Graeme Souness backs Rangers x BHF charity partnership

Graeme Souness urges Scotland football fans to look after their heart health as he backs British Heart Foundation Scotland as Rangers Charity Foundation’s new charity partner  

  Ahead of World Heart Day tomorrow (29 September), former Rangers player and manager, Graeme Souness, is urging Scottish football fans to look after their heart health as he backs British Heart Foundation (BHF) Scotland as the Rangers Charity Foundation’s new national charity partner. 

The partnership will last for the 2023/24 season with the Foundation pledging to raise £25,000 for BHF Scotland. 

It will also help raise awareness of heart and circulatory diseases – conditions which are some of the nation’s biggest killers, causing around 50 deaths each day, and are estimated to affect 700,000 people in Scotland. 

David McColgan, Head of British Heart Foundation Scotland commented: “We’re delighted the Rangers Charity Foundation has chosen BHF Scotland as its national charity partner for the season. 

“Heart and circulatory diseases are some of Scotland’s biggest killers and we hope this partnership will help us raise awareness in Scotland’s footballing community about the importance of looking after your heart health, while also enabling more people to learn lifesaving CPR skills and raise an incredible amount of money for the British Heart Foundation.” 

Graeme Souness has personal experience of heart disease and understands first-hand how important the lifesaving research the BHF helps to fund is. 

The football legend said: “I was diagnosed with coronary heart disease at 38 and had a triple bypass. When I was diagnosed, I was extremely fit. I never thought I’d be the type of person to get heart disease, but if it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. 

“Ten years later, I had a stent fitted as another one of my arteries had become blocked. Then in November 2015, I was rushed to hospital after suffering a heart attack at home. 

“Thankfully, I’m now OK, but without the research the BHF has helped fund into heart and circulatory diseases, it could have been a different story.” 

The charity partnership will also encourage at least 50,000 people – the capacity of Ibrox Stadium – to learn lifesaving CPR via the BHF’s free online tool, RevivR. 

RevivR allows people to learn CPR in just 15 minutes and aims to give people the skills and confidence to save a life. It teaches people how to recognise a cardiac arrest, gives feedback on chest compressions and outlines the correct steps in using a defibrillator. All people need is a mobile phone and a firm cushion.  

The Rangers Charity Foundation will be spreading the word about the RevivR app, which can be downloaded at, to supporters and the wider public throughout the season.  

Rangers Charity Foundation Chief Executive Connal Cochrane added: “The work of the British Heart Foundation Scotland aligns closely with the Foundation’s strategic priorities in terms of health and well-being and education and we are delighted to be able to combine both these pillars in a project which will roll out life-saving skills to thousands of fans. 

“Our donation this season will support the British Heart Foundation’s RevivR app which is a really simple, easy way to learn key skills in your own home which could save a life. 

“We also look forward to working with the British Heart Foundation on a number of other initiatives over the course of the season, such as providing free blood pressure checks at some home games for fans and sharing important information about heart health and where to go for help and advice.” 

For more information about the British Heart Foundation visit: or to find out more about the Rangers Charity Foundation visit:  

Edinburgh Leisure teams up with ReferAll to manage its Active Communities projects

Scotland’s largest leisure trust, Edinburgh Leisure, has partnered with ReferAll to manage all its health and wellbeing referral projects.

Edinburgh Leisure, which operates more than 50 first class venues across the city, is now using ReferAll’s data management platform to administer its Active Communities schemes.

Active Communities operates 18 different projects city wide, which aim to break down barriers to physical activity and help people to lead healthier, happier and more active lives.

Edinburgh Leisure currently supports more than 10,000 people affected by health conditions, disabilities, inequalities and poverty to get active and stay active every year, with projects such as Healthy Active Minds – which uses physical activity to support adults living with mental health conditions – and Steady Steps, supporting adults who have had or may be at risk of a fall.

ReferAll’s easy-to-view dashboard offers Edinburgh Leisure a real-time overview of all its Active Communities projects and their status, including details such as referrals received, uptake and completion rates.

The Reporting Solution enables the Active Communities teams to analyse service performance and patient outcomes. Ultimately, this means Edinburgh Leisure can clearly demonstrate to commissioners and stakeholders the positive impact they’re having on participants’ physical and mental health.

Ryan Martin, Wellbeing Referral Manager at Edinburgh Leisure, said: “We been working with ReferAll since July 2023 and already have 2,500 referrals on the system. With the ongoing challenges of securing funding from different partners, we needed a much more robust and seamless data platform.

“We were searching for an accurate way to measure our participants’ outcomes and record the positive impact we’re having on people’s health thanks to their involvement in our Active Communities projects; ReferAll does just that.

“Having the ability to clearly see the number of non-starters and record reasons for non-participation has been especially helpful. Our Active Communities team has a big role to play, working with partners and focusing on individuals and communities who need extra support and ReferAll helps them to do that easily.”

From the iconic Royal Commonwealth Pool and the brand-new purpose-built Meadowbank Sports Centre to its Victorian Swim Centres and six golf courses, Edinburgh Leisure’s facilities are based right in the heart of communities. They are committed to harnessing the power of physical activity to tackle inequalities and combat the negative effects of inactivity. 

Jerry Saddington, Sales and Account Manager at ReferAll, adds: “During Edinburgh Leisure’s onboarding we’ve been thrilled to help their teams map out key points in their pathways using ReferAll’s automated features. This swill save their team so much time in managing referral-based health and wellbeing schemes, as well as prioritising GDPR security.

“Our data management platform was designed and built by industry experts to reduce workloads for service managers and their teams. It simplifies and standardises service delivery, as well as the ability to report on specific Key Performance Indicators and outcomes, offering real-time visibility of programme performance providing confidence to commissioners and stakeholders.”

Talk pants at McDonald Road Library!


Free family fun day with @NSPCC_Scotland at McDonald Road Library on Tuesday 17 October, 3pm to 4.30pm. Free activities, snacks and meet Pantasaurus.

Find out more at

Talk PANTS is a partnership between the Edinburgh Child Protection Committee and NSPCC Scotland. The aim is to protect children from sexual abuse by encouraging parents, carers and professionals to have conversations with children in an age-appropriate way about how to stay safe.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of the PANTS rule across the city. PANTS helps children understand that they have a right to say no and if they need to speak out about something, someone will listen. 

There is a range of resources available for parents, carers and professionals who work with children

Minimum Unit Pricing consultation

Views sought on increased level of 65p

A proposal to increase the Minimum Unit Price of alcohol by 15 pence per unit to 65 pence is included in a new consultation on the future of the public health policy.

Views are being sought on whether to continue the Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) legislation beyond the current term which ends next April, and the level at which it should be set.

A Scottish Government report on the operation and effect of MUP in its first five years, an Interim Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment and a report on public attitudes to the policy have also been published.

These papers assess the success of the measure so far and look at the future impact on health and industry sectors if it is continued and the potential effects of different minimum price levels.

This builds on Ministerial engagement with business and health stakeholders which has taken place throughout the summer.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Elena Whitham said: The recent rise in alcohol-specific deaths highlights the need for more to be done to tackle alcohol-related harm.

“Our world-leading Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) policy is one of the measures we know can make a difference. Recent research estimated it has saved hundreds of lives, likely averted hundreds of alcohol-attributable hospital admissions each year – and also contributed to reducing health inequalities. It is one of a range of measures we have in place across prevention and treatment services to reduce alcohol harm.

“We believe the proposals set out in this consultation strike a reasonable balance between public health benefits and any effects on the alcoholic drinks market and subsequent impact on consumers, but we want to hear from all sides and urge everyone to take the time to respond.”

Read the consultation: Alcohol – minimum unit pricing – continuation and future pricing

Government and NHS to help tackle killer heart condition

Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay has announced measures to tackle aortic dissection, a heart condition that kills 2,000 people every year

  • Aortic dissection takes the lives of 2,000 people a year in Britain
  • Government and NHS England to look at ways to tackle condition
  • Health Secretary pledges to build on strong work already being done

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Steve Barclay, has unveiled measures to tackle aortic dissection, a life-threatening heart condition that kills 2,000 people every year.

Speaking at a research event to mark Aortic Dissection Awareness Day, the Health Secretary announced the formation of an NHS working group that will bring together clinical experts and charities, to improve diagnosis and treatment of the condition.

The group will review the whole patient experience when it comes to aortic dissections, and pinpoint opportunities for future improvement, including the potential benefits of genetic testing.

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Steve Barclay said: “Aortic dissection can be a devastating condition and every year it takes the lives of more people than die on our roads, yet awareness is low. Changing that will save lives.

“Developing a holistic approach, from identifying those potentially at risk to providing first class follow-up care, will be life-changing for patients and I’m delighted to be able to build on the good work we’re already doing in this area.

“I also want to pay tribute to the tireless work of my colleague Pauline Latham whose campaigning to improve aortic dissection care has kept this issue on the agenda.”

The Health Secretary has asked for the working group to report back with options within six months, and aortic dissection charities will input into the work.

Pauline Latham MP, who tragically lost her son to an undiagnosed aortic dissection in 2018, has been a leading voice in campaigning to improve the lives of sufferers and their families, and met with the Secretary of State earlier this year to discuss ways to improve aortic dissection care.

Pauline Latham MP said: “In the wake of losing my son Ben to a missed diagnosis of aortic dissection, I couldn’t sit back and let other families suffer the way we have. That’s why Graham Cooper, Catherine Fowler and I started The Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust.

“We’ve been pushing hard – asking tough questions in Parliament, meeting with health ministers, and I’m thrilled to say, we have NHS England and the Department for Health and Social Care on board.

“This will bring in standardised care, genetic screening, and specialised nurses to not only save lives but improve quality of life for everyone affected by this condition. It’s our heartfelt mission to turn tragedy into a safer future for all.”

The announcement builds on the progress made on aortic dissection in recent years. NHS England adjusted 111 and 999’s triage systems to better recognise chest pains caused by aortic dissections and is rolling out the Aortic Dissection Acute Toolkit across the regions to speed up diagnosis and improve patient outcomes, while The Royal College of Emergency Medicine has also published a best-practice guide to improve diagnosis in emergency departments.

The Department of Health and Social Care is also funding dedicated research into aortic dissection through the National Institute for Health and Care Research, as part of an annual £50 million investment in cardiovascular disease research.

Researchers are developing a tool to help people at genetic risk of aortic dissection decide if they want screening and, if necessary, preventative treatment and this is just one of the many exciting research projects under way across the country.

The remit of the working group will be to:

  • continue to monitor and support the implementation of the acute Aortic Dissection toolkit which has already been produced by NHS England and is currently being rolled out to NHS providers
  • review the whole aortic dissection patient pathway and identify areas for improvement including the elective pathway
  • explore the evidence and options for genetic screening including potential cohorts for screening
  • scope the clinical skills and workforce requirements to support aortic dissection pathway improvement

Healthy Tip: Working out your heart

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Working out your heart

Did you know that your heart is a muscular organ and beats about 100,000 times a day? This varies depending on your level of fitness, but the bottom line is it has a BIG job to do.

Although the cardiac muscle isn’t under voluntary control like the skeletal muscles in your body (you don’t have to tell your heart to beat!), it still requires working out.

Here we share some tips on how to get started working out your heart.

What exercise?

A great way to work out your heart is to partake in some heart-pumping aerobic exercise, which is basically anything that gets your heart pumping faster.

Lots of different activities fall into this type of workout such as brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, playing tennis and many fitness classes such as boxercise or Zumba.

Resistance training also contributes to a healthy heart, including working out with free weights or on weight machines. You can even do hand weight exercises while sat at your desk.

How much?

Doctors recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity, aerobic exercise per week. This could look like 30 minutes a day, five days a week, or maybe some longer sessions on fewer days.

In addition to aerobic exercise, aim for two sessions of resistance training per week.

If you don’t already take part in exercise, start small, as any exercise is better than none. You can gradually work up to the recommended amount.

The benefits

Regular exercise has the potential to lower our blood pressure and heart rate which reduces the risk of heart diseases. It can also reduce the risk of developing other conditions such as type 2 diabetes.

A combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training can contribute to healthy cholesterol levels. Moving more is one of the best things you can do for your heart health.

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for weekly healthy tips at:

Heartbroken mum’s plea: Discuss organ donation with loved ones

A mother who made the brave decision to save the lives of three other people and give another the gift of sight has urged more people to discuss organ donation with their families.

Debbie Young, 53, from Edinburgh, made the courageous decision to donate her daughter’s organs when she died two years ago.

Her daughter, Raechel Waterston was just six days away from her 21st birthday when she suffered a fatal seizure.

Debbie’s decision in the moments that followed saved and transformed the lives of four other people.

Now, as part of Organ and Tissue Donation Week, Debbie is encouraging others to decide which organs they would donate and speak to their loved ones about their decision.

Debbie, a support worker and mum of four, said: “I wish Raechel was here beside me every single day, but it’s a comfort that I could honour her love of helping others even at the end of her life.

“Raechel had learning difficulties and autism and she was sunshine in human form and she thought everyone was her best friend. She loved bowling, films, wearing costumes and interpretative dance. If everyone was like my daughter, the world would be an amazing place.”

Raechel was rushed to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Hospital after the seizure, but the medical teams confirmed that there was no brain activity.

Despite facing the overwhelming loss of her daughter, Debbie bravely asked doctors whether Raechel could become an organ donor.

The specialist nurses in organ donation supported Raechel and her family while transplant teams scanned patient waiting lists across the country to find matching recipients and located three patients who were in desperate need of a transplant.

Raechel’s heart and kidneys saved three people’s lives and her eyes were given to another to help restore their sight. Her lungs were also donated to medical research.

Debbie said: “Raechel would usually sit on my bed while I was getting ready for work. She hadn’t come in which was unusual, so I went into her room and she was lying on the ground unresponsive and her lips and fingers had a blue tinge to them.

“Her favourite film character was Wednesday Addams, so my family and I chose to say goodbye to her on Wednesday at 10pm which was her bedtime. We wished her goodnight and told her we loved her like we usually did. I was the last one to leave the room and it was the hardest thing I ever had to do – to walk away while she was still breathing.”

Two years on, Debbie is still struggling to come to terms with the death of her daughter, but recently wrote a letter to all of Raechel’s organ recipients.

Debbie said: “I wrote a letter to tell them a little about my daughter and I warned them that they might start liking High School Musical because she was obsessed with it! I’ve heard from one recipient, and it’s been such a relief knowing that Raechel saved someone’s life.”

Debbie is urging others to consider what organs they would be happy to donate and to ensure that this decision is recorded on the organ donor register and shared with their family.

“I would really encourage everyone to register their organ donor selections online and to speak to their loved ones about this decision. If your death can help someone else to live, why wouldn’t you want to do that?

“My daughter’s life wasn’t a waste because she saved so many others and I think that’s an incredible feat.”

An NHS Lothian spokesperson said:“It is hugely important that people make the decision to sign up to the organ donor register and then discuss it with their families. Debbie knew right away that her daughter would want to make a difference in her death, just as she had throughout her whole life.

“Although Scotland now has an opt-out policy, it’s still really important to outline what organs you would be happy to donate on the organ donor register. You could help up to nine people if you decide to donate all your organs but having those conversations with your family is crucial.”

For details about organ donation, visit

The Power of Three – The Royal Commonwealth Pool Taster Weekend

The Royal Commonwealth Pool is holding a taster weekend on Saturday, 23rd and Sunday, 24th September, with the chance to access their fitness classes, swim, and gym for £3 for the entire weekend, bookable online or in venue – perfect for those wishing to try before they buy.

Affectionately known as ‘the Commie’, this iconic venue rich in sporting history, which has hosted three Commonwealth Games in 1970, 1986 and the diving events in 2014, has a top-spec gym, Edinburgh’s only 50-meter pool, diving facilities, and fitness studios with a variety of classes, including spin and Les Mills classes.

To take advantage of this offer, people will be required to sign up online here or in venue and book for the activities they wish to try.

Edinburgh Leisure is also running their September campaign, so for customers joining in September, there will be no joining fee and gives access to member benefits like priority bookings, free gym introductions and 1:1 Instructor Sessions. 

There is no contract and it’s possible to freeze or cancel your membership at any time.  So, wherever you’re at on the map or in life, Edinburgh Leisure has activities to help you enjoy a healthy, happy and active life for less.

See all information about the Taster Weekend here.

What are you doing to celebrate National Fitness Day?

As the nation gets ready to celebrate National Fitness Day on Wednesday 20 September 2023, Edinburgh Leisure, the city’s largest provider of sports and leisure facilities is asking the citizens of Edinburgh, “What are you doing to celebrate National Fitness Day?

Ally Strachan, Fitness Development Manager at Edinburgh Leisure said: “While bringing people together through physical activity on National Fitness Day has a hugely positive impact, it’s important to view this day as just one step in a much bigger journey. 

“Because after all, your health is for life. So, no matter where you’re at in life or on the map, Edinburgh Leisure has the facilities, activities and expert support needed to help you get active and reach your fitness goals, this National Fitness Day.

“If you follow Edinburgh Leisure on social media, we’ve created a fun Slam ball Workout of the Day for you to follow. Keep an eye on our social media channels on Wednesday, 20th.

“This Workout of The Day is a four-round ladder-styled workout consisting of six exercises to choose from that can work full body, core, or power exercises.  But don’t worry, if this is too strenuous, any activity that gets you moving will benefit your physical and mental health. 

“So, put on your walking shoes, and see if you can challenge yourself to reach 10,000 steps today, or perhaps go the extra mile and keep it up for the rest of the week.”

For those not already a member, Edinburgh Leisure currently has a no-joining fee campaign running until the end of September.

Being a member gives you additional member benefits including priority bookings, free gym introductions and 1:1 instructor sessions. There is no contract, and you are free to freeze or cancel your membership whenever.

And to help you maintain motivation by offering prizes and rewards for being more active, the first-ever National Fitness Day app (search for ‘Fitness Day Rewards’), is available to download from either the Apple or Android stores.

The free app allows you to connect any wearable fitness device to track your levels, accumulating one point for every minute of physical activity, and then using these to enter competitions for prizes for the world’s leading fitness and lifestyle brands, such as Les Mills, Headspace, Brooks Running and more.

Fitness Day Rewards app will be available until the end of the year, supporting National Fitness Day to inspire millions of people to begin, and continue their health journey.

To find out ways to get active with Edinburgh Leisure, search:

Edinburgh marks Organ and Tissue Donation Week 2023

EDINBURGH is gearing up to celebrate Organ and Tissue Donation Week 2023 which runs from September 18-24.

This annual campaign is all about raising awareness for the ongoing need for organ donation, encouraging people to make a decision about whether they wish to opt in or out of donation, and making sure these wishes are discussed with family members.

Here in the Capital, in line with the UK wide campaign, we are hoping to light up the City Chambers in pink to show our support. Our colleagues at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), will also be lighting up their building on Morrison Street.

We are also running an external social media campaign in consultation with the Scottish Government’s national campaign and the local work of NHS Lothian.

Yesterday (September 17) the ‘Transplant Tour’ began in Edinburgh. This is a charity cycle travelling down the UK to raise funds and awareness for the charity Give a Kidney. It will stop at Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham, and finish in Oxford. We have provided an official letter of support from the Lord Provost to the organisers and are supporting them and the charity with promotion.

On Friday (September 22), some Race for Recipients participants will set off from Murrayfield in Edinburgh and finish at the Kelpies in Falkirk.

The race is taking place across the country, with individuals and teams racking up the kilometres through walking, wheeling, running, swimming, and other ways, to raise awareness of the importance of making a donation decision and to recognise those whose lives have been touched by organ and tissue donation.

Depute Lord Provost Lezley Marion Cameron will be at Murrayfield to meet them and wish them well as they depart. Currently there are over 800 participants registered for the Race across Scotland. 

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “As we celebrate Organ and Tissue Donation Week 2023, we must be mindful of the fact that more than 7,000 people in the UK are currently waiting for a life-saving transplant.

“Only around one per cent of people die in a way that makes organ donation possible, which means every donation opportunity is precious. There are thousands of people who could be given a new lease of life by a donor, however in order to help as many people as possible we all need to play our part by registering our decisions to be a donor or opt out.

“These are conversations that need to be had amongst families, friends, colleagues, and communities as we go forward. We know that families are more likely to support donation when they already know it was what their loved one wanted.

“I’m encouraged by the fact that over half of people in Scotland have now registered their organ and tissue donation decision however there is still a lot of work to be done. Whatever your choice may be, the important thing is to make it and discuss it. I would urge anyone who is 16 or over and yet to join me and many others who have recorded their decision by visiting the official website. 

“Another great way to get involved is the Race for Recipients challenge. Our Depute Lord Provost Lezley Marion Cameron will be meeting some of the participants on Friday (September 22) as they head off cycling towards the Kelpies in Falkirk. Find out more and join online at their website.

“I’m proud of everything that we’re doing to mark this important week here in Edinburgh. From lighting up buildings around the city, to supporting our colleagues in government and the NHS, to lending a hand to fundraisers I’m sure this will be a week to remember.”