Foreign Secretary under pressure over Afghanistan failures

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is coming under increasing pressure over the UK Government’s response to the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan.

Mr Raab was on holiday in Crete as the crisis was developing. Even politicians are allowed to take holidays, of course, but the Foreign Secretary has been accused of dereliction of duty following revelations by the Daily Mail and the BBC that Mr Raab failed to return a call from his Afghani counterpart as Taliban militants advanced on the capital Kabul.

It was claimed that a junior minister was delegated to make the call, but it was revealed on Friday that this was nonsense: THE CALL WAS NEVER MADE.

The UK Parliament was recalled yesterday to discuss the Afghanistan crisis. This is Mr Raab’s statement to the House:

Mr Speaker, in any crisis it is how you respond that is critical, and the government has two overriding priorities.

First, we must evacuate our own people, the British nationals, the dual nationals in Afghanistan who now want to leave, those who served our country so loyally.

And allied to this, we must live up to the best traditions of this country in playing our part in offering safe haven to those Afghans who are now fleeing persecution from the Taliban as refugees.

I want to pay tribute to those leading this work. I have already mentioned Sir Laurie Bristow, our Ambassador. There is a phenomenal cross-Whitehall team of military personnel – I pay tribute to the Defence Secretary – Home Office officials – I pay tribute to the Home Secretary – and they are working hand-in-glove, with gunfire overhead, to save others before they get out themselves.

And I want to pay tribute also to the Rapid Deployment Team that flew into Kabul last night to support that effort, and to the troops that went in to protect them and secure the airport so that we could prosecute this evacuation effort.

Mr Speaker, we are straining every sinew on that evacuation effort and it is supported by the crisis team in King Charles Street, with Home Office experts, military planners, and they are working around the clock. I pay tribute to them, having visited them yesterday.

The evacuation effort has three strands. And by the way, it’s been, Mr Speaker, in place for four months.

First, it is worth recalling that we advised all UK nationals to leave Afghanistan back in April and many hundreds did so on commercial flights, with the benefit of consular support and advice from our team.

Since the security situation deteriorated last weekend, we switched to chartered flights to get nationals out, as well as those under the ARAP scheme.

The first flight left Kabul on Sunday with around 150 UK nationals and their dependents on board. They have arrived back in this country safe and sound.

In the last 24 hours, 646 people have been evacuated, a combination of nationals, Afghans who worked for us and UK allies, and there will be eight flights following today.

The crucial point was that in order to secure the airport, we had to inject 600 British forces, we had thousands come in from the Americans. Without that we wouldn’t be able to get any of those to the airport, indeed out of them, or process them in the way we need to.

The second strand of the evacuation, beyond British nationals, is the ARAP programme, also set up by the Defence Secretary back in April, to help those who worked for us, and who now face the risk of retribution precisely because of the loyalty that they showed to our country.

And to date, Mr Speaker, we have settled over 3,300 Afghan staff and their families. That includes 2,000 since April, the most generous scheme of its kind offered anywhere in the world, and rightly so.

The third strand of the evacuation scheme is, as my Right Honourable Friend the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary announced today, our plan to provide a bespoke asylum offer to settle 20,000 Afghan refugees over five years.

And like the Home Secretary herself, let me just say as the son of a refugee I am deeply proud that this government is continuing the big-hearted tradition of the British people in offering safe haven to those fleeing persecution.

So we are getting our nationals out, those that work for us out, and we are providing a lifeline to the most vulnerable.

I can also tell the House today that we have contacted all of the Chevening Scholars in Afghanistan, not just to tell them that they can come, but to actively make arrangements for the upcoming flights to the UK.

Mr Speaker, at a time of crisis we also need to look to the longer term, and there are four areas that need particular focus.

Counter terrorism: we must never again allow Afghanistan to be a haven for terrorists, we will work very closely with all of our partners within the parameters that the current situation allows.

Secondly, the international community must be prepared to respond to the humanitarian plight caused by the Taliban’s campaign.

The UK is already using our convening power, our aid budget to galvanise the global response.

Thirdly, we must work to safeguard regional stability, and that will require us to work with different partners and it will require engagement with key regional players, including India, China, Russia, Pakistan, the Central Asian states, however difficult or complex that may prove and outside of our comfort zone.

And we will be fully supporting the efforts of the Secretary General of the UN’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan, Jean Arnault.

The fourth area is human rights and accountability. We will hold both through our domestic sanctions regime, but also working with the Indians who chair the UN sanctions regime for Afghanistan, to make sure we can exercise a moderating influence on the Taliban regime.

We will pursue each of these areas with vigour. As the Prime Minister has already made clear, we will be convening a special meeting of G7 leaders to consider a concerted and co-ordinated response.

We will be looking at the question of a contact group of international partners on Afghanistan and we plan an event at the UN General Assembly next month to focus minds and raise funds for the humanitarian response.

We are raising our aid budget in response to the crisis, channelling it via third parties on the ground.

And we will no longer provide funding to Afghan security institutions, redirecting this to humanitarian efforts which benefit the Afghan people.

Mr Speaker, we will get our people out of Afghanistan, we will provide a lifeline for the most vulnerable, and, with our partners, we will forge a new international strategy for Afghanistan.

We will not allow the hard-won gains of the last 20 years to be lost.

And we will continue to stand with the Afghan people, and support their aspiration for a better life.

NOTE – The last four paragraphs of the speech are as drafted, but were not delivered in the House due to time constraints.

STAND WITH THE AFGHAN PEOPLE? When it was clearly too much to ask to return a desperate phone call? What’s Afghani for ‘Aye, right’?

MSPs concern over record number of alohol related deaths

Alcohol related deaths highest in 16 years in NHS Lothian

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “My deepest condolences are with the families and friends across Edinburgh and the Lothian’s who have lost a loved one to alcohol.

“SNP Ministers have made it clear by their actions that supporting people with addictions is not a priority for them, which is why the Scottish Conservatives have called for a Right to Rehab across Scotland.

“Drug and alcohol professionals work very hard to support those with addictions, however services have not been properly funded by SNP Ministers.

“SNP cuts to drug and alcohol partnerships have impacted on alcohol recovery services across Scotland. We need a new approach.

“We urgently need to see the focus switch towards sustainable recovery and long term rehabilitation, to support those who are dealing with addiction.”

Table 6B: Single year figures for alcohol-specific deaths and age standardised rates by current Health Board area1: registered in Scotland, 1979 to 2020 back to contents
 Number of deaths registered
YearAll Scotland2Ayrshire and ArranBordersDumfries and GallowayFifeForth ValleyGrampianGreater Glasgow and ClydeHighlandLanark-shireLothianOrkneyShetlandTaysideWestern Isles

Public Health Scotland supports retaining uplift to Universal credit

Public Health Scotland supports retaining the £20 a week uplift to universal credit and working tax credits, brought in by the UK Government in April 2020, to help create a Scotland where everybody thrives.

The social security top-up payment was introduced in April 2020 to help low-income households deal with the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is due to expire in October.

The evidence is becoming stronger that increasing the incomes of the poorest, including by increasing means-tested benefits, can help narrow the gap in life expectancy and improve mental health and wellbeing.

All of those families affected claiming working tax credits are already in employment, as are 35% of people claiming universal credit. Another 31% of people claiming universal credit have health problems or caring responsibilities which compromise their ability to secure and retain jobs. Therefore, focusing on getting people into work, in itself, will not be sufficient.

Martin Taulbut, Public Health Intelligence Adviser at Public Health Scotland said: “People with higher incomes are healthier and live longer. Experiencing material hardship can have a profound direct impact on health by affecting our ability to buy the goods and services that support good health and underpin healthy life expectancy. 

“The increase in value of universal credit and tax credits has reduced poverty, protecting the physical and mental health of low-income families and supporting working-age adults’ ability to find and keep good work. Decreasing the value of means-tested benefits is likely to result in a decline in the (already poor) health of the unemployed and low-income families, particularly after the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As well as enabling families to live healthier lives now, action taken to improve and protect the health of children from early in life pays dividends for decades. By embedding health and wellbeing into policy decisions across areas of economy, employment and mental health, Scotland has an opportunity to make real progress on national outcomes.”

Save Our Care Homes: protest lobby at City Chambers tomorrow

UNISON will be holding a static lobby outside the Edinburgh City Chambers tomorrow (Tuesday 17th August) from 9.30am to coincide with the meeting of the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board (EIJB) meeting taking place at 10am.

Although this meeting will not be making a final decision on care home closures, they will be planning to move forward with wider consultation on the issue, with the purpose of coming to a decision at a meeting in September.

It was UNISON’s quick actions that ensured the EIJB did not move forward with the proposed closures at their meeting on 22nd June 2021.

UNISON will be making a deputation to the meeting tomorrow and will be calling for:

  • the saving of our care homes;
  • meaningful engagement with the trade unions;
  • call for proper impact assessments; and
  • the need to have a wide-ranging meaningful public consultation.

UNISON want care homes to remain run by and for the public and not run by private companies for private profit.

If publicly owned and run care homes are not up to standard, then investment in adaptation, or the building of new care homes must be done to ensure that any demand can be met.

Staff in care home must be paid a decent wage, have access to developmental training and feel secure in their employment.

The lobby outside the City Chambers on Tuesday 17th August is only part of the union’s campaign to ‘Save Our Care Homes’ and UNISON plan to build to a bigger event for the September meeting.

You can sign UNISON’s petition here and click here for a link to a ready-made email to your MSP.

The Another Edinburgh is Possible campaign group is also urging the capital’s citizens to support the fight against care home closures:

‘Join the protest rally outside the City Chambers as the Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board meets on Tuesday 17th August. It’s likely that the board will hold a special meeting in September to make the decision to close 5 out of the 9 local authority care homes in Edinburgh.

‘We want to build a campaign that is so strong that when that meeting takes place the board has no option but to drop its’ closure plans. Three Edinburgh City Councillors sit on the board. We’ve written to the leaders of all five party groups on the council demanding that their group takes a clear and unambiguous public position in opposition to the closures.’

All 16 and 17 year olds in England to be offered vaccine by next week

All young people aged 16 to 17 in England are to be offered a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Monday 23 August to give them protection before returning to school.

  • Health and Social Care Secretary announces new target to offer first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to all 16 and 17 year olds in England by Monday 23 August
  • Walk-in centres now open across the country and thousands of young people already vaccinated
  • New walk-in site finder launched online to help young people locate nearest vaccination centre

All young people aged 16 to 17 in England are to be offered a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Monday 23 August to give them the vital protection provided by the vaccine before returning to school in September, the Health and Social Secretary Sajid Javid has announced today (15 August).

Tens of thousands of people in this age group have already been vaccinated at local vaccination sites and walk-in centres across the country and the drive to offer a first jab by the new date will allow those teenagers in that age bracket the two weeks necessary to build maximum immunity.

NHS England has launched a new online walk-in site finder to help 16 and 17 year olds locate the nearest available centre. Further sites will come online over the coming days and weeks.

People aged 16 and 17 will be able to get vaccinated at one of more than 800 GP-led local vaccination sites. Thousands will be invited including by text and letter to book their appointments through GPs or via walk-in centres to help keep them, their families and friends safe from the virus.

The vaccines have already saved around 84,600 lives and prevented 23.4 million infections and 66,900 hospitalisations in England up to 6 August, according to the latest data from Public Health England and Cambridge University.

Health Secretary Sajid Javed said: “It is brilliant to see tens of thousands of young people have already received their vaccine – thank you for helping to further build our wall of defence against COVID-19 across the country.

“I have asked the NHS in England to ensure they offer a first dose of the vaccine to everyone aged 16 and 17 by next Monday 23 August, this will make sure everybody has the opportunity to get vital protection before returning to college or sixth form.

“Please don’t delay – get your jabs as soon as you can so we can continue to safely live with this virus and enjoy our freedoms by giving yourself, your family and your community the protection they need.”

Teenagers within three months of turning 18 can book their vaccine appointment online through the National Booking Service or by calling 119. Around 100,000 texts are being sent to those eligible inviting them to book their jabs.

Children aged 12 to 15 who are clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 or who live with adults who are at increased risk of serious illness from the virus are also being contacted by the NHS and invited for their vaccine by 23 August, ahead of the new school year.

Teenagers within three months of turning 18 can book their vaccine appointment online through the National Booking Service or by calling 119. Around 100,000 texts are being sent to those eligible inviting them to book their jabs.

Children aged 12 to 15 who are clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 or who live with adults who are at increased risk of serious illness from the virus are also being contacted by the NHS and invited for their vaccine by 23 August, ahead of the new school year.

Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi said: “Young people have shown great enthusiasm to get their vaccines and this has allowed us to safely enjoy the things we have missed, such as going to the pub or seeing family and friends.

“Thank you to the NHS and volunteers for your continued dedication to protect people from this virus. I urge everybody else to get their vaccines as soon as possible.”

Data from Public Health England (PHE) shows COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against hospitalisation from the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant, the dominant strain in the UK. The analysis shows the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 96% effective and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is 92% effective against hospitalisation after two doses.

A total of 87,421,381 doses have been administered in the UK, with 47,215,352 people receiving a first dose (89.3%) and 40,206,029 people receiving both doses (76%). More than 70% of people aged 18-29 have already received their first dose.

The government is working closely with the NHS to make it as easy as possible to get a vaccine, including through ‘grab a jab’ pop-up vaccine sites across the country, such as London-based nightclub Heaven, as well as football stadiums and festivals up and down the country.

Advice and information on the benefits of vaccination have been shared at every opportunity, including through a range of partnerships with industries catering for predominantly younger audiences.

This work has included partnerships with high-profile entertainment and sports personalities on short films encouraging people to get the jab, such as film stars Jim Broadbent and Thandiwe Newton, and football figures Harry Redknapp and Chris Kamara.

The government has also partnered with dating apps, social media platforms and large companies, such as Uber and Deliveroo, on adverts and incentives to get the vaccine.

NHS medical director of primary care and deputy lead for vaccination programme in England, Dr Nikki Kanani, said: “Thanks to the dedication and hard work of NHS staff, well over 39 million people in England have already had their first, including more than a quarter of a million young people under the age of 18.

“Now as teenagers prepare to head back to school or college or into their first full-time jobs, once again NHS staff are doing everything they can to offer young people the lifesaving vaccine as quickly as possible to protect themselves and others.

“Those who are eligible should check their nearest walk-in centre on the site finder today or book through their GP team once invited to do so.”

YouGov polling also shows the UK continues to be one of the top nations where people are willing to have a COVID-19 vaccine or have already been vaccinated.

ONS data published on 9 August shows that more than 9 in 10 (96%) adults reported positive sentiment towards the vaccine, and vaccine hesitancy for those aged 18 to 21 has almost halved from 9% to 5%. The statistics also showed hesitancy has decreased for those aged 16 and 17 from 14% to 11%.

Other than issuing daily coronavirus updates the Scottish Government has been pretty quiet on the subject since we moved ‘beyond Level Zero’ last Monday – and with Holyrood in recess until 29 August, the days of the daily Coronavirus media briefing appear to be over for now at least.

However the virus has not gone away – 1383 new cases were recorded yesterday – and public health experts have warned that there is a need for continued vigilance.

Edinburgh’s schools return this week.

If you are 16 or 17 years old you can now self-register for an appointment at or visit any of our drop-in clinics that offer Pfizer.

Let’s all do our part to keep each other, and ourselves, safe – if you can, please get vaccinated. 


England removes requirement for self-isolation for double-jabbed close contacts from Monday

Adults and children south of the border will be free to return to work, attend school, and meet friends and family as the protection from vaccines replaces the need for contact isolation from Monday

  • Instead of self-isolating, those who are double jabbed and under 18s identified as close contacts of positive COVID-19 cases are advised to get a free PCR test as soon as possible
  • Protection from remarkable vaccine rollout allows more freedoms, with over three quarters of adults now double jabbed

From Monday 16 August, people in England who are double jabbed or aged under 18 will no longer be legally required to self-isolate if they are identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case.

The change was announced last month, as part of step 4 of the Government’s COVID-19 roadmap. With 75% of people having received both doses of the vaccine, the majority of adults will no longer need to self-isolate if they are contacts.

These changes can be made next week as a result of the remarkable success of the UK’s vaccine programme, with over three quarters of UK adults now double jabbed. The latest data from Public Health England and Cambridge University shows that around 60,000 deaths, 22 million infections and 66,900 hospitalisations have been prevented by the vaccines.

As of Monday, double jabbed individuals and under 18s who are identified as close contacts by NHS Test and Trace will be advised to take a PCR test as soon as possible to check if they have the virus and for variants of concern. People can order a PCR home test online or by calling 119, or going to a test site.

As double jabbed people identified as close contacts are still at risk of being infected, people are advised to consider other precautions such as wearing a face covering in enclosed spaces, and limit contact with other people, especially with anyone who is clinically extremely vulnerable. They will not be required to self-isolate while they wait for the results of the PCR test.

Double vaccinated adults will no longer be required to self-isolate from Monday, as long as they received their final dose of an MHRA-approved vaccine in the UK vaccination programme at least 14 days prior to contact with a positive case.

Anyone who tests positive following the PCR test will still be legally required to self-isolate, irrespective of their vaccination status or age in order to break onwards chains of transmission. Meanwhile anyone who develops COVID-19 symptoms should self-isolate and get a PCR test, and remain in isolation until the result comes back.

Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: “Asking the close contacts of people with COVID-19 to self-isolate has played a critical role in helping us get this virus under control, and millions of people across the UK have made enormous sacrifices by doing this. Every single one of these sacrifices has helped us protect the NHS and save lives.

“Getting two doses of a vaccine has tipped the odds in our favour and allowed us to safely reclaim our lost freedoms, and from Monday we can take another huge step back towards our normal lives by removing self-isolation requirements for double jabbed people who are contacts of people with COVID-19. Double jabbed people who test positive will still need to self-isolate.

“Vaccines are what will bring this pandemic to an end – the wall of defence provided by the rollout is allowing us to get even closer to normal life. If you haven’t already, please make sure you come forward for your jab at the earliest opportunity.”

The vaccine previously allowed critical workers to leave self-isolation to ensure vital services continued. The changes introduced on 16 August will mean that, with some additional precautions for health and care settings, fully vaccinated contacts will routinely be able to attend work if they do not have symptoms.

Regular testing remains critical to controlling the virus as restrictions ease. Anyone with symptoms should take a PCR test to find out if they have the virus and to allow new variants to be detected.

Alongside PCR testing for anyone with symptoms or who is a close contact, everyone in England is encouraged to take up the government’s offer of free, twice weekly rapid testing to find additional cases among people who do not have symptoms.

UK Health Security Agency Chief Executive (UKHSA), Dr Jenny Harries said: Thanks to the huge success of the vaccine programme, we are able to ease self-isolation requirements for double jabbed people and under 18s. It is important that close contacts continue to come forward for a PCR test, in order to detect the virus and variants of concern.

“Although two doses of vaccine will greatly reduce your own risk of becoming unwell with Covid-19, it is still possible to contract the virus and pass it to others. So if you develop symptoms at any time – vaccinated or not – you should get a test and be very careful in your contact with others until you have received a negative test result.”

Removing self-isolation for under 18s comes ahead of thousands of pupils and students returning to school and college for the autumn term, and is crucial step to reduce disruption to education and keep children in the classroom.

In line with Step 4, ‘bubbles’ will end for all children under 18, social distancing will no longer be necessary, and schools will not need to stagger start and finish times. Two onsite tests should be taken by each secondary school and college student on return, followed by twice weekly testing at home. The UK Government will review testing requirements by the end of September. 

Health and care workers in England

From Monday, most double vaccinated health and social care staff who are close contacts of cases will be able to routinely return to work, provided they have had a negative PCR test. Daily LFD tests will need to be taken for 10 days as a precaution.

Staff working with clinically extremely vulnerable patients or service users will need a risk assessment to be carried out by a designated person in the workplace before they return to work.

Workplace daily contact testing scheme

The Workplace Daily Contact Testing scheme will continue, with testing sites offering daily testing as an alternative to self-isolation for close contacts who are not double jabbed. Over 700 sites are now in operation across critical sectors, and over 1 million test kits have been distributed.

NHS COVID-19 app

Updates will be made to the COVID-19 app to align with the changing requirements to self-isolation. App users identified as a close contact who confirm that they are double vaccinated or under 18 not need to self-isolate and will be given advice to book a PCR test.

If someone is called by NHS Test and Trace and told they are a contact, they will be asked their age and their vaccination status. If using the NHS COVID-19 app, people will be asked to self-declare if they are under 18 or double vaccinated.

First Minister to meet trades unions to discuss fair recovery

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and representatives from Scotland’s trades unions led by STUC General Secretary Rozanne Foyer will meet later today (Thursday 12 August) to discuss key issues affecting workers as Scotland recovers from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Matters such as the need for the UK Government to extend the furlough scheme and reverse plans for damaging cuts to Universal Credit that will see households lose out on over £1,000 per year are on the agenda, as well as discussions on how to ensure workers’ needs are protected as Scotland’s economy undergoes transformation to net zero.

The Scottish Government has written to the UK Government on seven occasions to call for the £20-per-week uplift to Universal Credit to be made permanent and extended to legacy benefits.

Analysis from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation indicates that cutting Universal Credit at the end of September will pull 500,000 people across the UK, including 200,000 children, into poverty.

Speaking ahead of her biannual meeting with the STUC, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “We are committed to a just transition to net zero, making sure we don’t leave individuals or communities behind – and we must ensure we incorporate the same fairness as we emerge from the pandemic to deliver greater, greener and fairer prosperity as the economy recovers.

“Partnership with unions is key to making sure that workers are represented as part of that process, therefore communication and collaboration between unions and Government is absolutely essential.

“How we emerge from the pandemic – and support workers and employers through that economic recovery – will not only be crucial to safeguarding the livelihoods of people hit hardest by the impacts of COVID, but will inform our work as we plan for a just transition to a net zero economy.

“As economic activity is restored, businesses and workers will still require support from the furlough schemes as they move through recovery. Our focus is on helping them to doing this.

“Not all of the levers are in our hands however, and clarity is urgently needed from the UK Government on whether it will reverse its plans for harmful welfare cuts, extend furlough, and protect jobs as restrictions ease and the economy recovers.

“If not we must see the detail on what support will be put in place to ensure those hit hardest by the economic impacts of COVID aren’t left out in the cold.”

STUC General Secretary Rozanne Foyer said: “We are meeting the First Minister at a critical moment. Our focus is on building a recovery from COVID that creates a more equitable Scotland with fair work as a driver of economic transformation and sustainable economic growth. To achieve this and to bring about a just transition we need to create well-paid, unionised, green jobs in the public and private sectors.

“Our priorities include public sector pay, transport and a future Scottish National Care Service and we look forward to raising these issues with the First Minister.

“We share the Scottish Government’s call for an extension of the furlough scheme, for the £20-per-week uplift to Universal Credit to be made permanent and for the devolution of further borrowing powers to drive a fair recovery.”

MSP urges city projects to apply for Scotland Loves Local funding

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, has urged projects across the capital to apply for the newly launched Scotland Loves Local Fund.

The scheme has been launched by the SNP Scottish Government to support local projects run by organisations like town centre partnerships, chambers of commerce or community and charity trusts. It will provide projects with match funding of between £5,000 and £25,000.

Eligible projects could include things like community shops, marketing and digital schemes, or enabling larger construction projects delivery.

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald said: “The Scotland Loves Local Fund has been launched by the SNP Scottish Government as a way to help our town centres recover from the devastating impact of the pandemic.

“There are a number of fantastic local community projects across Edinburgh Pentlands, and the wider city, which have the potential to stimulate growth and footfall into the different areas and this funding will allow them to continue to make our town centres a more vibrant place and stimulate the local economy.

“Not only is the funding important but when people shop locally and support local businesses it also boosts the economy here and ensure that money spent in the local area stays in the local area.

“I would urge local projects to apply for the Scotland Loves Local Fund and encourage people in Edinburgh to continue to support local business at every opportunity.”

Beyond Level Zero!

First Minister confirms relaxation of restrictions from Monday

The legal requirement for physical distancing and limits on gatherings will be removed on 9 August when all venues across Scotland are able to re-open.

Some protective measures will stay in place such as the use of face coverings indoors and the collection of contact details as part of Test and Protect. Capacity limits of 2000 people indoors and 5000 people outdoors will also remain in place although some exceptions may be possible on a case by case basis. These will be reviewed on a three weekly basis to ensure they remain proportionate.

Adults identified as close contacts of someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 will also no longer be automatically required to self-isolate for 10 days from 9 August. Anyone who is double-vaccinated with at least two weeks passed since their second dose and who has no symptoms will be able to end self-isolation if they return a negative PCR test.

The same conditions will also apply to anyone aged between five and 17 years old, even if they have not been vaccinated. The requirement to take a PCR test will not apply to children under the age of five.

Test and Protect will also implement revised guidance for under 18s. This means that the blanket isolation of whole classes in schools will no longer happen and a targeted approach, that only identifies children and young people who are higher risk close contacts, will be adopted.

Fewer young people will have to self-isolate, and most will be asked to self-isolate for a much shorter period of time. To allow time to monitor the impacts of these changes, the majority of the mitigations that were in place in schools in the previous term will be retained for up to six weeks. This will help support a safe and sustainable return to education after the summer break.

While the gateway condition on vaccination has been met, with 92% of those over the age of 40 protected by two doses of the vaccine, there are still many more people who have not had the vaccine, cannot have it, or are not yet eligible for it.

Invitations for vaccines are now going out to 12 to 17 year olds with specific health conditions that make them more vulnerable to Covid. This follows the recent advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. We expect to have offered first doses to this group by the end of August.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “The move beyond level 0 will entail the lifting of most of the remaining legally imposed restrictions – most notably, on physical distancing and limits to the size of social gatherings. It also means that from 9 August, no venues will be legally required to close.

“This change is significant and it is hard-earned. The sacrifices everyone has made over the past year and a half can never be overstated. However, while this move will restore a substantial degree of normality, it is important to be clear that it does not signal the end of the pandemic or a return to life exactly as we knew it before Covid struck.

“Declaring freedom from, or victory over, this virus is in my view premature. The harm the virus can do, including through the impact of long Covid, should not be underestimated. And its ability to mutate may yet pose us real challenges.”

Gregor Scotland, CBI Scotland Head of Policy, said: “Moving beyond level zero to remove the vast majority of Covid restrictions creates a much-needed platform for kickstarting Scotland’s economic recovery.  

“Ending social distancing requirements is a vital step that boosts business capacity just when firms need it most. For struggling retailers, getting more customers through the door is just the tonic they need to make the most of the final weeks of summer and trade their way to recovery.

“There will also be a sigh of relief that double-jagged staff will finally no longer have to self-isolate if they test negative once contacted by NHS Test & Protect. Across the economy absences have been hitting businesses hard, as well as exacerbating existing skills shortages that threaten to put the brakes on recovery.

“However, with so many restrictions lifting, businesses will be confused why the Scottish Government is continuing to advise people to work from home.

“The reality is that many firms are well-advanced in their plans and are proceeding with hybrid working models, just as the government advises. It’s up to employers to engage positively with staff to shape new ways of working that work for them, while remaining as safe as possible.

“The Scottish Government should now work with business to instil a sense of confidence in the reopening. Only by bolstering public and business confidence can we really begin to live with the virus and deliver a strong recovery.”

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “There is a long way to go before this virus is behind us. Vaccination does not provide total security from infection and we know that long COVID can affect people of all ages.

“Using terminology such as beyond level zero is confusing. This along with some parts of the media’s irresponsible use of the term ‘Freedom Day’ risks sending messages that all caution can be put to one side whereas in reality there are a whole range of mitigations and safety measures that remain in place.

“We recognise that the First Minister has tried to remain cautious despite some significant moves to open up Scotland socially and economically. We are supportive of keeping mitigation measures such as face coverings and social distancing. Many workers particularly in areas such as health and social care remain concerned at the lifting of self-isolation restrictions for the double vaccinated – both workers and the wider public. We know that the asymptomatic can still transmit the virus.

“As we move away from legal requirements to recommended approaches the duty on employers to keep staff and the general public safe will increase. There is a clear steer from the First Minister that there should be no rush back to office working.

“This is particularly important in larger offices with poor ventilation and high staff numbers. We cannot overestimate the importance of requiring decent ventilation in schools, colleges, universities and other places of work.

“We still need rigorous risk assessments and urge all employers to consult with unions and workers and to be sensitive of the very genuine fears some workers will have. In this, both governments have a role to play. Ongoing support for workers and businesses is vital to persuade employers not to become less cautious and open up too quickly.

“We support the First Ministers call for an extended and more generous furlough scheme and for the Scottish Government to intervene to continue business support.”

City of Edinburgh council leader Council Leader Cllr. Adam McVey said: “The latest announcement from the First Minister will be extremely welcome news for many, not in the least the businesses across the city who have shown an enormous amount of skill and resilience over the last year and a half.

“The removal of physical distancing and changes to rules on self-isolation will of course impact on Council services too and allow the return of more normality to local services. Over the coming days and weeks we’ll be drawing up plans to support services to respond to this and to further assist our economy’s recovery.

“However, the COVID virus is very much still with us and I appreciate the First Minister’s careful and steady approach. We need to do everything we can to limit its continued spread and we all have our part to play.

“For everyone eligible to get vaccinated, please do so if you haven’t yet. With vaccinations now being given to everyone aged 18 and over, it’s essential that young people get theirs as well if we are to keep enjoying this gradual return to normality.

“The NHS has made getting a vaccination quick and easy wherever you are in the city. We’ll be working with the NHS to drive home the importance of getting both jabs and helping inform people about the easiest way to get them.”

Additional Information:

Further detail about measures announced today and updated guidance for the education sector will be published shortly.

Further guidance will be provided to businesses to help them adopt measures to mitigate risks, including ensuring good ventilation; maintaining good hand hygiene; practising respiratory hygiene; getting vaccinated; and continuing to engage with Test and Protect.

Some baseline measures will remain in place:

  • it will continue to be the law, subject to exceptions, that face coverings must be worn in indoor public places and on public transport
  • Test & Protect will continue to contact-trace positive cases. To assist with this there will be a continued requirement for indoor hospitality and similar venues to collect the contact details of customers. Anyone who is required to self-isolate will, if eligible, continue to have access to support
  • we will work closely with local incident management teams on appropriate outbreak control measures
  • we will continue to use travel restrictions, as and when necessary, to restrict the spread of outbreaks and protect against the risk of importation of new variants
  • for now, we will continue to advise home working where possible, recognising that some staff will start to return to offices in line with staff wellbeing discussions and business need. we will encourage employers to consider for the longer term, as the Scottish Government is doing, a hybrid model of home and office working – which may, of course, have benefits beyond the need to control a virus
  • we will, for a limited period, keep in place a gateway process through which organisers of outdoors events of more than 5000 and indoor events of more than 2000 will have to apply for permission. This will allow us and local authorities to be assured of the arrangements in place to reduce risk
  • we will continue to issue appropriate guidance to assist individuals and businesses to reduce the risk of transmission as much as possible, such as rigorous hygiene, including regular hand washing

First Minister’s statement – 3 August 2021

Thank you Presiding Officer

In updating Parliament today on the Government’s decisions about further easing of Covid restrictions, I will confirm that from next Monday, Scotland will move beyond the current level 0 restrictions, and I will set out the basis for that decision.

However, in line with the cautious approach we have taken throughout this pandemic, I will also set out a number of mitigation measures that will remain in place.

I will then outline changes to the requirement for self-isolation of close contacts of positive Covid cases.

And finally, I will summarise the key points from new guidance being published today on arrangements for the start of the new school year.

However, let me start by summarising today’s statistics.

The total number of positive cases reported yesterday was 1,016 – which is 8.1% of all tests.

There are 406 people receiving hospital care – one fewer than yesterday.

And 61 people are receiving intensive care, which is one more than yesterday.

Sadly, nine further deaths were reported over the past 24 hours, taking the total number of registered deaths, under this daily definition, to 7,952.

And as always, I want to convey my sincere condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one.

I can also report that 4,014,212 people have now received a first dose of vaccine.

And 3,231,331 have now had both doses of vaccine.

So all of these figures are broadly in line with the trend that has been evident for the past four weeks.

The number of new cases in Scotland reached a peak in early July.

At that time, more than 400 new cases per 100,000 of the population were being recorded each week.

That has now fallen by two thirds – from 425 per 100,000 at the peak to 144 now based on our most recent figures.

And although as we can see today this fluctuates on a daily basis, the average proportion of tests that are positive has also fallen – from more than 10%, to now less than 6%.

Thankfully, the number of people in hospital with Covid is also falling – in the past two weeks it has reduced from 529 patients to 406.

And the number of people in intensive care also now seems be declining, albeit gradually, as well.

So all of this is good news. And I think it demonstrates the value of taking a careful and steady approach to easing restrictions.

Another reason for this progress is, of course, the continued success of the vaccination programme.

All over 18-year-olds have now had the opportunity to receive at least one dose of the vaccine.

And all over 40-year-olds have been offered both doses. These were key milestones for moving beyond level 0.

These milestones have been met. And take-up of vaccination has been exceptional by any previous standard, or indeed by comparison with our expectations.

90% of over 18 year olds have now had at least one dose of the vaccine, and 72% of all 18 year olds have had both doses.

93% of over 40 year olds have had both doses of the vaccine. And indeed for those over 60, take-up for both doses is as close to 100% as could reasonably be hoped for.

There is of course still more to do, and I want to stress this point, especially amongst 18- to 29-year-olds. Take-up in that age group has been good, relative to our initial expectations, but we want it to be better.

That is why, for example, we are deploying walk-in and mobile vaccination centres across the country.

I can also confirm that preparatory work is underway for the next phases of vaccination.

Invitations for vaccines are now going out to 12- to 17-year-olds with specific health conditions that make them more vulnerable to Covid. And this follows recent advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. And we expect to have offered first doses to this group by the end of August.

In addition, I can advise Parliament that we are hoping to receive in the next few days updated advice from the JCVI on possible vaccination of others in the younger age groups.

And we stand ready to implement any recommendations as soon as possible.

And we are also preparing to deliver booster jags during the autumn for those already vaccinated, if that is indeed recommended.

The vaccination programme, therefore, is likely to continue for some time to come. It may become a feature of life. But it has already saved many lives, and achieved a huge amount of success. And I am grateful to everybody who has and continues to help deliver it.

Presiding Officer, Ii is the combination of the steady decline in cases, the success of vaccination helping to weaken the link between cases and serious illness, and of course our understanding of the social, health and economic harms that continued restrictions cause – all underpinned by our obligation to ensure that any restrictions that remain in place are lawful, in other words that they are both necessary and proportionate – that forms the basis for our decision today to move beyond level 0.

The move beyond level 0 will entail the lifting of most of the remaining legally imposed restrictions – most notably on physical distancing and limits to the size of social gatherings.

It also means that from 9 August, no venues will be legally required to close.

This change is significant and it is hard-earned. The sacrifices everyone has made over the past year and a half can never be overstated.

However, while this move will restore a substantial degree of normality, it is important to be clear that it does not signal the end of the pandemic or a return to life exactly as we knew it before Covid struck.

Declaring freedom from, or victory over, this virus is in my view premature.

The harm the virus can do, including through the impact of long Covid, shouldn’t be underestimated. And its ability to mutate may yet pose us real challenges.

So even as we make this move, care and caution will still be required. Which is why I now want to focus on the protections and guidance that will remain in place after 9 August.

Firstly, it will continue to be the law, subject to existing exemptions, that face coverings must be worn in all the same indoor settings as is the case now.

We will keep this under review, but my expectation is that face coverings are likely to be mandated in law for some time to come.

Second, Test & Protect will continue to contact-trace positive cases.

To assist with this, there will be an ongoing requirement for indoor hospitality and similar venues to collect the contact details of customers.

And while – as I will set out shortly – there will be a change in the approach to self-isolation for close contacts of positive cases, anyone who is required to self-isolate will, if eligible, continue to have access to support.

Thirdly, we will continue to work closely with local incident management teams on appropriate outbreak control measures, including the use of localised restrictions in future if necessary.

We will also continue to use travel restrictions, as and when necessary, to restrict the spread of outbreaks and protect against the risk of importation of new variants.

Fourthly, we will continue to advise home working where possible for now. I know most businesses are not planning a wholesale return to the office, but recongise that a return for some staff will be beneficial to them and to employers. But it is vital that this gradual approach continues.

We will also encourage employers to consider for the longer term, as indeed the Scottish Government is doing, a hybrid model of home and office working – which may, of course, have benefits beyond the need to control a virus.

Fifth, while we expect to see the careful return of large scale events, we will for a limited period, keep in place the processes through which organisers of outdoor events of more than 5,000 and indoor events of more than 2,000 will have to apply for permission. And this will allow us and local authorities simply to be assured of the arrangements in place to reduce the risk of large scale gatherings.

And last – but by no means least – we will continue to issue clear guidance to assist individuals and businesses to reduce the risk of transmission as much as possible.

Rigorous hygiene, including regular hand washing, will continue to be essential.

Good ventilation will also be important. I will set out shortly our intention to strengthen guidance on ventilation in schools, but we will also work across the public and private sectors to ensure an approach to improved ventilation.

And even though the law will not stipulate physical distancing from Monday, we will continue to advise the public that – especially indoors – keeping a safe distance from people in other households and avoiding crowded places will minimise risk. 

We will also engage with businesses – and issue guidance as necessary – to ensure that safe environments for staff and customers are provided, and that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce the risk of outbreaks.

Presiding Officer, I can also confirm that we continue to consider very carefully the possible, albeit limited, use of Covid status certification for access to certain higher risk venues in future.

We are currently developing an app to make access to Covid status certificates – which will include vaccination details – easier for international travel. This will be launched next month.

The app will have functionality to support the use of such certificates for domestic settings should we decide that this is appropriate.

However, I want to assure Parliament that we do not underestimate the ethical, equity and human rights issues associated with Covid status certification, and we will keep members updated and consulted on our thinking on this issue.

The decisions I am confirming today reflect the fact that – principally due to vaccines – we are now in a different stage of this pandemic.

Vaccination has weakened the link between case numbers and serious health harms, and that means it is no longer appropriate or necessary – and therefore not necessarily even lawful – for us to rely as heavily as we did previously on blanket rules and regulations.

That’s something that will be welcome for many, but a source of anxiety for some.

The Chief Medical Officer will be writing to those who have been at the highest risk from Covid – who might previously have been asked to shield – to provide advice and information, and to give assurance that they too can return to a much greater degree of normality. The needs and concerns of this group will not be ignored, now or in future.

I want now to turn to the change that we propose to the current rules on self-isolation – to ensure that they remain reasonable and proportionate.

Let me be clear at the outset that those who have symptoms of, or  who test positive for, Covid will still be required to self-isolate as now.

However, from 9 August, an adult who is identified as a close contact of someone who has tested positive for will no longer be required automatically to self-isolate for 10 days.

Instead, if someone is double-vaccinated – with at least two weeks since the second dose – and if they have no symptoms, they should get a PCR test as soon as possible. And if the PCR test is negative, self-isolation can then be ended.

And as PCR results come back quickly – frequently within 24 hours – this will greatly reduce the amount of time that many people will need to spend in self-isolation.

We are proposing a similar change for people aged 17 or under – most of whom, of course, are not yet eligible for vaccination. 

If a young person aged 5 to 17 is identified as a close contact, they will need to take a PCR test – but they can end their self-isolation if they test negative. Children under the age of five will be encouraged but not required to take PCR tests.

In addition, Test and Protect will implement revised guidance for under 18s, including in schools.

This means that the blanket isolation of whole classes will no longer be routine. Instead a more targeted approach will identify close contacts at highest risk of infection.

So fewer young people will be asked to self-isolate, and most will be asked to self-isolate for a much shorter period of time. 

Obviously his is especially important as we approach the start of the new school year. So let me turn to the wider arrangements for the return of schools. And updated guidance is being published today.

As a consequence of the new approach to self-isolation – which is important to minimise disruption to education – and in line with advice from our Expert Advisory Sub-Group on Education, we have decided to retain, for the first six weeks of the new academic term, most of the other mitigations that are currently in place in schools.

This also reflects the unique environment of schools, where large numbers of unvaccinated children and young people mix with adult staff.

So for up to six weeks – subject then to review – there will be a continued requirement for staff to keep at least a metre distance from each other and from children and young people while on the school estate.

And we’ve also decided, after careful consideration, to retain the current requirements for face coverings in schools for staff and for children aged 12 or over. That includes asking young people and staff in secondary schools to wear face coverings during lessons, and while inside school buildings.

I am acutely aware that many, many young people find this difficult – and it will be kept under review. But for now, we consider this an important protection for them, and for others in the school.

The Expert Advisory Sub-Group has also emphasised the importance of good ventilation, and we are therefore strengthening guidance in this regard.

Many local authorities have already taken steps to improve ventilation in the school estate, and this work has highlighted the value of CO2 monitors.

These devices are useful in assessing how well ventilated a space is, and therefore how likely it is that the virus could be present.

The new guidance, published today, makes clear that all schools and daycare services for children must have access to CO2 monitoring – through either fixed or mobile devices – and that these should be used to assess the quality of ventilation in schools and childcare settings, and identify any necessary improvements.

These assessments will be ongoing obviously over the coming weeks, but we expect them to be completed – and necessary improvements identified – by the October half term.

And I can also confirm today that we are making available to local authorities an additional £10 million to support this work.

Ventilation is one of the most important ways in which the risk of Covid transmission can be reduced – and so improving it will be vital, now and in the future, to ensure that schools and childcare centres are as safe as possible.

Finally, local authorities and schools will ask all secondary pupils, and all school staff, to take a lateral flow test one or two days before returning after the holidays, and then to take tests twice a week after that.

This continues to be an important additional way in which Covid can be identified, even in people who do not have symptoms.

We are also working with the further and higher education sector on plans for the year ahead. Specific guidance on operating beyond Level 0 for universities and colleges has now been published. In addition, students will be encouraged to take a PCR test before any move to term-time accommodation, and then to test twice a week after that.

Presiding Officer, the last year and a half has been – and this inevitably will be an understatement – it has been difficult and stressful for children and young people, parents, and all staff working in education settings. I am so grateful to them for the understanding and cooperation shown. The new school and academic year will still bring challenges, I think there is little doubt of that. But I hope it will also bring fewer disruptions, and also allow a much more normal learning environment for young people.

Presiding officer, today’s decisions are – in my view, and I hope those listening will agree –  positive. They are possible only because of vaccination and the prolonged sacrifices of people across the country. Once again, I want to convey my deep appreciation of that to everyone across the nation.

The last year has reminded all of us just how precious some of the simplest things in life really are, and many of us I suspect will resolve not to take them quite so much for granted in future.

Undoubtedly, the best way of doing that in the short term is to continue to be careful, cautious and sensible, even as legal restrictions are lifted. The government will continue to provide guidance to help get that balance right.

We all hope – I know I certainly do – that the restrictions we lift next Monday will never again have to be re-imposed. But no-one can guarantee that.

This virus remains a threat – and as we enter winter, it may well pose challenges for us again.

So as we have done throughout, the government will seek to take whatever action is necessary to keep the country safe.

But as has also been the case throughout, we all have a part to play in keeping the virus under control.

And as always, although counter-intuitive perhaps, it is when we lift restrictions – and inevitably give the virus more opportunities to spread – that it becomes even more important for us to remember the basic actions that can reduce risk.

So I want to end by stressing again what all of us can do to help ensure that this next step forward is a sustainable one.

The first and most important thing is to get vaccinated. If you haven’t done so already – particularly if you are in these younger age groups, looking forward to resuming a more normal social life – then please do so. You can register through the NHS Inform website, or by going to a drop-in centre.

Second, please test yourself regularly. Free lateral flow tests are available by post through NHS inform, or collection from test sites and local pharmacies.

If you test positive through one of these – or if you have symptoms of the virus – you should still self-isolate and get a PCR test.

Third, stick to the rules which remain in place – for example, on face coverings. And keep being sensible about the things we know can help to keep ourselves and each other safe.

Meet outdoors as much as possible – especially for as long as we have reasonable weather. If you are meeting indoors, open windows – the better ventilated a room is, the safer it will be.  

Remember that keeping some distance from people in other households and avoiding crowded indoor places – even if no longer legally mandated – these are still sensible precautions.

And continue to wash your hands and surfaces as much as possible.

In short, enjoy being able to do more and meet up more. We’ve all waited a long time for that. But please protect yourself as you do so, principally through vaccination, and continue to take the greatest of care.

If we all do that, we will increase our chances of keeping the virus under control. We will protect ourselves and our loved ones.

And we will safely and securely return to the ways of life that we all value so much.

As Fringe returns, Green MSP calls for more support for hospitality workers

With the Edinburgh Fringe opening this week, the government and industry must offer more support to hospitality staff, according to Green MSP for Lothian Lorna Slater, who has submitted a parliamentary motion in support of workers.  

This follows reports from the Unite trade union, which Lorna is a member of, that warned of a “sharp increase of verbal and physical abuse from customers” against hospitality workers. 

The motion notes that Low pay and insecure working conditions were endemic in the hospitality industry prior to the pandemic and calls for employers to introduce proactive anti-sexual harassment policies as well as supporting extra investment in retraining and mental health services and long-term plans to improve incomes and job stability across the sector. 

Scottish Greens MSP for Lothian, Lorna Slater, said: “Nobody should be getting harassed or abused at work, and employers need to support their staff and take steps to ensure that it does not happen again. 

“Many of the people working in our pubs and restaurants are the same young people who have been disproportionately hit by the pandemic in terms of their job prospects, income and mental wellbeing. They are also the ones who are least likely to have been vaccinated against Covid. 

“For far too long, hospitality workers have had to endure conditions and anxiety that would be unacceptable in other industries. Governments and the industry need to step up and support hospitality workers and young people, rather than allowing them to be further punished by this terrible pandemic.” 

Motion text 

That the Parliament notes what it considers concerning reports from the Unite trade union, which warns of a “sharp increase of verbal and physical abuse from customers” against hospitality workers;

believes that low pay and insecure working conditions were endemic in the hospitality industry prior to the COVID-19 pandemic;

understands that many hospitality workers are young workers;

notes the recent Resolution Foundation study that found that, at the end of May 2021, 18- to 24-year-olds were 2.5 times more likely than any other age group to have been out of work or still on furlough, and that more than one in four 18- to 24-year-olds said that they were concerned about finding a job in future due to mental health issues; 

further notes the calls for investment in retraining and mental health services, as well as long-term plans to improve incomes and job stability as part of a new approach to hospitality, and believes that the calls from Unite for extra security for busy venues and proactive anti-sexual harassment policies should be adopted