One in four Scottish children live in poverty as parents locked out of job market

Ambitious targets to reduce child poverty will stall, warns charity

In its state of the nation report, Poverty in Scotland 2018 (below), the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) warns one in four (230,000) children in Scotland live in poverty. The report comes as Challenge Poverty? Aye we can! gets underway, a campaign by the Poverty Alliance which shows how poverty in Scotland can be solved and allow everyone to take part in society. Continue reading One in four Scottish children live in poverty as parents locked out of job market

Working towards a Fairer Scotland: First year progress report launched


A year since the publication of the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, Equalities Secretary Angela Constance today launched the first progress report at WorkingRite, an Edinburgh organisation that received support from the £29 million fund to tackle poverty. Continue reading Working towards a Fairer Scotland: First year progress report launched

In-work poverty hits record levels

In 21st century Britain one in eight workers now lives in poverty 

One in every eight workers in the UK – 3.8 million people – is now living in poverty. A total of 7.4 million people, including 2.6 million children, are in poverty despite being in a working family. This means that a record high of 55 per cent of people in poverty are in working households.

Continue reading In-work poverty hits record levels

Rowntree Foundation launches five point plan to end poverty

poverty (3)

A new ‘long term deal’ to solve poverty – between governments, business and the public – is needed to solve poverty in a generation, so the first cohort of ‘Brexit children’ starting school this Autumn grow up and enter adult life in a UK that is prosperous and poverty-free. Continue reading Rowntree Foundation launches five point plan to end poverty

Childcare costs: Rowntree Foundation calls for radical overhaul

mother and childNew research from the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) highlights the impact the prohibitive cost of childcare has on parents’ ability to make ends meet and care for their children – even taking into account the rise in the National ‘Living Wage’.

Continue reading Childcare costs: Rowntree Foundation calls for radical overhaul

Brexit voters felt ‘ignored and left behind’

EU referendum

The independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) is calling for a renewed drive to solve poverty, as new research reveals the extent people feel disconnected from the UK’s economic growth and how their concerns are ignored by the political establishment.

Following last month’s Brexit vote, which revealed deep divisions in British society, a poll of over 2,000 people conducted by Populus for JRF has revealed that those who voted for Brexit feel left behind by economic growth and ignored by politicians.

In one of the first polls after Brexit, it presents a clear instruction for the next government to ensure things do not return to ‘business as usual’ for people and places who feel left behind. The new Prime Minister, Theresa May, has said her premiership will focus on uniting the country and carrying out a programme of social and economic reform.

The findings show:

  • Brexit voters are twice as likely to feel their local area doesn’t get its fair share of Britain’s economic success (23% vs 11%), and that their local area has been neglected by politicians (27% vs. 13%).
  • Brexit voters are also nearly twice as likely to believe that national government does not listen to their concerns (40% vs. 23%).
  • Brexit voters are more likely to believe wealth in the UK is not fairly distributed, and that they do not personally benefit from economic growth in the UK. In all cases, Brexit voters on low incomes were more likely to share these sentiments than those on higher incomes.
  • Brexit voters feel more optimistic about their family’s future, although poorer Brexit voters less so. Asked whether they ‘feel optimistic about my family’s future’, 48% of DE Brexit voters agreed compared to 62% among AB Brexit voters.
  • Brexit voters feel more optimistic about the country’s future, although poorer Brexit voters less so. 61% of DE Brexit voters agreed with this sentiment compared to 70% among AB Brexit voters.


This comes as separate polling for JRF shows poverty is a rising concern among the public as social mobility is perceived to be moving backwards. The poll, conducted a week before the Brexit vote and released yesterday, revealed:

  • 90% of those polled say poverty reduction is task for central government
  • Two thirds of people think poverty has increased over the last decade
  • 52% believe it is harder for those living in poverty to escape than it was 10 years ago – compared to just 15% who say it’s easier.

JRF is calling for urgent action to tackle poverty and prevent further economic and social division. In September JRF will be launching a comprehensive strategy to solve poverty, outlining how national and local government, businesses and citizens can each play their part.

Julia Unwin, Chief Executive of JRF, said: “The reasons for people’s vote in the referendum are complex, but this clearly shows that millions of people up and down the country feel left behind by economic growth and ignored by those elected to serve them.

“We believe Britain will be stronger if we solve poverty, giving everyone regardless of their background the chance to live a decent and secure life. Yet instead we’re seeing a real sense that it’s harder to get on than it used to be and poverty is on the rise.

“The result of the EU referendum shows we cannot afford to return to business as usual for the poorest people and places across the UK. It is vital that politicians seize this opportunity to show that they are listening, and work not only across party lines but in collaboration with business, individuals and local communities to solve poverty once and for all.”

Dignity: report reveals thoughts on a Scotland without poverty

‘If there wasn’t poverty, every community would be proud, there would be no stigma associated with living in particular places. People would feel able to participate in their community; they wouldn’t be scared of going out and getting involved.’
Over twelve months The Joseph Rowntree Foundation supported the Poverty Alliance to carry out a range of activities that would help ensure that the voices and experiences of those living on low incomes in Scotland were included as part of JRF’s UK Anti-Poverty Strategies research programme.
Over the course of this piece of work, the question of what a Scotland without poverty means was put to the participants in a series of activities. These activities – including community engagement meetings, establishing a community panel and organising the Scottish Assembly for Tackling Poverty – were then supplemented with further interviews with people living on low incomes late last year.
This short report (click on link below) highlights the particpants’ views on what a Scotland without of poverty would mean to them. The report sought to identify what some of the main challenges are, and how these may be addressed over the short and longer term.  
The JRF Anti-Poverty Strategy for the UK will be published later this year.