Water Safety Scotland produces series of advice codes for water users

Water Safety Scotland (WSS) has produced a series of safety codes that offer important advice pertaining to a number of popular water-based recreational activities. Five activities were selected by examining data from the Water Incident Data (WAID) and are designed around the same three-steps as the more general water safety code.

Experienced and casual users can examine the advice given and hopefully make wiser and more informed decisions when undertaking the activities of angling, stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking/canoeing, sub-aqua diving and open water swimming. Each code is available to view and download from the WSS website.

A spokesperson for WSS said: “It is vitally important for water users to be well-informed before undertaking recreational activities in or on the water.

“Our activity-specific advice codes will be promoted throughout Scotland to try to ensure that the advice is seen by those who would most benefit from learning it. Our hope is that this will reduce the number of incidents that we see each year”

With summer now upon us, WSS also want to raise awareness of cold water shock (CWS). While it can be tempting to enter the water in warmer weather, the temperature of Scotland’s open water remains very cold and sudden immersion can lead to CWS.

CWS can affect even the strongest swimmers as it overwhelms the ability to breathe and to swim, which can lead to drowning. 

With more hot weather on the way, it is important to learn how to keep safe around water, follow local safety guidance and to avoid alcohol on and near waterways.

Last year, 45 people sadly lost their lives to accidental drowning in Scotland; the majority of which were in inland open waterways such as rivers, canals and lochs (62 per cent).

To help reduce drowning fatalities, WSS is highlighting the three-step water safety code:

·         Stop and Think, Spot the Dangers

·         Stay Together, Stay Safe

·         In an Emergency, Call 999.

On 25 July, in recognition of World Drowning Prevention Day, WSS will be hosting a free Water Safety Open Day at Helix Park, Falkirk between 11am – 3pm.  

Visitors to the event are invited to visit information and activity stands and watch various demonstrations. The Helix Park lagoon will offer opportunities for the public to watch the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service (SFRS) and the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) as well as Newfoundland water rescue dogs in action.

The water safety code can be accessed online here and has been translated into the seven most widely-spoken languages in Scotland. The five activity-specific codes can be accessed here.

Missile warning ahead of today’s Edinburgh derby

Two men, aged 24 and 19, have been arrested and charged in connection with items thrown during a match between Hibernian and Heart of Midlothian in January.

The items were thrown during a match at Easter Road Stadium on Saturday, 22 January.

The men were arrested on Thursday (13 April) and are expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court at a later date.

Chief Inspector Murray Tait, policing lead for today’s Edinburgh derby, said: “We take reports of missile throwing at matches very seriously and we work with clubs to identify anyone involved.

“The consequences of being struck by an item thrown from a stand can be severe and such behaviour will not be tolerated by our football clubs or Police Scotland.”

Testing, testing: Emergency alert service test scheduled for 23rd April

Emergency Alerts is a UK government service that will warn you if there’s a danger to life nearby

ON Sunday 23rd April at 3pm there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service.

Emergency Alerts is a UK government service that will warn you if there’s a danger to life nearby.

In an emergency, your mobile phone or tablet will receive an alert with advice about how to stay safe.

The government does not need to know your phone number or location to send you an alert.

Reasons you might get an alert

You may get alerts about:

  • severe flooding
  • fires
  • extreme weather

Emergency alerts will only be sent by:

  • the emergency services
  • government departments, agencies and public bodies that deal with emergencies

What happens when you get an emergency alert

Your mobile phone or tablet may:

  • make a loud siren-like sound, even if it’s set on silent
  • vibrate
  • read out the alert

The sound and vibration will last for about 10 seconds.

An alert will include a phone number or a link to the GOV.UK website for more information.

You’ll get alerts based on your current location – not where you live or work. You do not need to turn on location services to receive alerts.


What you need to do

When you get an alert, stop what you’re doing and follow the instructions in the alert.

If you’re driving or riding when you get an alert

  • You should not read or otherwise respond to an emergency alert whilst driving or riding a motorcycle.
  • If you are driving, you should continue to drive and not respond to the noise or attempt to pick up the mobile phone and deal with the message.
  • Find somewhere safe and legal to stop before reading the message. If there is nowhere safe or legal to stop close by, and nobody else is in the vehicle to read the alert, tune into live radio and wait for bulletins until you can find somewhere safe and legal to stop.

It is illegal to use a hand-held device while driving or riding.

If you cannot receive emergency alerts

If you do not have a compatible device, you’ll still be informed about an emergency. The emergency services have other ways to warn you when there is a threat to life.

Emergency alerts will not replace local news, radio, television or social media.

If you’re deaf, hard of hearing, blind or partially sighted

If you have a vision or hearing impairment, audio and vibration attention signals will let you know you have an emergency alert.

Respect the Range: Chinook sand sculpture public safety warning

A 100-metre Chinook helicopter, created from sand, appeared on a British beach to draw attention to a serious public safety risk.

Ahead of the busy summer holiday season, the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), is urging holidaymakers and locals to take extra care and check military firing and training times when accessing MOD sites shared with the public. This includes a number of popular coastal locations.

Depicting an oversized military vehicle, the sand drawing was brought to life on Saunton Sands beach in Devon, an area steeped in military history and adjacent to the Braunton Burrows Training Estate.

A female artist rakes sand on the beach at Saunton Sands

The artwork launches the next phase of the Respect the Range campaign, a public safety initiative to warn visitors about the very real risks they face when entering shared land used by the MOD for training. Risks include:

  • live firing
  • unexploded ordnance
  • fast-moving military vehicles

Accessing military training estate areas when it is not safe to do so, not only places visitors in harm’s way,  but can also put service personnel at risk and interrupt vital training exercises designed to prepare the Armed Forces’ to deploy in real-life situations.

The MOD wants to raise awareness of the risks to the general public, especially any holidaymakers or day-trippers heading to coastal hotspots this summer.

Three sand artists wearing t-shirts saying 'Respect the Range' rake sand on the beach at Saunton Sands

There are a large number of MOD training locations across the UK, but Respect the Range highlights the following key sites with shared public access that could pose significant risk to locals and tourists: Lulworth, Holbeach, Donna Nook, Barry Buddon, Lydd & Hythe, Salisbury Plain and Aldershot.

To protect themselves and stay safe while using military land, the MOD is encouraging visitors to:

  • check training times before traveling
  • stick to public access routes
  • observe safety information including red flags, fences, signs and by-laws while on military land
  • don’t touch any ordnance they come across, and report it

Brigadier Jonathan Bartholomew, DIO’s Head of Overseas Region and the Defence Training Estate, said: “With the summer holidays now upon us, it’s an important time for us to raise public awareness about MOD training estate locations and how the public can stay safe when visiting them.

“Whilst last year’s Respect the Range campaign targeted the countryside of Salisbury Plain and Aldershot, this year we are focusing on protecting tourists and visitors on our coastline.

“These beauty spots are shared land, where families, tourists and locals spend time. But it’s also where our Armed Forces practise live-fire training, so it can go from tranquil to treacherous by the hour, 24 hours a day.

“The MOD supports public access to much of the military estate and encourages visitors to explore the beauty of Britain’s beaches, but this should be done in accordance with military guidance and with caution.

“We ask that the public do not cross into areas that are prohibited, stick to public paths and always check live firing times. This will help protect yourself, your loved ones and military personnel. It’s key that we work together to share these spaces with respect and consideration.”

Respect the Range highlights the dual use of each location by using memorable photography and design, and targeting the most popular types of land usage in the hotspots.

This phase of the campaign builds on last year’s pilot, which focused on MOD’s landlocked locations, by bringing in coastal locations too. The dangers differ but are equally as dangerous between the distinct terrains, and it is important that the public are aware of these in order to stay safe.

Please note that Braunton Burrows Training Estate is not an area used for live firing exercises.

For more information on how to access military estate safely, visit: www.gov.uk/guidance/safe-access

Summer’s here: Keep it fun not fatal

National charity and leader in lifesaving and lifeguarding training across the UK and Ireland, the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK), is urging people to get summer ready by brushing up on their water safety skills and knowledge with their national Drowning Prevention Week campaign (18 – 25 June). 

With over 400 people dying each year in the UK and Ireland from accidental drowning, it’s clear that it’s a topic that needs more attention. 

Lee Heard, Charity Director at RLSS UK said: “With June, July, and August proving to be the months with the most fatalities, it is vitally important that everyone has an understanding of water safety, especially during the summer months. 

“We have seen a rise in the number of drownings over the last few years, with peaks during the summer. In July 2021, there were 49 accidental drowning fatalities in the space of just two weeks in the UK, and we know that with the right water safety knowledge, accidental drownings are avoidable. 

“We want to ensure that everyone can enjoy their summer break and enjoy being in or around water but be safe in the knowledge that they, and their children, have the skills and understanding about water safety, which could potentially save a life.  Every life is worth saving.”

Drowning is not just a topic that needs attention for those who take part in water-based activities either, in 2021 evidence from the National Water Safety Forum showed that 40% of people had no intention to enter the water.

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has a range of free educational resources available on their website for children, young people and parents and are holding their annual Drowning Prevention Week campaign between 18th-25th June to equip everyone across the UK and Ireland with the skills and knowledge to make the right decisions about water safety. 

Lee Heard continued: “This year for Drowning Prevention Week we are aiming to educate more young people than ever about water safety and give children the skills to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water. 

“We have a range of free educational resources available on the RLSS UK website, including lesson plans for schools and resources for parents, as well as a brand new animation to engage young people in learning about water safety. 

“In a recent survey, over 55% of parents said they would not be confident their child would know what to do if they fell into open water; this is something we want to change. 

“Drowning Prevention Week brings the focus of water safety to people’s minds, giving everyone the opportunity to be equipped with the appropriate skills and knowledge to be summer ready when it comes to being safe in and around water during the summer months and beyond.”

With many families opting for staycations and heading to the coastlines and waterways for holidays in recent times, having an understanding of what to do if you find yourself or someone else in trouble in the water is more important than ever.

Lee Heard added: “If you or someone else finds themselves in difficulty in the water, it’s vital to remember the Water Safety Code: whenever you are around water you should stop and think to assess your surroundings and look for any dangers; stay together when around water and always go with family and friends; in an emergency call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue service when inland and the Coastguard if at the coast; and finally float to live, if you fall in or become tired, stay calm, float on your back and call for help, or if you see someone in the water, throw something that floats to them and resist temptation to go in.”

Drowning Prevention Week takes place 18th-25th June and free resources can be downloaded from www.rlss.org.uk/dpw. 

Follow us on Twitter – @RLSSUK

Visit our Facebook page – facebook.com/RLSSUK 

Call – 0300 323 0096

Campaign sees more than 300 firearms surrendered to Police Scotland

More than 300 firearms and 80 lots of ammunition have been surrendered to police across Scotland as part of a UK-wide firearms surrender campaign to remove unlicensed weapons from our communities and prevent them being used for criminality.

319 weapons including shotguns, BB guns, air weapons and imitation firearms were handed into police stations between Thursday, 12 May and Sunday, 29 May, 2022.

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Speirs said: “It’s really important that we continue to build on public safety across Scotland by providing opportunities for the safe surrender of weapons like this and by reminding the public to check their licences.”

“Members of the public are reminded that it is against the law to be in possession of an unlicensed firearm, regardless of how you acquire it and are reminded that firearms can be surrendered to the Police at any time”

“If anyone has any doubt, we have specially trained officers across the country who can make unlicensed weapons safe and remove them.”

Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans Keith Brown said: “We are grateful to Police Scotland for this important campaign to encourage those in possession of unneeded or unlicensed firearms or air weapons to safely hand them over.

“Firearm offences remain at historically low levels in Scotland, but by removing more than 300 weapons as well as ammunition this initiative will help keep our communities safe and prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands.”

Anyone looking for more advice on firearms licensing can visit the Police Scotland website here

Operation Soteria: cracking down on motorcycle crime

POLICE have seen an increase in the number of incidents involving the antisocial use of motorcycles in the Niddrie area.

Operation Soteria was set up in 2016 and is Edinburgh City Division’s response to significant community concerns linked to the theft and antisocial use of motorcycles across the city.

Inspector Fordyce from Craigmillar Police Station said: “It concerns me that young people continue to put themselves and others at risk by riding motorcycles dangerously in our area. We will not tolerate this behaviour and we are committed to tackling the issue and targeting offenders who put local communities at risk through their reckless conduct.

“Operation Soteria involves dedicated resources targeting key areas in order to bring an end to this potentially life threatening behaviour and we will use both overt and covert tactics as part of this operation.

“We are also appealing to parents and carers and the wider public to assist us by reporting these instances which will help ensure that our resources focus in the right areas. If you know of any of the young people involved in this activity and you’re able to speak to them directly, then please make sure that they are fully aware or the risk they are posing both to the community and to themselves.

“As we head into the summer months, it is important that those involved in this sort of criminality are identified and traced. I would ask anyone with information regarding this kind of behaviour to share that information and help us keep the residents of Edinburgh and our visitors safe.”

Anyone with information about motorcycle crime or the dangerous use of motorcycles can speak to officers confidentially and anonymously on 101, or though the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Police: Firearms Surrender appeal

Firearms and ammunition can be surrendered at police stations across Scotland as part of a UK-wide firearms surrender campaign.

Running from Thursday 12 May until Sunday 29 May, people in possession of firearms and ammunition, for which they do not hold a valid certificate, will be able to surrender these to police.

In addition to being able to hand in firearms and ammunition, the public will be able to hand over replica firearms, air weapons, BB guns, imitation firearms, component parts and other ballistic items.

The public can hand firearms and weapons to any police station, however are asked where possible to attend at designated locations across Scotland.

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Speirs said: “The purpose of the firearms surrender campaign is to remove firearms from criminal availability and therefore reduce the risk of harm to the public and our communities.

“People will be able to surrender unlicensed weapons and ammunition to a number of dedicated police stations throughout Scotland and I would encourage people to do so.”

Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Veterans Keith Brown said: “I would encourage anyone in possession of an unneeded or unlicensed firearm or air weapon to safely hand it over to police at one of their designated police stations.

“Firearm offences remain at historically low levels in Scotland, but by removing unwanted weapons this important campaign by Police Scotland will help keep our communities safe and prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands.”

Dedicated stations for the surrender are:


Edinburgh Division

St Leonards

Fife Division




Forth Valley Division

Stirling Randolphfield


Lothians and Scottish Borders






Highland and Islands Division

Burnett Road


Fort William







North East Division








Tayside Division





Argyll and West Dumbartonshire Division









Ayrshire Division





Dumfries and Galloway Division


Castle Douglas

Dumfries HQ


Loreburn, Dumfries

Newton Stewart



Greater Glasgow Division

Aitkenhead Road



London Road

Lanarkshire Division



Renfrewshire and Inverclyde Division



Summer is just around the corner – get ahead and keep it fun not fatal

National charity and leader in lifesaving and lifeguarding training across the UK and Ireland, the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK), is urging people to get summer ready by brushing up on their water safety skills and knowledge. 

With over 400 people dying each year in the UK and Ireland from accidental drowning, it’s clear that it’s a topic that needs more attention. 

Lee Heard, Charity Director at RLSS UK said: “With June, July, and August proving to be the months with the most fatalities, it is vitally important that everyone has an understanding of water safety, especially during the summer months. 

“We have seen a rise in the number of drownings over the last few years, with peaks during the summer. In July 2021, there were 49 accidental drowning fatalities in the space of just two weeks in the UK, and we know that with the right water safety knowledge, accidental drownings are avoidable. 

“We want to ensure that everyone can enjoy their summer break and enjoy being in or around water but be safe in the knowledge that they, and their children, have the skills and understanding about water safety, which could potentially save a life.  Every life is worth saving.”

Drowning is not just a topic that needs attention for those who take part in water-based activities either, evidence shows that one in two people who accidentally drown never intended to enter the water and in 2020 evidence from the National Water Safety Forum showed that 45% of accidental drownings took place when people were taking part in everyday activities.

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has a range of free educational resources available on their website for children, young people and parents and are holding their annual Drowning Prevention Week campaign in June.

The campaign will take place between 18th-25th June and aims to equip everyone across the UK and Ireland with the skills and knowledge to make the right decisions about water safety. 

Lee Heard continued: “This year for Drowning Prevention Week we are aiming to educate more young people than ever about water safety and give children the skills to enjoy a lifetime of fun in the water. 

“We have a range of free educational resources available on the RLSS UK website, including lesson plans for schools and resources for parents. 

“In a recent survey, over 55% of parents said they would not be confident their child would know what to do if they fell into open water; this is something we want to change. 

“Drowning Prevention Week brings the focus of water safety to people’s minds, giving everyone the opportunity to be equipped with the appropriate skills and knowledge to be summer ready when it comes to being safe in and around water when the warmer weather is here.”

With many families opting for staycations and heading to the coastlines and waterways for holidays in recent times, having an understanding of what to do if you find yourself or someone else in trouble in the water is more important than ever. 

Lee Heard added: “If you or someone else finds themselves in difficulty in the water, it’s vital to remember the Water Safety Code:

whenever you are around water you should stop and think to assess your surroundings and look for any dangers;

stay together when around water and always go with family and friends;

in an emergency call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue service when inland and the Coastguard if at the coast;

and finally float to live, if you fall in or become tired, stay calm, float on your back and call for help, or if you see someone in the water, throw something that floats to them and resist temptation to go in.”

Drowning Prevention Week takes place 18th – 25th June and free resources can be downloaded from www.rlss.org.uk.

40% of children leave primary school education unable to swim

Labour list MSP for Lothian region Foysol Choudhury returned to the Public Petitions Committee yesterday to continue his support for a local constituent, Lewis Condy, who is highlighting the importance of children having access to swimming lessons.

His petition was last discussed in November last year when the Committee decided to write to key write to key sector organisations to gather more information. 

The Committee heard evidence that over 40% of children leave primary education unable to swim and that there is a direct correlation between a child’s social and economic background and their opportunity to learn to swim.

Mr Choudhury said: “We know that having access to swimming lessons gives people a benefit to their safety in and around water, and to their health, fitness and wellbeing.

“The Committee has heard that there are significant gaps in the provision of swimming lessons with the availability of facilities and the cost of lessons being significant factors driving unequal access.

“Resolving these inequalities is a matter of equality opportunity.

“Currently, there is no statutory curriculum for learning to swim in Scotland.

“We have seen from the responses to my constituent’s petition, there is widespread support within the sector and from the public for doing more on this issue.

“I am delighted that the Committee has agreed to keep this petition open and write to Scottish Government to find out how they intend to proceed.

Fellow Labour committee member Paul Sweeney MSP said: “Teaching kids to swim is a fundamental lifesaving exercise. 

“It is not a recreational activity, necessarily.  I think it’s important to consider it as a public safety matter rather than a sporting matter”. 

To see a video of the discussion please click here

To access the petition information click here