Party Manifestos “all but ignore” challenges facing older people in Election 2024

Ahead of releasing its own manifesto scrutiny document, Hourglass would like to see stronger safer ageing commitments from parties ahead of the 2024 General Election

A leading charity has voiced its disappointment at the level of commitment to support older victim-survivors of abuse, neglect and exploitation in party manifestos.  

Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity focused on older victims of abuse, has condemned the lack of innovation and understanding in the vast majority of UK party manifestos – with only the DUP mentioning the issue, and Sinn Fein and the Green Party (England and Wales) endorsing the OATH campaign (Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope).  

The charity, which deals with around 50k contacts relating to older victim-survivors, has produced its manifesto ahead of the election which calls for policies that would support safer ageing including a strategy to tackle abuse of older people, funding for specialist older people support and  measures that would raise public awareness of these issues.

The OATH campaign specifically calls for a Safer Ageing Society by 2050. 

Veronica Gray, Deputy CEO of Hourglass and Policy Director, explained: “Hourglass runs a 24/7 helpline and casework service and despite seeing a dramatic increase in case work since the pandemic, policy makers continue to ignore this policy imperative. It’s a scandal. 

“We are disappointed that parties have all but ignored policies which support safer ageing at this election. Though there are some broader commitments to fund services and to improve funding to the criminal justice system which are welcome, older people specific policies are required.

“We welcome the much-needed profile for the Violence Against Women and Girls strategy (VAWG) and we are, of course, entirely supportive of these commitments. However, with over 2.5 million people affected by the abuse of older people, a suite of policies focusing on this area are long overdue.

“Especially as there appears to be no end to the growth in casework. We strongly urge the new government to speak to us when elected and look at investing in this still hidden form of abuse.”

The Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has committed in their manifesto to “support tough measures to address all forms of elder abuse, including financial crime.”

The charity acknowledges that this is an important commitment, but Hourglass feels the public need more detail on how they plan to achieve this. And hope the other major political parties will join both Sinn Féin and the Green Party in formally endorsing Hourglass’s Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope (OATH) campaign.

Anyone can sign the OATH here: 

Hourglass has also completed analysis of all major UK political parties’ manifestos assessing their commitments to supporting older people and abuse services. While most parties included strategies to tackle domestic abuse, this was usually through a Violence Against Women and Girls strategy rather than a specific strategy directed towards older victims. 

Hourglass will be releasing a full analysis of party manifestos, which looks at the key strengths and weaknesses of this from a safer ageing perspective. 

 The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460. 

The Green Party is the latest to endorse landmark Safer Ageing OATH

Hourglass, the safer ageing charity, is delighted that the Green Party support the OATH campaign to end abuse and neglect of older people.

The Green Party in England and Wales has become the latest political party to endorse OATH. The ‘Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope’ campaign, pledges to create a Safer Ageing Society and to end abuse and neglect of older people by 2050. It has seen upwards of 500 candidates and influencers sign in recent weeks.

The Greens join Sinn Féin who declared their support for the campaign, while the Democratic Union Party have made commitments to tackle abuse of older people in their manifesto.

OATH has been created by Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity supporting older abuse victim-survivors and runs a 24/7 helpline and casework service. The OATH campaign calls on everyone in all walks of life to fight against the abuse, harm, exploitation and neglect of older people

Along with two parties formally supporting this campaign, candidates from all major political parties have now signed up to this campaign. There is a growing consensus that we should all live in a society which is safe place to grow old independently and free from harm and abuse.

With two days left of the 2024 General Election Campaign, Hourglass urges all other political parties to endorse this campaign.

Hourglass has written to all Party Leaders contesting the General Election asking that their party sign up to OATH. Hourglass believes there should be a consensus on the need to end abuse of older people and that policy makers from across the political spectrum must work together to achieve this.

The charity, which supported almost 50,000 people in the last year, is also calling on the general public, influencers, third sector leaders, care professionals and businesses to also sign up. They can do so here:

Carla Denyer Green Party co-leader, said: ”Ensuring the safety and dignity of our older population is paramount; they deserve to age in an environment free from abuse, exploitation and neglect.

“We must all commit to creating a society where everyone can grow old safely. This is why the Green Party is supporting OATH”

Veronica Gray, Deputy CEO of Hourglass, said: “We are delighted with the initial support we have received for our OATH campaign. We are especially pleased that the Green Party has joined Sinn Féin in signing up to this movement for a safer ageing society.

“OATH is about building a Safer Ageing Society by 2050 where older people can grow old free from abuse and neglect. We hope that in the next parliament we will see a consensus on safer ageing where critical steps are made by policy makers to support older victim survivors.”

Donna Mullin, Head of Sinn Féin VP Office, said: ”Sinn Féin want older people in our society to be supported and protected from violence, exploitation and other forms of abuse so we are supporting the Safe Ageing pledge.”

Hourglass is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting or text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Human Rights Don’t Expire: Hourglass Calls for urgent action on Abuse of Older People and Age Discrimination

On the eighteenth World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity supporting older victim-survivors is calling for older people’s human rights to be given parity. 

WEAAD, a day recognised by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness about the abuse and neglect of older people, is this year themed on human rights, emphasising that these rights should be upheld for all individuals, regardless of age. Hourglass, with its unique 24/7 helpline and community response service, is leading the call for parity. 

Deputy CEO and Policy Director, Veronica Gray, explains: “The United Nations’ 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1, states that All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

“They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Nowhere in this declaration, nor in its 29 other articles, does it say that human rights expire after a person reaches a certain age.

“However, the UK’s Equality Act 2010 explicitly makes age discrimination illegal in England, Wales, and Scotland, unless there is a justified reason. However, in Northern Ireland, older people still lack legal protection against age discrimination when accessing goods, facilities, and services. Despite these legal frameworks, the rights of older people are often not upheld.”

The charity feels the COVID-19 pandemic starkly further highlighted these issues. They point to evidence that older people were discharged from hospitals into care homes without being tested for coronavirus, leading to rapid virus spread in environments lacking PPE. There is also evidence that “Do Not Resuscitate” notices were issued without the consent of the individuals or their families. 

Hourglass points to the October 2020, Amnesty International report “As if expendable: The UK government’s failure to protect older people in care homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.” This accused the UK government of directly violating the human rights of older care home residents, including their rights to life, health, and non-discrimination.

Veronica Gray continues: “Unfortunately, the violation of older people’s human rights extends beyond the pandemic. During the legislative process for the Domestic Abuse Act, the abuse of older people was notably absent from discussions.

“The government’s stance that generic abuse services suffice for older victims ignored significant barriers older people face when accessing these services.”

The charity has initiated its own manifesto and campaign to highlight the issue further. For WEAAD 2024, Hourglass has launched OATH – Older Age, Tomorrow’s Hope – urging people to commit to creating a Safer Ageing Society by 2050.

The pledge calls for support from both the public and political leaders in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

You can take the OATH here:

In an attempt to address these issues, Hourglass has launched its own manifesto, calling on Westminster, the Welsh Senedd, Holyrood, and Stormont to adopt key policies that lay the foundation for a safer ageing society.

The manifesto can be viewed here:

The manifesto – entitled ‘A Safer Ageing Society by 2050’ illustrates some of the key issues facing older victim-survivors and the urgent need for parity.

The narrative explains: Research by Hourglass in 2020 found that over 2.6 million older people were affected by abuse and neglect, yet specialised services for older victims are scarce and often have long waiting lists.

Ageist attitudes remain a significant barrier. For example, economic abuse by family members taking an older person’s inheritance early is not widely recognised as abuse.

Veronica Gray, concludes: “As our population ages, it is imperative that we ensure human rights do not erode with age. The right to life, health, and non-discrimination must be upheld for older individuals.

“We must strive for a society where people can grow old free from abuse and neglect, with their human rights intact. The journey to a Safer Ageing Society by 2050 starts today, and it requires immediate action and commitment from all of us.”

Hourglass, which has been working to support older-victims of abuse and neglect since 1994, has a unique 24/7 helpline, instant messenger and Knowledge Bank service. These services are already under threat due to delayed decision-making on future funding mechanisms. 

The charity was recently in the headlines for working to develop and script the story of Yolande Trueman, in BBCs EastEnders. This, along with many other factors has seen the charity’s calls hit over 700 a week and with a likely 50,000 contacts per year.  

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Hourglass pushes for Safer Ageing election agenda with OATH Campaign

With an extra NINE MILLION older people, a population the size of London, set to populate the UK by 2050, Hourglass is calling on all Westminster hopefuls to underline their Safer Ageing plans – and take the OATH, a new campaign to increase awareness of the social care timebomb.

Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity dedicated to ending the abuse and neglect of older people, has launched its own manifesto entitled ‘A Safer Ageing Society by 2050’ and is urging the political elite and general public alike to sign up to support it HERE:  

The campaign, OATH (Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope) is a pledge to support their 2050 target and to work alongside older people, the age sector and Hourglass itself in raising the profile of this often-unspoken issue. 

The charity points to the creation of a London-sized city, full of over sixties by 2050. That’s 9.6 million more older people in the UK. And, they say, for the first time they’ll be more over 60s than under 16s. The charity underlines that this is a social care timebomb waiting to explode. 

As the charity’s Policy Director and Deputy CEO, Veronica Gray, illustrates, Hourglass’s big ask isn’t quite as unreachable as it first appears: “Let’s think about it from the opposite perspective.

“If we knew there was to be nine million extra bouncing babies in the next twenty-five years, governments across the UK would be planning now.  There would be a strategy to accommodate and ensure their safe arrival into the world. 

“There would be new schools, nurseries, perhaps maternity hospitals and safeguarding teams. Early years planning, investment into midwives and ante-natal units would be on the horizon. Our parliamentary representatives would be falling over themselves to promise a safe future for the impending influx of babies. Not just kissing them for the cameras.

“This is unquestionably a population boom – just at the other end of the spectrum. This ageing population needs to be celebrated, safe, independent and free from abuse. This seems like a fairly obvious step and worthy of support and understanding. Hence the Hourglass target of creating a Safer Ageing Society by 2050.”

Therefore, Hourglass is also scrutinising what plans the political parties in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have outlined in their manifesto. And so far, in terms of protecting older people from abuse, harm, exploitation and neglect, the charity believes there has been precious little forward planning at all. 

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass, explains: “Hourglass believes, with the impending older population surge and 2.5 million people affected by the abuse of older people annually, we need as many active voices as possible to make the case. The political dial now needs to move to address this significant upsurge and the social care needs of this population shift. 

“We are working to analyse, with a variety of indicators, how seriously each political party is taking the notion of a Safer Ageing future. We will be announcing the results next Friday (21st June) and this, Election Safer Ageing Index, will also be used to scrutinise performance as the new parliamentary term takes shape.”

Hourglass, which has been working to support older-victims of abuse and neglect since 1994, has a unique 24/7 helpline, instant messenger and Knowledge Bank service. These services are already under threat due to delayed decision-making on future funding mechanisms.

Richard Robinson continues: “Whoever comes to power after 4th July, has to urgently secure service provision and agree funding for charities like Hourglass. This will go some distance in paving the way for a Safer Ageing future – but this is the bare minimum.

“The Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) commitments, whilst inspirational and much-needed, need to be replicated for older victim-survivors. This is another key consideration for the next Downing Street resident.”

The charity was recently in the headlines for working to develop and script the story of Yolande Trueman, in BBCs EastEnders. This, along with many other factors has seen the charity’s calls hit over 700 a week and with a likely 50,000 contacts per year.  

The lone voice of older victims highlighted during Safer Ageing Week

Hourglass (Safer Ageing) announces fourth Safer Ageing Week – starting on 01/12/23 highlighting the lone voices of older victim survivors and how Hourglass is helping to challenge this.

Safer Ageing Week, launched by Hourglass in 2020, is an opportunity to raise awareness of the abuse of older people and shine a light on older victim-survivors and the relative taboo nature of this unspoken issue.

The theme this year is ALONE VOICE – focusing on the unique lone voice of Hourglass in dealing with the abuse of older people and the often-forgotten voice of an older victim survivor.

Currently not all abuse types, victims or perpetrators are treated equitably in the UK. The Government’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy has been a one useful development. But Hourglass is partly using this Safer Ageing Week to call for a unique strategy and specialist support for older people and therefore removing the additional barriers this group face.

Older people, as Hourglass states, should not be the last in line for support.

During this week the charity will also launch the Safer Ageing Index for Wales and, later in the week, the Safer Ageing Index for London, in partnership with the Hallmark Foundation.

These studies assess and compare how well local areas perform in helping people grow old safely. In 2022 the charity launched the first-ever Safer Ageing Index for Northern Ireland and by early 2024 the organisation plans to unveil a Safer Ageing Index for every part of the UK.

2023 also marks the 30th anniversary of Hourglass and during this week the charity will be looking at the advances made over the last three decades and what progression is needed in coming years.

The week of events, supported by a range of like-minded charities and organisations, will also see the launch of Hourglass’s Economic Abuse Hub in Wales. This unique provision will deliver vital specialist support to older people – as Financial or Economic abuse numbers and instances have steadily grown to be the majority of Hourglass casework.

Throughout the week we will be releasing messages from policy makers and thought leaders on how we can add our voices in support of older victim-survivors who too often are ALONE VOICE.

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass, said: “This will be the fourth Safer Ageing Week. This year we will focus on the lone voices in our community who speak out against abuse and neglect of older victim-survivors.

“It’s our collective duty to create environments where older people can thrive free from abuse, fear, and neglect.

“For Safer Ageing Week 2023, we hope more people will add their voices to our calls for a strategy to tackle abuse and neglect of older people.”

Baroness Margaret Ritchie, Hourglass Patron, said: “Safer Ageing Week plays a vital role in amplifying the voices of older victim-survivors of abuse and neglect.

“Let’s build communities where every older person feels cherished, valued, and secure – where age is celebrated, and safety is assured. And most of all, where the voices of older victim survivors are heard and believed”

Hourglass operates in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. It runs the only 24/7 helpline for older people suffering abuse or neglect.

The helpline, instant message service, SMS and chatbot provides unique support and advice – as well as Europe’s only Knowledge Bank on the abuse and neglect of older people. The team can be reached on 0808 808 8141.

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to make a donation by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10. Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

SNP Leadership contenders asked to commit to Safer Ageing in Scotland

Hourglass (Safer Ageing) calls on the SNP leadership contenders to support safer ageing

Hourglass has asked the three contenders for the Scottish National Party leadership to commit to safer ageing and to support older victim-survivors of abuse.

Older people are at risk of becoming victims of physical, financial, sexual or psychological abuse. Many others suffer abuse due to simple neglect. Older people are much less likely to report abuse and when they do the experience can be traumatic.

At present, insufficient data is collected on abuse of older people in Scotland. This lack of information is one reason this issue does not get the attention or resources it desperately needs.

Hourglass have called on the three leadership contenders Kate Forbes, Ash Regan and Humza Yousaf to commit to the following actions if they become the Scottish First Minister:

1.            Collecting all relevant data on the abuse of older people.
2.            Develop a safer ageing strategy for Scotland
3.            Host a Safer Ageing forum with Hourglass at Holyrood later this year. 

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass said: “The Scottish Government need to take action to prevent abuse of older people.

“The first step is to collect the data on reported abuse. The second is to develop a safer ageing strategy which will outline how the Scottish Government intend to tackle this problem. Thirdly, this is an issue that is seldom talked about. We need the Scottish Government to work with us to raise awareness of this issue.

“Hourglass (Safer Ageing) is the only charity in Scotland that specialises in supporting older victims of abuse. We have nearly 30 years of working in Scotland and throughout the UK and Ireland, where we have continued to see an increase in demand for our services.”

George Foulkes, Hourglass Patron said: “We have an ageing population and the next First Minister of Scotland needs to be to take this seriously.

“The Scottish Government need a safer ageing strategy to protect older people from abuse and neglect.”

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to make a donation by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Letter to PM demands urgent funding parity for older victims of abuse

Hourglass have delivered an open letter to PM Rishi Sunak calling on the Government to urgently provide funding parity for older victim survivors and fund their unique 24/7 helpline

Hourglass have submitted an open letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak signed by politicians from across the political spectrum. The letter calls for the government to provide urgent financial support for the Hourglass helpline which provides 24/7 support and casework for older victim-survivors of abuse.

The open letter has been signed by MPs, Peers, MLAs, MSPs, MSs, academics, third sector leaders and other community supporters. Members of every major political party in the UK have supported this campaign, either by signing this letter or by contacting the Prime Minister directly asking the Government to support the Hourglass helpline.

Hourglass not only provides a 24/7 helpline, the only one of its kind in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland but also creates tailored care plans for older victim survivors using caseworkers across the UK. The charity income plummeted in 2022 whilst cases have dramatically risen.

In 2022 the Hourglass helpline has seen a 96% increase in calls. Many of these calls are referrals from government and third sector agencies who rely on Hourglass as specialists in supporting older victims.

Despite this, government support for the helpline and casework service provided by Hourglass has declined. The charity is now bidding for funds from a Violence Against Women and Girls tender, which misses a significant swathe of its work.

Richard Robinson, Chief Executive of Hourglass, said: “The Hourglass helpline and case work service plays a critical role in supporting older people who have experienced abuse. This is a truly unique service and ensures older people can have hope during their darkest times.

“During the Conservative Party leadership campaign, the Ready for Rishi campaign promised that if elected a Rishi-led government would engage with organisations supporting victims, such as Hourglass. There has been no engagement, a string of cancelled meetings and limited understanding of challenge older people face, especially now during this financial crisis.

“The Prime Minister now needs to honour his campaign promise by working with Hourglass to ensure the only UK helpline supporting older victims of abuse can continue to provide a 24/7 service and doesn’t downsize drastically.”

Baroness Ritchie, Hourglass Patron, said: “The Government need to support older victims of abuse. In an ageing society, services like the Hourglass Helpline play a vital role.

“I urge the Prime Minister to answer the call of this open letter and provide adequate funding for the Hourglass Helpline.”

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460

Older Victims of abuse are ‘invisible’ and ‘last in line’ for Government support, says elder abuse charity

Marking International Day for Older Persons, Hourglass (Safer Ageing) is calling on the government to urgently support older victims of abuse as they are currently last in line for funding support, as shown in recent research undertaken by the charity.

The charity, which has the only UK-wide 24/7 elder abuse helpline and casework service, is seeing a marked increase in calls and is hitting crisis point due to the lack of government and statutory funding.

During the last financial year, Hourglass received £326,619 in Government grants. In the same year, fellow inspirational charities like the NSPCC (child abuse) received a government grant of £14.7 million, The Safelives Trust (domestic abuse services) £2.1 million, the Kaleidoscope Diversity Trust (Freedom, Safety and Equality for LGBT+ People) over £1 million and the Dogs Trust (life-changing services for dogs in need) over £5 million.

Hourglass pays tribute to the fantastic work of these life-changing charities but is calling on the government to level the playfield for victims of all ages and across the spectrum of abuse services.

The charity has seen a significant increase in helpline calls, answering 96% more calls in August 2022 than the same month last year, it is also reporting a waiting list for casework services.

At the same time the charity faces significant financial uncertainty with funding for this unique service being put out for commercial tender and £16,000 ‘bridging funding’ from the Home Office nowhere near sufficient to maintain the helpline’s 24/7 operation.

Commenting on this Research, Hourglass CEO Richard Robinson said,
“Our Helpline is receiving more calls than ever before dealing with horrendous and complex cases of abuse against older people, who otherwise feel invisible and under-supported.

“We cannot continue to be last in line for financial support. Charities across the entire spectrum of abuse undertake phenomenal work and deserve all of the support they get, but it is telling that the only charity that supports older victims of abuse receive only a fraction of the support. It is truly unacceptable.

“We are coming to a crunch point. If the Hourglass helpline does not receive adequate funding soon, we will have no choice but to downsize. This is disgraceful given the growing number of older people who need our support. We now need urgent action and dialogue.”

Responding to this research, charity patron Baroness Ritchie of Downpatrick said: “We have an ageing population and more vulnerable older people – services like the Hourglass helpline play a vital role in ensuring safer ageing.

“The Government must ensure that funding is made available so that the Hourglass helpline can not only maintain but expand its important service to older people.”

Hourglass: Time’s running out

Millions of older people at risk of abuse unless Helpline receives urgent funding

Millions of older people could be at risk of abuse unless urgent funding is found for the UK’s only helpline dedicated to helping those affected by abuse.

Hourglass, the only charity in the UK dedicated to ending the abuse of older people, has a free 24/7 helpline available to anyone concerned about an older person at harm from abuse, whether that’s at home or within the care industry.

Hourglass is calling on the UK Government to help underpin the helpline and help appoint more Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) who specialise in the abuse of older people.

Shortly before she died, the charity’s founder Baroness Greengross wrote to Prime Minister Boris Johnson urging the Government to give adequate financial support so the Hourglass helpline can survive.

There has been no response from the Prime Minister, the Home Office or anyone else in Government, despite calls from various MPs and Peers across the political spectrum for them to do so.

The Hourglass helpline currently receives more than 12,000 calls every year, but the charity will have to start significantly reducing its services to society’s most vulnerable older people, unless the Government approves funding by September. The charity predicts that by October this life changing service will need to downsize dramatically.

A report published by Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) recently found that 67% of directors are seeing the number of domestic abuse and safeguarding cases rising. This is further evidence that abuse of older people is a growing problem and further funding and support is vital to ensure older people age safely.

Every year, a million more new older people experience abuse and the charity’s services provide a vital lifeline for those in need.

To survive, the charity needs £1.2 million a year to continue. Unfortunately, current UK Government funding only covers the helpline from 5pm to 9am. To enable the helpline to be available 24/7, Hourglass has been forced to run on its reserves.

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass, said: “Every single year, around 2.5 million older people are effected by abuse. This could be physical, emotional, financial or sexual abuse or neglect and discrimination in the UK.

“The services we provide are a real lifeline to those in need, but without urgent funding, it will be impossible to carry on at our current levels.

“The consequences of leaving vulnerable elderly people to fend for themselves are usually too terrifying to contemplate. However, this is becoming a tragic reality as we battle to keep providing the helpline so many of them will come to rely on.

“Out of respect to Baroness Greengross, who championed the rights of older people for so many years, and to the millions of older people at risk of abuse, the government now need to take action and provide adequate funding for this service.”

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to make a donation by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10. Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you would like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Ageing charity warns of winter isolation and rising elder abuse as it bids to offer 24/7 helpline

o   Calls to abuse charities have hit unprecedented highs throughout 2020 lockdowns

o   Safer ageing charity, Hourglass revealed earlier this week that 1 in 5 over-65s in UK have experienced abuse, with almost 2.7 million victims thought to be affected across the country

o   UK’s only safer ageing charity looks to provide 24/7 helpline access as it sends open letter to the Home Secretary calling for support in ensuring that the abuse of older people is taken as seriously as other forms of abuse

With calls to abuse charities hitting record highs during the 2020 lockdowns, the UK’s only charity focused on the abuse of older people is taking steps to secure round the clock support for those in need.

Hourglass, formerly Action on Elder Abuse, has launched a bid to help make its vital helpline available 24/7 after earlier this week revealing polling data showing that 1 in 5 (22 percent) people either had personal experience of abuse as an older person (aged 65+) or knew an older person who had been abused. It found that well over half (53%) of people in the UK felt that the abuse and neglect of older people had increased as a result of lockdown, highlighting the real need for ongoing targeted support.

Launching Safer Ageing Week on Monday (30 November), Hourglass announced a raft of new measures and ways in which the public can access its support.

The charity, founded in 1993 by Baroness Sally Greengross, has long relied on a helpline staffed by volunteers and employees, and the charity is now calling for financial support to make this provision open all hours.

Until 2020, the charity received no government or statutory support and relied exclusively on donations. Calls to the charity’s helpline have increased dramatically throughout this year’s lockdowns (up 110% between 23 March 2020 – 31 Aug 2020 compared to 1 December 2019 – 22 March 2020).

The charity, which has operations across England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, received some emergency funding in response to the pandemic and has invested heavily in new services to deal with the complexity of demand.

Hourglass deputy CEO and Policy Director, Veronica Gray, said: “We have seen abuse charities across the UK and Ireland report calls spiking during the pandemic.

“Likewise, we have seen call attempts during our closed hours steadily grow and we need support now to ensure this is the final winter without a 24/7 elder abuse helpline.”

Chair of Trustees for Hourglass, Caroline Cox, added: “Hourglass has launched Safer Ageing Week to ensure people are mindful of the rights of older people to have a safe and secure environment when they are at their most vulnerable.

“On Monday, we began using text messaging via our helpline staff, instant messaging via our website, and launched the UK’s first Knowledge Bank for older people at risk of abuse. However, whilst all our information online is available 24/7, we rely on staff and volunteers to give that vital in-person advice via the helpline or messages. That has only ever been available during business hours and we need to make this provision available round the clock.”

The charity has also sent an open letter to the Home Secretary and to her counterparts in the devolved administrations. The letter calls for support in ensuring that the abuse of older people is taken as seriously as abuse against other populations. The charity believes the polling figures underscore the inequality in support for older people who are at risk of or have experienced abuse.

The charity is urging those keen to support the 24/7 campaign to make a donation by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10. 

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Abuse of older people has reached ‘unprecedented levels’

New analysis reveals ‘shocking’ scale of the abuse crisis facing over-65s

●      1 in 5 UK residents (22 percent) have personal experience of abuse as an older person or know someone who has been abused – with almost 2.7 million victims thought to be affected across the country

●      Attitudes regarding what ‘counts’ as abuse are thought to be fuelling the crisis, with 1 in 5 Scots believing that inappropriate sexual acts directed at older people don’t constitute abuse

●      Half (50 percent) of those surveyed in Scotland believe that the abuse and neglect of older people increased as a result of the lockdown

●      Charity announces raft of new measures designed to protect older people from abuse and to promote safer ageing

UK safer ageing charity, Hourglass, has today warned that abuse of older people is at ‘unprecedented levels’ as new data emerges revealing that nearly 2.7m UK citizens over the age of 65 are thought to have been abused.

The Growing old in the UK 2020 survey – commissioned by the charity – of over 2,500 adults found that 1 in 5 (22 percent) people either had personal experience of abuse as an older person (aged 65+) or knew an older person who had been abused, and 53% of people in the UK felt that the abuse and neglect of older people had increased as a result of lockdown. 

Previous estimates have put the figure significantly lower, with the World Health Organisation estimating that – globally – 1 in 6 people aged 60 and older experienced some form of abuse in the last year.

In March, Hourglass warned that isolation and lockdown would act like a “pressure cooker” for the abuse of older people, with attitudes toward what “counts” as abuse fuelling this crisis, and situations where older people are locked down with their abusers or isolated without care only making things worse. Under lockdown conditions, older people lack the safeguards that would have previously existed through day-to-day contact with the outside world.

Among Scottish respondents, the survey revealed that at least 1 in 5 (23 percent) don’t believe that ‘inappropriate sexual acts directed at older people’ count as abuse; likewise a more than a fifth (26 percent) don’t view ‘pushing, hitting, or beating an older person’ as abuse, while a third (31 percent) don’t see ‘taking precious items from an older relative’s home without asking’ as abuse.

The overall UK figures were even higher than these, at 35 percent, 30 percent, and 32 percent respectively.

Commenting on the findings, Lesley Carcary, Director of Programmes and Director of Hourglass Scotland, said: “These results are genuinely shocking.

“Although we’ve known for a long time that we live in a world prejudiced against older people, the results show how widespread the issue is. These figures really shine a light on the true scale of the crisis, especially here in Scotland.”

She added that the data confirmed what the charity has long suspected – that the abuse of older people has long been drastically under-reported to authorities.

“Our polling shows that while people know that abuse of older people is a problem in Scotland today, there’s a complete disconnect between awareness of the issue and a true understanding of the role we all play in preventing abuse.”

Ms Carcary said the data reveals a disturbing level of tolerance towards abusive behaviours in our society.

“While I’ve no doubt that the vast majority of people don’t consider themselves to be abusers, the truth is that a troubling proportion of those we surveyed don’t actually see some very harmful behaviours as abuse. Without countering these perceptions, people are far more likely to perpetuate the cycle of abuse and are part of the problem.”

Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity focussed on addressing the abuse and neglect of older people, has announced hat it is expanding its points of service entry, both in response to this new evidence as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. 

With Scotland leading the way in Hourglass’s modern new approach to supporting older people, the charity will launch the UK’s first Community Hub dedicated to safer ageing in Scotland.

This one-stop-shop approach will allow the charity to begin to refer cases to a localised Community Response Team who will be able to take on casework for older people and their families.

This will first be rolled out across Scotland, before expanding into England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Building on its Helpline, the charity is also creating the UK’s first Knowledge Bank for people seeking support or advice from the charity and its partners. This will include an instant messaging service to signpost users to appropriate resources.

Ms Carcary added: “The additional points of entry into the charity will be crucial in expanding support and resources for those suffering from abuse in Scotland as well as their loved ones.

“We want people to know what to do if they suspect an older people is being abused, and we want to ensure we are there to offer that lifeline.”

Willie Rennie, Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, said of the survey results: “If these figures do not shock you to the core, I am not sure what will. This abuse is often silent, behind closed doors but more frightening for it. Victims will feel helpless which is why this research is incredibly important.”