Healthy Heart Tip: Back to Basics

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Back to Basics

12th of July is National Simplicity Day in the UK, and in honour of the day dedicated to simple living, this healthy tip takes heart health back to the basics.

Our health, the food we eat and the exercise we do (or don’t do) are hot topics and it can feel overwhelming and far from simple.

In this week’s healthy tip, we are stripping back the noise and detailing a few easy things we can all start doing from today for a healthy heart.

Mediterranean diet

This way of eating emphasises eating lots of plant-based foods and healthy fats and can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, wholegrains (brown rice, wholemeal bread etc), nuts and seeds and extra virgin olive oil. Eat moderate amounts of fish (especially omega-3 rich fish like salmon) and dairy products. Eat little meat (opt for lean chicken and turkey), sweets, sugary drinks, and processed foods.

30 minutes of exercise

Exercise for 30 minutes at least five days a week. Adults should be active for 150 minutes a week and you can break this up however you like.

Start small if you need to. If you don’t currently have an exercise routine, a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week will significantly impact your heart health for the better.

Alcohol & smoking

If you smoke, seek support and work with a professional to help you stop. There is support available so be sure to ask for help. Drinking small amounts of alcohol is unlikely to cause serious consequences alongside a healthy lifestyle, but heavy drinking is a big risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

The NHS recommends drinking no more than 14 units of alcohol a week spread over three or more days, but also state that there is no completely safe level of drinking so skip the alcohol where possible.

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for weekly healthy tips at:

Cost of living crisis impacts mental health of 2 in 3 over-40s, finds UK Care Guide workforce research

Research* from the UK Care Guide has found startling levels of stress amongst the workforce aged 40 and over, with over two thirds (67%) reporting increased levels of stress thanks to the cost of living crisis.

The survey, based on the data of 1487 respondents, found that a huge 72% directly attributed their increased levels of stress to the tightening of household budgets as a result of the cost of living crisis.

While work-related factors were a major cause, half of the respondents also identified personal and family-related factors as sources of stress.

Saq Hussain of UK Care Guide commented: “Our latest UK Care Guide research reveals a worrying surge in stress levels among UK workers aged 40 and over in the face of the cost of living crisis.

“This issue cuts deeper than just affecting productivity at work. It’s intruding into individuals’ personal lives, straining relationships and fundamentally undermining their mental wellbeing.

“Amidst these challenges, it’s commendable that almost half of those surveyed have adopted some form of coping mechanism to manage their stress levels. However, the glaring outlier is the lowly 20% looking for professional mental health support. This number signifies not only a potential stigma around seeking mental health assistance, but also perhaps hints at the lack of easily accessible mental health services.

“Our findings highlight an urgent call to action for employers, healthcare organisations, and policy-makers alike. There is a pressing need to not only address the root causes of workplace stress but also to create a supportive environment that promotes mental health resources and empowers individuals to effectively manage their stress levels without fear of stigma.”

For more information on the survey, please email: 

First Collection Centre for Unrelated Blood Stem Cell Donors opens in Edinburgh

Blood Cancer Charity DKMS and Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service partner to bring accessibility and awareness to Scotland

DKMS, a global non-profit organisation dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and other blood disorders, has announced its partnership with the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) to open the first collection centre for unrelated blood stem cells donors in Scotland.

This landmark initiative will significantly enhance the availability and accessibility of life-saving blood stem cell transplants for patients in Scotland and beyond.

The partnership between DKMS and SNBTS marks a crucial milestone in the battle against blood cancer, ensuring that patients in Scotland have a better chance of finding a matching blood stem cell donor.

By establishing the new collection centre, DKMS and SNBTS aim to raise awareness about the importance of becoming a registered blood stem cell donor and encourage more people to join the donor registry.

Blood stem cell transplantation is a life-saving treatment for patients suffering from blood cancers and other blood disorders.

For many patients, the step of finding a matching donor can be a challenging and time-sensitive process. The collaboration between DKMS and SNBTS will help alleviate many obstacles by providing the first dedicated facility for collecting blood stem cells from unrelated donors in the country, increasing the chances of finding a suitable match for patients in need.

Helen Kelly, Head of Projects and Operations at DKMS, said: “We are delighted to be working with SNBTS. This initiative will support more donors being able to donate their stem cells in Scotland, reducing the barriers of extensive travel and time off work. This collaboration will give more people with blood cancer and blood disorders a second chance at life”.

The collection centre is staffed by trained professionals and equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring a seamless and efficient process for donors.

 “There is a clearly defined need for this important facility to open in Scotland. As the expert in blood, platelet, plasma and cell collection, SNBTS has transferrable expertise to support the collection of stem cells from unrelated donors,” said Dr Lynn Manson, SNBTS Clinical Lead for Therapeutic Apheresis Services at the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service.

“An Edinburgh facility will reduce the travel time required for donors and help to ensure stem cell donations are available when needed. We are pleased to have been involved in this important project, and I’d like to thank all staff and donors involved.”

The collection centre aims to be able to support all Scottish donors, allowing around 100 donors a year to be assessed and their donations collected locally. DKMS’s goal, with the support of SNBTS, is to provide a matching donor for every patient in need of a blood stem cell transplant.

To achieve this, DKMS actively engages with the public, healthcare professionals, and community organisations to raise awareness about the importance of becoming a blood stem cell donor and encourage eligible individuals to register.

By expanding the donor pool, this initiative aims to improve the odds of finding a matching donor for every patient in Scotland and beyond.

Dobbies team members in Edinburgh won’t miss a beat with new lifesaving CPR training

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre retailer, has rolled out a potentially lifesaving defibrillator and CPR training programme in Edinburgh supporting the British Heart Foundation (BHF), to help improve survival rates from cardiac arrest.  

There are more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the UK each year, but less than one in ten people survive, often because those around them don’t have the skills or confidence to perform CPR.   

Now to help save more lives, Dobbies’ 4,000 team members across all 76 of its stores, including Edinburgh, and its Central Support Office are being encouraged to complete RevivR – the BHF’s online tool which teaches vital CPR skills for free in just 15 minutes – and all that is needed is a mobile phone and a firm cushion to practice on.   

RevivR shows how to recognise a cardiac arrest, gives feedback on chest compressions and outlines the correct steps of using a defibrillator, giving anyone the confidence to help in the ultimate medical emergency.  

The retailer has also committed to registering all of its 77 defibrillators, one in each store and Central Support Office, on The Circuit2, the national defibrillator network, which connects defibrillators to NHS ambulance services across the UK. This ensures in those crucial moments after a cardiac arrest, they can be accessed quickly to help save lives. 

Paul Green, Head of People Experience, at Dobbies, said: “We are proud to be working with the British Heart Foundation on this important initiative, which we hope will help save lives.

“We want to enable all our team at the Edinburgh store to learn CPR and to know how simple defibrillators are to use. We are committed to creating a safe environment for our customers and our team, and I am proud to celebrate this landmark moment for our stores.” 

Dr Charmaine Griffiths, Chief Executive of the British Heart Foundation said: “A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time and it could happen to someone you love.

“Knowing what to do in those vital moments could mean the difference between life and death. We want to thank Dobbies for their support and for working with us to make sure even more people have the skills they need to save a life.” 

To find out more about RevivR please visit:  

Visit TheCircuit.UK for more information or to register your defibrillator.   

Summer health advice from NHS24

It’s summer!  ☀️

We have some health advice to keep you and your loved ones well over the summer months.

Need advice on …
👩‍⚕️ Medicine and first aid?
💊Prescribed medicine and travel?
🍗BBQ food preparation advice?
🧼Avoiding bugs and germs outdoors?
🤕Bumps, bruises and other accidents?
🥵Heat related illnesses?

Check out our summer resources on NHS inform!

Princess Royal officially opens New Sick Kids Hospital

NHS Lothian welcomed HRH The Princess Royal to officially open the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP) and Department of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN) at Little France yesterday.

Offering world-class facilities for both children and adults, the building first opened its doors in July 2020, with all services transferred to the new space by March 2021.

The Royal Hospital for Children and Young People delivers local, regional and national services in some of the most modern and best-designed healthcare facilities in the world. The children’s hospital is physically connected to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh meaning that paediatric care, specialist neonatal care, neurosciences and both Emergency Departments are now all on the same site.

This reduces the need for emergency transfers between hospitals and ensures that clinical teams can share skills and expertise for the benefit of all patients.

The expert teams in Neuroscience are made up of a range of specialists, neurologists and neurosurgeons who treat people with disorders of the nervous system, such as problems affecting the brain and spinal cord, and the nerves and muscles in the rest of the body.

NHS Lothian’s Department of Clinical Neurosciences treats patients from the Borders, Dumfries & Galloway, Forth Valley and Fife as well as Lothian. It covers a population of 1.6 million across these areas, while for some specialist services it covers the 2.8 million people living on the east side of Scotland.

During the visit, HRH The Princess Royal enjoyed a tour of some of the building, meeting with staff and patients. Within the Dalhousie Ward at RHCYP, she heard about the important role Play Teams have in enabling children to be children even when in hospital and enjoyed some magic tricks performed by Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity funded magician Tricky Ricky. 6-year-old patient Harper presented Her Royal Highness with a posy of flowers to thank her for visiting.

Within the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, HRH The Princess Royal learnt more about the investigative work of our Neurophysiology Department and observed an EMG, a diagnostic procedure to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them (motor neurons).

The Princess Royal met with staff from the Neurosurgery and Neurology Departments before visiting the Neurorehabilitation Ward, to learn more about the work of NHS Lothian’s Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Speech and Language Therapists in supporting patients to return home, to re-learn basic tasks and to regain their confidence.

Calum Campbell, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian said, “We are delighted to have welcomed HRH The Princess Royal to officially open the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People and Department of Clinical Neurosciences.

“These healthcare facilities combine excellent architectural design, one of the UK’s largest Art and Therapeutic Design programmes and the latest clinical thinking and technology. Added to this are our amazing, dedicated and expert staff who deliver exceptional patient care day in, day out.

“The COVID pandemic may have delayed our official opening event, however we are delighted that on the 75th anniversary of the NHS, HRH The Princess Royal could join us, as together we celebrate.”

As well as welcoming HRH The Princess Royal to the hospital, a range of special activities, organised in collaboration with NHS Lothian’s charity partners, and designed to mark the official opening took place yesterday (5 July).

This included an indoor garden party with giant games, information stalls run by all charity partners including Kindred, Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity, NHS Lothian Charity and Ronald McDonald House, a special ‘Cuddle Station’ featuring regular Therapet doggy visitors and refreshments. Staff, patients and their families were invited to join the celebrations.

Further investment in cancer support services

£9 million extension of partnership to help patients

A partnership to support cancer patients and their families to deal with the financial, emotional and physical health effects of the disease is to be extended with a further investment of £9 million.

The programme looks to ensure that everyone affected by cancer in Scotland has access to a specialist key support worker. This means clinicians have more time to offer direct medical and clinical support to patients.

Over the next three years, it is anticipated there will be a gradual increase in access to the service, with a minimum of 14,000 new cancer diagnoses accessing it each year.

The Scottish Government has been working in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support to improve the service offered to those affected by cancer through the Transforming Cancer Care Programme (TCC). This partnership – the first of its kind in the UK – began under the 2016 Cancer Strategy and has seen £18 million invested to date.

The Scottish Government has agreed to continue the partnership and provide an additional three years of funding for the Improving the Cancer Journey services. Each partner will invest an additional £4.5 million.

Making the announcement ahead of a visit to NHS Forth Valley to celebrate the NHS 75th anniversary, First Minister Humza Yousaf said: ““Our recently published Cancer Strategy and Action Plan places an emphasis on person-centred care for all and supporting the mental health of cancer patients and their families.

“We have committed to launch the final Improving the Cancer Journey service, in partnership with Macmillan, over the next three years. We will also commit to spreading this successful model to all areas in Scotland over the coming year.

“This will see an additional £9 million of joint investment and ensure that everyone diagnosed with cancer in Scotland has access to a key support worker. It will be of great benefit to patients while also easing pressure on the NHS by freeing up clinicians.”

Janice Preston, Head of Partnerships at Macmillan Cancer Support in Scotland, said: “The Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) Services are available for anyone affected by cancer.

“By the end of 2024, everyone in Scotland who needs support will have the chance to talk to an ICJ practitioner who will help individuals to identify their needs and access expert support, from benefits advice to emotional support – whatever they might need.

“This is a unique service for people affected by cancer that helps to reduce pressure on the NHS and is making a really positive difference to people living with cancer and their families. Since 2014, these vital, non-medical services have already helped over 18,500 people and this money will mean they can keep on transforming cancer support across Scotland.

“We are excited that, through our partnership with the Scottish Government, another £9 million is being made available to ensure people can continue to get this help for another three years.”

The roll out of the Improving the Cancer Journey model to every Health & Social Care Partnership follows 4 key principles:

o    100% of adults diagnosed with cancer, within agreed criteria, will be invited or referred to an ICJ service to speak to a specialist practitioner.

o    An ICJ practitioner with the service user will complete a Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) and generate a care plan to meet the needs identified.

o    Local community assets will be identified and utilised to support the service user in meeting their needs.

o    The service user will be followed up by the ICJ practitioner in the community to monitor progress with agreed actions.

Healthy Heart Tip: Can chocolate be healthy?

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Can chocolate be healthy?

The 7th of July marks World Chocolate Day and we are taking the opportunity to talk about one of the nation’s favourite snacks!

Many of us are fond of this creamy confectionary and there has been various health claims made over the years. In this #HealthyTip we look at chocolate and discuss how it can form part of a balanced and heart-healthy diet.

What is chocolate?

Chocolate is made with the cocoa bean which contains substances called polyphenols. These contain antioxidants that help protect against heart disease and lower cholesterol.

Cocoa beans are processed to make cocoa solids that are used in chocolate. Cocoa solids on their own contain no added sugar and contain some fibre making them heart healthy. However, most chocolate consumed contains lots of added sugar and fat which makes it not so heart healthy.

What chocolate is healthiest?

Dark chocolate is the best option as it contains more cocoa solids (which contain the heart-healthy stuff).

The higher the percentage of cocoa solids the better, so try choosing ones with 70% cocoa solids or more. Avoid milk and white chocolate as these are low in cocoa solids and high in fat and sugar.

Enjoy as part of a balanced diet

Chocolate can be enjoyed as part of a healthy, balanced diet and there is no need to feel guilty for eating it.

The key is to swap it for a healthier version (dark chocolate) and consume it in moderation as it is still high in saturated fat and calories which consumed in excess can lead to weight gain and contribute to high cholesterol and heart diseases.

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for weekly healthy tips at

Suicide Prevention Strategy: ‘Creating Hope Together’

New approach to reducing suicide in Scotland

At the end of September last year, the Scottish Government and COSLA launched a new long-term strategy for suicide prevention, Creating Hope Together. On Thursday (28th June) the next, important step in that journey took place with an event at Borders College in Galashiels …

Suicide prevention will be ramped up as the Government and COSLA publish a 10-year strategy to tackle the factors and inequalities that can lead to suicide.

The strategy will draw on levers across national and local government to address the underlying social issues that can cause people to feel suicidal, while making sure the right support is there for people and their families.

This fresh approach will help people at the earliest possible opportunity and aim to reduce the number of suicides – ensuring efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, debt, and addiction include measures to address suicide.

The Scottish Government will fund the Scottish Recovery Network as part of the initial three-year action plan. This will boost community peer-support groups to allow people to discuss their feelings and drive down suicide.

The strategy is supported by record funding through the Programme for Government commitment to double the annual budget to £2.8 million by 2025-2026. It will build on the work of the National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group and continue delivering the existing ‘Every Life Matters’ action plan.

Launching the ‘Creating Hope Together: Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy 2022-2032’, Mental Wellbeing Minister Kevin Stewart said: “Every death by suicide is a tragedy and, while the number of deaths have fallen in recent years, I want to use every lever at our disposal to drive that down further.

“That’s why we are taking a new approach to suicide prevention – considering all the social issues that can lead people to feel suicidal, while supporting those contemplating suicide and their loved ones.

“Peer support is an effective way to support people in their communities, helping them to feel heard and understood.  I’m pleased this strategy will provide funding for the Scottish Recovery Network to continue its vital work for people experiencing – and recovering from – mental health issues.”

Councillor Kelly, the COSLA Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “This approach to suicide prevention will build on the work taking place across local areas in Scotland.

“It will see the partnerships across communities strengthened and build on the collaboration between local and national work to ensure we share the knowledge and insights to help drive suicide prevention forward.

“This strategy will see work which reaches into new areas beyond the traditional settings of health and social care such as education, justice and physical activity, so we can truly see suicide prevention as Everyone’s Business.”

An important part of the new strategy and action plan is the launch of a new delivery model which we’re calling Suicide Prevention Scotland to drive the action plan.

The model is actually really simple. 

We’re a community of people working together across different parts of Scotland to prevent suicide across our country. We will be developing strong partnerships, and using these to learn from best practice

Whether at local or national level, or within a key sector, we’re working as one group, to deliver a range of meaningful programmes of work as set out in the action plan.

Everything we do will be informed by the critical insight of lived, academic, professional and practice experience.


Haylis Smith has been appointed to lead delivery of the action plan on behalf of the Scottish Government and COSLA, as the Suicide Prevention Scotland National Delivery Lead.

This is a new role, and Haylis brings more than two decades of experience leading work to prevent suicide.


The Creating Hope Together strategy has four key outcomes. 

These are the areas the strategy sets out where real change is needed to prevent suicide. 

To develop a partnership approach to the work, a strategic partner(s) has been appointed to drive delivery. They are:

  • Creating a safer environment that protects against suicide – Samaritans
  • Improving understanding of suicide and tackling stigma – SAMH
  • Providing compassionate support for anyone affected by suicide – Penumbra & Change Mental Health
  • Working in a connected way, that always draws on evidence and lived experience – Public Health Scotland

As we move forward, we expect even more new partnerships and alliances to be created to deliver the action plan. 

This is an important part of the culture we’re creating in our Suicide Prevention Scotland.


The Scottish Government and COSLA today also published an outcomes framework.

This sets out how our actions will build over the next ten years to achieve our vision of reducing suicide, whilst tackling the inequalities which contribute to suicide. It will support how we plan, measure and report the difference we are making on the ground.

You can read the document here.


With a new innovative delivery partnership in place, the Scottish Government and COSLA have identified priorities for the first year of the strategy, with a real focus on reaching people with a higher risk of suicide.

These have been informed by people with professional, academic, lived and practice experience.

They are:

  1. We will activate the whole of Government and society policy package — so that a wide range of Government policies and their delivery on the ground — are working to prevent suicide. We will make the strongest connections possible with policies which address the social determinants of suicide, such as poverty and homelessness. We will also make sure we use all the touch points that people have with services to proactively be alert to suicide risk and offer compassionate support.
  2. We will focus on improving safety at key locations of concern for suicide.
  3. We will build on the Time Space Compassion approach, to keep improving the way people are supported and cared for when they are suicidal. We will focus our work in primary care, unscheduled care, and community settings.
  4. We will support new peer support groups right across Scotland.
  5. We will build more understanding of suicide risk and behaviour amongst children and young people and use that to improve responses.
  6. We will keep raising awareness and improving learning about suicide. We will target our work, so we build this understanding in sectors that support groups with a higher risk of suicide. Our current work in West Highlands and Skye will help us build greater understanding of what encourages particular groups to seek help.
  7. We will develop an online portal which hosts information and advice on suicide, to help people who may be suicidal and anyone worried for someone, as well as professionals.
  8. We will roll-out suicide reviews and improve data to help redesign the way support is given to people who are suicidal — ensuring that support is both timely and effective.
  9. We will work with partners in high-risk settings for suicide, to build effective and compassionate suicide prevention action plans.
  10. And last but not least, we will step up our United to Prevent Suicide social movement with a new focus on boosting employer engagement and reaching groups most likely to be affected by suicide. We will continue to be creative, using different mediums, such as sport and social media, to tackle stigma and create ways for people to talk safely about suicide.


The new National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group will play a vital role.

They will provide independent assurance and advice to the Scottish Government and COSLA on progress, informed by the new outcomes framework.

Rose Fitzpatrick CBE QPM will chair this new group. 

Its members represent many of the sectors leading work on the social determinants of suicide, including poverty, as well as partners who are working in key sectors affected by suicide — such as the criminal justice sector. 

Members have all been selected to help us understand suicide better.

They will help us sharpen focus on the complexity, intersectionality and inequality of suicide.

Doing so will help us deliver impactful actions. We are sure their collective professional insights and passion for the mission, will also make a great difference to our work.

The new group’s membership is:

  • Rose Fitzpatrick CBE QPM — Chair
  • Cath Denholm — Executive Director, Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland
  • Dr Linda Findlay — Chair, Royal College of Psychiatrists Scotland
  • Louise Hunter— Chief Executive, Who Cares? Scotland
  • Dr Douglas Hutchison — President of the Association of Directors of Education Scotland
  • Peter Kelly — Director, Poverty Alliance
  • Sheriff David Mackie — Board Member, Scottish Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders
  • Catherine McWilliam — Director of Nations, Institute of Directors
  • Brendan Rooney — Executive Director, Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust
  • Dr Andrea Williamson — Professor of General Practice and Inclusion Health, University of Glasgow


As part of today’s Go Live event in Galashiels, we’ve published a new film that explores suicide prevention work in the Scottish Borders. It tells the story of how the local approach has been refreshed in light of the new national strategy’s approach.

Highlighting the range and depth of partnerships across the area, we hear powerful stories of how a community is coming together to prevent suicide.

Watch/download: Creating Hope in the Scottish Borders 

You are welcome to use this video, crediting Suicide Prevention Scotland. Please do note edit the video. Closed caption files are available, here.


Suicide Prevention Scotland’s new National Delivery Lead Haylis Smith has welcomed today’s announcements: “There has been a huge amount of detailed work over the last eight months to operationalise the Creating Hope Together strategy and action plan.

“Our delivery collective, Suicide Prevention Scotland, is an innovative approach to working together as a suicide prevention community.

“It includes people working across the public, private, and third sectors as well as community groups. Importantly, it also includes many people with lived experience of suicide. This approach builds on the work of the last five years.

“The shared goal is — of course — to prevent suicide, but we’re also focused on how we’ll do this. We will create safer environments, understand better the factors which contribute to suicide, and provide support to those affected. And we will work collaboratively, using evidence and the insight of those with lived experience.

“It’s also important to stress that our work will also focus on addressing inequalities and the needs of those at higher risk of suicide. This will include work to address the needs of children and young people. Our Youth Advisory Group will play a key role in supporting this.”

Minister for Mental Health Maree Todd MSP said: “Together with COSLA we are fully committed to reducing suicide deaths in Scotland. 

“This announcement of our year one priorities is a real milestone in delivering our new ambitious strategy Creating Hope Together, and we are focusing on reaching people who may be at risk of suicide and working to tackle the inequalities which can lead to suicide.

“Our new innovative partnership model is now in place to deliver this ambition programme of work, and our new Advisory Group brings great expertise and impartiality to oversee and champion the work, making sure our work leads to real change on the ground right across Scotland.

“I am pleased to say that the Scottish Government is well on track to doubling the suicide prevention budget by 2026, with funding last year well over £2 million. 

“I would like to pay real thanks to the Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Panel and Youth Advisory Group, and all partners. I look forward to undertaking this incredibly important work together.”

COSLA’s Health & Social Care spokesperson Councillor Paul Kelly said: “I am delighted that COSLA is part of the newly announced suicide prevention delivery collective, ‘Suicide Prevention Scotland’.

“We were proud to launch Creating Hope Together — an ambitious Suicide Prevention Strategy — with the Scottish Government last year. 

“The announcements today represent a key milestone for the strategy, and one which recognises that we can ultimately support more people who are affected by suicide when we work in partnership. 

“The National Suicide Prevention Advisory Group’s membership brings a broad range of expertise and experience which will also help us understand how we can better address the inequalities people experience.

“The strategy outcomes are ambitious and rightly so — together we can and will reduce the number of suicide deaths in Scotland. 

“We thank those working in suicide prevention in Scotland for their ongoing commitment and are looking forward to continuing this vital work.”

Media colleagues are encouraged to follow best practice when reporting on suicide. In particular, we recommend the Samaritans guidelines.

We also encourage calling out for people who may be at risk and recommend the following: 

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health or feeling suicidal, please don’t hesitate to ask for help by contacting your GP, NHS24 on 111, Samaritans on 116 123 or Breathing Space on 0800 83 58 87.