New ‘coastal town’* for Edinburgh reaches next major milestone


Following extensive consultation, plans for the first phase of a £1.3bn sustainable new coastal town at Granton Waterfront in Edinburgh are available to view on the Council’s Planning Portal.

In partnership with Cruden Homes, the Council plan to transform part of the Capital’s largest brownfield site into an exciting new development comprising over 800 net zero homes, capacity for a new primary school and low carbon heat network, commercial units, active travel routes and other sustainable transport infrastructure as well as attractive public and open space.

At least 35% of the homes will be of affordable tenure.

Warm, energy efficient, family and wheelchair accessible homes will connect to a  low carbon heat network, delivered by Vattenfall Heat UK Ltd.

At the heart of this nationally significant development of Edinburgh’s coastline sits the iconic Granton Gasholder currently being restored to become a public park as well as several historic buildings including the former Granton Station, which has been refurbished and now has its own public square.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “We’ve been consulting with people every step of the way to deliver this project. I’m really pleased that after listening to feedback from the local community and others interested in the area, the team has submitted plans for the largest regeneration project of its kind in Scotland at Granton Waterfront as part of the £1.3 billion regeneration.

“To deliver our net zero targets for the Capital, sustainable regeneration is so important and every element of this development has been designed with that in mind.

“We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a 20-minute neighbourhood completely from scratch which includes affordable net zero homes, shops, cultural, leisure and education facilities all close by.

“Our plans show how the new neighbourhood will link to the rest of the city and beyond as well as to the many established communities nearby.”

Fraser Lynes, Managing Director of Cruden Homes said: “We have thoroughly enjoyed working closely with the Council, local community and key stakeholders to create a transformational design that reconnects the Capital to the Firth of Forth.

“This landmark, landscape-led development of Edinburgh’s coastline takes a fresh approach to urban regeneration which will create an exciting new coastal community set to become one of Europe’s largest waterside amenities.

“Moreover, the delivery of 847 much needed, high quality and sustainable new homes across all tenures will make an important contribution to alleviating the well documented housing emergency.”

Waterfront: We want YOUR thoughts!


SATURDAY 4th MAY 11am – 2pm

The future is exciting for Granton Waterfront, we want to share plans and capture ideas for your heritage buildings.

Please share your ideas at our:

Drop-in event THIS SATURDAY 4th May

Granton Station, Waterfront Broadway

11am – 2pm

Or ONLINE from the 1-29 May…/granton…

Waterfront housing developments among Scottish projects to benefit from new cycle storage

More than 1,300 residents of new housing development on Granton’s waterfront expected to benefit from access to residential cycle storage

A major new mixed tenure housing development at Granton waterfront is set to benefit from dedicated, secure cycle storage, supporting more than 1,300 future residents to travel by bike more easily.

Secure cycle storage is to be provided at locations across the development, at Western Villages, Granton Gas Holder, Waterfront Avenue and Silverlea.

The City of Edinburgh Council project aims to help more people choose cycling as an affordable and sustainable way of travel for everyday journeys, and has been developed in partnership with the nation’s cycling charity, Cycling Scotland and supported by Transport Scotland grant funding.

Having nowhere safe or convenient to store a bike is a big barrier to cycling, with Cycling Scotland research showing that a third of Scottish households are likely to be living in accommodation without access to suitable cycle storage.

In total, supported projects are estimated to benefit 160,000 people by providing better access to secure cycle storage and parking where they live across Scotland: from new on-street cycle storage in Dundee, to storage for residents of high-rise properties in Aberdeen, through to bike parking at rural bus stops in Perth and Kinross.

Katharine Brough, Head of Grant Funding & Partnerships, at Cycling Scotland, said: “It’s been so positive to work in partnership with local authorities to increase access to essential, secure residential cycle storage across Scotland.

“Each of these projects will have a real impact in making cycling more accessible, helping more people to choose an affordable and sustainable way to travel for everyday journeys.

“As well as having storage at home, bike storage at key destinations where people work, shop and connect to public transport is vital in supporting more people to cycle, and helping tackle the climate emergency, health crisis and transport poverty.”

City of Edinburgh Council’s Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Scott Arthur, said: “The regeneration of Granton Waterfront will be transformative for that part of the city, opening up new sustainable homes, commercial opportunities and leisure and cultural offerings.

“It’s essential that we fully integrate sustainable, accessible travel into this. First class public transport links will be at the heart of this community, and this will be complemented with high quality active travel infrastructure.

“Providing secure cycle storage is essential for supporting people to consider cycling, and thanks to Cycling Scotland we’re going to be able to deliver hundreds of spaces throughout the area. This will connect residents and visitors to newly-upgraded cycle infrastructure connecting with the city centre and beyond.”

Case study: The impact of new on-street cycle storage in Dundee

Newly installed on-street cycle storage units in Dundee are helping make it easier for more people to travel by bike for everyday journeys across the city.

Blackness resident Nick Toner, making use of one of the 40 new on-street cycle storage units which have been installed across Dundee.

Nick Toner, a community development worker and resident of Blackness, Dundee, has found his new on-street bike storage space has made a big difference to how he travels around the city:

“Having the bike storage space has removed a mental and physical barrier for me. Just facing the idea of looking for somewhere safe to store my bike and lock it up, it was such a hassle. But now I come to work, and I have a parking spot nearby. It’s so much more convenient and it’s given me the freedom to use my bike to get around the city more often.”

Martim Mas, a resident of Stobswell, Dundee, cites his storage space as enabling him to combine cycling with public transport to travel to work: “I actually got my bike after I got my storage, because I had no space in my flat. I would’ve had to keep it inside and there was just no space.

“I use my bike now to cycle to the bus station, then to work at St Andrews. My bike is my main mode of transport across the city. Having this storage space is super convenient for me, and it’s good to know I can leave my bike there and it will be safe.

Granton leading the way on low carbon housing, says Greens 


The Scottish Government has published their consultation paper on planned Heat in Buildings legislation which sets out a path for how best to deliver greener, warmer homes for Scotland. 

The Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenant’s Rights, Patrick Harvie, recently visited Granton to see heat networks being set up for the new developments on the Waterfront. 

The systems and homes being built in Granton are examples of what could be rolled out across Scotland – greener energy, lower bills and no fossil fuels.

Green Councillor for Forth Ward, Kayleigh O’Neill said: “This is another major milestone in the Granton Waterfront project. Over £1 billion has gone into helping a community become well connected and no longer reliant on fossil fuels. This is a massive step towards tacking climate change and transitioning the city, and country, to net-zero.” 

Cllr. O’Neill added: “Over the next ten years we will also see more affordable housing being built and care taken towards our urban coastal green spaces. We have to be ambitious and put people and planet first in all future developments.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transition towards a greener economy. Granton Waterfront will set the standard for sustainable growth and show how we can live without fossil fuels.” 

The consultation will run until 8 March 2024, then responses will be scrutinised and a final decision made on when to publish a Bill in the Scottish Parliament to pass in 2025. 

You can take part in the consultation here: 

Council set to award environmentally friendly heat network contract for Granton Waterfront regeneration

The creation of a £1.3bn well-connected, sustainable new coastal town at Granton Waterfront in Edinburgh has reached yet another major milestone.

A contract for pre-development work to refine and finalise the design of a sewer source low carbon heat network solution to serve thousands of homes, local facilities and the many other commercial and social enterprise businesses planned for Granton Waterfront is set to be awarded by the City of Edinburgh Council in the coming weeks.

Following a competitive procurement process Vattenfall Heat UK Ltd is being proposed as the preferred bidder and the Finance and Resources Committee will consider a report on the award of this contract at its meeting on Tuesday next week. It is anticipated the contract will be signed by both parties in the coming weeks.

The energy company, known for its work supporting many areas throughout the UK find net zero solutions, will work with the Council to finalise the plans for this heat network.

The aim, subject to future further approval from the Finance and Resources Committee, is for an agreement for the company to build, operate, finance, manage and maintain the network over the following 40 years.

This is a significant milestone for the Council and the Granton Waterfront area to help Edinburgh reach net zero by 2030.

As well as supporting the Council’s commitment to build new affordable homes over the next 10 years, the Granton Waterfront £1.3bn regeneration project has exemplar urban design which will also champion low carbon transport and active travel.

Council Leader Cammy Day said:It is fantastic to see work continuing at pace at Granton Waterfront, the largest sustainable regeneration project of its kind in Scotland.

“As well as helping the Capital reach net zero by 2030, awarding this contract is the next step towards finalising the right heat network solution for our tenants and others moving into the area to provide them with a cost competitive low carbon heating source.

“The homes being delivered in the area are being designed to be well insulated and energy efficient which will also be a huge benefit to everyone living there, particularly those facing fuel poverty.

“Work is also continuing to transform the iconic gasholder in the area into a place for the wider community and visitors to play and relax. Arts and social enterprise charity WASPS has moved into the eye catching former Granton Station building now refurbished and taking pride of place at the heart of the community, with a spacious attractive public square. And we’re currently building hundreds of energy efficient affordable homes which will be ready for tenants to move into next year.”

Eoghan Maguire, Director of Heat Networks – Scotland at Vattenfall Heat UK said:Granton Waterfront is an ambitious long-term project that will act as a blueprint in urban development and regeneration in Scotland. District heating will enable the Granton Waterfront development to deliver on its pioneering and climate conscious ambitions for its residents.

“Vattenfall has responded to the low carbon district heating proposals for Granton Waterfront and is proud that these have been recommended for approval by the City of Edinburgh Council. We are excited to work with the City of Edinburgh and its partners to help deliver on the city’s net zero by 2030 targets.

“The Granton Waterfront heat network aims to capture heat that would otherwise be wasted from the sewer system and could serve the community of 3,000 new homes, as well as existing buildings. The network will adopt a future proofed design, meaning expansion to the northwest of Edinburgh would be possible.”

Waterfront Event: You said, We did

Live around Granton Waterfront? We asked for your views on proposals for the 1st phase of our £1.3bn regeneration of the area.

Come to Granton Station Building, Granton Station Square, on Wednesday 23 August from 4pm – 7pm to find out how we have taken your views on board.

Council welcomes funding to help protect and enhance Granton Waterfront’s heritage

The city council is to receive over £50,000 to develop plans for the heritage and restoration of four key historic buildings and structures in Granton Waterfront.

The funding will also be used for heritage skills training and community events. The announcement was made on Wednesday (17 May) by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic Environment Scotland’s Heritage and Place Programme (H&PP).

The money will be used to develop ideas and proposals for the refurbishment of Granton Lighthouse; the Edwardian former Granton Gasworks railway station building platforms; Madelvic House, which is ‘B’ listed from the 1890s, and Granton Castle Walled Garden.

This first phase of funding will support the creation of high-quality sustainable development plans over the next 12 months, with the potential that Historic Environment Scotland and Heritage Fund will then award further funding to deliver the projects in the coming years.

The project forms part of the Council’s wider strategic £1.3bn regeneration of Granton Waterfront.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “We have ambitious plans to make Granton Waterfront a new sustainable coastal town for Edinburgh.

“In keeping with our plans for the whole city we’re creating a £1.3bn 20 minute neighbourhood with 3,500 net zero homes, a new primary school, lots of green spaces. We want to make sure people can get around and access other parts of the city easily so we’re putting in active travel routes and improving transport links as well. You can see work has started to make the iconic Granton Gasholder a multi-functional public space and hundreds of the sustainable affordable homes we’ve planned are .

“As part of this project we have strong community support to protect the heritage of the area and bring its listed buildings back to life for local people and visitors to use and enjoy. The funding announced today will help us to develop our plans to secure future funding to make this happen.

“This project along with the refurbishment of the Gasholder demonstrates the Council’s commitment to celebrate the historical legacy of the area making sure that its heritage is revitalised for future generations to come.”

Construction on net zero homes begins on Granton Waterfront

Construction on Edinburgh’s first ‘net zero’ housing development has begun on Granton Waterfront.

Led by the City of Edinburgh Council in partnership with Glasgow-based contractor CCG (Scotland) Ltd, the 75 home ‘Granton D1’ affordable housing pilot is part of the 1.3bn, 3,500 net zero home Granton Waterfront regeneration project.

Designed by Anderson Bell Christie and located to the rear of the former Granton railway station building, this is the first pilot development in the Edinburgh Home Demonstrator (EHD) Project.

The collaboration between local and national government, academia and the construction industry is testing a new model for designing, procuring and delivering new homes in the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal to create a greener future.

Granton D1 is also part of the Council’s ambition to deliver 20,000 affordable homes by 2027 and will contribute towards achieving the city’s target to become a ‘net zero’ city by 2030.

Future residents will benefit from a 20-minute neighbourhood approach, with active travel routes, public transport links and local amenities – including three commercial units on the ground floor level of D1 Homes. Where parking is provided, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points will also be installed.

To achieve ‘net zero’, the development will utilise a series of innovative measures including improved fabric performance and triple-glazed windows, which will combine to dramatically reduce heat loss and energy demand, and an all-renewable energy strategy delivered by an entirely electric, on-site energy centre and solar PV panels.

Carbon offsetting measures will also be in place with the outcomes reviewed through post-occupation analysis that will be undertaken by Edinburgh Napier University to validate the performance of the homes and inform future strategy for EHD projects.

The homes themselves comprise one, two, and three-bedroom flats contained within a series of blocks, over-looking communal gardens, with the first homes set for completion in summer 2023.

They will each be clad in a rich red brick that corresponds to the former station building, that will become a creative workspace with a public square for community use. Three commercial premises will also be provided and leased to local business operators.

Councillor Jane Meagher, Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “The future of housebuilding is happening here in Edinburgh. Getting construction underway is a huge step for Granton Waterfront and the pilot will help us create much needed new homes and a trailblazing new future for sustainable living in the city.

“Using the most advanced construction methods and materials, these homes will be greener, warmer and more affordable. They will feature EV charging stations and community gardens to support local wildlife. As part of Edinburgh’s new coastal community and 20-minute neighbourhood, this exceptional development will also benefit from new local amenities and low carbon transport links.

“Granton D1 homes really have been designed to improve the lives of tenants and homeowners and will of course help us to meet Edinburgh’s net zero targets. We’re excited to now bring the blueprints to life.”

CCG Managing Director, David Wylie, said: “The aim of the EHD initiative is to prove if net zero housing delivery is affordable, practical, and scalable in order to meet Scotland’s ambitious targets as we transition to become a net zero economy by 2045.

“As the cost of living continues to increase, we are also responsible for understanding how we can tackle the fuel poverty agenda in the here and now by continuing to advance construction methods and adopt new, renewable technologies.

“CCG has pioneered offsite ‘Modern Methods of Construction’ for over a decade and our applied research and development into ‘Net Zero Carbon’ places us at the forefront of sustainable housebuilding in Scotland. Our partnership with the Council fosters early engagement and collaboration which means projects like Granton D1 can be realised much faster and the beneficiaries of this process are both the end-user and the environment.

“This project is hugely significant for the future of housing in Scotland and we thank the City of Edinburgh Council for allowing CCG to play our part in building a more sustainable future.”

National Galleries of Scotland seeks views on plans for major development in North Edinburgh


A public consultation has started on ambitious plans by the National Galleries of Scotland (NGS) to construct a vitally important new building in Granton, North Edinburgh. Titled The Art Works, the facility will house Scotland’s extraordinary national art collection and provide a significant, long-term contribution to benefit and enhance the local community for years to come.

Located at the heart of one of Scotland’s most diverse yet socioeconomically deprived areas, The Art Works has a unique dual purpose at its core: firstly, as a base for more than 100,000 works of art to be cared for, conserved and researched; and secondly as a key focal point for community investment, pride and growth.

The building will by fully accessible and open to all, offering world-class visitor facilities, rooms for education and community programmes, and new outdoor public spaces – all designed to meet the needs of and help realise the huge potential of the local community.

Previously known as the National Collection Facility, proposals for a building of this kind have been in the early stages of concept development since 2015. Now known as The Art Works, the project aims to bring Scotland’s vast and extraordinary national art collection into a single future-proofed location.

At present the collection is stored across several sites where access and space are extremely limited, logistics are difficult, and conditions are suboptimal for enabling the full potential for public access, conservation and research to be realised; and also for allowing works to be made available for display and loan.

The Art Works will be instrumental in addressing each of these issues, enabling much greater access to and engagement with Scotland’s artistic treasures. The scope for touring the collection around Scotland and internationally will be greatly increased, meaning more people than ever before will be able to connect and engage with Scotland’s incredible artistic legacy.

Sir John Leighton, Director-General of the National Galleries of Scotland said: “This is an incredibly exciting moment for both the National Galleries of Scotland and the communities of North Edinburgh.

“The Art Works has the potential to be truly transformative, not only in how Scotland’s national collection of art is cared for and shared more widely, but also by providing much needed new facilities to unleash the creative confidence and spirit of the local area.

“I would encourage everyone to get involved in the consultation and together help design a major new building in Granton that will work for and provide inspiration to all.”

As part of the Granton Waterfront project, which is adopting ambitious plans on low-carbon travel modes and energy-efficient new housing, The Art Works will play an important role in Scotland’s green recovery as the country’s largest building designed to the Passivhaus standard, which goes beyond the requirements for meeting Scotland’s 2030 carbon reduction targets.

The Art Works will be located on a site west of Madelvic House on Granton Park Avenue. The project is at the pre-planning application consultation stage which enables members of the public to share their views on the proposals.

These will be considered before NGS proceeds to submit a full planning application.

People can find out more about the proposals at an event on Monday 6 June 2022 from 3pm-7pm at Edinburgh College (Granton Campus).

In addition, an online question and answer session with the project team is planned for Tuesday 7 June 2022 between 5pm-7pm.

Further information on the proposals, including a survey and FAQs, can be found on the NGS website at

Comments should be made by 1 July 2022, when the consultation will close.