NHS Lothian urges the public to get involved ahead of Annual Review

NHS Lothian is encouraging the public to get involved ahead of the Health Board’s Annual Review, by submitting questions relating to healthcare in Lothian.

The Annual Review is the formal process through which the Scottish Government assesses the performance of each Health Board. NHS Lothian’s annual review will be held on 18 October, with the public invited to attend the public session from 1-2pm, either online or at the Carrington Suite, Inverleith Building, Western General Hospital, EH4 2LF. 

The review is an opportunity for a Government minister to meet clinicians, colleagues, and representatives of patients, carers and communities, and to hear about the work and performance of NHS Lothian over the past 12 months. This year the Review will be chaired by Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care.

NHS Lothian Chair John Connaghan said, “We are delighted to be able to welcome the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to NHS Lothian, and to invite the public to join us either in person or virtually.

“This will be an opportunity for us to set out the progress we have made in developing our strategy in the aftermath of the pandemic, and to outline some of the challenges faced by NHS Lothian as we plan our services for the future Please send in your questions for NHS Lothian. The Minister will ask a selection of these at the public meeting.”

Questions can be emailed to get.involved@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk with Annual Review in the subject line, by 22 September 2023. 

Alternatively, you can post your questions to NHS Lothian using the following address:  

FAO Georgia Sherratt
Chair and Chief Executive’s Office
NHS Lothian
Waverley Gate
2-4 Waterloo Place

If you are able, please let us know if you wish to attend the Annual Review in person and if you require any additional support. You can do this using the email address above.

Details of how to watch the online livestream of the meeting will be shared with the media, and on NHS Lothian’s social media channels and website  – https://org.nhslothian.scot/keydocuments/annual-reviews/ nearer the time.

Wonderful Western General workers celebrate success

Local healthcare workers at the Western General Hospital (WGH) in Edinburgh have been honoured for their exceptional work at a prestigious ceremony.

The annual NHS Lothian Celebrating Success Awards 2023 are nominated by staff working across the healthcare system.

Among the winners are the Same Day Emergency Care Team (SDEC) who scooped the coveted Team of the Year Award for the work they do helping patients get the right care in the right place.

The team are helping to reduce waiting times and pressure on the front doors by assessing, diagnosing, treating and discharging patients with specific conditions without admission to a ward.

Michael Shek, Lead Advance Nurse Practitioner for SDEC said: “We’ve put in so much work to make SDEC a successful service and we continue to expand.

“It’s not just the SDEC team but everyone wider. None of this would have been possible without everyone in NHS Lothian’s help. This award is recognition of that hard work and it will help drive the team forward to provide even better care.”

Kirsten Smith, a Senior Charge Nurse for Acute Medicine who won the cherished Lynn Jackson Nurse of the Year Award in memory of the former Chief Nurse for Edinburgh Cancer Centre.

Kirsten was recognised for leading her team on a huge change journey from specialising in Medicine for the Elderly to providing care to acute medical admissions and her commitment to working with student nurses.

Finally, Zakariya Vansoh (18), won the Voluntary Service Award for the hundreds of hours he’s clocked up connecting with patients, helping to entertain, comfort and reassure them, or just lend a friendly ear.

Celebrating with his Gran at the ceremony Zak said: “I’m speechless, I had my granny record it, but I didn’t think I was going to win so speechless!

“The fact that I was even nominated for the award is already more than I could ever have imagined.  Events like this one today are so important to let people feel really appreciated. It’s simple but so valuable.”

Professor John Connaghan CBE, Chair of NHS Lothian Board said: “It’s been a very special year as we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the NHS. We’re incredibly proud of our staff achievements over the decades and their commitment to caring for others.

“These awards ensure we recognise those who’re not just upholding the NHS values but also helping us evolve and transform for the future.”

The awards were presented on Thursday 7 September at a special Ceremony at the Kimpton Charlotte Square Hotel, sponsored by NHS Lothian Charity.

Calum Campbell, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, added: “Many of our staff feel like they’re just doing their job and don’t want recognition, which is why these awards are so important.

“I want to thank all our finalists for their hard work, resilience and professionalism and extend a warm congratulations to them all for their achievements.” 

The NHS Lothian awards are also supported by Ernst & Young, Intersystems, RMF Health (a partnership between Robertson and FES Group), Royal College of Nursing Scotland, Unison and NHS Staff Benefits.

For the full list of all of NHS Lothian’s award winners please visit:


Lothian’s winter vaccination programme gets under way

Scotland’s winter vaccination programme has started in Lothian with over 3,500 people getting their flu vaccine on the first day (Monday 4th September).

Invitations to book or attend an appointment have already been sent to those eligible for a flu vaccine by post in a white NHS Scotland envelope, or by email or text depending on communication preferences.

Flu is serious and even healthy people can become very ill from it. Flu cases were at their highest since 2018/19 last year, with over 14,000 confirmed cases in Scotland.

The flu virus is always changing and vaccination remains the best way to protect yourself and those around you. NHS Lothian is strongly encouraging those eligible to take up the vaccination offer when it comes. 

Both flu and COVID-19 vaccines will be offered to people most vulnerable to illness and, where possible, administered at the same time. Eligible groups will be invited for vaccination as the programme progresses through the autumn and winter.

To prevent the spread of flu and COVID-19, the advice remains to stay home with any respiratory symptoms and to wash hands regularly.

Pat Wynne, Nurse Director for Primary and Community Care who oversees the delivery of the winter vaccines programme in Lothian, said: “Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 and flu this winter. Flu vaccines are available to 50 to 64s, people aged 18 to 49 with an eligible health condition and health and social care workers now.

“There are a variety of clinics across Lothian covering evenings and weekends, and we strongly encourage you to book or attend your appointment when invited. 

“Coming forward as soon as you’re invited will ensure you’re protected and help alleviate pressures on the NHS over the challenging winter months.”

More information can be found at NHS Informopens a new window or NHS Lothian’s Vaccine Hubopens a new window.

RAAC in NHS Lothian: ‘discovery surveys’ to follow desktop exercise

There have been reports in the media that some buildings in the NHS Estate across Scotland may have been constructed using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC). This material, which was widely in use between 1960 and 1980, was used mainly for components such as roof and floor planks. It is known to be weaker than other forms of concrete and its use was phased out in the 1990’s.

Work is underway at a national level to check and risk assess all NHS buildings which may potentially contain RAAC.

As part of that work, NHS Lothian has identified those candidate buildings in our Estate and supplied the information to NHS Scotland Assure. We have identified the following buildings as requiring investigation:

• Bonnyrigg Health Centre

• Lauriston Building

• Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion

• Royal Edinburgh Hospital – Cullen/River Centre Extension

• Royal Edinburgh Hospital – Link Corridor/X-Ray

• Stoneyburn Health Centre

• Tranent Medical Practice

• Western General Hospital – Gas Store

It is worth noting that the risk assessment that took place by NHS Scotland Assure was based on a desktop exercise and does not confirm the presence of RAAC within our buildings.

The next stage of the process will be for discovery surveys to be undertaken by an independent contractor appointed by NHS Assure to confirm or rule out the presence of RAAC within our buildings. This is a national process and the surveys are scheduled to be carried out in Lothian in the Autumn.

The output of these surveys will provide further information on any recommended remedial actions. This work is precautionary and not the result of any known issues in any of our buildings.

Women Supporting Women: Tiny Plates programme starts tomorrow

Do you have a little one(s) aged 6 months – 3 years? Would you like to learn more about encouraging positive behaviours around food in a safe and supportive environment?

Why not join Sally and Jules this Wednesday from 10am-11am Pilton Community Health Project , we’d love to welcome you and your wee one(s).

Booking is essential and these sessions run each week for a total of 4 weeks. Please register using the link below or by contacting us via email (details on poster).

Link: https://forms.office.com/e/PnCrjDLJLA

Hope to see you soon!





Edinburgh Community Food

Granton Community Page

Stepping Stones North Edinburgh

Trees and Seas Outdoor Adventures

The NEN North Edinburgh News

Tiny Plates is back next week at Pilton Community Health Project

Tiny Plates will be back on Wednesday mornings from 10am to 11am at Pilton Community Health Project

Suitable for mums (or grans) who live in the area with their little ones, aged 6 months up to 3 years.

We will cover topics such as weaning, introducing first foods or new foods, introducing allergens, and advice on fussy eaters. Little ones will also get the chance to try all sorts of delicious and nutritious foods.

This will be a four-week closed group so booking is essential. We also ask that you can come to all 4 sessions.

• 23rd and 30th August, 6th and 13th September

You can sign up using this link https://forms.office.com/e/HhQBBChNYf

NHS Lothian donates ophthalmic equipment to Ukraine

An NHS Lothian doctor has set his sights on distributing donations to his counterparts in war-torn Ukraine.

Dr Peter Cackett, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, set about trying to gather Ophthalmic equipment and supplies that could be delivered to the country. Other organisations, along with NHS Lothian, rallied round to pull together a list of items to help both children and adults alike in Ukraine.

Items included specialist lights and cameras for ophthalmic examinations and vision tests for testing the sharpness of vision in young children who cannot yet read. The equipment was distributed to all three hundred and twenty paediatric ophthalmology departments in Ukraine, as requested by Professor Sergiy Rykov, President of the Association of Paediatric Ophthalmologists of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Also a trustee of the charity Ophthalmic Aid to Eastern Europe (OAEE), Dr Cackett stored the equipment in his home, arranging for heavier items to be collected during the journey to Medyka, a village at the Polish/Ukrainian border for handover of the donations to ophthalmologists from Lviv.

OAEE was established over 30 years ago, after the fall of the Berlin wall, and helps centres in Eastern Europe with ophthalmic equipment, whilst also supporting teaching and training initiatives for ophthalmologists in Eastern and Central Europe.

The donations were delivered to Ukraine overland, by van, by two final year medical students from Edinburgh and Dundee Universities, Wesley McLoughlin and Doireann Hughes, following in the footsteps of a group of medical students that delivered ophthalmic aid to Lviv 30 years ago in 1993.

Dr Cackett, Consultant Ophthalmologist, NHS Lothian said: “I felt that it is was important to help the Ukrainian ophthalmologists as I had previously helped take ophthalmic aid to Lviv, Ukraine in 1993, whilst I was a medical student. Dr Andriy Hudz, the junior doctor in Lviv, who we delivered the aid to in 1993 is now Professor of the department there.

“The Ukrainian ophthalmologists are delighted with the equipment which has been sent. I have started collecting equipment again to deliver more ophthalmic aid to Ukraine and have been trying to source financial donations to help pay for the transportation.

“We are also looking into potentially providing some assistance to Iasi, a city in Romania where Ukrainian refugees have been arriving and also Moldova. We also want to re-establish observerships for Ukrainian ophthalmologists to come to Edinburgh to receive further training.”

Meerkat’s Out of the Bag! Cheeky creatures coming to Edinburgh Children’s Hospital

Children at an Edinburgh hospital will soon be learning important conservation lessons from some very unusual teachers – a mob of meerkats based in an outdoor classroom within the grounds!

The first programme of its kind outside of Australia, the meerkats from The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s (RZSS) Edinburgh Zoo will reside at NHS Lothian’s Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP) and be at the heart of an extensive learning and discovery experience.

Thanks to a partnership between Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC), NHS Lothian and RZSS, the inquisitive creatures will give young patients, particularly those staying long term, the opportunity to learn all about nature and the environment.

Edinburgh Zoo currently delivers a weekly programme of educational activities at the RHCYP, including projects on penguins, pandas and tigers, all of which encourage children to think about their place in the world and the importance of wildlife within it.

The meerkat enclosure will replicate their natural habitat and zookeepers from Edinburgh Zoo will care for them and provide meerkat educational sessions while on site.

Roslyn Neely, CEO of ECHC, said: “Some children are too unwell or have been in hospital for so long that they don’t have the opportunity to engage with the outdoors, or interact with animals.

“Many of the children who visit the hospital care passionately about nature and the environment. Our programme will allow them to learn from experts while getting up close to the best teachers of all – the meerkats themselves.

“The wellbeing benefits of engaging with animals and using nature in the healing process are well documented, and there’s great excitement within the hospital in anticipation of our furry friends arriving.”

David Field, chief executive of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, said, “Our conservation education programme has already been a great success and now we are taking this incredible next step by creating the only meerkat enclosure at a children’s hospital outside of Australia, making this a first in the UK and Europe.

“Being close to nature and animals can have a tremendous impact on people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing. We also know that people and communities are more likely to help protect nature when they have had the opportunity to connect with our natural world.

“We are really looking forward to bringing a group of meerkats to live at the hospital next year and seeing the impact this will have for the children and their families.”

Allister Short, Service Director, Women’s and Children’s, NHS Lothian, said: “We are really excited about this innovative programme coming to the RHCYP.

“Meerkats have been introduced into many children’s hospitals in Australia and this unique concept encourages children to learn and be inspired, particularly when they’re in hospital for long periods of time.

“We want to brighten up our patients’ days in an educational way and we know that the meerkats will be an exciting addition to the RHCYP.”

The programme is currently in the early stages of planning and it is hoped the meerkats will move into their new home at the RHCYP from 2024.

Princess Royal officially opens New Sick Kids Hospital

NHS Lothian welcomed HRH The Princess Royal to officially open the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP) and Department of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN) at Little France yesterday.

Offering world-class facilities for both children and adults, the building first opened its doors in July 2020, with all services transferred to the new space by March 2021.

The Royal Hospital for Children and Young People delivers local, regional and national services in some of the most modern and best-designed healthcare facilities in the world. The children’s hospital is physically connected to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh meaning that paediatric care, specialist neonatal care, neurosciences and both Emergency Departments are now all on the same site.

This reduces the need for emergency transfers between hospitals and ensures that clinical teams can share skills and expertise for the benefit of all patients.

The expert teams in Neuroscience are made up of a range of specialists, neurologists and neurosurgeons who treat people with disorders of the nervous system, such as problems affecting the brain and spinal cord, and the nerves and muscles in the rest of the body.

NHS Lothian’s Department of Clinical Neurosciences treats patients from the Borders, Dumfries & Galloway, Forth Valley and Fife as well as Lothian. It covers a population of 1.6 million across these areas, while for some specialist services it covers the 2.8 million people living on the east side of Scotland.

During the visit, HRH The Princess Royal enjoyed a tour of some of the building, meeting with staff and patients. Within the Dalhousie Ward at RHCYP, she heard about the important role Play Teams have in enabling children to be children even when in hospital and enjoyed some magic tricks performed by Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity funded magician Tricky Ricky. 6-year-old patient Harper presented Her Royal Highness with a posy of flowers to thank her for visiting.

Within the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, HRH The Princess Royal learnt more about the investigative work of our Neurophysiology Department and observed an EMG, a diagnostic procedure to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them (motor neurons).

The Princess Royal met with staff from the Neurosurgery and Neurology Departments before visiting the Neurorehabilitation Ward, to learn more about the work of NHS Lothian’s Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech and Language Therapists in supporting patients to return home, to re-learn basic tasks and to regain their confidence.

Calum Campbell, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian said, “We are delighted to have welcomed HRH The Princess Royal to officially open the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department of Clinical Neurosciences.

“These healthcare facilities combine excellent architectural design, one of the UK’s largest Art and Therapeutic Design programmes and the latest clinical thinking and technology. Added to this are our amazing, dedicated and expert staff who deliver exceptional patient care day in, day out.

“The COVID pandemic may have delayed our official opening event, however we are delighted that on the 75th anniversary of the NHS, HRH The Princess Royal could join us, as together we celebrate.”

As well as welcoming HRH The Princess Royal to the hospital, a range of special activities, organised in collaboration with NHS Lothian’s charity partners, and designed to mark the official opening took place yesterday (5 July).

This included an indoor garden party with giant games, information stalls run by all charity partners including Kindred, Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity, NHS Lothian Charity and Ronald McDonald House, a special ‘Cuddle Station’ featuring regular Therapet doggy visitors and refreshments. Staff, patients and their families were invited to join the celebrations.

Further investment in cancer support services

£9 million extension of partnership to help patients

A partnership to support cancer patients and their families to deal with the financial, emotional and physical health effects of the disease is to be extended with a further investment of £9 million.

The programme looks to ensure that everyone affected by cancer in Scotland has access to a specialist key support worker. This means clinicians have more time to offer direct medical and clinical support to patients.

Over the next three years, it is anticipated there will be a gradual increase in access to the service, with a minimum of 14,000 new cancer diagnoses accessing it each year.

The Scottish Government has been working in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support to improve the service offered to those affected by cancer through the Transforming Cancer Care Programme (TCC). This partnership – the first of its kind in the UK – began under the 2016 Cancer Strategy and has seen £18 million invested to date.

The Scottish Government has agreed to continue the partnership and provide an additional three years of funding for the Improving the Cancer Journey services. Each partner will invest an additional £4.5 million.

Making the announcement ahead of a visit to NHS Forth Valley to celebrate the NHS 75th anniversary, First Minister Humza Yousaf said: ““Our recently published Cancer Strategy and Action Plan places an emphasis on person-centred care for all and supporting the mental health of cancer patients and their families.

“We have committed to launch the final Improving the Cancer Journey service, in partnership with Macmillan, over the next three years. We will also commit to spreading this successful model to all areas in Scotland over the coming year.

“This will see an additional £9 million of joint investment and ensure that everyone diagnosed with cancer in Scotland has access to a key support worker. It will be of great benefit to patients while also easing pressure on the NHS by freeing up clinicians.”

Janice Preston, Head of Partnerships at Macmillan Cancer Support in Scotland, said: “The Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) Services are available for anyone affected by cancer.

“By the end of 2024, everyone in Scotland who needs support will have the chance to talk to an ICJ practitioner who will help individuals to identify their needs and access expert support, from benefits advice to emotional support – whatever they might need.

“This is a unique service for people affected by cancer that helps to reduce pressure on the NHS and is making a really positive difference to people living with cancer and their families. Since 2014, these vital, non-medical services have already helped over 18,500 people and this money will mean they can keep on transforming cancer support across Scotland.

“We are excited that, through our partnership with the Scottish Government, another £9 million is being made available to ensure people can continue to get this help for another three years.”

The roll out of the Improving the Cancer Journey model to every Health & Social Care Partnership follows 4 key principles:

o    100% of adults diagnosed with cancer, within agreed criteria, will be invited or referred to an ICJ service to speak to a specialist practitioner.

o    An ICJ practitioner with the service user will complete a Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) and generate a care plan to meet the needs identified.

o    Local community assets will be identified and utilised to support the service user in meeting their needs.

o    The service user will be followed up by the ICJ practitioner in the community to monitor progress with agreed actions.