Healthy Tip: Women’s Heart Health

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Tip: Women’s Heart Health

It’s International Women’s Day on 8th March and we want to take the opportunity to talk about women’s heart health. Heart disease is not just a man’s disease; 23,000 women die from coronary heart disease (CHD) every year in the UK, which is double the number of women who die from breast cancer.

This week’s healthy tip aims to inspire women to make positive lifestyle changes to support their heart health. 

Get tested 

Knowing your cholesterol and blood pressure levels is important for understanding your risk of CHD. 

Even if you feel completely healthy, it’s important to have these tested and then make healthy lifestyle changes to support your heart. If you’re aged between 40 and 74 years, you can request blood pressure and cholesterol tests as part of your free NHS health check. 

Prioritise yourself 

As women, we often take care of everyone else and fail to look after ourselves. If you have a responsibility for caring for others, you need to be healthy to do this and it’s important to prioritise your own health and wellbeing.

This might look like planning a balanced, nutritious meal for yourself rather than eating on-the-go or, if you’re a parent, filling up on the kids’ leftovers. It could look like taking some time out to do something that really relaxes you and reduces your stress levels. 


A woman’s risk of CHD increases as a result of the menopause. If you’re a woman of menopausal age, pay particular attention to consuming calcium rich foods, such as low-fat milk and yoghurt, fortified plant-based milks, cheese, kale and small fish (including the bones).

You can also support your cardiovascular system by consuming heart-healthy fats from unsalted nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocado and oily fish, such as salmon and sardines.

If you want to learn more about this subject, please have a look at our HER disease campaign. 

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Healthy Tip: Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Tip: Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight has many health benefits and reduces your risk of heart and circulatory diseases. When we consume more calories than our body needs, we store the excess as fat. The two fat types we want to reduce in order to lose weight and improve heart health are subcutaneous fat (the fat under the skin) and visceral fat (the fat around our waist and abdominal organs).

While it is a good idea to weigh yourself to track progress, we encourage you to focus on the lifestyle and health behaviours you can adopt, rather than obsessing over the numbers on the scales.

Below we outline three such behaviours that promote weight loss that you can start doing straight away: 

Move more 

Taking part in physical activity makes our body use more calories; the more we move, the more calories our body uses.

To lose weight, we need a calorie deficit, meaning we consume fewer calories than our body uses, this promotes weight loss and it’s why exercise is an important factor for losing weight.

For ideas on how to increase your activity levels, read the Healthy Tip on sustainable daily movement

Eat protein 

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient, meaning it makes you feel full. Make sure you include a protein source at every meal.

Healthy low-fat options include white fish, skinless chicken and turkey, beans, lentils, eggs, tofu and low-fat dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt). Adults should aim to consume at least 0.75g of protein per kg of bodyweight per day, on average this is 56g of protein for men and 45g for women, but check your body weight to work out your recommended intake. 

Avoid UPF’s 

UPF’s or ultra-processed foods are food products that usually contain long lists of ingredients and couldn’t be made at home in your own kitchen. Examples include carbonated soft drinks, pre-packaged snacks, cakes, biscuits, and instant soups/noodles.

While eating these foods occasionally isn’t necessarily a problem, many of these types of foods are specifically manufactured to make you want to eat more of them.

The calories per portion may be low, but you may find yourself more likely to overeat these foods in comparison to homecooked alternatives. Try cooking meals and snacks from scratch at home as much as possible. 

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Healthy Heart Tip: We Love Fibre

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: We Love Fibre

In this week’s Healthy Tip, we show our affection for fibre (it is nearly Valentine’s Day after all) and discuss why it is such an important part of a healthy diet. We also give you some ideas on how you can increase the fibre content of your food intake.

Most of us know that fibre prevents constipation, but did you know that eating a high fibre diet can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke? Fibre is found in the plants we eat, such as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, beans and nuts. We dig a little deeper into fibre below.

A high fibre diet

Adults should aim to consume 30g of fibre per day, yet the average fibre intake for adults in the UK is 18g – only 60% of the recommended daily intake. Diets that contain 30g or more of fibre per day are considered ‘high fibre diets’.

Try tracking your consumption for a few days to understand how much you’re eating and come up with a plan to eat more if needed. When reading food labels, a food is considered high fibre if it contains at least 6g of fibre per 100g. Opt for these foods where possible.

Fibre for a healthy gut

We tend to think about bacteria as harmful, however there are many bacteria that are good for our health, and lots of these live in our digestive systems. Did you know the number of bacteria living in your gut is almost ten times more than the number of cells you have in your body?

The good news is, many of these bacteria use fibre as food and it keeps them healthy, which in turn keeps you healthy. Make sure you eat a variety of different fibre-rich foods to feed the good bacteria and keep your gut happy.

Increase your intake

Aim to slowly increase your intake of fibre to at least 30g per day to help protect against cardiovascular disease and stroke. It’s a good idea to do this gradually to avoid any unpleasant symptoms such as bloating.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids (6-8 glasses per day) when adding more fibre to your diet to keep everything moving nicely through your digestive system. See the chart above for some ideas to increase the fibre content of your usual meals.

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Healthy Heart Tip: Sustainable Physical Activity

Healthy Heart Tip: Sustainable Physical Activity

It’s well known that exercise helps keep us healthy, yet around 34% of men and 42% of women don’t do enough physical activity. Regular physical activity reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 35% and it is something we should all be aiming to achieve.

The key word is ‘regular’, while trying new activities which increase our physical activity levels temporarily are of benefit, we need to find ways to incorporate movement and regular physical activity into our daily routines.

Here are some tips that might help:

Make a commitment

Committing to a weekly exercise class (or multiple) can help you stay active when motivation drops. If attending a paid class isn’t an option, ask a few local friends or neighbours if they want to form an exercise group with you.

Set aside the same time each week to be active together, this could be something as simple as going for a walk or jog. The main thing is the commitment, having a set time scheduled into your week makes it easier to hit your activity goals.

Identify opportunities

Day to day life usually presents opportunities for us to move more, but in today’s modern world we find lifts and escalators in most places with stairs, and it has become the norm to drive rather than walk.

Look at your weekly activities and determine ways you can be more active while going about your day-to-day duties. This could be taking the stairs in a shopping centre or parking a little further away from work and walking the rest of the way.

Know how much

Adults should aim to do 150 minutes of physical activity every week, which is 20-30 minutes a day. Other activities such as cleaning and gardening can count towards our movement goals.

Don’t just think about sweating in a gym and let that put you off, reframe even the most mundane activities like hoovering and appreciate them for helping us to stay healthy.

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Healthy Heart Tip: Healthy Hearty Soups

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Healthy Hearty Soups

Soups are great for lunch or dinner, or even as a snack between meals in a mug. When planned properly, soups can be a healthy, balanced meal and be a great way to increase your intake of vegetables. They’re usually a low cost per portion, great to make in bulk and convenient to warm up in a hurry or take out and about in a flask.

We’ve outlined some tips for building a balanced, nutrient-dense soup below:


A great soup starts with a tasty base. Sautéed onions, celery and garlic make a wonderful starter for most soups.

Next select your stock, homemade is best and the most cost effective as you can make it from leftover meat bones and vegetables. Shop-bought stock cubes can be high in added salt and sugar so if you are using these make sure you choose a low-salt and low-sugar variety or leave it out altogether.

You can use herbs and spices to add depth of flavour.


White potatoes, sweet potatoes, wholewheat noodles/pasta, and brown rice are all great options for adding to soup.

They provide a healthy source of carbohydrates to give you the energy you need to fuel your body.


All vegetables work well in soups, try choosing ones you wouldn’t usually eat to increase the variety in your diet.

Butternut squash, parsnips, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli are great options.


Protein is often forgotten in soups, but it is an important nutrient for growth and repair in the body. It also helps us feel fuller for longer which can help us maintain a healthy weight.

Healthy sources of protein include chicken, turkey, fish and low-fat cheeses. Plant based options such as different varieties of lentils and beans are healthful options, and these are a cheap option for bulking up soups.

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Healthy Heart Tip: Plant-Based Diets for Heart Health

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Plant Based Diets for Heart Health

This January many people will be challenging themselves to go plant-based in support of Veganuary, a month-long campaign aimed at encouraging people to try out a vegan diet.

A vegan diet consists of only food coming from plants and eliminates any animal-based foods such as milk, eggs, meat, and cheese. Adopting a more plant-based diet comes with many health benefits.

Specifically in relation to heart health, vegan diets tend to be higher in fibre and lower in saturated fat, which has a positive impact on cholesterol levels.

Here we outline some ways you can eat more plant-based every day, not just January:

Include fruits and vegetables at breakfast

Making sure we consistently get our minimum of five fruits and vegetables every day can be quite difficult if we don’t consume at least one portion with every meal. Start the day off right by including a portion at breakfast.

This could look like adding mushrooms to your scrambled eggs or including a banana alongside your porridge. Just make a conscious effort to tick off one of your five a day at breakfast.

Plan snacks around plants

Regardless of what diet you follow, everyone can benefit from eating more plants. A great way to do this is to plan your snacks around fruits and vegetables.

Carrot, cucumber, pepper, sugar snap peas and edamame beans make great vegetable snacks; pair them with some hummus or a homemade low-fat yoghurt and mint dip.

Any fruit works well as a snack and most pair nicely with a few teaspoons of almond or peanut butter to make a more substantial snack.

Eat plant-based, protein-rich foods

If the thought of a bean chilli or lentil spaghetti bolognese doesn’t appeal to you, simply make your usual ones but try adding in a tin of beans or lentils while its cooking. They will add more fibre to your meal, helping you stay full for longer, and reduce the amount of saturated fat you are consuming (providing you eat your usual portion size).

An added bonus is beans and lentils are much cheaper than buying meat, so you can bulk up your meals and make them go further at a fraction of the cost.

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Healthy Tip: Beat the Winter Blues

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Beat the Winter Blues

Blue Monday takes place on the third Monday of January, which falls on Monday 16th this year. It is coined the most miserable day of the year due to various factors such as bad weather, debt following the expense of Christmas and failing to stick to those new years resolutions you may have made early January.

Winter, in general, can feel more doom and gloom than the brighter, warmer seasons. Here we share some top tips for beating the winter blues while prioritising your heart health:

Outdoor movement

It can be tempting to stay indoors during the colder months, when the weather isn’t as nice and the days are dull and uninviting, resulting in us being less active.

Getting outside even for a short time, moving, and exposing our eyes to some natural daylight (even if it isn’t very bright) can instantly lift our mood. Try going for a daily walk or run, wrap up in appropriate clothing and get your heart pumping.

Prioritise a healthy diet

A healthy diet can boost your mood, help you maintain a healthy weight and give you more energy. Concentrate on including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain carbohydrates such as wholewheat pasta, bread and brown rice and lean meats such as chicken and turkey.

Aim to eat two portions of fish each week, including one oily fish such as salmon, sardines, trout or mackerel. It can be helpful to opt for meals you can cook in a slow cooker, so you can prep them in the morning when your motivation is high, and they are ready when you’re tired at the end of the day.

Revisit your new year’s goals

If you have fallen off the ‘bandwagon’ with your new year’s resolutions, don’t beat yourself up about it. Creating new healthy habits and changing old, less-healthy ones takes time.

You are in a better position now than you were before you initially set your goals, as you now have some meaningful insight into what went wrong. Set your goals again and put things in place to support you where you fell off track last time.

We have a healthy tip on Setting Effective Goals here which may help.

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Healthy Tip: Setting Effective Goals for Your Health

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Setting Effective Goals for Your Health
January marks the start of a new year and it is a good time to evaluate the current state of your health.

Many of us use the new year to set health related goals, which often include stopping a bad habit or introducing a new healthy one.

However, a goal without a plan is just a dream and it is worth spending some time to set effective goals if you want to make positive strides towards better health in 2023. Here we outline some tips to set effective goals.

Make them SMART

SMART goals are:

SPECIFIC: ‘Eat healthier’ sounds like a good idea, but what does that look like for you specifically? It could be eating five portions of fruits and vegetables a day or increasing the amount of water you drink to two litres. Whatever it is, make it as specific as possible.

MEASURABLE: Set goals that are trackable and allow you to measure your success. For example, a goal to reduce your alcohol consumption is hard to quantify, but a goal to limit your alcohol consumption to three drinks a week is measurable.

ATTAINABLE: It can be tempting to set huge goals when we are feeling really inspired, however, it is important to think realistically and set goals that you can actually achieve. For someone who has never run before and doesn’t have a good level of fitness, setting a goal to run a marathon may be a bit of a stretch.

RELEVANT: Make the goal align with your values and longer-term health goals. Why is this goal important to you and what impact will it have on your health if it isn’t achieved?

TIME-BOUND: An effective goal has an end date, when will you achieve this goal by? Planning to stop smoking by 1st August 2023 is a time-bound goal. It enables you to plan what steps you need to take to achieve it by the end date.

Track your progress

It’s a good idea to write your goals down on paper or in a journal and keep track of your progress. You could break down the year by quarters and plan what you want to have achieved in relation to each goal by the end of every quarter.

For example, by the end of quarter one (January through March) you will have achieved consistently drinking one litre of water a day and by the end of quarter two (April through June) you will have achieved consistently drinking two litres a day. 

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A Budget Healthy Christmas

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: A Budget Healthy Christmas

Are you feeling the pinch as we head into the festive season? If you answered yes, you are not alone. According to data from the Office of National Statistics, food and non-alcoholic drink prices are increasing at the fastest pace since 1980, and prices have risen by 14.6% over the year leading to September 2022.

With the increase in prices, it can feel more difficult to maintain a heart healthy diet. Here we share some tips for budget friendly and healthy eating this Christmas.

Make a plan

It’s easy to get caught up in the festive fever and buy more food and drink than needed. Lots of us are guilty of panic buying in the days leading up to Christmas out of fear we may not have enough to feed everyone, which leads to lots of waste.

The key here is to make a detailed plan in advance and stick to it.

You could even start buying a few non-perishable items now, to spread the cost over the coming weeks.

Skip the turkey

“But it won’t feel like Christmas without a turkey!” We hear you, but bear with us. Turkeys can be very expensive and the truth is they are fairly comparable to chicken in terms of nutrients and taste.

Why not skip the turkey this year and opt for a chicken (I bet nobody will even notice!) or try a plant-based Christmas showstopper such as a whole roasted cauliflower or nut roast, both of which will save you a few pounds.

Ask guests to bring a dish

If you are hosting Christmas dinner this year, don’t be afraid to ask those attending to chip in and bring a dish with them. Not only will it help spread the cost around, but it will also mean a less stressful day for you, only having to focus on a few dishes.

Many starters, desserts and cheeseboards are easy to transport and don’t require hearing, so get some help with these. If you aren’t hosting but are attending as a guest, reach out now and ask what dish you can bring.

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To help keep your heart healthy, why not try out some of our Healthy Heart recipes from our website:

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Healthy Tip: Your Heart & Staying Warm This Winter

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Your Heart & Staying Warm This Winter 

During the winter months the risk of having a heart attack or stroke increases. It is important to know what the risks are and to put measures in place to ensure you and your family stay safe.

A drop in environmental temperature reduces your body temperature and the heart must work harder to keep you warm which increases your heart rate. In addition, in cold weather, blood vessels contract to minimise heat loss, which increases blood pressure.

While this is a natural process, it can be a cause for concern in those who are more vulnerable such as adults over 65, those with long-term health conditions, and those who are overweight and live less healthy lifestyles.

With the cost of living increasing and energy prices inflated in comparison to previous years, relying on your heating to keep toasty and warm this winter might not be an option for everyone. It is important to keep warm both inside and outside of your home and do what you can to support your heart health over winter.

Here we outline some practical and cost-effective ways to protect your heart and stay warm this winter:

Staying warm indoors

Reduce the impact of the cold weather by keeping your house heated to a minimum of 18°C, use your thermostat to ensure the inside temperature doesn’t drop below this. Make yourself regular hot meals and drinks, you could set an alarm for every hour to remind you to get up and make a cuppa.

Warming, winter soups are a great idea in the winter, opt for these and warming stews for meals rather than something cold like a sandwich. Try some at home exercises to warm your core body temperature or consider a seated pedal exerciser to keep your legs moving, which will help keep you warm while seated.

You could buddy up with another household to reduce your heating bills, have a day at your house and then the next day go to theirs – you could even share the cooking!

Staying warm outdoors

On really cold days, it is better to stay indoors if you fall into the vulnerable categories, but on milder winter days make sure you use layers to keep warm when outside and don’t forget your hat, gloves, and scarf.

It is better to be overdressed and have to remove layers than find yourself cold when far from home. Plan respite stops when out and about, by nipping into a friend’s house for a hot drink or making use of low-cost offers from supermarkets and cafes for vulnerable age groups.

For example, Asda have announced they are offering soup, bread and unlimited hot drinks to over 60’s throughout November and December this year, have a look at local options like this near you.

If you opt for outdoor walks to remain active, keep these up through winter when the weather allows (wrapping up for the occasion) as we know regular exercise keeps our heat healthy.

Nourish your heart from the inside

Reduce your risk of heart disease by eating a healthy diet. During the winter months it can be tempting to reach for less healthy, comfort foods, but making sure we continue to eat well can protect our heart.

Prioritise eating lots of fibre rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, oats and wholegrain foods like brown rice and pasta. Choose lean meats and fish, including one portion of oily fish per week (such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout).

Avoid consuming too much saturated fat by opting for low-fat dairy products and cooking with heart-healthy olive oil. Be mindful of how much alcohol you are consuming and look at stopping smoking if this is relevant, as both are risk factors for cardiovascular illness.

Being aware of the risk factors for heart health during the colder months is key for keeping yourself and your family safe. Be sure to check in on vulnerable relatives or neighbours as it is harder for elderly people to regulate their own body temperature. If you have some to spare, you could consider dropping off a warming meal to a vulnerable person or inviting them round for a meal.

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