Police appeal for witnesses following Westside Plaza hit and run

Police are appealing for witnesses after a man was hit by a car at Westside Plaza, in Wester Hailes. The incident happened around 9.30am yesterday (Thursday 14 April 2022) and is being treated as attempted murder.

The 45-year-old is currently in a serious condition in The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Detective Inspector George Calder from CID at Corstorphine Police Station said: “The vehicle did not stop after the incident, but has now been recovered by officers, we are still trying to trace the occupants.

“We appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time, or has dash cam footage of the incident to come forward.

“Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 0742 of 14 April 2022.”

Jail for Edinburgh man involved in serious and organised crime

An Edinburgh man has been sentenced to more than nine years for drugs and organised crime offences.

Shaun McKinnon (35) was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh today for his involvement in the supply of drugs and serious and organised crime. He is also subject to a Serious Crime Prevention Order for a period of 3 years.

He pled guilty at the High Court in Glasgow on Thursday, 17 February, 2022, when he appeared alongside his co-accused Samantha McCafferty (35) who pled guilty at an earlier date. McCafferty received 200 hours community service.

Detective Inspector Robert Campbell said: “I would personally like to acknowledge and praise the bravery of the victims who refused to let fear and intimidation stop them from speaking out.

“The arrests of McKinnon and McCafferty were achieved through painstaking work and dogged determination by officers working on the investigation. Their efforts have ensured that McKinnon is no longer in a position where he can bring harm to the local people of South Edinburgh.”

If you have any information or concerns about drug misuse or wider criminality in your area, do not hesitate to contact Police Scotland via 101 or report it anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Security operatives face realistic terror scenarios in nightclub exercise

A counter-terrorism emergency planning exercise in Glasgow yesterday saw security operatives dealing with realistic terror scenarios presented by actors.

The Security Industry Authority (SIA), which is the regulator for the private security industry, ran the safety resilience exercise at Kokomo on Glasgow’s West Regent Street. The SIA organised the exercise, which is the first of its kind in Scotland, in partnership with Police Scotland counter-terrorism officers and Glasgow City Council.

The training event at Kokomo confronted security staff with a series of real-time simulations, involving actors, of possible emergency scenarios. These included a mass stabbing, an acid attack, a marauding terrorist attack taking place outside the club, and a suspect package.

Ronnie Megaughin, the SIA’s Acting Director of Inspections & Enforcement, said: “Putting these security operatives into realistic terror scenarios is one of the best ways to prepare them in the event of a real-life incident.

“We stage a terror incident, watch how they deal with the scenario, and then provide an instant debrief from counter-terror experts. We know from past experience that operatives, and their managers, really appreciate what they learn from these events and find them worth their while.

“Any of these security staff could find themselves as the first responder at a serious incident, and this training could literally be the difference between life and death.

Lee Crofts, the SIA Criminal Investigation manager who co-ordinated the event, said: “The main aim of exercises like this is to enhance public safety in the night-time economy by working with venues and security staff.

“It’s also to showcase best practice by putting the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) security e-learning package, which we’ve been recommending to all SIA-licensed operatives, into practice. We’re really pleased with the commitment that all the security staff put into the Kokomo exercise.”

This emergency planning exercise at Kokomo continues a programme of exercises and follows on from events in Chesterfield and London in autumn 2021. A pilot event took place at Buxton in Derbyshire in October 2019.

The Security Industry Authority is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry in the United Kingdom, reporting to the Home Secretary under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act 2001. Our main duties are: the compulsory licensing of individuals undertaking designated activities; and managing the voluntary Approved Contractor Scheme.

For further information about the Security Industry Authority visit www.gov.uk/sia. The SIA is also on Facebook (Security Industry Authority) and Twitter (SIAuk).

‘Time For Action’: Tyre Extinguishers target New Town’s ‘killer vehicles’

Up to one hundred SUV vehicles in Edinburgh’s New Yown have been targeted by activists from environmental action group The Tyre Activists.

The activists deflated tyres on 4 x 4 vehicles across the affluent area and left leaflets on windscreens to explain their actions.

The group justifies their activities on a Facebook Page:

We are people from all walks of life with one aim: To make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4×4 in the world’s urban areas.

‘We are defending ourselves against climate change, air pollution and unsafe drivers.We do this with a simple tactic: Deflating the tyres of these massive, unnecessary vehicles, causing inconvenience and expense for their owners.

‘Deflating tyres repeatedly and encouraging others to do the same will turn the minor inconvenience of a flat tyre into a giant obstacle for driving massive killer vehicles around our streets.

‘We’re taking this action because governments and politicians have failed to protect us from these huge vehicles. Everyone hates them, apart from the people who drive them.

‘We want to live in towns and cities with clean air and safe streets. Politely asking and protesting for these things has failed. It’s time for action. Join us.

‘We have no leader – anyone can take part, wherever you are, using the simple instructions on this website.’

Police enquiries are ongoing.

CCTV appeal following serious assault on Leith Walk

Police are continuing to investigate a serious assault in Leith. Officers have released images of a man that they wish to speak to as they believe he may have information that can assist their enquiries.

The incident happened around 11:30pm on Tuesday, 7 September, 2021 outside the Mousetrap pub on Leith Walk.

A 30-year-old man was attacked and sustained injuries to his face, which required treatment at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Officers believe that the man shown in the image may have information that could assist them and would appeal to him or anyone who recognises him to contact them.

The man shown in the image is described as 20 to 30 years old, between 5’10 and 6 foot, of thin build with a short, shaved haircut. He is shown in the images wearing a two-tone The North Face jacket with a black upper section and a light blue lower section.

Detective Constable Gary Lipscombe, of Gayfield CID, said: “This was a frightening experience for the victim and our inquiries have been ongoing.

“If you have any information about this incident or can identify this man, please contact us on 101 quoting incident number 3440 of 8th September 2021 or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.” 

Police appeal following Ibrox disorder

Police Scotland is appealing for information following a number of incidents surrounding Sunday’s Old Firm game.

Officers responded around 2.45am on Sunday (3 April) following a large group attending at Ibrox Stadium where different areas of the stadium were vandalised.

Three men aged 18, 22 and 25 have been arrested and charged in connection with the incident and enquiries remain ongoing to trace others involved.

During the match, a number of missiles were directed from the stands including two separate incidents where glass bottles were thrown towards the pitch.Around 12.50pm, a glass bottle was thrown towards the field of play from the Copland Road Stand that resulted in a delay to the second half starting.

A second incident took place where another glass bottle was thrown and struck a Celtic staff member who required medical assistance.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Williams said: “The disorder and violence shown during the game on Sunday was completely unacceptable.

“All the relevant authorities must work together and with genuine fans to prevent incidents such as this in future. There is no place in Scottish football for this type of behaviour.

“We are continuing enquiries into a number of incidents that took place during the game, which includes the serious assault of a Celtic physiotherapist who was hit with a glass bottle.

“We would ask anyone with information to contact police via 101.”

Enquiries into these incidents are ongoing and anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101.

Trinity robberies: Boy charged

A 13-year-old boy has been charged with a robbery & attempted robbery which happened in Trinity last Thursday (31st March).

A 10-year-old boy was robbed of some coins at Lomond Park, Zetland Place at Stirling Road and an attempted robbery happened Primrose Bank Road.

A Report has been sent to the Youth Justice Assessor.

Racial abuse incident in Silverknowes: Eight boys charged

Eight boys have been charged in relation to the racial abuse and assault of two adults in the North West of Edinburgh.

The boys, aged between 12 and 15 years, were identified following an investigation into the incident which took place at Silverknowes Road on Saturday 5th March, and they have now been traced and reported.

Inspector Jonny Elliott of Drylaw Police Station said: “We are committed to an immediate and robust response when faced with antisocial behaviour. We will not tolerate this sort of behaviour and officers left no stone unturned to ensure a positive outcome.

“I’d like to thank the local community for their support during this enquiry.”

Hate crime can be reported to police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency. Find out more about hate crime and how to report it via the Police Scotland website:


Information can also be provided anonymously via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Police appeal for witnesses after ten year old boy robbed in Trinity

Police are appealing for information after a 10-year-old boy was approached in the street and robbed next to a park in the Trinity area at around 5.30pm last night (Thursday, 31 March).

The boy was walking in Zetland Place near its junction with Stirling Road at Lomond Park, along with two friends when he was approached by an older male youth.

The youth was walking from the direction of Trinity Road with two others and asked the boy to hand over his bag and when he refused he was threatened. As a result he handed over some coins.

The suspect then ran off towards Trinity Road. He is described as aged 16 to 18-years old, around 5ft 9ins, of medium build with red hair. He was wearing a black puffer-style jacket with the hood up, black tracksuit bottoms, black shoes and was carrying a black bag.

Detective Constable Rich Paton said: “This was a nasty and horrible experience for a school child who was out with friends on the way to a park. He has been left extremely upset by the incident.

“I am asking anyone who saw what happened to get in touch, particularly if you have ring-bell or dash-cam footage. In addition if you know the suspect or anything else that could help with our enquiries then please contact us.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 2620 of Thursday, 31 March, or contact the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.