Latest news from Living in Harmony

 A few places left on Friday’s Equality & Diversity training course

Living in Harmony logo

Dear All, 

Thank you to all who came to the forum meeting on 28 October – I’ve attached the minutes for your information (below).

Next forum event: Language Barriers and How to Overcome Them

Thursday 10 December, 10am – 12 noon at Pilton Community Health Project, 73 Boswall Parkway, EH5 2PW.

Many people at the Positively Diverse event said that they would like to overcome potential language barriers in their work.

We will have speaker from Elite Linguists, an Edinburgh based social enterprisecommitted to strengthening Scotland’s public service interpreting and translation provision, thereby addressing some of the root causes of inequality and injustice in our society where language can be a barrier.

We will consider whether translating information is always the best option, and other ways we can overcome language barriers in our work. I will also be inviting local residents to share what has been helpful or difficult in this area, and we will have space to collaborate on solutions.

Equality and diversity training: 20 November, 22 January, 25 March 

There are a few places left on the Equality and Diversity training on Friday, 9.30-1 at PCHP. Please contact me on 0131 5511671 or reply to this email if any of your colleagues or volunteers would like to attend. The training is an excellent overview of the issues, and we are encouraging as many workers in the area as possible to take part.

• Understand and discuss the fundamental aspects of the Equality Act 2010, and be able examine your responsibilities relating to it.

• Increase your understanding of issues facing minority ethnic groups in the area.

• Learn how to talk about controversial issues and dispel the myths about immigration.

The training is being provided by Living in Harmony and Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equalities Council (ELREC).

Positive images project

As you will see in the minutes of the meeting, we are pleased to have a Community Education Student, Luke Campbell, with us for 18 weeks. He is hoping to interview a wide range of people who live in the area to highlight and celebrate the diversity here, as well as trying to combat some common myths about immigration. The interviews will be used on social media. He is looking for opportunities to visit groups or events in order to find people who would like to take part. If you are interested, please contact him at

Living in Harmony forum minutes 28 October 2015

Hannah Kitchen

Development Worker, Living in Harmony, Pilton Community Health Project

0131 551 1671

Like us on Facebook for regular updates


Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meets tonight

Blackhall Library 6.30pmINP1611

Do you want to hear how things are going in North? Come hear what you told us in the Edinburgh People’s Survey, how the North team and other INP Partners are performing and what’s been happening towards key priorities in the Local Community Plan 2014-2017. Come to Blackhall Library tonight at 6.30pm!

Papers for Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meeting on Monday.


Be our guests!

Granton Community Gardeners to share their bumper harvest harvest feast

Weather’s turning wintry, time to gather inside and have some hot food!


Friday 20 November, 6pm Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

No need to bring anything, but message us if you’d like to help organise, set up or bring food. (and RSVPs are helpful for numbers)

Granton Community Gardeners committee member Tom Kirby reports: 

Most things have grown really well in the gardens this year, and there’s been a great regular team of local residents, we’ve all learned a lot from each other!  We still meet up every Tuesday and Saturday at 11am (unless weather is really bad!) at the community garden on the corner of Boswall Parkway and Wardieburn Road. Anyone is very welcome to join us, no prior gardening experience needed!

This Saturday (weather permitting) we’ll be sowing the first of our trial plots of winter wheat!  We are participating in a project organised by Bread Matters, to try growing small scale plots of varieties of wheat that used to be grown in Scotland before cereal production became so industrialised (and before issues like gluten intolerances were such a problem).

We’re already making plans for next year, but it’s good to take some time to relax and celebrate what’s been achieved.

Hope you’re well and keeping warm,

Bright Nights: Get Involved!

NEA bright lites

 If you are interested in getting involved, let us know by calling, emailing or by popping in to see us:

0131 315 2151
15a Pennywell Court, EH4 4TZ


Don Bosco @ Craigroyston Community High School
Wednesdays 18th & 25th November 5.30-7.00pm
Ages 8 – 12 (up to  P7)

MYDG Arts Hub @ North Edinburgh Arts
Thursdays 12th & 19th November 6.00-8.00pm
Ages 12 – 18 (from S1)

Saturday Arts @ North Edinburgh Arts
Saturday 14th & 21st November
Age 5 – 8: 10.30-11.30
Age 8 – 12: 11.40-12.30


Saturday Dance @ North Edinburgh Arts
Saturday 14th & 21st November
Age 5 – 8: 11.40-12.30
Age 8 – 12: 10.30-11.30

Flash-mob workshops @ North Edinburgh Arts 
Perform together using our reflective props for cool effects

All ages.

Tuesday 24th @ North Edinburgh Arts
3.30 – 5.30 (book in for 3.30 or 4.30 start)

Thursday 26th@ North Edinburgh Arts
3.30 – 6.00 (book in for a 3.30 or 4.30 start)

Dance instructor Hayley MacDonald will stay with participants for the event to support their flash-mob performances.

These are drop in workshops open to everyone. If you have made a prop in a school workshop, please book ahead by calling North Edinburgh Arts so that we can make sure that the props you made at your school workshop are ready there for you.


Painting With Light
with Kenny Bean

5.45 – 6.30

6.40 – 7.20

7.30 – 8.15

Take away a print of your best photo(s)!


Drylaw Telford Community Association AGM

Wednesday 2 December at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre


You are invited to the Drylaw Telford Community Association Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 2 December at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre (off Groathill Road North). Continue reading Drylaw Telford Community Association AGM