A Book of Ideas for Scotland

‘Scotland is crying out for some big, transformative ideas’ – Common Weal’s Robin McAlpine

A book of ideas

Common Weal Director Robin McAlpine will join over 100 Common Weal supporters from across Edinburgh and The Lothians to launch the Common Weal ‘A Book of Ideas’ at City of Edinburgh Methodist Church on Friday evening. Continue reading A Book of Ideas for Scotland

First Minister’s St Andrew’s Day message

“We are a nation which has welcomed and will continue to welcome many people from across the world over the years” – First Minister Nicola Sturgeon


Ms Sturgeon said: “St Andrew, who is renowned as the “fisher of men’, is a perfect embodiment of the warm welcome and kindness which we extend to all who come to Scotland.

“St Andrew spoke up for the less privileged. He was responsible for drawing attention to the existence of the loaves and fishes which eventually fed the 5,000. He championed the minority and saw that they were included.

“At this time, when the world is touched by terror and people are fleeing their homeland in search of peace, Scotland can draw from its patron saint and continues to be a place of safe haven.

“We are a nation which has welcomed and will continue to welcome many people from across the world over the years. From China to Poland, from Syria to India, people have brought their cultures and traditions to this country. Our communities have benefited and so has the richness of our lives, making Scotland the thriving country it is today.

“Let’s use today, our national day, to reinforce that warm welcome.”


U-turn welcome but Scotland still faces cuts

Swinney condemns ‘austerity of choice’

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Chancellor George Osborne’s U-turn on tax credits has been widely welcomed, but Scotland’s Deputy First Minister John Swinney has warned that the Scottish Government will see a real terms reduction of almost 6 per cent in the funding for day to day public services over the next four years. Continue reading U-turn welcome but Scotland still faces cuts

First Minister: “Workers’ rights are human rights”

First Minister to deliver Jimmy Reid Memorial Lecture


The UK Government’s Trade Union Bill does not reflect the reality of industrial relations in Scotland and does not contain a single proposal that would be passed by the Scottish Parliament, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will say tomorrow. Continue reading First Minister: “Workers’ rights are human rights”

Swinney urges Osborne: do the right thing

Chancellor must listen to growing opposition to austerity measures


The Scottish Government has consistently demonstrated that the UK’s deficit and debt can be brought down without the need for huge public spending cuts as set out by the UK Government, Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary John Swinney said today. Continue reading Swinney urges Osborne: do the right thing

Tram network back on track?

Capital Coalition stands firm to seek ‘best value for city’

tram front

Councillors have approved in principle that any tram extension should continue to Newhaven. Elected members voted today to continue consideration of an Outline Business Case (see below) until the next Council meeting in December, when a further report will be heard. Continue reading Tram network back on track?

Keir: Housing situation ‘pressing on being critical’

‘We desperately need housing but the local planning authority isn’t addressing the basics’ – Colin Keir MSP

building work

Colin Keir MSP for Edinburgh Western has called for infrastructure to be put in place to allow sustainable housing development in Edinburgh. Continue reading Keir: Housing situation ‘pressing on being critical’

Out of character, out of touch

Johnstone questions Marketing chief’s ‘patronising’ comments

old rhs

Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, has questioned comments by John Donnelly, chief executive of Marketing Edinburgh, in which he supported plans to turn the Royal High School into a luxury hotel and the controversial redevelopment of the St James Centre. Continue reading Out of character, out of touch