Harbour Homes provides over £14k towards community meals in Leith

A joint community venture by Pilmeny Development Project and FENIKS has received a major funding boost from Harbour Homes via the National Lottery’s Community Fund. This will allow its weekly Multi-Cultural Cook Along to continue until at least March 2025.

Harbour Homes’ social enterprise subsidiary, Harbour Connections, offered £14,225 funding to Pilmeny Development Project as part of its local placemaking work. 

These cook alongs provide a welcoming and safe space for older members of the Leith community to meet, cook, eat and spend time together. This helps to reduce social isolation, loneliness and food poverty in a collaborative way. Some group members have also benefitted from activities at the cook alongs which have helped to improve their English language skills.

Mary O’Connell who runs the project said: “It’s an amazing group of people.

“To see how they all come together while cooking, playing bingo and getting competitive during Play Your Cards Right after the meal is brilliant.”

One attendee, aged 83, has been attending the events for several months now. He said: “Just look around the table, I’m English, there are Scots, Canadians, Polish and Irish here and we all get on really well.”

The funding will also help provide transport allowing group members to attend the cook-alongs at the Pilmeny Development Project Youth Centre.

In addition to the Multi-Cultural Community Meals, the funding will go towards supporting Older People’s Meals and Pilmeny Development Project Youth Centre community food provisions for their youth clubs.

John Murray, Placemaking Manager at Harbour Homes said: “There’s a genuine warmth and togetherness about the group which speaks volumes about the work being done here.

“It’s a privilege for Harbour Homes to be in a position to help support projects like this.”

More support for Edinburgh’s Ukrainian community

Funding announced ahead of Independence Day of Ukraine

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations’ Council (EVOC), Volunteer Edinburgh, The Welcoming Project, Feniks and the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain’s (AUGB) Edinburgh branch are sharing in more than £200,000 from the Scottish Government’s Ukraine Programme funding pot.

Migration Minister Emma Roddick said: “People all over Scotland, and particularly in Edinburgh, have welcomed those fleeing the war in Ukraine into their communities, their schools and workplaces and their homes.

“Third sector organisations have been at the heart of this warm welcome, supporting Ukrainians every step of the way. They have hosted English lessons, created social hubs and helped people to access local services.

“They have also showcased what can be achieved when national and local government, and the third sector work together, and this funding will help make sure this important partnership working continues.

“As we look ahead to the Independence Day of Ukraine, our message to Ukrainians remains clear: we stand with you, and we want Scotland to be your home for as long as you need it.”   

The City of Edinburgh Council Leader Cammy Day said: “Third sector organisations here in Edinburgh have been a cornerstone of the partnership effort to support displaced Ukrainians over the last 18 months.

“I’m sure I speak on behalf of all colleagues when I say that they have made a real and tangible difference to the lives of the people who have fled their country following Russia’s illegal war against Ukraine.

“It is right and proper that these organisations are set to benefit from the Scottish Government’s Ukraine Programme funding.

“I have seen firsthand the difference that these organisations make in our communities across a wealth of different areas. From language classes to support with health and wellbeing to helping people into work and education and so much more their impact cannot be understated.

“I look forward to working closely with our third sector partners as we move forward in supporting our Ukrainian friends in the capital.”

Details of organisations outside Edinburgh receiving funding will be confirmed in due course.

Success for local charities at Scottish Charity Awards

Two Edinburgh charities have each won a top award at the Scottish Charity Awards run by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO).

Fresh Start Scotland, a charity working to help end homelessness, and Feniks, which supports the integration and wellbeing of the Central Eastern European community in Edinburgh, won their respective awards at a celebratory awards ceremony hosted by Sally Magnusson at the Sheraton Hotel in Edinburgh on Friday (23 June).

Run annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the Scottish Charity Awards celebrates the best of the voluntary sector and this year’s shortlist included 32 individuals and organisations from charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups across the country.

West Pilton-based Fresh Start Scotland won the Community Action award. Biddy Kelly, managing director, Fresh Start Scotland, said: “We would like to say how delighted we are to win this prestigious award.

“We have only been able to achieve this thanks to the thousands of people who support us, the dedication and hard work of all our staff and volunteers and to positive and supportive partnerships.”

Feniks won the Campaign of the Year award for their campaign ‘Shed your armour, show the scars’. Magda Czarnecka, chief executive, Feniks said: “Winning the Campaign of the Year category is a humbling and exhilarating experience.

“This victory is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our Community Ambassadors, who dedicated their time and skills to address the most stigmatized challenge within the Polish community.

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our partners, See Me Scotland, who believed in our cause and stood beside us on this inspiring journey. This award strengthens our commitment to continue advocating for change and creating a brighter future for the Polish community in Scotland.”

The winner of each of the nine categories was decided by a judging panel, with the tenth People’s Choice category winner decided by the public with over 14,000 votes cast online.

The winners for the Scottish Charity Awards 2023 are:

  • Climate Conscious award: Climate Action Strathaven
  • Campaign of the Year award: Feniks
  • Community Action award: Fresh Start Scotland
  • Volunteer of the Year award: Andrii Zhehestovskyi – Libraries & Information Services Dundee
  • Employee of the Year award: Paul Sheerin – Beatson Cancer Charity
  • Pioneering Project award: Quarriers
  • Trustee of the Year award: Vongayi Mufara – Amma Birth Companions
  • Digital Citizen award: Simon Community Scotland
  • People’s Choice award: Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity
  • Charity of the Year award: Diversified

Anna Fowlie, chief executive of SCVO, said: Anna Fowlie, chief executive of SCVO, said: “What a fabulous event to celebrate the achievements of organisations and people across the voluntary sector in Scotland.

“Our finalists and winners are all shining examples of the great things happening thanks to the commitment of people working and volunteering in charities, community groups and social enterprises, all championing good causes, providing vital support and making our communities better places to live.

“Every community, and every part of our society, benefits from the work that SCVO is lucky to see on a daily basis. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Scottish Charity Awards this year, including our sponsors, the Sheraton Hotel for hosting us and of course to Sally Magnusson who was lovely as ever.

“Congratulations to all the finalists – I’m already looking forward to what the next year brings!

Fresh Start one of eight Edinburgh charities shortlisted for awards

Vote for your favourite Scottish Charity Awards finalist!

Run annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the Scottish Charity Awards celebrate the best of Scotland’s voluntary sector.

This year’s shortlist includes 32 individuals and organisations from charities and voluntary groups across the country. While a judging panel will determine the winners under nine distinct categories, members of the public can have their say by voting for their favourite overall entry in the People’s Choice Award – by visiting scvo.scot/vote – before 5pm on Wednesday 24 May 2023.

There are eight Edinburgh-based organisation and individual finalists:

  • Capability Scotland (Pioneering Project)
  • Children’s Hospices Across Scotland – Charlie Leavy (Employee of the Year)
  • Fresh Start Scotland (Community Action)
  • Edinburgh Science (Climate Conscious)
  • YouthLink Scotland (Climate Conscious)
  • Brain Health Scotland – My Amazing Brain (Campaign of the Year)
  • Feniks  – Shed Your Armour, Show the Scars (Campaign of the Year)
  • RSABI – David Leggatt MBE (Trustee of the Year)

Winners will be announced on 23 June 2023 in a celebratory awards ceremony hosted by broadcaster Sally Magnusson at the Sheraton Hotel, Edinburgh.

Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive, SCVO said: “The Scottish Charity Awards are a fabulous opportunity to celebrate the exceptional individuals and groups within our vibrant sector. 

“This year’s record-breaking number of nominations underlines the strength of Scotland’s voluntary sector, and the crucial work that we see from charities and voluntary organisations across the country. The hard work and dedication of people and organisations like these 32 finalists are making Scotland a better place to live and work.

“There is still a chance to have your own voice heard by voting in the People’s Choice Award. Don’t be late – participate!”

The full shortlist is:

Campaign of the year

  • Feniks – Shed Your Armour, Show the Scars
  • Brain Health Scotland – My Amazing Brain
  • Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity – Jack’s Wee Snowman with the Big Heart
  • Western Isles Violence Against Women Partnership – Safer Outer Hebrides

Volunteer of the year

  • Andrii Zhehestovskyi – Libraries & Information Services Dundee
  • Garry Duthie – Camphill School Aberdeen    
  • Gordon Harkin – Cancer Support Scotland

Pioneering project

  • Quarriers
  • SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health)
  • Capability Scotland
  • Cycling Without Age Scotland

Employee of the year

  • Man On! Inverclyde – Peter Canevale
  • Children’s Hospices Across Scotland – Charlie Leavy
  • Beatson Cancer Charity – Paul Sheerin

Community Action

  • Fresh Start Scotland
  • Golden Friendships
  • Maryhill Integration Network

Climate Conscious

  • YouthLink Scotland
  • Edinburgh Science
  • Climate Action Strathaven

Trustee of the year

  • Disability Snowsport UK – Carmel Teusner
  • Amma Birth Companions – Vongayi Mufara
  • Glasgow East Alcohol Awareness Project – John Strange
  • RSABI   – David Leggat MBE

Digital Citizens

  • Simon Community Scotland
  • Scottish Union of Supported Employment
  • North East Sensory Services (NESS)

Charity of the year

  • Team Jak Foundation
  • Maslow’s Community
  • Diversified
  • Community Food Initiatives North East

Ask the GP – live webinar for Polish community tomorrow

“ASK THE GP” The only public live meeting with the Polish GP in Scotland on Covid-19 vaccination for the Polish Community

“ZAPYTAJ GP” Jedyne takie spotkanie z polskim lekarzem w Szkocji na temat szczepień na Covid-19 [ENG]

In response to the needs of the Polish community in Scotland, Feniks would like to invite you to a live webinar with Dr Piotr Konieczny, a Polish GP in Edinburgh who specialises in ENT and is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

During this meeting, the expert will answer the most frequently asked questions about Covid-19 vaccination.

Ask a question prior to the meeting: https://bit.ly/pytaniadoGP

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, 12 August, 19.30 (the UK time)

The meeting will be held live on Feniks’s Facebook: 


There is no need to register, but in case you do not want to miss this meeting you can sign up to the Facebook event (a notification will show up an hour before the event): https://www.facebook.com/events/845324889457595

A recording of the meeting will be made available on Feniks Facebook page and on YouTube. The discussion will be held in Polish.[PL]

“ZAPYTAJ GP” Jedyne takie spotkanie z polskim lekarzem w Szkocji na temat szczepień na Covid-19

Odpowiadając na zapotrzebowanie polskiej społeczności w Szkocji zapraszamy na spotkanie informacyjne online z dr Piotrem Koniecznym, polskim lekarzem rodzinnym w Edynburgu specjalizującym się w laryngologii, członkiem Royal College of General Practitioners. W czasie spotkania ekspert odpowie na pytania na temat szczepień przeciwko Covid-19, które można zadawać w poniższym kwestionariuszu.

Zachęcamy do zadawania pytań przed spotkaniem:

NIE PRZEGAP: Czwartek, 12 sierpnia, godz. 19.30 (czasu brytyjskiego)

Nie trzeba się rejestrować, ale zachęcamy do dołączenia do wydarzenia na Facebooku (przypomnienie o wydarzeniu pojawi się na godzinę przed): https://www.facebook.com/events/845324889457595

Spotkanie odbędzie się live na profilu facebookowym Feniksa: https://www.facebook.com/Feniks.Support.Services

Nagranie ze spotkania zostanie zapisane i udostępnione na profilu Feniksa na Facebooku oraz na YouTube. Rozmowa odbędzie się w języku polskim.