“Older people need a voice”

Charity calls on Scottish Government to appoint Commissioner for later life

  • New report highlights just under three-quarters (72%) of those aged 65 and over in Scotland think the issues they face are badly understood by society
  • Almost 9 in 10 (89%) people aged 65 or over in Scotland support appointing a Commissioner
  • Despite wider scrutiny of the number of Commissioners in Scotland, the growing over 65s population shows that an Older People’s Commissioner is desperately needed.

The Scottish Government must appoint an Older People’s Commissioner (OPC) or risk people in later life in Scotland being ‘left behind’ according to a new report from national charity Independent Age.

The charity that supports people experiencing poverty in older age is calling on the Scottish Government to bring the nation in line with Wales and Northern Ireland, where older people have been represented by a commissioner since 2008 and 2011 respectively.

In the new report ‘We need a champion: Why Scotland should have an Older People’s Commissioner’ launched on 13 March, Independent Age outlines how the role could help older people across the nation and especially those on a low income. One in seven people – 150,000 individuals – in later life in Scotland are now in poverty, a figure that has risen in the past decade by a quarter.

The report was compiled through interviews with older people and organisations that work with them alongside Scottish nationally representative polling. The call for an OPC has also been backed by over 30 organisations across Scotland.

Recent polling commissioned by the charity shows that almost three in four (72%) of those aged 65 and over in Scotland think the issues they face are badly understood by society1. OPCs already exist in Wales and Northern Ireland and have taken the lead on campaigning about cross cutting issues that affect older people from all walks of life, from bus passes and care during COVID to the uptake of social security entitlements.

An OPC would be an independent voice for older people in Scotland, bridging the gap between the issues and needs of older people and the institutions that impact their lives, including the Scottish Government, local councils, the NHS, civil servants and businesses. They would ensure older people’s voices are heard, by advocating on their behalf and working alongside community groups to listen to the experience of those in later life.

The population of Scotland is ageing. Currently over one million people, or one in five, are over 65 and by 2040, this will rise to one in four people across the nation. The charity says that an OPC will help society prepare for this change, giving people in later life an independent voice and work across Government departments to ensure a joined-up approach to policy making. Polling from Independent Age shows that almost 9 in 10 (89%) people aged 65 or over in Scotland support appointing a Commissioner2 and polling from Age Scotland found that 7 in 10 (71%) of respondents of all age groups were in favour.

As well as ensuring everyone’s voices are heard as we age, the new report looked into three key problems affecting people in later life living in financial insecurity, and how a Commissioner could help resolve them.

An OPC could help lift more older people out of poverty

Polling commissioned by Independent Age found that one third (33%) of over 65s living on an annual household income of less than £15,000 can only just afford their essentials and often struggle to make ends meet3. Almost half (43%) of older people living on an annual household income of less than £15,000 are worried about not being able to afford food and drink when considering their financial situation over the next 6 months4.

Independent Age says that without a long-term Government strategy to combat pensioner poverty, it will continue to rise.

Research from the charity found that if Pension Credit, the top-up for older people on a low income, was received by everyone who is eligible in Scotland, an estimated 38,000 older people would immediately be lifted out of poverty.

Commissioners in Wales and Northern Ireland have led the way in driving Pension Credit uptake, campaigning to improve take-up by raising awareness and connecting older people with social security advisors. An OPC for Scotland could ensure advice and information about finances effectively reaches older people or bring together government departments to focus on increasing uptake of financial entitlements.

An OPC could help prevent fuel poverty for older people

Polling commissioned by Independent Age found that over half (59%) of older people living in Scotland on less than £15,000 a year reduced heating usage in their home over the last winter to help manage the cost of living5 and the latest Scottish Government statistics show that a staggering 36% of older households live in fuel poverty. 

The charity says that rising costs across the board, including energy and food are squeezing people from every angle, there is often no room in older people’s fixed budgets to absorb these extra costs.

An OPC could advise the Scottish Government on how older people in financial insecurity can be helped to make their homes energy efficient, ensuring the Scottish Government also reaches its Net Zero targets. An OPC could also work with energy companies to ensure they are identifying and targeting financial support at older people on a low income who may not be aware they qualify for help.

An OPC could help with inadequate housing

Older people often have specific needs for their homes, such as a shower or a ground-floor flat. However, older people are often excluded from the planning and development of homes, and it can be difficult to find an appropriate home, especially on a low income, and this is sometimes keeping those in later life in unsafe, unsuitable or unaffordable homes.

The charity has heard from older people who are terrified of complaining to their landlord about necessary repairs and others who say their homes are freezing, damp and mouldy. One interviewee said that “I know if I complain to my landlord, it will get me nowhere but homeless”.

An OPC could ensure policy makers are informed about the housing requirements of older people now and in the future, making sure they build the right homes for an ageing population. They could also help support the elimination of discrimination against older people in housing issues.

Debbie Horne, Scotland Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Independent Age said: “Older people in Scotland have spoken: they need a champion. For too long, people in later life have felt like their issues don’t matter. The time for an Older People’s Commissioner is now.

“Problems for people in later life who are in poverty, such as being priced out of basic needs, including food and fuel, and living in insecure or inappropriate housing are going to get worse, not better, without someone who can listen to the needs of those affected and campaign for change.

“As well as being a voice for all older people, a Commissioner could ensure those who are seldom heard, like those in financial hardship, are considered when making policy decisions.

“We need an independent Older People’s Commissioner who can work with Government, engage with community groups and give older people a voice. Scotland’s population is ageing. And pensioner poverty is rising. Our society needs to change so we can all look forward to living well in later life. An Older People’s Commissioner can help.”

Age Scotland uncovers more than £1.5 million of unclaimed benefits for older people

Age Scotland has identified  £1,577,341.81 of unclaimed benefits for older people who called their helpline in 2023, more than double the figure for the previous year, and a record amount for the charity.

Scotland’s national charity for older people said the amount – a remarkable 136% increase on the 2022 figure – is still the ‘tip of the iceberg’, with millions of pounds unclaimed by older people who are entitled to more financial support.

Katherine Crawford, Age Scotland’s chief executive, said: “Many of the callers to our helpline are facing severe financial hardship, in part due to the ongoing cost of living crisis.

“For the tens of thousands of pensioners in Scotland on low and middle incomes, claiming the full range of benefits to which they are entitled can be the difference between heating their home or not and being able to eat well.

“Our helpline advisers, who carry out benefits checks, have also noticed an increase in the number of over 50s inquiring about working age benefits, such as Universal Credit, as the impact of the cost of living crisis continues to bite.

“However we still believe that this is only the tip of the iceberg and that there are millions of pounds of benefits for older people which are not being claimed.

“Unfortunately there is a real lack of awareness around what support is available and a strong feeling that the application processes are too hard. Around a third of over 50s say they don’t claim what they are entitled to because they feel guilty doing so or that someone else would be more deserving. We must change this as far too many go without the help they have earned.

“We would encourage more older people in Scotland to call our helpline for a free benefits check. Our expert advisers can help callers navigate the complex benefits system – and the results could be life changing.”

Among the benefits available to older people in need are Pension Credit, available to people over State Pension age on low income or with modest savings, to help with the cost of living, and Attendance Allowance, a payment for people over State Pension age who have a physical or mental disability.

Anyone over the age of 50 can call the Age Scotland national helpline on 0800 12 44 222.

Case Study 1:

Mr A is a father of 5 school age children. He has health problems and also provides care for his 19 year old adult son. He was previously on Tax Credits but has now had to make a claim for Universal Credit and was unsure about how much he might be able to get.

We carried out several calculations to look at the full range of his potential entitlements, factoring in all of his financial and family circumstances, in particular being able to reassure him that restrictions like the benefit cap and two child limit would not apply in his case.

We were able to explain to him that he could be entitled to the equivalent of £38, 342 per year in benefits and gave him advice about some common problems he might encounter when claiming and what steps he could take if these happened.

Case Study 2:

Mrs M called from South Lanarkshire after being signposted to Age Scotland by DWP Pension Credit team.

She is in her late sixties and has been the main carer for her husband. He recently passed away and she has been struggling to manage rising costs on her state pension. She applied for Pension Credit and was informed she is £2 over the threshold to qualify for this.

During the call, she explained she has COPD and other health issues. Her caring role has taken a toll on her health, and she finds it more difficult to cope on a daily basis. We discussed Attendance Allowance, and she plans to apply for this. When awarded this will increase her income by £68 per week in addition to making her eligible for a Pension Credit award of approximately £70 per week.

Homing In: Older renters facing rent rise ‘catastrophe’

Charity warns rising rents and pensioner poverty could be ‘catastrophic’ for older Scottish renters 

  • 1 in 7 pensioners in Scotland (150,000) are in poverty, and over half (75,448) of those are renters  
  • New research finds that just 30% of older renters feel fully informed of their housing rights 
  • Older private renters in Scotland are plagued with damp, unsafe and unaffordable homes 
  • Charity calls for the Scottish Government to ensure affordable rents, that tenants’ rights are upheld and rented homes are maintained to a decent living standard 

Older Scottish renters living on a low income urgently need greater protections in the upcoming Housing Bill, says Independent Age, the charity supporting older people in poverty.

It says that renters in later life face a “catastrophe” if action is not taken, with record rent increases in recent years and a growing number of older renters across the nation being pushed into poverty.  

The organisation today launches its report Homing in: How to improve the lives of older Scottish renters, which uses polling, Government data and a survey of over 500 older renters to understand the reality of renting in later life in Scotland.  

Almost two in five (39%) older Scottish private renters now live in poverty, up from 24% a decade before1. Independent Age says that older renters on a low income are “terrified” their rent could rise after the end of the current rent rise cap on March 31st.  

The new report has unearthed older tenants’ daily challenges with affordability, the threat of eviction and poor standards. The charity found that less than a third of older renters (30%) feel fully informed of their housing rights while a shocking one in five (21%) saying they know nothing2.Independent Age believes that this worryingly low level of awareness among tenants of their rights in the private rental sector is leaving poor and sometimes unlawful practice unchallenged.  

The charity calls on the Scottish Government to ensure:  

  • Private rents are controlled at an affordable level for older people on a low income. 
  • Landlords are required to inform tenants of independent housing advice services when they serve them notice. 
  • A housing ombudsman is established, giving private tenants the ability to challenge issues like poor maintenance. 
  • Tenants are informed of their rights as renters.  


In Scotland, almost two in five (39%) older private renters live in poverty3, while more than a quarter (28%) of those surveyed say they have less than £200 disposable income a month after paying rent. In the last year, over 4 in 5 (81%) say they have faced a rise in rent of up to £50 a month.  

With the temporary limit to rent increases set to end next month, the charity has heard from older people who, faced with increasing costs from all angles, including rent, Council Tax and energy, are struggling to pay their rent. 

An older person who is looking for a new property to rent told the charity: “it is really scary how much starting rents have increased in the last six months”.

Independent Age warned that without action to ensure housing affordability in the private rented sector, more older tenants across Scotland will be forced to make difficult decisions such as making further cutbacks to food, energy and water to cover rent. 

Housing quality and standards 

65% of older Scottish peoples’ homes are in a state of disrepair4. Independent Age’s survey found that 40% of older private renters were not satisfied with the standard or quality of their home5, however polling found that more than 1 in 10 (12%) older private renters questioned feel uncomfortable raising concerns with their landlord, for fear of negative treatment. 

Independent Age says that problems with damp, heating and energy efficiency come up frequently for older renters. One older person said that their house was “never warm… there is a smell of damp in the winter months. There is a huge opening in the back wall where the boiler is located. The wind whistles into the flat.” Another said that their home was cold “even in the summer.”  

The charity said that not only are some of the conditions described by interviewees likely in violation of the Repair Standard that sets out a minimum standard that rental properties must meet, but tenants are scared to ask for necessary and reasonable repairs in case they are served with a ‘revenge eviction’. One man said: “I know if I complain to my landlord, it will get me nowhere but homeless.” 

Evictions and homelessness 

The report reveals that almost one in six (17%) older private renters are worried that their landlord will evict them in the next 12 months.

Almost three in five (59%) say that searching for a new home would be difficult6, likely due to older people sometimes needing special adaptations, such as a ground floor flat, and the growing unaffordability of rents.

Terrifyingly, there has been a 23% rise in the number of older people experiencing homelessness in the last year, up from 891 people in 2021/22 to 1100 in 2022/23. 


Joanna Elson CBE, Chief Executive of Independent Age said: “For all of us, an affordable, safe and secure home is essential for our wellbeing and should be the norm. That’s why it is a catastrophe that, for many Scottish older renters on a low income, this is far from the reality. 

“The Scottish Government made positive moves in recent years to protect tenants. But with many of these protections from eviction and rent increases coming to an end soon, we’ve spoken to many people renting in later life who are absolutely terrified about what will happen over the coming months.  

“The Housing Bill is a once in a generation opportunity for the Scottish Government to make sure everyone has a home that is affordable, kept to a decent standard and free from the threat of eviction and homelessness.

“We hope they take action to ensure that all Scottish renters can live with dignity, no matter their age.”


Independent Age is calling for the Scottish Government to: 

  • Establish a housing ombudsman to give tenants the power to challenge their landlords on poor maintenance and ensure that housing advice and advocacy services are accessible and properly funded so renters are aware of their rights. 
  • Introduce a permanent system of rent controls so homes are affordable for older people on a low income, commit to building more social housing and increase access to, and funding of, Discretionary Housing Payments that support those on Housing Benefit who have a rent shortfall.  
  • Ensure tenants, including those in later life on a low income, are informed of their rights. 
  • Enshrine the right to adequate housing in Scots Law  
  • Place a duty on local authorities to help someone threatened with homelessness in the next six months and require landlords to inform tenants of independent advice services before or when they serve them an eviction notice.  

Independent Age is also calling on the UK Government to commit to uprating Local Housing Allowance every year so that Housing Benefit matches rises in local rents.

New campaign encourages drivers over 60 to get their eyes examined

The Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland have launched a new campaign encouraging older drivers to consider their driving habits and have a free regular NHS eye examination so they can continue driving safely. 

With recent stats showing 29 per cent of car driver casualties killed or seriously injured in road collisions were over 601, the Fitness to Drive campaign highlights that eyesight can affect the way we drive as we get older and calls for anyone over 60 to have their eyes examined regularly, or as soon as they notice a change. 

It’s common for drivers to adapt their driving behaviour as they get older, for example, by not driving at night or on busier roads to avoid the glare from oncoming traffic, or by driving shorter distances. These adaptations often happen gradually and can be a sign of deteriorating vision.

Janet Pooley, Chief Optometric Adviser, said: “As we get older, we can experience changes to our eyesight, including blurred vision, a reduced visual field and less accuracy when it comes to judging distances, which impact our ability to drive safely.

“The best way to make sure your eyes are healthy is to have them examined regularly and to visit your local optometrist if you notice any problems with your eyesight.

“As well as detecting changes in your eyesight, an NHS eye examination can pick up age-related eye conditions like cataracts and glaucoma, and it can identify and help prevent other health conditions like blood issues and diabetes, which can also affect driving.”

The campaign reminds drivers that changes in your eyesight don’t have to mean giving up driving and that your local optometrist can often correct your vision with new glasses.

Janet Pooley, Chief Optometric Adviser, continued: “In some cases your optometrist might advise that you require surgery to improve your vision if you have a condition like cataracts.  Outstanding surgical results often enable people to continue to drive safely for many years.” 

In addition to eyesight, other age-related factors can also affect our fitness to drive, such as high blood pressure, medication, and slower reaction times.

Drivers are encouraged to plan ahead for when they do choose to give up driving and consider alternatives for getting around without a car, including public transport and getting help from family members and friends.

Minister for Transport Fiona Hyslop said: “Changes in our eyesight is something we’re all affected by as we get older, and with Scotland’s population continuing to age, it’s particularly important to ensure we all stay safe on the road.

“We’re encouraging everyone in this age group to get their eyes checked regularly to make sure they are fit to drive.”

Age Scotland’s Big Survey 20232 shows driving is the most common way to get around among over 60s, with 72% of respondents saying this is the mode of transportation they use most.

Katherine Crawford, CEO of Age Scotland, said: “We know driving is hugely important to older people and plays a big part in their ability to stay active, mobile and independent.

“This campaign is a good reminder for older drivers to get their eyes examined regularly or, if they notice a change in their eyesight, to make sure they have the best vision for driving safely.”

Betty Gilchrist said: “I’m not as confident at driving as I once was, particularly at junctions where I take a bit more time now.

“Driving in the dark has also become more challenging. The glare from headlights can be dazzling, so I’m reluctant to drive in the evenings and I stick to short journeys on local roads.

“It’s important to have regular eye exams as we get older and our vision changes. Many of us also develop conditions like cataracts which can be picked up at an eye exam and treated to keep us driving for longer.”

Derek MacPherson said: “As I’ve aged, I’ve become more aware of my eyesight changing and how that affects my driving. I’m now less likely to drive long journeys or drive at night, when the glare from other cars and streetlights can make it harder to see.

“Getting my eyes checked by the optometrist is quick and easy, and knowing my eyesight is up to scratch helps me stay confident on the road so I can keep enjoying the freedom of driving.”

The campaign will also address family and friends who may be initiating discussions about driving with their loved ones, which can be a sensitive subject. 

For more information about the campaign or how to book a free NHS eye examination, go to roadsafety.scot.

Follow Road Safety Scotland Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) (@roadsafetyscot) pages for more details.

Age Scotland produce new Help with the Cost of Living Guide

AGE Scotland has produced a new guide to support older people through the #costofliving crisis.

It’s packed with advice on energy bills, tips on how to shop smart and eat well when food prices bite, cost-effective recipes, and a directory on where to go for help:

The cost of living crisis is forcing many older people to make incredibly difficult financial choices between powering and heating their homes and the food they can afford to buy.

Age Scotland’s helpline is hearing from an increasing number of older people who are finding it near impossible to pay their energy bills, having cut down on all but the essentials, and are now at risk of falling into unmanageable debt as a result.

Their Big Survey 2023 really highlights the stark reality and toll the cost of living crisis has taken on older people’s financial and physical wellbeing.

Age Scotland has pulled together this guide to support older people as we believe nobody should face the ongoing cost of living crisis alone.

It’s packed with advice on energy bills, tips on how to shop smart and eat well when food prices bite, recipes from top Scottish chefs, including Tom Kitchin and Tony Singh, and a directory on where to go for help.

We hope you find it useful. For further help and advice or to get a benefits check please call our free Helpline on 0800 12 44 222.

32% of older people say 20 Minute Neighbourhoods not possible due to lack of local services

A third of over 50s say a bank is an essential service in their area

Almost a third of older people have said the Scottish Government’s 20 Minute Neighbourhood initiative cannot work in their community due to a lack of available local services and facilities.

Age Scotland’s Big Survey 2023 asked older people about the proposal, currently under consideration, which aims to allow everyone access to essential goods and services within a 20 minute journey from home.

When asked what services would be essential for a ‘20 Minute Neighbourhood’ to be successful, 32% said a bank, 23% said a post office and 23% said community spaces. The top three facilities that respondents felt essential were accessible toilets (41%), good digital connectivity (33%) and buses with local bus stops (25%).

The findings highlight the importance to older people of being able to go into a bank branch or post office to manage their money, an arrangement that has become increasingly challenging with the widespread closure of bank branches across the country.

The availability of accessible and clean toilets is another factor which determines whether some older people feel confident getting out and about in their local area.

Other important facilities and services included access to a hospital and GP service, a supermarket or grocery store, and access to local green spaces.

These findings showcase the importance of access to health and wellbeing facilities in a local community, in addition to local services and social spaces.

However, Scotland’s national charity for older people found that although 28% of respondents said they already lived in a 20 Minute Neighbourhood and 23% believed it could be achieved, almost one third – 32% – said it was not possible and they didn’t think it could work in their community.

Additionally, older people living in rural areas all said a 20 Minute Neighbourhood was unachievable, further highlighting the barriers older people in remote communities face with accessible transport and local high street closures.

Katherine Crawford, chief executive of Age Scotland, said: “Our findings show that for many older people 20 Minute Neighbourhoods won’t work because of a lack of the services that they use on a regular basis.

“Bank branches, for example, are hugely important for the tens of thousands of older people who do not have access to internet banking and prefer to manage their finances by going into a branch and speaking to a member of staff face to face.

“The slew of bank branch closures we have seen across Scotland, creating banking deserts in some parts of the country, have forced many older customers to drive or take public transport some distance to find a branch in a larger town or city. That certainly doesn’t meet the 20 minute aspiration.

“Equally the closure of some public toilets is off putting to some older people who worry about travelling any distance from home without knowing there are clean and accessible public toilets nearby.

“The concept of 20 Minute Neighbourhoods is a great way to encourage people to use local services – but if they services they need are not available, then it doesn’t work.

“We would call on local authorities to keep public toilets open wherever possible and to banks to think about the consequences of their closures before pulling out of communities and depriving older customers of easy access to their money.

“It is vital that older people’s views help shape the 20 Minute Neighbourhood initiative, and investing in local services that are important to them will go a long way to ensuring that the scheme benefits entire communities.”

The Big Survey 2023

Our national survey of more than 4,100 over 50s in Scotland captures their views and experiences, identifies the challenges older people face in Scotland today, and broadly tracks how lives have changed over time. 

Read The Big Survey 2023

Christmas at Cramond Residence

A BUMPER month-long festive celebration is well underway at one of Scotland’s most luxurious care homes.

Pensioners at Cramond Residence have been treated to the homes’ biggest ever range of activities in the build-up to Christmas thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Lifestyle Team.

In the lead-up to the big day, residents have enjoyed a delightful mix of songs, carols, parties, fine food, Christmas jumper celebrations as well as a pantomime, creating a buzzing festive atmosphere.

Elaine Vallance, Head of Lifestyle at Cramond Residence said: “This is our sixth and biggest Christmas at the home and it’s our goal to ensure it’s a magical experience for our residents.

“We focused on creating a festive atmosphere with activities that cater to all tastes to help get everyone into the spirit.

“The residents have thoroughly enjoyed the events so far, and we’ve made sure that Christmas week is filled with fantastic activities to help carry the joy into the New Year.”

Across December, Cramond Residence sparkled with festive spirit, beginning with the annual Christmas lights switch-on and a carol performance by Fettes students.

The month has featured a variety of events including religious ceremonies, sensory sessions, a Kirk service, pub nights, and numerous parties.

On Christmas Day, residents will enjoy a special festive lunch, followed by a week full of seasonal movies, a pub night, a Nutcracker ballet performance, and a grand New Year’s Eve celebration to bring in 2024 in style.

Christian Daraio, Client Liaison Manager for Cramond Residence said: “We are lucky to have Elaine and her exceptional team orchestrating an incredible array of activities for our residents.

“Christmas at Cramond Residence is always a special time for both our staff and residents. This year has been particularly memorable, and we’re looking forward to celebrating Christmas and New Year’s with all our residents.”

Cramond Residence is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of its residents, offering a bespoke activity programme that blends the luxury of a hotel with the warmth of home living. Constructed at a cost of £8m, the residence opened its doors in October 2018, embodying a philosophy of small group living with a strong focus on social interaction.

The facility provides an extensive array of dementia care services, available both within the general living environment and in a dedicated area specially designed for those in more advanced stages.

With a variety of activities specifically tailored for individuals with dementia, Cramond Residence aims to enrich their lives. The home boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a team of trained professionals committed to offering both support and respite.

For further information about Cramond Residence, call 0131 336 1064 or visit the care home’s website at cramondresidence.co.uk.

To get in touch directly, please email enquiries@cramondresidence.co.uk.

The lone voice of older victims highlighted during Safer Ageing Week

Hourglass (Safer Ageing) announces fourth Safer Ageing Week – starting on 01/12/23 highlighting the lone voices of older victim survivors and how Hourglass is helping to challenge this.

Safer Ageing Week, launched by Hourglass in 2020, is an opportunity to raise awareness of the abuse of older people and shine a light on older victim-survivors and the relative taboo nature of this unspoken issue.

The theme this year is ALONE VOICE – focusing on the unique lone voice of Hourglass in dealing with the abuse of older people and the often-forgotten voice of an older victim survivor.

Currently not all abuse types, victims or perpetrators are treated equitably in the UK. The Government’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy has been a one useful development. But Hourglass is partly using this Safer Ageing Week to call for a unique strategy and specialist support for older people and therefore removing the additional barriers this group face.

Older people, as Hourglass states, should not be the last in line for support.

During this week the charity will also launch the Safer Ageing Index for Wales and, later in the week, the Safer Ageing Index for London, in partnership with the Hallmark Foundation.

These studies assess and compare how well local areas perform in helping people grow old safely. In 2022 the charity launched the first-ever Safer Ageing Index for Northern Ireland and by early 2024 the organisation plans to unveil a Safer Ageing Index for every part of the UK.

2023 also marks the 30th anniversary of Hourglass and during this week the charity will be looking at the advances made over the last three decades and what progression is needed in coming years.

The week of events, supported by a range of like-minded charities and organisations, will also see the launch of Hourglass’s Economic Abuse Hub in Wales. This unique provision will deliver vital specialist support to older people – as Financial or Economic abuse numbers and instances have steadily grown to be the majority of Hourglass casework.

Throughout the week we will be releasing messages from policy makers and thought leaders on how we can add our voices in support of older victim-survivors who too often are ALONE VOICE.

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass, said: “This will be the fourth Safer Ageing Week. This year we will focus on the lone voices in our community who speak out against abuse and neglect of older victim-survivors.

“It’s our collective duty to create environments where older people can thrive free from abuse, fear, and neglect.

“For Safer Ageing Week 2023, we hope more people will add their voices to our calls for a strategy to tackle abuse and neglect of older people.”

Baroness Margaret Ritchie, Hourglass Patron, said: “Safer Ageing Week plays a vital role in amplifying the voices of older victim-survivors of abuse and neglect.

“Let’s build communities where every older person feels cherished, valued, and secure – where age is celebrated, and safety is assured. And most of all, where the voices of older victim survivors are heard and believed”

Hourglass operates in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. It runs the only 24/7 helpline for older people suffering abuse or neglect.

The helpline, instant message service, SMS and chatbot provides unique support and advice – as well as Europe’s only Knowledge Bank on the abuse and neglect of older people. The team can be reached on 0808 808 8141.

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to make a donation by visiting www.wearehourglass.org.uk/donate or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10. Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Thousands of older people will be alone this Christmas – but a card can make all the difference

Call out for Edinburgh locals to join schools and businesses in sending a card to a chronically isolated, local older person this Christmas through Vintage Vibes

Edinburgh-based charity project, Vintage Vibes today announced the launch of their Christmas Card Campaign to ensure lonely and isolated older people in the city receive a Christmas card this year.

Since 2017, Vintage Vibes has asked thousands of local people to write Christmas cards to isolated older people in the city by sending them a profile of someone who will be lonely this festive season – and this year more than ever they need the public to get involved!

Edinburgh locals are invited to show their support by visiting Vintage Vibes’ website, where they can donate and receive a profile of a local, lonely older person – from Betty who loves cats and crafting, to Edward who puts tomatoes on his cereal!

They can then write a personalised Christmas card to them and send it on to Vintage Vibes in time to distribute for Christmas. All the family can get involved, with Vintage Vibes VIPs loving to receive children’s drawings and crafts as part of the card!

One female VIP who spent Christmas day alone last year told Vintage Vibes: “Sitting here on my own, receiving your cards and letters gives me something to look forward to. It does make such a difference, thank you.”

With new findings from the University of Glasgow and data from a UK Biobank study, showing the devastating impact social isolation can have on older people – the need for inclusion and meaningful connections has never been greater.

Findings showed, those aged over the age of fifty-seven, who experienced more than one form of social isolation, such as often feeling lonely, not seeing friends or family, or living alone for a prolonged period had a 77% higher risk of dying earlier.

As one of The Edinburgh Playhouse’s Charities of the Year, Vintage Vibes teamed up with staff at the theatre to launch this year’s campaign which is designed to make older people, who might be alone over the festive season, feel valued and remembered.

Georgia Artus, Development Manager at Vintage Vibes said: “During the pandemic, we all got a taste isolation many older people suffer daily.

“Sadly, for a great many, that isolation will continue without the support of Vintage Vibes and our wonderful network of volunteers. 

“Edinburgh is one of the loneliest cities in the UK for older people and we know something as simple as receiving a Christmas card can make all the difference to someone who will be alone over the festive period. I would encourage anyone to get involved, it is easy to do and makes such a difference.”

Claire McCarragher, Deputy Customer Experience Manager: “We at The Edinburgh Playhouse are delighted to be taking part in this year’s Vintage Vibes, Christmas Card Campaign.

“The staff are looking forward to connecting with the VIPs and making their festive period a little bit brighter.”

To take part in Vintage Vibes’ Christmas Card Campaign and make this Christmas special for a local lonely older person visit vintagevibes.org.uk.

Up to £600 winter support for pensioners arriving in bank accounts

Payments of up to £600 are landing directly in the bank accounts of around 11.5 million UK pensioners for the second year running

  • Comes as part of extensive Government package helping people of all ages, including recent £300 Cost of Living payments to more than seven million eligible households.
  • After meeting our pledge to halve inflation, the UK Government this week also confirmed an 8.5 percent increase to the State Pension next year.

Pensioners across the country have started to receive up to £600 to help with energy bills this winter.

Winter Fuel Payments – boosted again this year by an additional £300 per household Pensioner Cost of Living payment – will land in bank accounts over the next two months, the vast majority automatically.

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride said: “We have delivered on our promise to halve inflation and will continue to support people right across the country, including pensioners who may be facing particular challenges over the colder months.

“As well as up to £600 to help our pensioners stay warm this winter, we’re boosting pensions through the Triple Lock – increasing the full rate of the New State Pension by over £900 next year.”

The money will appear in bank statements with the payment reference starting with the customer’s National Insurance number followed by ‘DWP WFP’ for people in Great Britain, or ‘DFC WFP’ for people in Northern Ireland.

The overwhelming majority of Winter Fuel Payments are paid automatically but some people need to make a claim, such as those who qualify but do not receive benefits or the State Pension and have never previously received a Winter Fuel Payment. The payments deliver additional support to pensioners, the majority of whom are on fixed incomes and also are unable to raise their incomes through fixed employment.

The start of the Winter Fuel Payments season comes hot on the heels of the recent £300 Cost of Living payments made by the DWP to more than seven million eligible households across the UK.

This latest payment is the second of up to three Cost of Living Payments being made this financial year. These payments – which are all tax-free and will not have any impact on existing benefit awards – demonstrate the Government’s commitment to supporting low-income families with financial pressures.

Pensioners getting Pension Credit also qualify for this extra support. The average Pension Credit award is now worth £3,900 per year and there is still time for those who are eligible to apply and receive the £300 Cost of Living payment. 

This is because an eligible claim for Pension Credit can be backdated by three months provided the entitlement conditions are met throughout that time.

Including measures announced in the Autumn Statement this week, our total commitment to ease cost of living pressures has risen to £104 billion. That includes paying around half the cost of the average energy bill since last October and amounts to an average of £3,700 per household.