Curriculum for Excellence report card: Russell must try harder

Less assessment would benefit pupils and teachers, say Greens

teacherGreen MSP Alison Johnstone says lower levels of assessment in schools would benefit pupils and reduce the massive workload of teachers.

A report published today looking at the first year of the Curriculum for Excellence qualifications (see below)  says that the new qualifications have been a success overall, but highlights ‘significant and unsustainable level of over‑assessment in many parts of the system’ and a ‘higher level of assessment than was necessary or desirable’.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and education spokesperson for the Scottish Greens said: “I congratulate every teacher who has worked hard to make a success of this last year with the new qualifications. We need to get the balance right between learning and assessment and this report reflects my concern that the system is still too heavily weighted towards exams, which doesn’t always lead to better educational outcomes.

“Workloads in the teaching profession remain far too high and the Scottish Education Secretary must address this as one of his top priorities. I believe the Curriculum for Excellence has set us on the right path in Scotland but there is more work to do to achieve a school system that is sustainable and rewarding for both pupils and teachers.”



Blue badge Bill gets green light

disabled-badgeNew laws to clamp down on drivers who abuse disabled parking have been passed by the Scottish Parliament. The legislation aims to deal with drivers said to be misusing blue badges by giving councils powers to seize and cancel them.

Similar legislation was introduced in England last year, where the Department for Transport cracked down on a what is becoming a lucrative black market in the parking permits – with free on-street parking almost impossible to find and parking fees high, the permits are becoming increasingly valuable and a blue badge could be worth over £1,000 on the black market.

According to the latest official statistics as many as a fifth of the 2.62 million badges in circulation across the UK could be being misused.

Holyrood’s Disabled Persons’ Parking Badges Bill was brought forward by SNP MSP Dennis Robertson, who said abuse of the system was a growing problem and had become “unacceptable”.

There are 245,000 legitimate blue badge holders in Scotland, and Holyrood’s local government committee said misuse of the blue badge scheme was having a major impact on the lives of people who rely on disabled parking spaces.

Research by agency Transport Scotland said 83% of legitimate badge holders had encountered misuse.

One Craigleith blue badge holder, who asked not to be named, welcomed the news. “You see it all the time. Drivers who pretend to be disabled to get free parking are a nightmare because they prevent genuine blue badge holders from using parking bays that are there especially to make things like shopping easier and more accessible.

“Some of those who abuse the system are quite brazen about it and I’ve lost count of the number of inconsiderate drivers I’ve seen who will use a disabled persons parking space in a supermarket car park just to be nearer the shop!

“It’s infuriating – there are a lot of selfish and thoughtless drivers out there and I’m sure genuine blue badge holders will be happy to hear that something is going to be done about it.”

Misuse of a blue badge is already an offence, but enforcement powers currently lie with the police. The new legislation will come into force next year.


No fracking chance!


The Scottish Government is objecting to UK Government proposals which would remove the right of Scottish householders to object to oil and gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing beneath their homes. The stance has been welcomed by the Scottish Greens, who say fracking poses a threat to our economy as well as our environment.

The proposals from the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change will allow companies to drill below people’s land without first negotiating a right of access.

Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has said that powers on this issue should be with Scotland, and that independence will give the people of Scotland, the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government the power to consider policy on unconventional oil and gas in a cautious, considered and evidence-based way.

Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said: “The Scottish Government believe that there should be an evidence based, cautious and considered approach to unconventional oil and gas, and that all of the decisions taken about it should be taken by the people of Scotland, through the Parliament and Government they elected.

“UK Government proposals to remove the right of Scottish householders to object to drilling under their homes flies in the face of that approach and that is why we object to them. It is also fundamentally an issue affecting land ownership rights.

“The gung-ho approach of the UK Government to the whole issue of unconventional oil and gas – often without any consultation with the Scottish Government at all – contrasts with our approach.

“Whatever your view on the issue of unconventional oil and gas – and it is clear that there are both opportunities and concerns – there is only one way that the people of Scotland can determine the approach in Scotland – including beneath their homes and land. That is to take the power to deal with this issue away from Westminster and that can only be done with the powers of independence.“

Patrick Harvie, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, welcomed Energy Minister Fergus Ewing’s comments yesterday.

The Green MSP pointed out that the Infrastructure Bill – put forward at Westminster by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat government and supported by Labour – would overrule trespass laws, enabling drilling firms to install pipes to transport gas without landowners’ permission.

He added: “Greens have been calling for this proposal to be blocked in Scotland, so these comments from Fergus Ewing are a good step. Holyrood should reject the UK Infrastructure Bill when it gets the chance to do so by way of legislative consent motions.

“Meantime Scottish ministers should continue to consider the use of existing regulations to ban unconventional gas completely. We are risking our economy, not just our environment, if we encourage yet more fossil fuel extraction.

“Communities such as Airth near Falkirk and Canonbie in Dumfries and Galloway are already facing a battle against gas drilling. Given the Scottish Government’s failure to support a ban on fracking or clear buffer zones, and the First Minister’s description of shale gas as an opportunity, many other communities across Scotland will remain deeply concerned at these unwanted, unnecessary developments.”

In June, Derek Mackay MSP, Minister for Local Government and Planning, announced the new Scottish Planning Policy. Following extensive public consultation and rigorous scrutiny in the Scottish Parliament, it was clear that concerns remained over buffer-zones and community engagement.

Five new measures were introduced in relation to hydraulic fracturing, including bringing in a requirement that developments only proceed if communities and the environment can be protected, and operators will have to consult with communities on their proposals.

The Scottish Government convened a group of experts last September to review the scientific evidence on unconventional oil & gas, and on 28 July they published an authoritative and impartial report.

The findings from the Independent Expert Scientific Panel have highlighted a number of issues that may require further work, including some suggestions on further tightening of our robust regulatory process and a Working Group will now look at these areas to take forward those suggestions.

Scottish employment hits record levels

apprenticesBoth UK and Scottish governments have welcomed news that employment in Scotland is at the highest level since records began – but they disagree over what’s best for Scottish jobs and the economy: the union or independence.

Figures published today by the Office for National Statistics show that total employment increased in Scotland by 63,000 over the year to reach 2,594,000 – the highest level since records began in 1992. 73.5 per cent of people are now in employment in Scotland.

Female employment has also reached a new record high with 1,250,000 women in Scotland in employment, an increase of 36,000 over the year.
The figures also show that Scotland’s youth unemployment rate has decreased by 2.9 percentage points over the year and now has a youth employment rate of 55.6%.

The overall employment level has now increased over the quarter for 18 consecutive monthly releases – the longest ever unbroken run of increasing quarterly employment.

Over the year the number of people unemployed fell by 21,000, with the unemployment rate now standing at 6.4 per cent. The number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance has fallen by 35,500 – or 27.6 per cent – over the last year.

Separately, the Scottish Government has today published its latest Quarterly National Accounts statistics for Scotland, which demonstrate the continued strength of the economy. Over the latest four quarters, total GDP including offshore activity has reached nearly £148 billion, and at around £27,700 per person is 10 per cent higher than the equivalent UK figure.

Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment Angela Constance said: “We know that Scotland’s economy has returned to pre-recession levels and these figures show that our recovery is continuing to gain momentum, with unemployment down and employment at its highest level ever.

“I am pleased to see that youth employment has increased and that fewer young people are now unemployed in Scotland compared to a year ago. It is so important that our young people have the chance to get a foothold in the labour market and we want to see this figure continue to decrease.

“That is why we have extended the Youth Employment Scotland Fund, which now helps employers seeking to recruit those aged 16 to 30. In particular this will help those most at risk of being cut off from the labour market such as young working mums, care leavers and disabled people.

“Our ambitions are greater than this – that’s why we are taking forward the commitments set out by the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce to reduce youth unemployment in Scotland by 40 per cent by 2020.

“Female employment continues to increase and now sits at the highest level since records began and the female unemployment rate is at its lowest since May-July 2009.

“This government will always do everything we can to ensure women have the same opportunities in the labour market as their male counterparts, and have access to quality sustained work in careers they choose.

“As part of our recovery we must ensure that everyone is able to benefit from a growing economy. For example, our transformational plans for childcare will not just be good for children, but also their parents, giving them greater opportunities to enter work or training.

“These figures show that Scotland has the economic potential to be an independent country. With the full powers of independence we could do more to get people into work and give employers access to the skills they need to grow their business, strengthening our economy and creating jobs.”

factory workersScottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael also welcomed the latest statistics – but drew different conclusions, of course!

Mr Carmichael said: “Today’s figures show we have a new record high in overall employment. Over the last 12 months Scottish employment has increased by 63,000 and unemployment has fallen by 21,000. This shows that working together as part of the UK with its larger market, stronger and growing economy and stable currency is creating more jobs and better opportunities for Scotland.

“It is also good to see the number of people claiming Jobseekers allowance continues to fall. It is now at its lowest level since October 2008 and is 35,500 lower than one year ago.

“Each one of the figures today represents another person or household getting back into the labour market. It also represents the certainty, stability and security we are creating for businesses by being part of the UK. We will continue with our long term economic plan to ensure that these positive figures are reflected in communities across the length and breadth of Scotland and our business have the confidence to grow and employ more Scots.

The Minister made the comments as he visited Frolick, a Dundee based family run company that specialises in healthy alternatives to frozen desserts. Over the past few months the company has greatly expanded its range.

They have benefited from the New Enterprise Allowance (NEA), an initiative which offers expert mentoring and financial support to people on Jobseeker’s Allowance, lone parents and people on sickness benefits who want to start up their own business. Since its launch in 2011, 3,300 businesses in Scotland have been established thanks to the NEA.

Mr Carmichael added: “It was great to visit this thriving family run business in Dundee. Across the country the New Enterprise Allowance is helping thousands of jobseeking Scots build a career and fulfil their ambitions. The great ideas of these entrepreneurs today may transform into successful Scottish companies which will be the major employers of tomorrow.”

construction workers


Scottish Government unveils jobs plan

apprenticesIndependence will equip Scotland for the first time ever with a fully-powered economic policy aimed at putting job creation in Scotland first, the Scottish Government says. Published today, A Jobs Plan for an Independent Scotland sets out a long-term, ten-point jobs plan for an independent Scotland.

The paper aims to show how, with control of economic and tax policy – ‘and – crucially – by bringing business, unions, government, and other partners together – we can build on Scotland’s strengths and create more and better job opportunities.’

The aim is to create the conditions where everyone able to work has the opportunity to do so.

Commenting on the plan, Finance Secretary John Swinney said: “Independence is a once in a lifetime chance to shift the balance of opportunity in Scotland’s favour – equipping our country with the powers we need to build secure, stable and rewarding employment for everyone who lives here.

“Independence is not a magic wand but the plan we have published today shows how future governments of an independent Scotland could tailor economic policy to put job creation first and deliver a long-term employment boost. With the right policies in place we could achieve full employment – giving our businesses a competitive edge and incentives to create more and better jobs here in Scotland.

“Few, if any, countries in the world, have the economic potential of Scotland. We have a talented and skilled workforce, world-leading universities, a modern college sector and a successful modern apprenticeship system.

“We have a strong international reputation for producing quality goods and services with notable success in sectors such as food and drink, the creative industries, life sciences and modern manufacturing.

“Our natural and energy resources are unrivalled: in 2012 we produced nearly six times our oil demand and we have huge renewable energy potential.

“With the limited powers of devolution Scotland’s economic performance has improved but far too many Scots still feel they have to leave each year to get a job or further their career.

“Of course many people will always want to travel and work elsewhere – but that must be a choice and not a requisite for those looking to succeed.

“With independence our economic policy would be tailored precisely to our own needs – for example in order to resist the gravitational pull of London, we would be able to cut the headline corporation tax rate by up three per cent which could boost employment by up to 27,000 jobs.

“The gains of independence will only happen if we work hard and use policy wisely. But what is clear is that no-one else is better placed to take decisions about the Scottish economy than the people who live, work and run businesses here.”

The Scottish Government has previously set out how improvements in productivity, employment and population could lead to additional tax revenues of £5 billion a year by 2029-30. The jobs plan will contribute to that increase by:

• Creating an education and training environment to equip our young people to fulfil their potential, with a target of 30,000 Modern Apprenticeship starts per year by 2020;

• Controlling the tax system to provide incentives for companies to base their operations and headquarters in Scotland and create jobs. A three per cent cut in the headline corporation tax rate, in part to resist the gravitational pull of London, could boost employment by 27,000 jobs;

• Using employment policy to bring together employers and unions to boost workforce participation, skills and productivity, in place of the UK Government’s confrontational approach. Boosting productivity by just 1 per cent could increase employment in Scotland by 21,000 jobs over the long term;

• Tailoring policy to boost key job-creating sectors in which Scotland has an international comparative advantage, such as renewable energy;

• Reindustrialising Scotland with a focus on strengthening manufacturing, promoting innovation and encouraging international trade and development;

• Boosting infrastructure and transport by establishing a rule which sets a minimum level for public sector capital spending as a percentage of GDP;

• Establishing a Scottish Business Development Bank as part of a strategy to improve access to finance for growth companies;

• Using a new overseas network of 70-90 embassies dedicated to boosting Scottish international exports. In the long-run a 50 per cent increase in exports could increase employment by over 100,000;

• Increasing opportunities for parents of young families to participate in the labour market by expanding childcare.

• Tailoring immigration policy to retain talented overseas students who want to contribute to the Scottish economy.

Opponents of independence argue that the ten-point plan has no credibility; they say that until the government provides an answer on what Scotland’s currency will be, then savings, pensions, mortgages, rents and jobs are at risk as the government’s economic plans are based on ‘guesswork.’

Johnstone welcomes employment tribunal pledge


despair2Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood’s economy committee, today secured a pledge from Scottish ministers that they will put pressure on the UK Government to protest at employment tribunal fees.

The Coalition introduced fees of between £160 and £1,200 a year ago. Since then there has been an 80 per cent drop in the number of cases going before tribunals.

Alison Johnstone raised the issue with Cabinet Secretary Angela Constance during Youth and Women’s Employment Questions at Holyrood today.

The Green MSP said: “Access to justice and employment rights is incredibly important. The TUC have said women have been among the biggest losers of the introduction of employment tribunal fees.

“A year down the line we see equal pay claims have dropped and sex discrimination cases are down. I don’t believe there should be any fees, and I am pleased that Scottish ministers will make representations to the UK Government.

“I support the Law Society of Scotland’s call for a review of these patently unfair charges.”

Employment tribunal fees have been a huge victory for Britain’s worst bosses, according to a new TUC report published last week to mark the one year anniversary of the new charges.

The report – What Price Justice?– shows how since the introduction of fees in July 2013 there has been a 79 per cent fall in overall claims taken to employment tribunals, with women and low-paid workers the worst affected. What Price Justice? analyses the latest Ministry of Justice statistics and reveals the following key findings:

  • Women are among the biggest losers – there has been an 80 per cent fall in the number of women pursuing sex discrimination claims. Just 1,222 women took out claims between January and March 2014, compared to 6,017 over the same period in 2013.
  • The number of women pursuing pregnancy discrimination claims is also down by over a quarter (26 per cent).
  • Race and disability claims have plummeted – during the first three months of 2014 the number of race discrimination and sexual orientation claims both fell by 60 per cent compared to the same period in 2013.
  • Disability claims have experienced a 46 per cent year-on-year reduction.
  • Workers are being cheated out of wages – there has been a 70 per cent drop in workers pursuing claims for non-payment of the national minimum wage.
  • Claims for unpaid wages and holiday pay have fallen overall by 85 per cent. The report says that many people are being put off making a claim, because the cost of going to a tribunal is often more expensive than the sum of their outstanding wages.
  • Low-paid workers are being priced out – only 24 per cent of workers who applied for financial assistance to take claims received any form of fee remittance.
  • Even workers employed on the minimum wage face fees of up to £1,200 if a member of their household has savings of £3,000.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Employment tribunal fees have been a huge victory for Britain’s worst bosses. By charging up-front fees for harassment and abuse claims the government has made it easier for bad employers to get away with the most appalling behaviour.

“Tribunal fees are part of a wider campaign to get rid of workers’ basic rights. The consequence has been to price low-paid and vulnerable people out of justice.”

Green MSP: ‘ immigration is good for our economy and society’


AlisonJohnstoneMSPAlison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood’s economy committee, is welcoming new research showing that the Westminster consensus to reduce migration risks harming the economy.

A new report by the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR) shows that a cap on migration would create an economic shortfall. NIESR warn of “a reduction in the pool of talent available to businesses.”

Earlier this year a poll for the Scottish Green MSPs showed two-thirds of Scots want Holyrood to have control over immigration policy. None of the parties campaigning for a No vote has offered to devolve it.

A recent study by the Centre for Population Change also showed that local authorities in Scotland view migrants as positive but don’t always have the resources needed to welcome them.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “This latest research supports the Green view that immigration is good for our economy and society. Our local authorities need better resources and greater control to get the best results, and Scotland needs the power to set its own policy.

“The debate being played out at Westminster, stoked by fear and hostility, bears little relation to the situation in Scotland and risks throwing away so much potential. I’m for a welcoming policy, and I want Holyrood to have the ability to secure the benefits of immigration for our communities.”

Westminster and Holyrood pledge more aid to Gaza

Greening: ‘the situation in Gaza is dire’

Police Scotland calls for demonstrators to protest ‘within the law’ 


Both the UK and the Scottish governments are to increase their aid to Gaza, it hsa been announced. The UK has announced £3 million in new funding so the World Food Programme can get emergency food to more than 300,000 people in Gaza, while Holyrood will provide a further £500,000 to aid stricken civilians there.

And as tension rises Police Scotland today warned protestors that while peaceful demonstrations are acceptable, illegal actions will not be tolerated. 

News of the increased aid comes after reports of further bloodshed in Gaza – the UN says that Israel has attacked a UN-run school housing refugees in Gaza despite warnings that civilians were there, killing fifteen people and injuring many more.

The UK is stepping up its humanitarian response to the Gaza crisis with an additional £3 million for the World Food Programme’s emergency appeal to help deal with food shortages, Prime Minister David Cameron announced today.

This £3 million boost will provide emergency food for more than 300,000 people for one month, and the latest commitment from the UK brings to £10 million the amount released to help Gaza since the latest crisis began.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said:”After more than three weeks of fighting, the death toll in Gaza is rising and more than 200,000 people, many of them children, have been displaced from their homes. We urgently need to stop the bloodshed: we continue to call for an unconditional and immediate humanitarian ceasefire to prevent any more needless suffering.

“The situation in Gaza is dire. The UK is helping to meet immediate needs, including with this latest contribution of £3 million which will get food to hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people.

“All sides must adhere to International Humanitarian Law, all feasible precautions must be taken to avoid harm to civilians, and all sides must allow aid agencies unimpeded access to get to those in desperate need.”

Displacement of families from their homes is a huge problem that is affecting more than 200,000 people at the latest count. This has a significant impact on all aspects of day-to-day life as people rely on UN shelters and aid agencies for all their needs.

Access to food is an increasing issue of concern in Gaza. The latest reports from the UN show that food shortages are being reported in Gaza, with sharp increases in the prices of certain products.

To address the humanitarian needs in Gaza the UK government is pushing for better humanitarian access so that aid agencies can get supplies and personnel into and out of Gaza and a sustainable political solution, which must include the gradual lifting of the economic restrictions.

The UK is the third biggest donor to UNRWA’s General Fund, contributing £107 million between 2011 and 2015. UNRWA is a crucial service provider to the 70 per cent of the Gazan population who are Palestinian refugees. Our support is enabling UNRWA to continue providing basic health services during this conflict through 19 of its 21 clinics.

gaza runningThe Scottish Government has also pledged more support for the beleaguered people of Gaza – it is providing half a million pounds to help people affected by the crisis, External Affairs Minister Humza Yousaf announced today.

The funding, which will be routed through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Gaza Flash Appeal, will help support the immediate needs of people in Gaza.

Mr Yousaf also reiterated his backing for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and called on the UK Government to take more urgent action with international partners to bring a cessation in violence. He also highlighted that the Scottish Government is continuing to work with relevant governments and local agencies to help some of those injured in the current conflict who might benefit most from treatment in Scotland.

Mr Yousaf said: “The escalating violence in Gaza has already caused far too many lives to be lost and people to be injured. The UN has called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and it is crucial that this is delivered.

“Rocket attacks being fired by militants in Gaza is wrong, and must stop, however, the Israeli response has been heavily disproportionate as demonstrated by the unacceptable and mounting loss of civilian life.

“There is also increasing evidence that the humanitarian situation is continuing to deteriorate and that is why the Scottish Government is providing £500,000 funding to help the United Nations provide the water, food shelter and medical assistance people in Gaza need.

“The Prime Minister has described Gaza as “an open air prison”. He and the international community must do more in order to stop any further loss of innocent lives. There must be an immediate lifting of the blockade and siege of Gaza which is tantamount to collective punishment.

“The Scottish Government has already made clear to the UK Government that we stand ready to help where we can and we have offered medical treatment in the Scottish NHS for those who would benefit from that, as well as offering to house refugees from Gaza in Scotland.

“We will continue to work with others and support efforts to help people affected, however an immediate end to the violence and lifting of the blockade are needed to resolve the situation and we will continue to press the UK Government to do more to try to achieve this.”

gaza graphicSenior police officers understand the anger caused by the conflict, but they have asked those members of the public who choose to demonstrate to keep their protests within the law.

Police Scotland’s Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, who is Edinburgh’s Divisional Commander, said today: “We are aware that ongoing issues with the Gaza conflict have understandably raised concerns within our community. There have been a number of incidents reported to Police Scotland involving people using legal and illegal means to show their frustration at the humanitarian crisis.

“We are aware that people may wish to demonstrate and we will facilitate peaceful demonstrations, balancing the needs and rights of protesters with those impacted by the event in Edinburgh and beyond. Our communities will rightly expect that we will not tolerate criminal activity and deal appropriately with anyone engaged in such acts.

“Police Scotland are committed to keeping all communities safe and will continue to work with partners to uphold the law, maintain public order and protect life and property, maintaining confidence and the high reputation of policing in Scotland.

“Police Scotland are proud of the strong links we have with our communities, our local officers will be available to communicate with businesses and community groups in order to pass on any relevant information and help alleviate any concerns.”

gaza5Yesterday marked the start of Eid,but instead of the usual day of celebration Gaza’s children woke up to an Eid marked by death and destruction, with no apparent end in sight.

Twenty one days into this conflict, children in Gaza are still paying the highest price. One in four Palestinians killed in the conflict are children, and a child is killed on average almost every hour. Instead of playing in the streets as they normally do when celebrating the end of Ramadan, thousands of children in Gaza are mourning their parents at the graveyards, hundreds are buried with their families. Instead of experiencing the joy of Eid, these children are now facing uncertainty and despair.

At least 194,000 children in Gaza now need specialised psychological support, many having witnessed family deaths, injuries and displacement.

More than 100,000 children have been displaced with their families, the majority of them in schools. A total of 130 schools have been damaged and 22 health facilities have been damaged or destroyed. For Gaza’s estimated 45,000 pregnant women of whom 5,000 have been displaced, access to maternity care is extremely restricted. Local organisations report premature births doubling because of the women’s trauma.

Thousands of explosive remnants of war are left in civilian areas in Gaza, posing a further major threat to children and their families. Save the Children and local partners are taking every opportunity to reach as many of the affected families as possible, but with no clear commitment for a ceasefire, distributing aid on the ground puts our staff at serious risk.

“Children in Gaza and Israel are paying the price of political failure,” said Save the Children’s country director David Hassell. “The international community has so far failed these children, through its inability to use all its diplomatic influence to bring about an immediate end to the bloodshed. Ending the violence, as called for by the UN Security Council, is the first and immediate priority. A sustainable solution, ensuring the wellbeing of both Palestinians and Israelis, will require agreement by the parties to long-term measures that address the legitimate grievances of Palestinians, including an end to the blockade.

“Children never start wars, yet they are the ones that are killed, maimed, traumatised and left homeless, terrified and permanently scarred.”

“Save the children will not stop until innocent children are no longer under fire and the root causes of this conflict are addressed. If the international community does not take action now, the violence against children in Gaza will haunt our generation forever.”



Gaza: ‘unacceptable, unjustified and illegal’

Lazarowicz calls for ceasefire and an end to Israeli military action

GAZA: Thousands took to the Glasgow streets to protest on Saturday
GAZA: Thousands took to the Glasgow streets to protest on Saturday

As the fighting in Gaza has continued with reports of an Israeli attack hitting a Gaza hospital with the loss of four lives, North and Leith MP Mark Lazarowicz has condemned the conduct of military action by Israel in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire in a letter to the Foreign Secretary.

The conflict has so far seen the death toll rise to well over 500, the vast majority of whom are Palestinian civilians including more than one hundred children.

In his letter to the Foreign Secretary, Mark Lazarowicz called for an immediate ceasefire to be monitored by the international community and humanitarian relief to be allowed to reach Palestinians in Gaza.

After the conflict saw its worst day yet on Sunday with the death of 100 more Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers, the local MP said: “I have written to the Foreign Secretary to urge the Government to exert pressure on Israel to end military action in Gaza and redouble efforts to bring about an immediate ceasefire.

“Like people around the world, I have been shocked by the present conflict and scenes such the bodies on a beach. I completely condemn the violence on all sides, including the rocket attacks on Israel.

“Nevertheless, the scale and conduct of the Israeli military operation is unacceptable, unjustified and illegal: in practice it is the civilian population of Gaza which is suffering its consequences.

“I am calling for an immediate internationally verified ceasefire and humanitarian relief to be allowed into Gaza to be followed by a renewed peace initiative which would see the lifting of the blockade of Gaza.”

According to OCHA (the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) the number of displaced persons now totals 84,000.

The North and Leith Labour MP went on: “I am concerned that with electricity and water supplies being affected we could face a humanitarian emergency if the fighting continues. Political engagement by the international community is vital to bring about a ceasefire with so many being forced to flee their homes.”

children-cryingThe Scottish Government has confirmed that the country ‘stands ready’ to accept Palestinian refugees.

Speaking on Saturday, External Affairs Minister Humza Yousaf said: “The start of a ground offensive is a serious and worrying development. The lives lost in this conflict are individual human tragedies and the killing of innocent civilians, be they Palestinian or Israeli, is to be utterly condemned. The rocket attacks on Israel are unacceptable and should stop, as should the Israeli offensive in Gaza, which is heavily disproportionate, as demonstrated by the mounting civilian death toll.

“As a Government we continue to call for a complete cessation to all violence and add our voice to those in the international community for an immediate, longer term ceasefire, and that both sides in this conflict put an end to the violence that is causing so many civilian deaths and injuries.

“The worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza has been well documented and the UN now estimates that over 18,000 people have been internally displaced. I have today written to the Home Secretary and told her that Scotland would be willing to accept Palestinian refugees and urged the UK to also play a part in easing the refugee crisis in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

“It is essential that the UN should be allowed to independently investigate all civilian deaths to determine whether there has been any violation of international law.

“Our offer of medical assistance to help the humanitarian situation still stands and we are currently in dialogue with the appropriate Governments and agencies to assess whether Scotland can give specialist medical help to civilians caught up in the conflict should should this prove possible.

“The Scottish Government also believes that the continuation of the blockade in Gaza is exacerbating the suffering experienced by the people there and tantamount to collective punishment. For that reason I recently wrote to the UK Government to exert further pressure on the Israeli Government to bring that blockade to an end.”

UK Aid Shelter Kits and Water Containers are loaded for shipmentThe UK government yesterday announced the UK will provide more than £5 million in emergency support to help tens of thousands of people affected by the violence in Gaza.

This includes £2 million in new funding announced by Prime Minister David Cameron for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) Flash Appeal, which will provide emergency assistance to more than 84,000 people who have been driven out of their homes.

A further £3 million in funding will be brought forward to help the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) respond to the worsening situation and funding will also be reallocated to help rebuild UNRWA schools that are being used as shelters.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: “The escalation in violence has had a devastating impact on civilians. More than 500 Palestinians are now reported to have been killed with at least 83 children among the dead and more than 100,000 people have had to flee their homes.

“This new support from the UK will provide lifesaving food, shelter and clean water to those in desperate need as a result of the fighting. We must see an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire to prevent further civilian loss of life, followed by a return to peaceful negotiations.”

The UK Government has said that all sides must adhere to International Humanitarian Law and humanitarian supplies must be allowed to reach people in need. The security of both Israelis and Palestinians remains paramount, but restrictions that damage the economy and prospects for ordinary people in Gaza must be eased. A prosperous and stable Gaza is firmly in Israel’s security interests.



Employment up in Scotland

jobcentre (3)In a rare outbreak of agreement, both Westminster and Holyrood governments welcomed the latest employment figures published today. However Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said the figures show the Westminster government is making the right choices for Scotland, while Finance Secretary John Swinney countered that Scotland would perform even better with the full powers of independence.

Employment in Scotland has increased by 12,000 over the three months from March to May, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) data released today. The number in employment in Scotland now stands at 2,587,000.

Unemployment in Scotland increased by 13,000, to 192,000 in the period March to May 2014. The Scottish unemployment rate is 6.9 per cent, which is above the 6.5 per cent for whole of the UK.

Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said: “We have seen positive developments over the year as a whole with 76,000 more Scots in employment and 13,000 fewer in unemployment. In June alone, the number of people claiming JSA fell by 4,000 and is now 35,500 lower compared to one year ago. Claimant count is now below 100,000 and at its lowest level since December 2008.

“Today’s news reminds us we need to continue creating the right conditions to get people into jobs. While it is disappointing to see unemployment rise at any time, the news comes against a backdrop of record overall employment, female employment and record private sector employment. The number of economically active people in Scotland is rising and the number of Scots claiming unemployment has now fallen for 16 consecutive months.

“This Government is making the right choices for a stable, growing economy and the jobs that come with it – those are the best choices for Scotland and the people who live here.”

Headline Statistics for the March to May 2014 quarter:

  • Employment in Scotland increased by 12,000 over the quarter, and increased by 76,000 over the year, to stand at 2,587,000
  • The Scottish employment rate remained unchanged over the quarter to 73.3 per cent. The rate is just above the UK average of 73.1 per cent
  • Unemployment in Scotland increased by 13,000 over the quarter and fell by 13,000 over the year. The level now stands at 192,000
  • At 6.9 per cent, the Scots unemployment rate is above the 6.5 per cent for the UK as a whole
  • Economic Activity increased by 25,000 over the quarter and now stands at 2,779,000. Also, the Economic Activity rate increased over the quarter to stand at 78.8 per cent
  • In June 2014, the number of people out of work and claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) was 96,000

Responding to the latest labour market and GDP figures Finance Secretary John Swinney said: ““Today’s figures mark an important stage in our recovery.

“These positive output figures show that Scotland’s economy continues to go from strength to strength with growth of 1.0 per cent over the quarter and 2.6 per cent over the year – the fastest annual growth in over three years.

“Nearly six years on from the start of the financial crisis, our economy is now larger than before the downturn. Output in Scotland is at record levels and we have exceeded our pre-recession peak at least one quarter ahead of the UK.

“Over the last quarter the improvement in our economy has been broad-based with welcome signs of growth in manufacturing which was up 3.4 per cent and services which account for over 70 per cent of our economy up 0.9 per cent.

“Today’s output figures are supported by new labour market data which show employment has reached a new record in Scotland with our economic activity rate also hitting a record high.

“As the economy recovers more people are moving from inactivity into the labour market to look for employment. With this boost to economic activity it is not surprising that both employment and unemployment have risen over the quarter – albeit unemployment is still down over the year.

“These figures support the emerging body of evidence which all point to the recovery in Scotland continuing to gather momentum.

“Monday’s Bank of Scotland’s PMI survey indicated that private sector activity in Scotland expanded for the 21st consecutive month in June whilst the Fraser of Allander, ITEM Club and PWC have all revised up their forecasts for growth this year.

“There can be no doubt that Scotland has the economic potential to be an independent country. With the full powers of independence we could do more to get people into work, ensure everyone in Scotland is able to benefit from our national wealth and give employers access to the skills they need to grow their business strengthening our economy and creating jobs.”

Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment Angela Constance added: “While today’s figures show growth in Scotland’s economy, our ambition is to do better than to simply return to pre-recession levels of economic performance.

“It is encouraging that female employment continues to increase markedly with a higher employment rate than the rest of the UK.

“Although we continue to do better than the UK in terms of employment rates amongst young people and 90 per cent of school leavers are in positive destinations, our youth unemployment rate remains too high.

“This is why we support the principle outlined in the report last month by the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, that links between schools, colleges and employers can be strengthened, to be more aligned to student and business needs.”