June blitz on drink or drug drivers


Tomorrow (1 June) sees the launch of a summer campaign to keep Scotland’s roads safer.  Police Scotland’s four-week initiative aims to reduce the number of road traffic collisions and associated injuries on Scotland’s roads by reducing the number of drink or drug drivers.

The majority of road users are aware of the hazards relating to driving whilst unfit, yet a minority of people are still driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Latest figures from Reported Road Casualties in Scotland 2011 shows there were an estimated 750 casualties on Scotland road in a single year as a result of a collision whereby one of the drivers was over the drink drive limit.

Inspector Ian Martin, Trunk Road Patrol Group, Road Policing, said: ‘‘Our commitment to dealing with drink and drug drivers lasts throughout the year. This four-week initiative provides us with the opportunity to remind the public of the dangers of driving under the influence or drink or drugs.

“During the summer months there are many social events such as barbecues for family and friends or larger organised events such as town shows or village galas.  All are perfect opportunities to socialise in relaxed surroundings and many people will take the opportunity to have an alcoholic drink.

‘‘However it is important to remember that the measures of alcoholic drinks consumed at social events can be significantly more than pub measures. Unfortunately, people can get caught up in the moment and unintentionally or otherwise over-indulge in alcohol.

‘‘If you are planning to drive, then you have an individual responsibility to ensure that you do not over-indulge. The best advice is to abstain completely – DON’T RISK IT.’’

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said: “The message is clear – if you choose to drink or take drugs and drive, you choose to lose your licence. Scotland takes a tough stance on drink and drug driving, if you risk it you will get a driving ban, a large fine and a criminal record, and you could face a prison sentence and lose your vehicle for good.”


Alcohol taskforce targets illegal sales

Almost 5,700 litres of beer, wine and spirits have been seized by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) as alcohol taskforce officers targeted illegal sales across Scotland last Thursday (9 May). HMRC officers visited 49 retail sites across Edinburgh, checking the details of alcohol on sale.

The operation, supported by staff from Edinburgh Council Trading Standards and Environmental Health and Police Scotland, is targeting the alcohol supply chain, including producers, storage facilities, wholesalers and retailers.

Chris Brett, HMRC’s Alcohol Taskforce manager in Scotland, said: “Anyone handling or selling smuggled alcohol should be aware that HMRC teams are active across Scotland. We are committed to stopping this criminal activity which costs the taxpayer around £1.2 billion in unpaid revenue each year.

“The Edinburgh operation is not a one-off exercise and is part of ongoing work with our partner agencies to combat this crime. We are also keen to work closely with and support local businesses that have to compete against these illegal sales. If you are aware of someone who is evading their taxes you can call HMRC’s Tax Evasion Hotline on 0800 788 887.”

Community Safety Leader, Councillor Cammy Day, said: “The illegal trade of products like alcohol can be used to fund crime and can have a highly detrimental effect on the city’s honest retailers and on people’s health. I am very pleased that this initiative has been so successful and I think the amount of products seized demonstrates the need to be vigilant. We will continue to work closely with the HMRC to ensure that consumers and legitimate traders are protected from the impact of this illegal activity.”

Taskforces are specialist teams that undertake intensive bursts of activity in specific high risk trade sectors and locations in the UK. The teams visit traders to examine their records and carry out other investigations. The alcohol taskforce in Scotland is expected to bring in around £4 million. HMRC and the other agencies involved will now consider further action against offenders, including full tax and VAT investigations and a review of alcohol and other trading licenses.


Next of kin appeal

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for information to help trace relatives of a man who died in hospital earlier this week.

Gregory McEwan (53), passed away at the Western General Hospital on Tuesday (May 7). There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.

It is thought that he has a daughter called Yvonne McQueen, who may stay in the Muirhouse area. He also has another daughter called Tammie McEwan, but her possible whereabouts are unknown.

Police are appealing to anyone who has any information that can assist them in tracing any relatives of Gregory McEwan to contact Police Scotland on 101.

Police seek gang of thugs after Crewe Path mugging

Police are seeking a gang of teenage muggers following an attack on a middle aged man in the Crewe Road area on Sunday morning. The victim was kicked in the head and body as he lay helpless on the ground before the thugs stole his wallet.

The 52-year-old victim was walking in Crewe Path, which links Crewe Road West to Crewe Road North, at around 11.15am on Sunday when he was approached by four male youths. As the man passed the group he was punched in the face. This knocked him to the ground and he was then subject to further attack, with the youths kicking the defenceless man in the head and body.

Following the assault and robbery the gan fled back along Crewe Path to Crewe Road North.

The suspects are all described as white and between 15 and 18-years-old. One is described as being around 5ft 11in tall, with a slim build, and wearing a grey top, while the others are described as being around 5ft 8in tall.

Detective Constable Rachel Robertson said: “While the victim did not suffer any serious injury, he was left extremely shaken as a result of his ordeal, and we are appealing for any information that can assist us in tracing those responsible. Anyone who witnessed the assault, or who was in the area at the time and may have noticed four male youths together, should contact police. If you have any inormation that can assist our enquiries in any way please get in touch.”


Silver surfers: steer clear of online scams

Scotland’s growing legions of ‘silver surfers’ are being warned to be vigilant as cyber criminals look to prey on unsuspecting victims with increasingly cunning online scams. With the numbers of older people using the web and discovering social media channels growing daily, fears are being raised they are becoming the prime targets for internet scammers.

The fraudsters are continually concocting scams to fool unsuspecting web users with many of the cons taking place without the victim being aware, ranging from social networking and financial scams to those relating to online employment or auctions. One smartphone/web-based App set up to highlight the explosion of online scams lists more than 600 different online cons.

The latest warning comes fromthe Scottish Business Crime Centre (SBCC), as part of a new campaign it is fronting to raise awareness of various issues that can place older people at risk of financial harm. 

Gary Ritchie, Assistant Director of SBCC, said: “These con men will stop at nothing to shamelessly deceive and swindle internet users out of personal details and money. While many of us have been using the internet for some time and have grown to recognise these types of scam emails, anyone can be caught out as new scams are constantly being designed to trick unwary web surfers into parting with money or personal information.

“The increase in ‘silver surfers’ using the internet as a way of communicating now means that older people are increasingly exposed to these crimes. Older people in particular are prone to falling for emails that appear legitimate because they look like official emails which appear to be from a well known bank or unsolicited mails where the scammer tells of recent disastrous events which have left them stranded, usually in a foreign country with no money and no passport. Sadly these people are frequently conned out of huge sums of money. Crimes against people who perhaps don’t have the same capabilities or support to protect themselves as others is appalling and has no place in Scotland.”

One of the most prominent online scams is ransomware; a category of malicious software which, when run, disables the functionality of a computer in some way. The ransomware program displays a pop-up message demanding payment to restore functionality.

The malware, in effect, holds the computer ransom, the pop-up advises law enforcement has locked the computer and suggests that this is a result of the user viewing indecent images or terrorist sites.

These pop-ups use the logos of recognisedUK forces, including Action Fraud so victims are easily fooled by this con. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid this pop-up and given the number of different gangs operating ransomware scams, a conservative estimate is that over £3 million a year is being extorted from victims, however, the real figure is likely to be much higher.

Chief Inspector Ronnie Megaughin at Police Scotland, also chair of the Adults at Risk from Financial Harm Group, said: “There are a number of factors which require to be present for frauds or scams to be successful and the vulnerability of the victim is at the heart of that equation. While anyone can be duped, those who are most vulnerable within our communities are faced with the greatest risk.”

He added the Keeping People Safe campaign being managed by the Adults at Risk from Financial Harm Group aims to put in place a range of prevention measures necessary to safeguard individuals and reduce criminal opportunity.

As victims are often too embarrassed to report these various internet crimes, authoritative statistics are hard to establish. However, a recent study by Age UK found almost half of the over 60’s questioned said that they had been targeted by a scam last year. 

Lindsay Scott, spokesperson for Age Scotland said: “Although today’s pensioners may be mentally sharper than ever, they still make a prime target for con artists because they generally have more disposable income and because they’re usually more trusting, having grown up at a time when things were taken at face value. It’s also true that longer life expectancy has resulted in a growing generation of people in later life who perhaps live alone, are maybe a bit forgetful or simply become confused or frightened by smooth-talking scammers. This combination of not remembering correctly and in many cases, particularly involving men, being unwilling to admit there’s a problem, can make older adults especially vulnerable to this sort of crime.”

A booklet containing information and advice on a variety of scams has been created and produced by The Metropolitan Police Service’s Operation Sterling Team and is available to download for free by visiting   http://www.sbcc.org.uk/media/84031/little_book_of_big_scams.pdf

Scam Detector is a smart phone and web-based app available to download for free which exposes more than 600 of the world’s most fraudulent scams.http://scam-detector.com/

The SBCC, which aims to work in partnership with various bodies to create a saferScotland, recently held a conference to establish a blueprint forScotland’s private and public sectors and voluntary organisations to collaborate consistently and effectively to protect those who may be subjected to financial abuse by others.

The SBCC is currently forming a strategic multi agency steering group to provide further advice, guidance and protection around those who are seen as vulnerable in this way through information exchange and early intervention including the development of aScotland against Scams initiative. The group will also consider how to tackle e-related scams and postal scams as part of their ongoing work.

This steering group will consist of representatives from the Scottish Government, Social Work Department, Trading Standards, police, banks, energy and utility companies as well as a variety of other interested organisations.

More information about the Scottish Business Crime Centre and how to become a member can be found atwww.sbcc.org.uk.


City hails success of crime crackdown

Police in Edinburgh have hailed the success of an operation targeting drug dealers and serious and organised criminals in the Capital. Operation Amend has resulted in the arrests of 25 people, along with the seizure of around £300,000 worth of drugs and almost £250,000 in cash.

The seizures included quantities of cocaine, crack cocaine and heroin, as well as a cannabis cultivation. Over £200,000 in cash was recovered from one address in Musselburgh alone.

Police Scotland’s Detective Superintendent Gareth Blair said: “There is no doubt that Operation Amend has struck a serious blow against drug dealers and serious and organised criminals operating in Edinburgh. We have arrested and charged a number of individuals with alleged drugs offences, and removed a significant quantity of drugs from the streets of the Capital.

“Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe, and we will relentlessly pursue all those who we suspect of involvement in drug dealing and serious and organised crime. At the same time we will continue to work closely with our community partners in order to make our communities safer and secure.

“We would ask the public to play their part by providing us with information on drug dealers and serious and organised criminals operating in their community. Anyone with any information should contact Police Scotland on 101, or make an anonymous report though Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said: “While honest, hard-working members of the public struggle in these challenging financial times, it is galling and distressing to see drug dealers and those involved in serious organised crime flouting their ill-gotten wealth.

“It is thanks to vital information supplied by the public and the hard work of police that serious and organised criminals across Scotland are being identified and brought to justice. Ultimately, it shows that the combined efforts of communities, police, and enforcement agencies all contributes to making Scotland a safer and stronger place to live.”

Councillor Cammy Day, Community Safety Leader, said: “I am very pleased that Operation Amend has been such a success and believe this demonstrates how strengthening community links with the police can make our neighbourhoods safer. It sends a clear signal that drug-related crime will not be tolerated and I would like to thank all members of the community for their support of this very worthwhile initiative.”

Professor Alison McCallum, Director of Public Health and Health Policy, NHS Lothian, said: “We continue to work closely with Police Scotland, health services and other agencies throughout Lothian by providing a broad range of services to help and support individuals to address the causes and consequences of problematic drug use.”


£3000 bike theft in Newhaven Road

Police are appealing for witnesses following the theft of a high-value mountain bike. The crime happened around 4.30am on Monday (16 April) at an address in Newhaven Road, when a property was broken into and the 36-gear ISSAC hard tail bike worth £3,000 was stolen from inside.

Officers are now urging anyone who can assist with their enquiries to come forward.

The bike is described as black, with an 18-inch frame, DT Swiss 240 silver-rimmed wheels, white forks, Continental mud tyres, Shimano XTR break discs, Bon Trager carbon stem and a triple Physic Gobbie saddle.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “Given the time at which this incident occurred, a number of residents in Newhaven Road may have been awoken by sounds of a disturbance, as those responsible gained entry to the property. Similarly, members of the public who were up and out in the area in the early hours of Monday morning may also have seen something suspicious and are asked to contact police immediately if they have information that can assist officers with their investigation.”


Police probe vicious assault

Police are investigating after a man in his 30s was the victim of an assault by a group in Wardieburn Place West at around 20:20 tonight

Its understood the male suffered face and head injures and was taken by ambulance to ERI.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said “Police were called to Wardieburn at around 20:20 after reports of a male being assaulted. He was taken by ambulance to ERI and we would ask anyone with information to get in touch with us on the non emergency number 101”

Neigh need for police cars!


Drylaw Police Station to close as Police Scotland opts for horse power

The chief of Scotland’s new national police force has vowed to wrong foot the country’s criminal fraternity – by replacing cars with horses! And Drylaw Police Station looks set to become a stable block under radical new plans.

Chief Constable Stephen House (pictured below) has ‘taken the reins’ at Police Scotland, which today officially replaces Scotland’s eight regional police forces. The new boss has promised to seek new ways to crack down on crime, and in a controversial move one of the first things he will do is replace hundreds of police cars, vans and motorcycles with … horses!


“It’s true”, he confirmed. “Police Scotland, like every other organisation in the country, faces financial challenges and we must look at our costs and try to make economies. We have inherited a large fleet of vehicles which are expensive to run and maintain, and are also very bad for the environment. I propose to replace the vast majority of these vehicles with police horses – at substantial savings to the taxpayer.

“Horses are much cheaper to run – they only need straw, oats and a handful of carrots – and this will be much better for the environment too. Horses are adaptable, can easily handle adverse weather conditions and, unlike motor vehicles, they can jump walls and fences! The public will even benefit from free manure for their gardens, so it really is a ‘win, win’ scenario. I am genuinely excited about the possibilities of this initiative.”

The switch to horsepower will see Drylaw Police Station converted to a state of the art stable enclosure for new equine recruits.

“We all know that crime levels are falling so we will need fewer police stations,” Mr House went on. “Drylaw isn’t that busy, so we will convert that building to a new stable facility for the horses. The police officers currently based at Drylaw will be retrained and will learn important new skills – grooming, cleaning tack, mucking out and things like that – which will give them something to do if there aren’t any criminals to catch. My officers are enthusiastic and adaptable, and we will need new skills for a new era in policing.”

Scotland’s criminal fraternity do not seem over-concerned about the Police Scotland initiative, however. Former crime boss Robert ‘Big Boab’ Baxter, who now writes exclusively on crime-related matters for the Daily Record, said: “Ma pals – sorry, former associates, won’t exactly be quaking in their boots when they hear this! Horses! I think Mister Hoose is semi-detached!”

Glasgow businessman Baxter, who was dubbed  the ‘Barlanark Butcher’ before becoming a respectable security adviser, went on: “I’m looking forward to watching Red Rum and Dobbin taking on a Jag or a BMW in a race up the M8! Maybe the Chief Constable thinks he’s John Wayne or Clint Eastwood. What’s next – the  sheriff and his deputies and getting a posse together? He’s havin’ a laugh!”

It’s understood the Chief Constable’s conversion to horse power didn’t come from watching old Westerns – but sources close to the Chief confirm that he was influenced by seeing Oscar-nominated film ‘War Horse’.

A spokesperson for the Scottish Police Authority, which oversees the new police organisation, dismissed criticism and insisted the reforms will go ahead. He said: “Yes, Stephen worked in Strathclyde but this is not shootouts in the Wild West, goodies chasing baddies, or even cowboys – although Glasgow does have it’s fair share of cowboys. This is a new dawn for policing in Scotland and we are looking at innovative new ways to tackle crime in this country. The public will be delighted to know that this equine initiative – we call it Operation Thoroughbred – is just the first of many brave, exciting new ideas. Yes, we are absolutely convinced that the public will sleep easier in their beds and will support us all the way on this. There may be a few teething problems, but Scotland’s criminals should be warned – we’re on your trail and we’re hunting you down! Tally ho!”

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Cagney and Lacey