Fatal crash on Clifton Terrace: Man Charged

A 34-year-old man has been charged in connection with a fatal road crash involving a bus and a pedestrian in Edinburgh.

The incident took place on Clifton Terrace, on Saturday, 4 February, 2023.

The pedestrian, a 79-year-old man, was pronounced dead at the scene.

The 34-year-old man will appear at court at a later date.

Attack on Ukrainian youths: twelve year old boy arrested

A 12-year-old boy has been arrested in connection with three youths being assaulted in Niddrie Mains Road.

A police spokesperson said: “The incident happened around 8.30pm on Sunday, 3 September, when three male Ukranian youths, two aged 13 and one aged 15, were approached by another group.

“Enquiries are continuing to establish the full circumstances.”

Eight arrests after day of action targeting county lines in Edinburgh

Eight men have been arrested and cocaine worth up to £225,000 was seized in a day of action targeting county lines drug activity in Edinburgh.

The action was taken yesterday (Tuesday, 5 September) and focused on eight addresses in Edinburgh and two in London, with support from the Metropolitan Police.

Officers from Edinburgh also worked with colleagues in Highland & Islands Division as part of the investigation, looking into wider links in the Inverness area.

Cocaine worth up to £225,000 was seized over the course of the day along with up to £30,000 in cash.

The eight men, aged between 41 and 21, were arrested and charged in connection with various drug and immigration offences. They are all due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today (Wednesday, 6 September).

Detective Superintendent Iain Ramsay said: “We are committed to identifying the supply chain which brings drugs into Edinburgh and disrupting the activity of people intent on bringing harm to our communities.

“The county lines model shows crime does not respect borders.

“Activity such as this cross-border operation shows the benefit of working closely with partner agencies in response to concerns raised by local communities, as well working with colleagues across Police Scotland.

“Intelligence is the lifeblood of investigations such as this. Communities should not have to tolerate the damage caused by drugs and I would urge anyone with information which can help us deal with those responsible to pass this on.”

“If anyone has any concerns regarding the abuse of controlled drugs, or anyone who may be involved in the supply of controlled drugs, they are urged to contact Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Police appeal launched after three Ukrainian youths assaulted in Niddrie

POLICE are appealing for information after three youths were assaulted in Niddrie.

Around 8.30pm on Sunday, 3 September, 2023, three Ukrainian youths, two males aged 13, and one male aged 15 were walking towards a bus stop in Niddrie Mains Road, Edinburgh. 

Around this time, they were approached by a group of eight youths dressed in dark clothing. Two youths from the group assaulted one of the 13-year-old males, leaving him with a laceration to his ear. Other members of the group then attacked the other two youths. The 15-year-old was punched and the 13-year-old was stabbed.  

The group, who were all wearing dark clothing, ran off following the incident. 

The injured boys were treated at hospital and the incident was reported to police yesterday (Monday, 4 September, 2023).

Officers are treating the incident as racially aggravated and relevant CCTV footage is being reviewed for any additional information on the group of youths. 

Detective Inspector Keith Fairbairn said: “I know there were members of the public in the area at the time of the attack and I am asking them to contact us with any information they may have.

“We are appealing for details on the group of youths, who were dressed in dark clothing, perhaps you saw them somewhere else, did you see them running off? Any small piece of information could assist us in identifying those responsible for these attacks.”

Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 2523. You can also call Crimestoppers and give your information anonymously. They can be contacted on 0800 555 111.

Witness appeal following Comiston collision

About 1750 hours, Friday 11 August 2023, a small black vehicle travelling south has turned right into Comiston View from Comiston Road in Edinburgh.

At this time, a cyclist has been cycling north and, on crossing the bell mouth of the junction, has collided with the side of the vehicle, resulting in him falling off to his injury. The vehicle has not stopped. The cyclist was taken to the ERI where he required stitches to his leg. His pedal cycle was broken in three places.

The vehicle has been described as a Toyota, possibly a Yaris or Aygo, with tinted rear windows.

Anyone who was in the area around the time of the event and has witnessed the incident or has dashcam footage is encouraged to contact 101, quoting incident number 3164 of 11th August 2023.

Police Scotland completes national roll-out of Naloxone on International Overdose Awareness Day

The national roll-out of Naloxone to Police Scotland’s operational officers has been officially completed yesterday (Thursday, 31 August, 2023) on International Overdose Awareness Day.

The programme to issue overdose reversal kits to all constables, sergeants and inspectors began exactly a year ago, and around 12,500 officers are now trained and equipped with individual pouches to be worn as part of standard issue equipment.

Naloxone is an emergency first aid treatment to reverse a potentially life-threatening opioid/opiate-related drug overdose by countering the suppression of the respiratory system.

Police Scotland officers have now used Naloxone on at least 325 occasions and across all 13 geographical policing divisions.

Administrations have occurred when officers have come across people in crisis while on duty, been flagged down by members of the public, during warrant executions, while attending a siege situation and in Custody departments, as well as in concern for person calls when an individual was intending to complete suicide.

The Scottish Government’s Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Elena Whitham, today met Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie, who led the Naloxone programme, along with two officers who’ve administered Naloxone while on duty.  

ACC Ritchie said: “Police Scotland is committed to doing all we can to combat the insidious effects of drugs in our society, from both an enforcement perspective and also while taking a public health approach to preventing harm.

“Naloxone is part of that public health approach. We’ve had positive outcomes in the overwhelming majority of incidents, and I am in no doubt that by doing so, our officers have saved lives.

“I very much hope that by officers carrying it in a highly visible manner, it will encourage other people to learn about Naloxone, and consider carrying it themselves.

“We continue to work in partnership with members of the Serious and Organised Crime Taskforce and other partners at local, national and international level to stop drugs from reaching our communities on a daily basis.

“As a result, we have an extremely strong record in dismantling serious and organised crime gangs, and bringing to justice those responsible for preying on the most vulnerable members of society by pedalling death and misery.”

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Elena Whitham said: “I want to thank Police Scotland for the incredible job they do every day to help keep people safe. The roll-out of Naloxone training has no doubt resulted in many lives being saved. 

“Naloxone is one of a wide range of measures being used to address the public health emergency of drugs deaths, but it plays an important role and allows those supplying the kits to connect people who use drugs and their families with appropriate local services. 

“Of course, we want to help people long before they get to the point of a life-threatening overdose.

“We are taking action now to save and improve lives with an evidence-based approach – implementing policies that we know work to reduce harm and deaths from drugs and focusing on getting people into support and treatment.

“We are investing a total of £250 million in our National Mission on drugs over the course of this Parliament and have already supported 300 grass-roots projects. We’ll continue to expand and improve access to residential rehabilitation and drive MAT Standards implementation where recent research found substantial progress had been made with more people getting treatment.”

PC Jenna Minshull works in Greater Glasgow division and has administered Naloxone twice since starting to carry it as part of the test of change.

PC Minshull said: “I was on foot patrol in Glasgow city centre with a colleague when a member of the public came towards us. They were really unsteady on their feet and slurring their words. They slumped to the ground and we were obviously concerned for their welfare so I called 999.

“The casualty’s breathing became shallow and when they became unresponsive we were advised to administer our Naloxone.

“I gave one dose of the intra-nasal spray, and after a few minutes I gave a second dose. The casualty’s condition improved and soon after the ambulance crew arrived and took over the patient’s care.

“My colleague left the patient with a card explaining they’d been given Naloxone by the police.

“I’m confident to use the Naloxone kits, particularly as they’re a spray and so easy to administer. It’s reassuring to know you can’t overdose on it or do anyone any harm by giving them it. I’d certainly far rather have it to hand to use if needs be than potentially see someone potentially die if I didn’t have it.”

Left to right: PC Jenna Minshull, Superintendent Pat Murphy, Minister for Drugs & Alcohol Policy Elena Whitham, Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie, PC Scott Lisett.

Council Leader Cammy Day spoke of the importance of International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) at yesterday’s full council meeting.

IOAD takes place on 31 August each year to create better understanding of overdose, reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths, and create change that reduces the harms associated with drug use. Today we look at what an overdose means, how you can prevent it and where to find out more information and support.

This year’s theme is ‘Recognising those who go unseen’ honouring the people whose lives have been altered by overdose. They are the family and friends grieving the loss of a loved one, workers in healthcare and support services extending strength and compassion, or spontaneous first responders who selflessly assume the role of lifesaver.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “As we mark International Overdose Awareness Day today, I am conscious of the fact that for some of our residents this will be their first year living with the loss of a loved one through overdose. Each and every death we see is a tragedy and behind all of these are individual stories.

“Unfortunately, this has been a persistent issue for Scotland for a number of years with our national drug death rate continuing to be the highest in the UK and Europe. Too many people are dying prematurely across our country, with events like International Overdose Awareness Day we can raise awareness of the help and support available to those with substance issues.

“I am clear that the Council will closely support our partners to bring these figures down here in Edinburgh.”

Below is a list of services here in Edinburgh which specialise in dealing with issues around drugs and alcohol:

Renewed appeal to locate the bodies of Renee and Andrew MacRae

Detectives have renewed an appeal for information as they continue efforts to locate the bodies of Renee and Andrew MacRae.

Renee, 36, and her three-year-old son Andrew left their home in Inverness on November 12, 1976.

Their BMW car was discovered on fire in a lay-by near Dalmagarry later that evening. Their bodies have never been found.

William MacDowell, then aged 80, was found guilty of their murders at the High Court in Inverness in September 2022. He died in February 2023.

Detective Chief Inspector Brian Geddes said: “Renee and Andrew’s family and friends waited decades for justice, which was served last year.

“However, their bodies have not been found and our investigation continues to explore all possible opportunities open to us to help answer that final, most important question in order to provide Renee and Andrew with the dignity they deserve.

“We continue to review the available evidence to identify any further areas of interest, while also considering whether there are any opportunities that modern technology could assist with in identifying possible deposition sites.

“This review includes considering any properties which may be linked to William MacDowell which he could have used, possibly a derelict building, an empty one or even an occupied one he had use of.

“The time scale would be the early to mid-1970s and we are hoping someone may remember seeing Renee MacRae’s BMW car in an area perhaps with MacDowell’s company Volvo or the family white Range Rover.

“We are also considering possible sites where they may have met during their relationship, possible including the Blackfold area above Loch Ness, Inverfarigaig, and between Nairnside and Daviot.

“This case will never be considered resolved until we find Renee and Andrew. We owe it to the family and friends to make every effort to recover Renee and Andrew’s bodies and I would urge anyone who may be able to assist, no matter how small you may feel your information is, to come forward.”

Anyone who believes they can assist police is asked to contact 101 or you can email SCDHOLMESInverness@scotland.police.uk. You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Have you seen these stolen cars?

POLICE are appealing for information to trace two stolen vehicles from Dundee. They believe the vehicles may be in Edinburgh.

In the early hours of Thursday, 24 August, 2023, a silver Mercedes with registration plate R50 DTT was taken from outside a premises on Westerton Avenue, Broughty Ferry. A second vehicle, a black Volkswagen Golf with registration plate RO70 RVP, was also taken.

Officers believe these vehicles may be in Edinburgh and are appealing for anyone with information which may assist them to get in touch. A Police Scotland Spokesperson said: “We are appealing to anyone who has seen these vehicles to get in touch.

“Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 0570 of 24 August, 2023.”

Police appeal following fatal crash on Stevenson Drive

POLICE are appealing for information following a fatal crash in Edinburgh.

Emergency services were called to Stevenson Drive in the Balgreen area around 3.30pm yesterday (Saturday, 26 August, 2023) after a crash involving a car and a 70-year-old female pedestrian.

The pedestrian was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, where she died a short time later.

The 23-year-old driver of the car, a black Mercedes C-Class, was arrested in connection with a road traffic offence.

The road was closed while crash investigations were carried out and reopened around 9.50pm.

Officers are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

Police Sergeant Jill Kirkpatrick said: “Our thoughts are with the family and friends of the woman who died at this very difficult time. We will continue to support them as our enquiries progress.

“I’m appealing for anyone who was in the area at the time and saw what happened to get in touch. Drivers with dashcam footage of Stevenson Drive in the time leading up to the crash are urged to review it and bring anything of significance to our attention.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police via 101 quoting reference 2403 of 26 August, 2023.

Read more – https://ow.ly/Xn9450PEKhE

Police: Operation Soteria

POLICE officers in North East Edinburgh policing teams have been working to tackle motorcycle thefts with the activity carried under Operation Soteria, the capital’s well established, city-wide approach.

Chief Inspector Kieran Dougal, North East Edinburgh Local Area Commander, said: “Operation Soteria is our overarching response to motorcycle thefts and my Initiative Team, Response and Community officers in North East Edinburgh have been working hard and continuing their efforts to identify offenders, prevent and deter incidents, and provide community reassurance.

“Road safety and tackling acquisitive crime remains a priority in Edinburgh as a whole and such behaviour will not be tolerated.

“Partnership working is key, and our Prevention, Interventions and Partnerships team are also working with partners to raise awareness and share crime prevention and security advice.

“During the summer so far in North East Edinburgh my officers have made eight arrests, libelled 30 charges, executing numerous warrants and recovered over £400,000 in stolen vehicles.

He added: “We will continue to work to ensure offenders are dealt with robustly. To allow us to target our activities, we encourage communities to report incidents via 101, and should anyone have information as to the identity of those placing communities at risk, this can be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”
