Pick up your free garden tree this week at Inverleith Park!
We will be there from 12pm-3pm on Friday and 10am-2pm on Saturday giving away free trees for Edinburgh residents.
Just drop-in and get your free tree while stocks last!
RNIB Scotland’s Paws In The Park group is a social group for visually impaired people and their guide dogs.
They meet fortnightly at Inverleith Park to let the dogs have some off-duty fun!
The group is open to other guide dog owners who wish to join.
The group meets fortnightly on Wednesdays, promptly at 11am until 1pm at the corner of Raeburn Place and Portgower Place (opposite the Raeburn Hotel) to walk to Inverleith Park. The meeting will be 2nd November.
Anyone wishing to join should contact RNIB’s Dan Meikle to arrange this:
Email daniel.meikle@rnib.org.uk.
Speaking on the eve of this weekend’s Eid Al Adha celebrations in Edinburgh. Lothian MSP Foysol Choudhury said: “It will be an honour to attend once again “Eid Al-Adha Pray in the Park” event at Inverleith Park on 9th July, which will start with a prayer at 9.30am. The event is organised by the Adha Trust in Edinburgh and is supported by Edinburgh Mosques.
“Last year’s celebration saw more than 2,000 people attending and this year, organisers are expecting 10,000 people to attend – if the weather holds up!
“Eid Al-Adha or the “Feast of Sacrifice” is a four-day celebration, which will be celebrated this year in the UK from 9th till 13th July according to moon sightings. This Muslim holiday also marks the end of the yearly Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.
“It is the biggest Muslim holiday, which is celebrated every year with friends, family and neighbours by Muslims across the world, with the symbolic sacrifice of a lamb that is divided in three to be shared with loves ones and the needy.
“I would like to offer my good wishes to the Muslim communities in the Lothians and across Scotland and the UK. It is special time where we can again celebrate Eid Al-Adha with our friends and family in person again and I hope Muslims worldwide will be able celebrate in peace and safety particularly during these challenging times.
“I find that these religious festivals are a great way for communities to get together, allowing us to share our cultures and traditions so we can better understand our differences and celebrate them to foster more tolerance in our society as well as enriching our daily lives.
“I have also submitted Motion S6M-05178 for Eid Al-Adha 2022, which has already gained great cross-party support.
“Eid Mubarak!”
Sunday 2nd September from 1 – 4pm in Inverleith Park
Do you enjoy walking, cycling, getting a bit more active and having fun? Would you be interested in finding out more about opportunities for doing these things? Continue reading Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling
It wasn’t so much a run on the bank as by the bank! Staff at Barclays Bank’s branch on Princes Street have raised £2,500 to transcribe a new ‘talking’ audio-book for blind and partially sighted people. Continue reading Barclays Bank’s Princes Street branch raises £2,500 for books for the blind
Sunday 24th September, 1.30 – 4.30pm – Inverleith Park
The Inverleith Festival of Walking & Cycling 2017 takes place on Sunday 24th September 2017 from 1.30 to 4.30pm in Inverleith Park.
There will be lots of FREE activities, tasters and information on how to take up or increase your walking and cycling.
Some activiites can be signed up in advance. See below:
1pm – Family and buggy friendly walk, with Ramblers, in advance of the Festival start
Meetup point will be the monument in the center of the park. From here we’ll follow the path towards the botanic garden (John Hope entrance) where we will follow the path that crosses the garden and get out through the east gate door. Here we’ll head to the Rocheid path (water of leith walkway) that will take us to the Inverleith Pond, before we go back to where we started.
It’s all easy paths, buggy friendly, and the walk will be around 1 hour. We will have plenty of time to enjoy the botanics and the pond. In the end everybody is invited to stay and visit what the festival has to offer. There will be 3 road crossings and we’ll need to be careful with the younger children.*
Sign up here! Walk meets at 1pm – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/inverleith-festival-of-walking-and-cycling-2017-tickets-37239431141
1.30 – 2.30pm – Inverleith Allotments are about to celebrate their centenary. The site was created in 1918 to grow food for ex-servicemen after WW1. It reverted to park land between the wars but is now a haven for wildlife and vegetable growing.
Contact elaine.lennon@edinburgh.gov.uk for more information
The Scottish SPCA are calling upon animal lovers to take part in The Edinburgh Christmas Events in Inverleith Park this December. Continue reading Help animals in Edinburgh this Christmas
The Big Obstacle, Inverleith Park: Sunday 18 September
Granton Youth Centre are hosting a 4k charity fun run called The Big Obstacle, which will be held on Sunday 18th of September at Inverleith Park as part of an event with Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership. There will also be a walk and cycle festival on the same day!
This is your opportunity to fundraise for your chosen organisation/charity.
The Big Obstacle will bring the community together and encourage young people and adults to get active and have fun!
All participants will receive a t-shirt, certificate, medal and healthy snack.
Availability is limited and will be on a strictly first come, first serve basis. Both individuals (£5pp) and teams(£20pt) (up to 5 people per team) can register.
Anyone interested please contact thebigobstacle@grantonyouth.com and we can give you all the relevant information
The Big Obstacle has been planned and organised by local young people for young people!
If you need anymore information please let me know, also the information is all on our facebook page if you would be able to share that would be great! Thanks
Shelley Cummings
Youth Worker, Granton Youth Centre
Sunday 24 July 10.30 -12.30 Inverleith Park
No, it’s not an incitement to violence – Friends of Inverleith Park are delighted to announce their new fitness equipment, specially designed for use by older people! Why not pop along and have a look or have a go? It’s beside the playpark.
The official launch party takes place this Sunday (24 July). Kids, ‘seize a senior’ – bring along a bus pass carrier and get a free gift!