Fidra Court explosives: man pleads guilty

Man admits Fidra and Persevere Courts explosives offences


An Edinburgh man has admitted possessing explosive substances after a significant number of items were found in two properties in the north of the city last year.

Faris Al-Khori, (62), today pleaded guilty under the Explosive Substances Act 1883, Section 4, following the recovery of material from two flats in Fidra Court and Persevere Court (below) last April. He will be sentenced at a later date.

The items were discovered following a fire in a communal area of Fidra Court on Friday 18 April. Both flat complexes were evacuated whilst suspect items were recovered by army explosives experts.

persevere court

Detective Superintendent David Gordon, who led the investigation said: “This was a significant and complex inquiry for Police Scotland, working with our partners from the outset to safely deal with the volatile items that were being stored, and to seek to establish Al-Khori’s motives for keeping them.

“Extensive inquiries both nationally and internationally were carried out, which did not identify any link to terrorism or extremism. We are satisfied there is no immediate threat to the community.

“Counter terrorism is one of Police Scotland’s highest priorities, and whilst Al-Khori has no such known links we will always treat all information received with the utmost importance where any risk to the public is identified. Members of the public can call 101 or the anti terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321. We welcome the conviction at the High Court today and await sentencing.”

TRIM: just a minute …


From the board at Tenants and Residents In Muirhouse please find attached our Minutes for Meeting on 10 February 2015 (below).

10.2.15 TRIM MINS

Tenants & Residents In Muirhouse (TRIM)

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MHA welcomes tenants to new homes

MHA12Muirhouse Housing Association (MHA) has announced the completion of the first batch of flats within their latest development. The flats, on Macgill Drive at the end of Muirhouse Avenue, are part of their second development on the old BT Training Ground site.

MHA accepted handover of twelve cottage flats yesterday. The flats are all main door, within a traditional four in a block design, and are all one bedrooms. They are aimed at an older age group and the ground floor flats are fully accessible to wheelchair users.

MHA15The flats benefit from an efficient gas central heating system and reach the Silver Sustainable Standard of energy efficiency. The ground floor flats have a wet floor shower room, and the upper flats have an over bath shower.

All tenants will have access to a shared garden which in the next year will be developed to meet the tenant’s needs. This includes drying areas and amenity space. MHA will maintain the shared garden area and we hope it will be well used as a communal area.

MHA8Of the twelve flats, seven have been allocated to existing tenants of MHA who are either downsizing from family houses or require a ground floor flat due to medical reasons while the remaining five have been allocated to applicants from Edindex.

As a result of twelve new units being built, 19 households have been housed or re-housed to suit their current needs.

MHA10May and Alan Price (above) are among the families on the move. “We have lived at Muirhouse Close for eighteen years – since the houses were built,” May said. “Our family has grown up and moved on now and it made sense for us to move to a smaller home. I really like the new flat and I think this will be great for us; perfect, really.”

MHA1MHA Chairperson Roy Douglas (pictured above with Bank of Scotland’s Douglas Spowart) said: “We’re delighted to welcome our residents to their new homes today and we hope they will be very happy here. Everyone is impressed with the quality of these new flats and of course we will have more to come in the summer. These are exciting times for MHA!”

The second phase of the development also includes some mid-market flats which will be available in July. These two bedroom flats will be marketed by Muirhouse Homes, and are targeted at households in employment who do not require Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance. Advertising will start soon locally, and then will be expanded to cover the city.

If you are interested you can register your contact details with MHA and you will then be included in the marketing mailing list. Contact 336-5282 or email

MHa logo


Total-ly delighted!

£84,000 will establish a Community Leadership College

STV Appeal_Total Craigroyston_Jan_2015_aa_01_MG_4823 (1)

The STV Appeal is the fund that just keeps on giving to projects in North Edinburgh – Total Craigroyston became the latest local beneficiary when it received almost £84,000 from the charity programme.

STV CEO and trustee of the STV Appeal Rob Woodward and Chris Wilson managing director, Retail and Private Banking, RBS, presented the cheque for £83, 980 to Total Craigroyston manager Christine Mackay yesterday.

The STV Appeal raised £2.6million in 2014 – £305,689 of this was raised by RBS branches.

Total Craigroyston is an initiative set up by the Edinburgh Partnership to improve outcomes for children and families in the neighbourhood around Craigroyston Community High School. The project is doing this by taking a three pronged approach –

  • strengthening services that are open to all like health, early years and schools;
  • strengthening support for families;
  • supporting local people to organise their own activities.

Now, working in partnership with charities Circle Scotland and the Link-up Muirhouse project, an idea has been developed to establish a Community Leadership College. This will help Total Craigroyston expand leadership capability amongst local residents.

Julie Crawford, Muirhouse Link Up development worker, said: “We are really excited about the opportunity that the STV Appeal has given us to turn our idea into reality. This project will help us work with local people to build on the excellent local leadership that exists at the moment and take it to the next level.”

Chris Wilson, managing director, Retail and Private Banking, RBS, said: “It’s fantastic to see first-hand the work of projects like Total Craigroyston and understand the real impact that the money from the STV Appeal will have on them. RBS is proud to support the STV Appeal and help change the lives of vulnerable children and young people in Scotland.”

The STV Appeal is committed to making a difference in the lives of children and young people living in poverty in Scotland. Across the country, 220,000 children live in poverty and figures from the Campaign to End Child Poverty show that in the city of Edinburgh it’s actually 21.1% of children – more than one in five.

Total Craigroyston is just one of the projects the STV Appeal is supporting in North Edinburgh – Pilton Youth & Childrens Project, Changeworks and Fresh Start have all received grants from the funder.

Since launch in 2011, the STV Appeal has raised over £8.2 million with 297 big and small grants distributed to projects across all 32 local authority areas in Scotland, providing much needed support to over 37,000 children. The money raised is distributed to provide practical help like food and warm clothes; create opportunities for training and employability; and enable social and emotional support for those who need it most.

Rob Woodward, STV CEO and trustee of the STV Appeal, said: “The money donated to the STV Appeal remains in Scotland and will help bring about a positive change to the lives of vulnerable children and young people on our doorstep.  With the help of the extraordinary fundraising efforts taking place in communities across the country we have raised an incredible £2.6m in 2014 allowing us to make grants to 297 projects.  We are extremely grateful to everyone who supported the Appeal.”


Two face Court following Pennywell drugs haul


Two men have been arrested and charged under the Misuse of Drugs Act after police in North Edinburgh recovered a large quantity of Class C drugs.

As part of Operation Quarterlight, officers conducted a search of a vehicle in Pennywell Road at around 2pm yesterday (Friday). Around 30,000 diazepam tablets were recovered and two men aged 25 and 20 were detained.

A further 400 diazepam tablets, a half kilo of cannabis and a quantity of other suspected stolen items were later recovered following a search of two addresses by police. The recovered drugs are valued at over £35,000.

Both men are scheduled to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday (26 January).

Inspector David Happs said: “This was a significant recovery of potentially harmful drugs, which have been seized before they could cause harm to our communities.

“Operation Quarterlight action continues across Edinburgh and in addition to identifying those responsible for vehicle crime, this initiative will assist us in targeting criminals using their vehicles for committing other crimes, such as the transportation of illegal drugs.

“Police Scotland is committed to tackling drug crime within our communities and will always act on information we receive from the public.

“Anyone wishing to report crimes of this nature in their local area can do so by calling on 101 or by making an anonymous report via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

MIkaeel memorial at Linear Park tomorrow

‘Loss, like love, never fades away into nothingness’ – Bangarpet Krishnaswamy, Mikaeel’s grandfather

Jan 1A memorial service for Mikaeel Kular will be at Muirhouse Linear Park tomorrow, with a minute’s silence at 6.15pm. Members of the wee boy’s family will light a candle at the event.

Bangarpet Krishnaswamy, Mikaeel’s grandfather, said: “The last year has been a very difficult one for the family — an annus horribilis for all of us. The help and messages of comfort in our time of need was greatly appreciated then as it is now.

“We thank everyone for giving so freely their time in our time of need. I want to express on behalf of our family my most heartfelt gratitude to the entire North Edinburgh community for organising the memorial service to Mikaeel. Their tireless efforts and unconditional love have made a meaningful contribution to Mikaeel’s short life.”


#StrongerNorth campaign goes on display in Community Shop

Community Shop supports #StrongerNorth initiative

community shop

Information about the #StrongerNorth community safety initiative will go on display in Muirhouse Community Shop on Pennywell Road tomorrow and will be backed up by #StrongerNorth Monday sessions at the shop from next week.

Volunteers at Muirhouse Community Shop have created striking window displays to highlight a variety of different campaigns over recent months – Domestic Abuse, Environmental Services and the Independence Referendum have all been featured – and now #StrongerNorth will be in the spotlight.

Tenants organisation TRIM and Muirhouse Community shop is working closely with the #StrongerNorth team and will be welcoming key members of the team to the shop on Mondays from 19 January. Visitors can expect to meet local police officers, Total Craigroyston staff, the Stronger North Project Officer and members of North’s Community Safety team over the coming weeks.

A spokesperson for the community shop said: “We decide what we put in our shop window. We always feel it’s important that we keep it current and what a better way than to start with this? Stronger North was brought about after the residents told police and council we are fed up, things need to change and we want change now. A gold team was set up and meet often to discuss serious issues and a multiagency approach is being worked at. Things will not change overnight – Stronger North is still very new and with support from everyone we are confident it will make a big difference long term.”

#strongernorth poster

For further information about #StrongerNorth call Fraser Sinclair on 529 5023, email or visit the #StrongerNorth Facebook page.

Bowled over by a community’s Christmas spirit

bowlsVolunteers at Muirhouse Community Shop have illustrated the season of goodwill by creating hand-crafted Christmas gifts for people in need.

Muirhouse Community Shop was asked by Fiona Henderson, Community Access to Schools worker at Craigroyston Community High School, to hold a painting session to support the ‘Empty Bowls’ initiative.

bowls 0Empty Bowls, an international grassroots effort to fight hunger, was founded in the USA. The basic premise is simple: potters and other craftspeople, educators and others work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to a simple meal of soup and bread. In exchange for a cash donation, guests are asked to keep a bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. The money raised is donated to an organization working to end hunger and food insecurity – Empty Bowls has raised millions of dollars to donate to hunger-fighting organizations.

bowls 4Volunteers at Muirhouse Community Shop were delighted to support the cause and local people enthusiastically got to work to decorate bowls which were later displayed in both the Community Shop and the High School.

The Muirhouse bowls were then filled with goodies donated by the local community and they’ve now being wrapped and will be donated to people in need.

Christmas can be a very tough time when you don’t have much, so these heartwarming little gifts will bring some welcome seasonal cheer into some local homes this Christmas.


For further information on Empty Bowls visit

Pictures by TRIM




The garden by candlelight at North Edinburgh Arts


A seasonal invite from North Edinburh Arts

TODAY at 3:45pm

Enjoy watching and joining in with the creation of our alternative Christmas tree sculpture with artist in residence, Natalie Taylor. We are using recycled pieces of kilt and a willow structure to create our eco-friendly tree this year.

As dusk draws in, prepare to see the NEA garden in a whole new (candle) light as we create a magical twilight with glowing glass jars galore.

Mince pies and (non-alcoholic) mulled wine will be served, just to make sure you leave with that festive feeling!

Please join us to celebrate the end of a wonderful term at NEA!

North Edinburgh Arts

Eyes down for final session of 2014

Jackie’s Christmas Bingo

Wednesday 17 December  

Doors Open 7.00pm, Eyes Down 7.30pm

bingo1Jackie ends her Bingo sessions for 2014 with a Christmas Extravaganza tomorrow (Wednesday 17th). This will be some Bingo Session, Jackie says!

We at the Centre would like to thank all the faithful followers of the bingo (with a difference!)

Our thanks to Link-Up (Scotland) – a Scottish Government initiative who recognised the need for a venue to replace the local bingo hall and surveyed the community on the closure of the Granton bingo venue.

Our thanks to Jackie for all her hard work

Finally ( On behalf of the Board and Bingo fans) our gratitude and thanks to staff and volunteers staying on at night, throughout the year making all this possible.

Happy Christmas and an enjoyable last Bingo Session of 2014!

Jim McGinty, Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre