Hydration for a Healthy Heart

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Hydration for a Healthy Heart

Nutrition and Hydration Week is an annual event that aims to educate and celebrate improvements in the provision of nutrition and hydration.

When thinking about heart health, we often think about nutrition and the impact this can have, but we can forget to consider how inadequate hydration levels can negatively impact our cardiac health.

This week’s Healthy Tip is all about hydration, and how it’s an essential component to our health and optimal functioning of our cardiovascular system.

Why is hydration important?

Water accounts for about 60% of our body weight, and every single cell in our body needs to be properly hydrated to work well.

Water performs many roles in the body, such as regulating body temperature through sweating, lubricating joints, and removing waste products via bowel movements and urination. If we don’t drink enough fluids the amount of blood circulating in our body decreases. When this happens the heart must beat faster and our blood pressure may be affected, which can increase our risk of a cardiac event.

Signs of dehydration

Dehydration occurs when we lose more fluids (through urination and sweating) than we replace with the fluids from the food and drinks we consume.

Symptoms of moderate dehydration include not urinating much throughout the day, dark yellow urine, muscle cramps, thirst and a dry mouth. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms often, it’s a good idea to increase your fluid intake.

Ways to drink more

Drinking water is the easiest and cheapest way to ensure you stay properly hydrated, but there are other drinks that count towards your liquid intake such as herbal teas, sugar-free juice and low-fat milk.

The NHS recommends drinking 6 to 8 cups or glasses of fluids every day, which is about 1.5 to 2 litres.

Fruits and vegetables also contain water, so increasing the amount you consume can improve your hydration levels. Some great options include cucumber, tomatoes, apples, watermelon and peaches.

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Drinking alcohol doesn’t have to affect your goals says fitness expert

 Fitness fanatics are being offered expert advice on how to remain committed to their workout regime this summer whilst drinking socially.

With the release of a new hangover pill in the UK – claiming to be the first of its kind to break down alcohol in the body – there are slowly becoming more and more ways to stay fit and healthy whilst consuming alcohol, but these remedies can be quite an expense.

The fitness experts at BreakingMuscle.com have given their top tips for maintaining fitness goals whilst drinking alcohol by making smart, simple changes.

Every fitness journey, whether it’s increased muscle mass, fat loss or a sustained healthy lifestyle, requires a level of dedication and perseverance.

That’s why it can be difficult to see alcohol consumption as part of a fitness regime due to its side effects, however, drinking socially is certainly achievable without sabotaging personal health goals.

With a bit of forward planning and a few simple hacks, having a good time and staying in shape can go together hand in hand.

A spokesperson for BreakingMuscle.com said: “For those looking to enjoy a drink in the hot weather with friends whilst maintaining the body they desire, it can feel like an impossible task.

“However this is not the case, with a few smarter choices we can limit the effects of hangovers, control calories and plan workouts that fit around social events.

“Of course, there are some types of alcohol that have a higher caloric value than others. But it doesn’t have to be a chore to make drinking fit in with a healthy lifestyle. Staying on track with fitness goals does have its importance, but enjoying time with friends and family shouldn’t have to be sacrificed because of this.”

BreakingMuscle.com’s top tips for balancing fitness with drinking:

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Staying hydrated throughout the night is just as important as staying hydrated during a workout. Keeping water intake up whilst drinking can help to prevent any negative side effects the next day. Try drinking a glass of water for every alcoholic drink, if this isn’t possible ensure to drink plenty of water before heading off to bed.

Take a day off

It can be tempting to get straight back into the gym the day after a few drinks but this isn’t always the best idea. It’s more than okay to have a day off and relax, trying to smash a workout whilst not feeling a hundred percent can actually do more harm than good. 

Fill up on macros

Unfortunately, alcoholic drinks aren’t known for the vitamins and minerals they provide, they actually deplete the body’s supply. In the hours pre and post drinking, try to eat fruits and veg that are rich in macronutrients. Smoothies, nuts and bananas are just a few examples of quick foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals to fit in before or after a night out.

Choose wisely

It may feel as though alcoholic beverages have no calories in them but many drinks can be very deceiving. Be wary of cocktails and mixed drinks as they will contain a higher number of calories than beer and wines.

Light over dark

When choosing a tipple, try picking light spirits like gin or vodka over whiskey and spiced rum. This is because darker spirits contain toxic compounds that can contribute to a nastier hangover.

Set a limit

It can be easy to overindulge when out socialising with friends. However, for those who may find it difficult to get back on track after a heavy night out, setting a limit can help provide clarity moving forward in the gym. Setting higher limits should not induce guilt, but should be used to inform healthy amendments to that week’s training routine. 

Steer clear of sugar

Where possible try and swap sugary mixers and cocktails for diet or sugar-free alternatives. For example, try swapping a gin and tonic for a gin and soda water, the taste might not be quite the same but it can make sticking to a calorie goal much easier.

Post-drink snack

Kebabs, burgers and pizzas are often the most popular post drinking snack but the calories can start to add up after a few drinks. Preparing food at home after a night out can be a great way to not overspend on calories at the end of the night.

‘Hello Summer’: NHS 24 launch summer health campaign

With the summer holidays now fully underway across Scotland, NHS 24 is sharing summer health advice to keep people happy and healthy throughout the season. 

The campaign ‘Hello Summer’ signposts people to the correct health advice and services if they need help during the holidays. Topics such as hay fever, sun safety, kids’ injuries, BBQ food safety and hydration will all be covered.

Dr Paul Perry, a GP and Associate Medical Director at NHS 24, says: ‘The summer holidays are a great chance for family, friends and communities to spend time together and relax in hopefully nicer weather or travel further afield to enjoy a break away from home.

“It’s worth remembering a few small steps that can keep you and your family safe from common summer health issues such as hay fever, sunburn and insect bites. Most summer health complaints can be safely treated at home, so our ‘Hello Summer’ campaign will help people to avoid illness and when and where to seek medical advice if needed.”

General advice and information on how to stay healthy can be found at www.nhsinform.scot.