Lockdown speeders: more drivers seen breaking limit

  • 44% of people claim to have seen more drivers speeding
  • 30mph-limits are the most commonly abused by pandemic speeders

Nearly half of people have witnessed an increase in drivers breaking the speed limit during the government lockdown, according to research carried out by the RAC.

Forty-four percent of UK adults say they have seen more drivers speeding now than they did before the Government introduced the coronavirus lockdown. Roads with 30mph limits appear to be the most abused, with 23% of the 2,020 people questioned by the RAC saying they had seen drivers very obviously breaking the law by going too fast.

Fifteen per cent said they had seen drivers breaking both 20mph and 40mph limits, whereas in 50mph limits only 10% felt there was an increase in speeders. In 60mph and 70mph limits the uplift in speeders is far less pronounced, with 6% and 5% respectively reporting they had seen these limits being broken – but this still represents an increase in observed speeding on these roads compared to before the lockdown.

Just under one in 10 (8%) people claimed they have seen more drivers using handheld mobile phones at the wheel than they would in normal, non-lockdown conditions. Shockingly, 5% of those surveyed believed they had witnessed vehicles racing on public roads.

Evidence from police forces across the country sadly backs up what people surveyed told the RAC, with the Met Police clocking one driver doing 134mph in a 40mph zone and Greater Manchester Police recording a driver going 129mph on the M62.

According to Department for Transport data, excessive speed was responsible for 4,652 road traffic collisions – or the equivalent of 13 road traffic collisions a day during 2018, although due to how data is recorded this figure may underestimate the true number of collisions.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said: “The frightening conclusion from our research is that a significant number of irresponsible drivers are taking advantage of quiet ‘lockdown’ roads by driving far too fast, putting lives unnecessarily at risk.

“Since the Government told the nation to stay at home many roads have become almost deserted so it’s a concern this is being seen by some as an opportunity to illegally ignore speed limits. It would only take a fraction of a second when driving well over the speed limit for something terrible to happen.

“Couple this behaviour with the fact there are many cyclists on our roads and more people are having to walk in the road to maintain a safe distance from others on pavements and you have a recipe for disaster.

“The last thing the NHS needs as it works night and day to help patients with coronavirus is to have to deal with people injured in avoidable road traffic collisions caused by motorists driving far too fast.

“While there are fewer drivers on the road, it appears police speed traps are more needed now than ever as some of the speeds in built-up areas appear to be excessive. Some police forces, including Greater Manchester and The Met, have already announced crackdowns and it looks as though a similar approach needs to be taken in other parts of the country. It seems very wrong that people who drive so far above the limit should get away scot-free especially during a national emergency.”

For more information about why motorists should be more careful when driving on empty roads during the COVID-19 pandemic visit the RAC website.

Oil prices crashing again, but pump prices still at dishonestly rip-off levels

  • WTI (West Texas intermediate) oil prices plunge 50% to $8.75 a barrel, lowest level since December 1973. Brent could follow too, eventually.
  • Even before Monday’s crash in oil price, UK’s fuel supply chain has dishonestly held back March’s massive wholesale falls from filling up at the pumps.
  • Petrol should be 98p and Diesel 106p per litre, instead it is averaging 10p higher.

Howard Cox, founder of FairFuelUK Campaign, said: “Even with 70% less fuel being sold, the dishonesty from these faceless businesses, using the Coronavirus crisis as a smokescreen to maintain their profits, beggars belief.

“A few hoodwinked MPs have responded to FairFuelUK’s concerns for 37m drivers. They say they believe that the most effective way to keep fuel prices down is through an open and competitive market. In 2013, the Office for Fair Trading investigated competition in the UK fuel sector and concluded that it was operating well.

“That is absolute claptrap. That enquiry was an utter whitewash and everyone knows it had the smell of big business manipulating the result.

“It’s time the Government really looked after the highest taxed drivers in the world and our vital haulage industry, and introduce PumpWatch as a matter of emergency. An independent pricing watchdog is vital to protect our economy and allow essential workers to fill up their vehicles with the fairest and most honest prices at the pumps.”

For the latest Oil, wholesale and pump prices and how motorists are being fleeced by the fuel supply chain, especially more so during the Coronavirus crisis go to:


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