2019 New Year Message from Secretary of State for Scotland

In his New Year Message, Scottish Secretary David Mundell has set out that 2019 needs to be a year of compromise to get Brexit sorted. Speaking just ahead of the turn of the year, Mr Mundell said: Continue reading 2019 New Year Message from Secretary of State for Scotland

Edinburgh firms hit for an additional £7,653,000 a year by SNP’s “high-tax agenda”

Businesses in Edinburgh have been hit by an additional £7,653,000 thanks to the doubling of the large business rate supplement by the SNP, according to the Scottish Conswevatives. Continue reading Edinburgh firms hit for an additional £7,653,000 a year by SNP’s “high-tax agenda”

Community organisations to fight funding cuts

The North Edinburgh community pledged to fight Health and Social Care funding cuts at a packed meeting at Muirhouse Millennium Centre last night. Continue reading Community organisations to fight funding cuts

Budget: saving public services?

The 2019-20 Scottish Budget provides Scotland with economic stability by making strategic long-term investments to strengthen and prepare the economy for the future, according to Finance Secretary Derek Mackay. However local government umbrella organisation COSLA says the budget will mean only more cuts to council services. Continue reading Budget: saving public services?

UK Government to reform workplace rights

The Westminster government will today set out the biggest package of workplace reforms for over twenty years, with ambitious reforms to ensure the UK leads the world in meeting the challenges of the changing world of work. However the TUC says platform companies are being let off the hook. Continue reading UK Government to reform workplace rights

Scotland’s Budget: stimulus and stability – or frustration and disappointment?

While media political attention focused on Westminster for the latest installment of the Brexit Show and Mrs May’s no-confidence vote, the Scottish Government’s budget was debated at Holyrood on Wednesday.  Continue reading Scotland’s Budget: stimulus and stability – or frustration and disappointment?

Ben Macpherson and Deirdre Brock pledge their support to PCHP

Two local SNP parliamentarians have added their voices to the campaign to save Pilton Community Health Project. Continue reading Ben Macpherson and Deirdre Brock pledge their support to PCHP