latest round of levelling up funding which so far has seen us invest more than £2.4 billion right across Scotland to help grow our economy and level up the country.

“I look forward to seeing these towns – and the communities within them – use this investment to breathe new life into the places where they live, work and play.”

Local people will be at the heart of decisions, through direct membership of a new Towns Board, which will include community groups, MPs, businesses, cultural and sports organisations, public sector agencies and local authorities for each town and through a requirement to engage local people on the long-term plan for each town. 

These Town Boards will have direct government support in addition to the funding and powers they receive through Long-Term Plan for Towns, and will be required to engage local people on their long-term plan. 

The Government has also announced a new ‘Towns Taskforce’, sitting in the Department for Levelling Up and reporting directly to the Prime Minister and Levelling Up Secretary. This will help town boards to develop their plans, and advise them on how best to take advantage of government policies, unlock private and philanthropic investment and work with communities.      

A new ‘High Streets and Towns Task Force’ will also be established, building on the success of the existing version, providing each selected town with bespoke, hands-on support.   

Further information 

  • Towns have been allocated funding according to the Levelling Up Needs Index which takes into account metrics covering skills, pay, productivity and health, as well as the Index of Multiple Deprivation to ensure funding goes directly to the towns which will benefit most, without new competitions or unnecessary hurdles. A full methodology note will be published.  
  • This commitment to towns follows other initiatives designed to support towns, including driving economic growth in 101 areas through the Towns Fund, and the £1 billion Future High Streets Fund, which is creating thriving high streets.
  • Local authorities will be the lead delivery partner for plans.  This programme has been developed following our work with local authorities, with funding designed to be spent flexibly over a number of years based on local and evolving needs, and distributed through an allocative rather than competitive process.      

Towns receiving funding 

  • Mansfield 
  • Boston 
  • Worksop 
  • Skegness 
  • Newark-on-Trent 
  • Chesterfield 
  • Clifton (Nottingham) 
  • Spalding 
  • Kirkby-in-Ashfield 
  • Clacton-on-Sea 
  • Great Yarmouth 
  • Eston 
  • Jarrow 
  • Washington 
  • Blyth (Northumberland) 
  • Hartlepool 
  • Spennymoor 
  • Darwen 
  • Chadderton 
  • Heywood 
  • Ashton-under-Lyne 
  • Accrington 
  • Leigh (Wigan) 
  • Farnworth 
  • Nelson (Pendle) 
  • Kirkby 
  • Burnley 
  • Hastings 
  • Bexhill-on-Sea 
  • Ryde 
  • Torquay 
  • Smethwick 
  • Darlaston 
  • Bilston (Wolverhampton) 
  • Dudley (Dudley) 
  • Grimsby 
  • Castleford 
  • Doncaster 
  • Rotherham 
  • Barnsley 
  • Scunthorpe 
  • Keighley 
  • Dewsbury 
  • Scarborough 
  • Merthyr Tydfil 
  • Cwmbrân 
  • Wrexham 
  • Barry (Vale of Glamorgan) 
  • Greenock 
  • Irvine 
  • Kilmarnock 
  • Coatbridge 
  • Clydebank 
  • Dumfries 
  • Elgin

City council’s Twenty Minute Neighbourhood Strategy updated

A key strategy has been updated to help people across Edinburgh live well locally in places that are healthier, greener, more vibrant and inclusive.

The Council’s initial 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy was approved by the Policy and Sustainability Committee on 10 June 2021, outlining a vision for a city where everyone can meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, wheel or cycle from their home. A further report on 30 November 2021 gave an update on how the Strategy was being delivered.

This strategy has now been refreshed to provide the latest information on key projects that are being progressed, alongside the overall direction and delivery of the concept in Edinburgh. 

Through the 20-minute neighbourhood approach, the Council is working in partnership with local communities across the capital to help to deliver its strategic priorities of creating good places to live and work, while meeting its targets of ending poverty and becoming net zero by 2030.

The 20-minute neighbourhood approach in Edinburgh focusses on making it easier for people to access daily services and facilities in their local area. It is now being implemented through several key ‘building blocks’:

•    Working with local communities
•    Supporting people to access the services they need locally
•    Providing multiple services and facilities from a single location
•    Delivering mixed-use regeneration and development
•    Making our town and local centres greener, more inclusive and more people-focussed
•    Supporting local economies and businesses
•    Improving sustainable and active travel access to services and facilities

Councillor Val Walker, Culture and Communities Convener, said: “We want to support people across the city to live well locally, and this latest update to our 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy shows how we are working to deliver this approach in different parts of Edinburgh. 

“The 20-minute neighbourhood concept is one that many communities already enjoy: ensuring services and facilities are close to residents, enabling walking, wheeling and cycling to be the natural choice for shorter journeys. 

“Now, we are starting to see how all residents throughout Edinburgh can fully enjoy this approach and live in a cleaner, greener and more thriving city that supports communities and brings people together. By putting local people at the heart of everything, each person living in the city can choose to participate in all community, cultural and heritage activities.

“The updated strategy outlines how our support for local living can give more people more choice within their neighbourhood, while also making it easier to travel further to access the services and facilities they need on public transport and by active travel. 

“We know people have strong views on this concept, and we believe engaging and collaborating with communities across the city to understand their needs is essential. That’s why we’re involving communities at an early stage of design projects as a key priority. If we work together, everyone can benefit from healthier, well-connected and thriving neighbourhoods right across the city.”

Read the full 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy here.  

Current key projects

These updates show different examples how the 20-minute neighbourhood concept is currently being embedded into key projects across the city.

Following initial engagement with communities earlier this year, proposals are currently being developed to make it easier to access Gorgie Dalry, Portobello and Craigmillar town centres by walking, wheeling cycling and public transport while improving the quality of local streets and public spaces.

Further information on these projects is available on the 20-Minute Neighbourhoods section of the Council’s website.

Pennywell & Muirhouse

The regeneration of Pennywell and Muirhouse is a long-standing objective for the Council and its partners.  Work completed to date includes a new School, medical centre, retail centre, improved public realm and new homes. There will be around 1000 new mixed tenure homes of which over 50% will be affordable.  730 new homes have been delivered to date across several sites in the area.

community hub is also under construction at the local centre. The hub will have an early years centre, library, skills hub, six affordable homes and space for North Edinburgh Arts. 

The hub is being delivered in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts and aims to promote culture, learning, work and wellbeing within the local community. All staff operating from the hub space will follow a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach to make sure citizens can access relevant services in the space or be signposted where necessary.

The NEAT Connections project will deliver improved active travel links to the new local centre, schools and services. 

Granton Waterfront

The Granton Waterfront regeneration will deliver a new coastal town with an ambitious 20-minute neighbourhood vision over the next 10-15 years. The regeneration will deliver around 3,500 new net zero carbon homes (over 35% of them affordable); a primary school, commercial, creative, and community space, and a new coastal park. 

The project will create new employment opportunities, meaning residents of this fast-growing area will be able to access work locally. Partner organisations will deliver substantial new cultural and educational assets over the regeneration timeframe.

Early Action housing projects are well underway at Western Villages, Silverlea and the Demonstrator site at Waterfront Avenue. In March 2023, the Granton Station Square building opened and provides affordable workspace for artists and creative industries. 

New active travel and public transport infrastructure will be created throughout the regeneration area, including new cycle paths and a mobility hub.


Planning permission for a new Liberton High School has been granted, with a GP practice and community facilities a key part of the design. 

The creation of a community campus will deliver a range of services and activities and aims to create a place where multiple services and partners can be accessed that contribute to health, wellbeing and learning of young people and the wider community. 

Charity calls on First Minister to back young people as the solution to transforming the nation’s dying high streets 

Scottish charity TechFest is calling on First Minister Humza Yousaf to support its vision of transforming high streets throughout Scotland before it is too late, and they die completely.

TechFest promotes STEM to school pupils throughout Scotland. The TechFest Blueprint Challenge is back this year to support all S3 – S6 pupils as they play their role in saving the country’s high streets.  

The competition, aligned with the CREST Awards and grounded in STEM, asks students to come up with realistic ideas for regenerating failing high streets.

Sarah Chew, Managing Director of TechFest, said: “Scotland’s high streets are dying, and regenerating them is a huge challenge. We need the First Minister’s help to place this at the forefront of the national and local agenda.

“Young people and their fresh perspectives deserve to be heard by decision-makers and they might just have the answers and ideas that will help transform high streets throughout the country.”


Scottish Charity, TechFest, is urging the First Minister Humza Yousaf to get behind its goal and ambition to help transform high streets throughout the country.

Following a successful pilot year which brought a range of creative designs by students across Scotland, TechFest is once again challenging secondary school students across the country to redesign their high streets as part of TechFest’s Blueprint Challenge: A Future High Street.

TechFest’s Blueprint Challenge is a collaboration with Bluewater, a specialist private equity firm focused on global energy. The initiative has been developed through Bluewater’s charitable division to inspire children to think about future energy and how this can be integral to a better environment and social agendas.

However, this year as pupils return to school, the charity has written to the First Minister urging him to help raise awareness and drive positive engagement with Local Authority planners throughout the country to support the regeneration of Scottish high streets and give young people a seat at the decision-making table.

Bringing life back to the high street has been a hugely challenging task for local authorities and TechFest’s Blueprint Challenge has been designed to champion ideas that can help regenerate towns and cities throughout the country.

The competition is open to all S3 – S6 students who want to share their ideas on how to create a high street that allows society to thrive while celebrating the natural world at the same time.

Pupils are asked to take into consideration ‘’modern problems’’ surrounding architecture, economic stability, power generation and consumption, and how they can bring energy, technology and nature together to create a high street that meets Net Zero targets and encourages nature and community to grow.

The goal is a modern and progressive high street that is not simply about retail.

Sarah Chew, Managing Director of TechFest, said: “We need the First Minister’s help to place the transformation of our high streets at the forefront of the national and local agenda.  

“In the past decade there have been continued discussions, debates and reports on how to transform our high streets and make them fit for the future but despite various thought-provoking think tanks and reports, sadly we have seen little to no action.  

“The Scottish high street is in crisis, and we need urgent action to save them, that is why the TechFest Blueprint Challenge is a huge opportunity to champion the youth voice and help transform how we use our high streets.  

“Young people deserve to be heard and we need the First Minister to bring our high streets further up the agenda and help us develop more positive and meaningful engagement with local authorities across Scotland.”  

Schools have until September 11th to register a team ahead of the project launch on September 12th.  

Teams will work together to create a project summary by the end of November, followed by a presentation day in December, where they will display their projects to a panel of experts, with a further opportunity to display their work as part of TechFest’s Science Festival in May 2024.  

The competition is curriculum-aligned, and students and teachers will receive comprehensive support materials, including a series of online webinars with industry professionals and an opportunity for students to showcase their skills to the local community.

“Scotland has a strong heritage for innovation and shaping the modern world,” Sarah Chew added.

“The TechFest Blueprint challenge offers a huge opportunity to develop progressive and ground-breaking ideas that can be held up as best-practice throughout the world, whilst engaging with young people in a fun, meaningful and impactful way.”