North Edinburgh’s voluntary sector to meet on Wednesday


A reminder to the area’s charity and community projects that Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum will meet on Wednesday 7 May at 10am in North Edinburgh Arts.

It’s been a wee while since the last Forum meeting and there is lots to discuss (see Agenda) so why not go along – new faces are always welcome!

If you do plan to attend, please contact EVOC’s June Dickson (telephone 555 9100 or email to let her know.

Forth & Inverleith VSF Agenda 7th May 2014

Local Voluntary Sector Forum to meet on Tuesday

Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum will meet on Tuesday (9 April) at 10am in North Edinburgh Arts.

Edinburgh Community Health Partnership’s Steven Whitton will deliver a presentation on the proposed North West Edinburgh Partnership Hub and Jen Richards from Pilton Community Health Project will give information about hosting Trussel Trust’s North Edinburgh Food Bank.

A reminder also that places are still available for the EVOC Thinkspace event ‘A Right State?’ on Thursday 18 April. ‘A Right State?’ is an opportunity for the voluntary sector to discuss welfare reform.

The event, which is being held at the Calton Centre on Montgomery Street from 9:30am to 1.00pm, will be built around small group discussions, with contributions from a range of ‘informed voices’ including Adrian Sinfield (Professor Emeritus of Social Policy, University of Edinburgh), SCVO’s Lynn Williams, Alan Sinclair of the City of Edinburgh Council, Linda Savage (Job Centre Plus) and Inclusion Scotland’s Bill Scott.

To register for this important event email  by Friday 12 April.


Forth Voluntary Sector meets on Wednesday

Supported by EVOC, Forth Voluntary Sector Forum brings together representatives of voluntary groups and community organisations to discuss issues of common concern. Forth VSF meets regularly and is currently chaired by North West Carers’ Sarah Mavor.

The next meeting of Forth Voluntary Sector Forum will be held in North Edinburgh Arts on Wednesday 14 November at 10am. New faces/organisations are always welcome!

For further information about Forth Voluntary Sector Forum contact EVOC Neighbourhood Partnerships Development Officer Kate Kasprowicz on 555 9100 or email