Be our guests!

Granton Community Gardeners to share their bumper harvest harvest feast

Weather’s turning wintry, time to gather inside and have some hot food!


Friday 20 November, 6pm Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

No need to bring anything, but message us if you’d like to help organise, set up or bring food. (and RSVPs are helpful for numbers)

Granton Community Gardeners committee member Tom Kirby reports: 

Most things have grown really well in the gardens this year, and there’s been a great regular team of local residents, we’ve all learned a lot from each other!  We still meet up every Tuesday and Saturday at 11am (unless weather is really bad!) at the community garden on the corner of Boswall Parkway and Wardieburn Road. Anyone is very welcome to join us, no prior gardening experience needed!

This Saturday (weather permitting) we’ll be sowing the first of our trial plots of winter wheat!  We are participating in a project organised by Bread Matters, to try growing small scale plots of varieties of wheat that used to be grown in Scotland before cereal production became so industrialised (and before issues like gluten intolerances were such a problem).

We’re already making plans for next year, but it’s good to take some time to relax and celebrate what’s been achieved.

Hope you’re well and keeping warm,

Join Granton Community Gardeners for BBQ this weekend

Dear All,

Hope you’re well and enjoying the Summer!

You’re all invited to our Annual Summer BBQ this Saturday. It’s at the community garden on the corner of Wardieburn Road and Boswall Parkway. Free food will be served from 2pm-4pm or when it’s all run out. All welcome!

It’s harvest time at the moment, but there’s always something to do whatever the season; come and help out at our regular drop-ins every Tuesday and Saturday at 11am. No previous gardening experience required.
(Meet at garden on corner of Wardieburn Road and Boswall Parkway)

Another event next week is our ‘Dream Meal’ and AGM on Thursday 27 August at  6pm at Pilton Community Health Project.

This will be a chance to contribute ideas/dreams for the future of our community gardening, and there will be a meal provided (please RSVP so we can cater appropriately). We are also making this our AGM as we are planning to apply for charitable status for our group, so we need to make a formal decision.

Tomato crop is just starting to ripen in the greenhouse, so hopefully there’ll be some to taste at the BBQ!

Tom, Granton Community Gardeners

Granton Community Gardeners BBQ

The Germinators!

They came, they saw … they planted!


A top team of green-fingered activists descended on Drylaw on Saturday. Their mission: total germination and much more besides!

The Spring sun was shining and the afternoon was a great success: pictures by Georgia Forsyth Sijpestijn











And, yes … they’ll be back! Hasta la vista, baby …

Get growing in Drylaw this weekend

News from Granton Community Gardeners


The sun’s out today and Spring is slowly underway …

We’ve been busy in the gardens, including building a greenhouse, and planting a small orchard with the children at Granton Early Years Centre. We got our first potatoes planted on Saturday.

It’s a great time of year to get involved in community gardening. And this Saturday (21st) we are joint-hosting an event that will be great for getting inspired! (see flyer (above))

Saturday 21 March
1pm – 5pm

A celebration of community gardening with a DIY and collaborative spirit.
See flyer for list of workshops.

Also confirmed: Meet a man who has designed and built a bike powered flour mill, have a go and cook pancakes with the result!

Lifts available from Garden at top of Wardieburn Road. Meet 12.30.

Gardening drop-ins are continuing every Tuesday and Saturday. Meet 11am at the garden on the corner of Wardieburn Road and Boswall Parkway. All welcome! No previous gardening experience required!

Gardeners Cafe is now on Tuesdays 3pm-6pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre up until the Easter Holidays. Free veggie soup and bread and chat. On Tuesday 31 March we will have a workshop on foraging and herbal medicine from Grassroots Remedies. Please RSVP if you’d like to come to that.


Granton Community Gardeners

Burns ceilidh: celebrating community at Royston Wardieburn

That Man to Man, the world o’er,

Shall brothers (and sisters!) be for a’ that


A Burns Night is about many things. Good food, shared with friends, family or neighbours – and sometimes all three! Burns is about love, about comradeship and about community but if there’s just one word that captures the spirit of Scotland’s national Bard it’s ‘celebration’ – and all those elements were there in abundance at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre last night.

Yes, last night’s Community Celeidh celebrated the memory of Burns but it was more than that – it was a vibrant, living tribute to all the good things Burns work extolls: a warm, friendly gathering of friends and neighbours of all ages, interests and ethnicities joining together to have fun in each others’ company.

Organised by Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Granton Community Gardeners and Pilton Community Health Project’s Living in Harmony group the evening built on last year’s event and proved to be a huge success.

Around 150 people – aged from three months up to … well, a good bit older! – enjoyed a traditional Burns Supper and were entertained by the excellent Homecoming String Band and a succession of local performers, all made poosible and supported by a team of enthusiastic volunteers who were always on hand to make sure the evening went smoothly.

Congratulations to the organisers, the band, the excellent team of volunteers and the local performers who entertained us so regally on the night: the poets, the musicians, the singers and the wee dancer – you were all brilliant!

And thanks, too, the the local community who came along to support the event and whose enthusiasm made the evening such a success.

Rabbie would be proud of you all – here’s to next year!  


Visit our Facebook page for more ceilidh pictures

Burns Night Community Ceilidh: Get ready to rock at Royston Wardieburn!

We are delighted that the Burns night community ceilidh will happen again tomorrow (Saturday 24th January) from 5 – 9.30pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

The event is a celebration of diversity and talent in north Edinburgh. It is organised by a wide range of groups – including Pilton Community Health Project (PCHP),  Granton Community Gardeners and Royston Wardieburn Community Centre – under the banner of Living in Harmony.  Living in Harmony is about bringing local residents together to share their experiences and cultures and get to know each other better.

Pilton Community Health Project’s Rachel Farrier said ‘The joy of this event is what happens afterwards, once people have danced with each other, it’s difficult not to say hello on the street!’

This year’s ceilidh will include a traditional haggis supper served up by Granton Community Gardeners giving us all a chance to sample produce from the gardens.  We’ll be reliving the highlights of last year with ‘turns’ from residents from around the world – including wee Sarah reading Burns poetry, some highland dancing from Dakota Hay and Nepalese dancing from Sushma and her friends.  The homecoming string band will lead the dancing and we’ll all get the chance to strut our stuff.

Last year’s ceilidh was a massive success – over 200 people attended and over 40 volunteered to make it such a brilliant event.  You can see photos from this event on PCHP’s facebook page [photos by Anneleen Lindsay].  

Local people really enjoyed the event: ‘nice to see some community spirit’ one said.  This year tickets are going fast and it looks to be a great event.

Tickets  available NOW from Royston Wardieburn Community Centre and only cost £1. 

Get yours before they are gone!


Granton gardeners get set to grill

The rain’s gone, the winds have died down … it’s BBQ time!


Granton Community Gardeners would like to invite you to their


at the Community Garden, on corner of Boswall Parkway and Wardieburn Road

this Saturday (16 August) from 2 – 4pm

All welcome – FREE FOOD (until it runs out!)

gcgardenersThe gardeners also host a cafe at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Mondays (4.30 – 5.30) and Tuesdays (2.30 – 5.30) – teas, coffees, good food and good company – and it’s all free (although donations always welcome!) 


See grantoncommunitygardeners Facebook page for more info

Here’s food for thought – free summer events!


The FOOD for THOUGHT FORUM, in association with Pilton Community Health Project and Barri Grubb, has highlighted a feast of free food events across the Forth area over the summer holidays. How’s this top ten for tempting treats?:

Saturday 7 July 11 – 2pm

West Pilton Community Garden & Planting Day

West Pilton Place, next to Pilton Youth & Children’s Project Greenhouse – all welcome, just turn up!


Tuesday 10 July 10am – 12 noon

Craigroyston Cookery

Craigroyston High School, Pennywell Road – phone to book on 538 7285 or 477 7801.


Thursday 12 July 1 – 3.30pm

PEP Summer Fayre

West Pilton Park – all welcome, just turn up!


Tuesday 17 July 10am – 12 noon

Craigroyston Cookery

Craigroyston High Schoo, Pennywell Road – phone 538 7285 or 477 7801 to book.


Thursday 19 July 11am – 1pm

Spanish Cooking at Barri Grubb

Pilton Community Health Project, Boswall Parkway – To book your place call 551 1671.


Tuesday 24 July, 11am – 1pm

Fabby Food Store Picnic and Barbecue

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre – just turn up!


Tuesday 24 July 11am – 1pm

Simple Snacks at Millennium Centre Summer Youth Club

Muirhouse Millennium Centre, Muirhouse Medway – call 467 3578 to book.


Wednesday 1 August 12.30 – 4pm

Trip to the Botanics’ Edible Garden

Bus leaves The Haven Project, Craigroyston Primary School. To book, call 551 1671.


Saturday 4 August 1 – 4pm

Granton Community Gardens Barbecue

Corner of Boswall Parkway and Wardieburn Road – just turn up!


Wednesday 8 August 11.30 – 3.30pm

Trip to Craigies Farm

Bus leaves PCHP, Boswall Parkway. Phone to book on 551 1671.