Art of Protest: housing event at Royston Wardieburn

Join us on Tuesday 19th February 2019 for a family-friendly, free, catered discussion at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre Community Cafe on protest and the north Edinburgh’s housing crisis. Continue reading Art of Protest: housing event at Royston Wardieburn


Join the protests

Thursday 21 February from 9am

UNISON, the biggest union in Edinburgh Council, will join Edinburgh Trades Union Council and community groups to lobby the council and the Scottish Parliament on 21 February 2019 to say ‘enough is enough’ as Edinburgh faces yet another cut of over £30 million. Continue reading ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: No More Cuts!

Heartbreak as funding appeal rejected … but the fight goes on

Pilton Community Health Project could face closure unless alternative funding can be found. The respected local project – Scotland’s oldest community health organisation – was one of 35 who learned last week that they would receive no funding from the latest round of Health & Social Care grants. Continue reading Heartbreak as funding appeal rejected … but the fight goes on

Brexit: People’s Vote campaign rally this Saturday

Fed Up hearing politicians on Brexit?

Then come along to Festival Square at 1.30pm on Saturday and hear what speakers from worlds as diverse as entertainment, medical science and education have to say on the question of whether, in a democracy, the people should be allowed the right to decide whether they have changed their mind.

The Peoples Vote campaign, working with the European Movement in Scotland are staging a rally in support of a Vote on the Deal with speeches from

  • Mitch Benn  –  Comedian/songwriter  (and compere)
  • Gavin Esler   –   TV journalist
  • Mary Ross Davie   –   Royal College of Midwives
  • Steve Richards   –   Political commentator
  • Vonnie Sandlan   –   Colleges Scotland
  • Liam MacCabe   –   NUS Scotland
  • Vanessa Glynn   –   Chair, European Movement in Scotland
  • Dr Malcolm MacLeod   –   Neurologist
  • Emma Currie   –   Actor
  • Professor Tanja Bueltmann  –  Founder “I am an Immigrant”
  • Femi Oluwole   –   Our Future Our Choice

There’s even a rumour about a chlorinated chicken and hormonally supercharged cow making an appearance.  But not a politician in sight!

So if you fancy something different on Saturday afternoon why not go along to Festival Square and wave a flag or a placard?  Or simply listen to some fantastic speakers say why we simply can’t leave this to the politicians.

“I was there”: sign up for PROCESSIONS Edinburgh

The City of Edinburgh Council has pledged support for PROCESSIONS Edinburgh. Alongside the Scottish Government’s Centenary Fund, Event Scotland part of VisitScotland’s Events Directorate and Creative Scotland, the City of Edinburgh Council has partnered with Artichoke to support the mass participatory event on 10 June. Continue reading “I was there”: sign up for PROCESSIONS Edinburgh

Homes for Everyone: Solidarity protest with homeless people

Wednesday 17 January 10am – 11.30am
Abbots House 10 Links Place EH6 7EZ Continue reading Homes for Everyone: Solidarity protest with homeless people

March and Rally to support BiFab workers

As you may be aware, workers at the engineering firm BiFab have taken control of their sites, since 1,400 jobs are at risk. In solidarity, the GMB and Unite have organised a march and rally in support of the workers tomorrow:

Thursday 16th November
MARCH: Assemble 10am Johnston Terrace
RALLY: 11am outside Scottish Parliament
Please attend the march and rally if you can. Also, please contact your CLP and your union branch to encourage them to share this event with their membership too.

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In solidarity,

Campaign for Socialism