EVOC thinkSpace event: Balancing the Books

Monday 24 November, 1 – 3pm

City of Edinburgh Council, City Chambers, Business Centre

At this thinkSpace event, we will be joined by Councillors Burns, Rankin, Child & Cook, as well as Hugh Dunn, Head of Finance at CEC, to take us through the Council’s budget proposals for 2015/16 and into the future.

Full details of the event are available here.

Please book in advance by emailing dianne.morrison@evoc.org.uk to reserve your place.

Really hope you can make this important event – the sector needs to make its voice heard during the consultation period.


EVOC update

EVOClogoPlease help us help you by completing our questionnaire about local Voluntary Sector Forums.

Please see link below to a survey regarding the local Voluntary Sector Forums which asks questions of your involvement with, and your experience of, participating in the Forum within your area.


I have already met some of you who have shared their experiences with me.  However, having looked at the notes from these meetings  I have realised that this is an opportunity to collate as many opinions as possible and try to identify what the strengths of the Forums  are, how we build on these strengths whilst acknowledging and identifying  where improvement can be achieved.

Can I ask you to take 10 minutes out to complete this more comprehensive questionnaire? 

A discussion paper will then be produced highlighting the results and looking at a way forward to ensuring everyone, who wants to, can engage fully and effectively  with both Voluntary Sector Forums and also Neighbourhood Partnerships.  This piece of work will also complement and feed into the Neighbourhood Partnership Review.

All organisations responding to this questionnaire will be kept fully informed of the findings and we also hope to highlight best practice and some of the successes achieved by all organisations working together. 



EVOC’s AGM and Annual Conference 2014: ‘Chasing Unicorns’

‘Chasing Unicorns’, EVOC’s Third Sector Conference and Annual General Meeting, will be held on 11 November 2014 from 9:30am (for 10am start) to 1.30pm at the Norton Park Conference Centre in Edinburgh. We’ll be exploring the future of Scotland’s Third Sector – and any opportunities or challenges that may arise post Referendum.

Full details of the event and booking form available here.


Voluntary Sector Forum: extra date added

Due to the retirement of Gena Wylie and Thomas Brown moving to pastures new the Forth and Inverleith Forum now need to elect 2 new chairs for this Forum.

Due to the length of time between Forums I thought it best to organise an extra meeting for the Forum to discuss the election and how they wish to go forward with this.

The Forum meeting will take place on

Wednesday 15 October from 10am -12 noon

at Pilton Community Health Project, 73 Boswall Parkway.

It would be beneficial to the Forum and Third Sector in these areas if we could have strong representation at the meeting to ensure everyone has had time and the opportunity to discuss as a collective.

Whilst there is no Chair for both areas my role is to cover all NP meetings where possible to represent the Third Sector in that area. I’m very keen that the representation comes from local Grassroot workers in the area, as I feel they would be better placed than I to represent a particular area.

Can you please let me know if you are able to attend.

Many thanks

june dickson card

Compact Voice: EVOC seeks your views

EVOClogoGot 10 minutes to help Edinburgh’s Third Sector plan our next 10 years? Find out more about Compact Voice & respond to our online survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CompactVoiceOne


Our Health, Our Care, Our Future

Friday 22 August, 9.30am – 12.00noon

NHS Lothian are currently consulting on their Draft Strategic Plan for 2014-2024.  EVOC is delighted to host a thinkSpace event to look at the plan and its proposals

Visit http://www.evoc.org.uk/thinkspace for full information and to register for the event


News from EVOC

Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum 

Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum will take place on Wednesday 6 August from 10-12pm at Pilton Community Health Project on Boswall Parkway.

Local Neighbourhood Partnership officers Elaine Lennon and Jim Pattison will attend to discuss community priorities as identified during the recent Local Community Plan consultations. There will also be a presentation by CEC Welfare Manager Alan Sinclair.

Attendees are asked to bring along details of any training available through their organisation to allow the compilation of a list of available training in the area.

For further information (and to confirm your attendance) contact June Dickson on 555 9114 or email june.dickson@evoc.org.uk



Edinburgh Compact – ten years on

Seems hard to believe, but the Edinburgh Compact – the groundbreaking agreement between the voluntary sector and public sector organisations to work in partnership for mutual benefit – is now ten years old, and EVOC wants to know: how’s it been for you?

DURING this Compact 10 year the city’s Third Sector will go through a process of both reflecting on ten years of progress since the Edinburgh Compact Partnership was formed, and looking forward to the next ten years (writes Milind Kolhatkar, Community Planning Officer at EVOC).

This process of reflection and projection will be grounded not only in the experiences of the city’s Third Sector leaders, but also – crucially – on the evidence base that you provide us with.

Compact Voice is the project to gather, assess and share quantitative and qualitative data from across the breadth of Edinburgh’s Third Sector. This bank of information will help shape the futures thinking that sits at the heart of the Compact 10 year.

Through a process of surveys, focus groups, discussion forums and guided projection Third Sector leaders will engage with the rich diversity of Edinburgh’s Third Sector as well as with our Public Sector partners.

The key outputs from this process will include a growing data bank to support futures thinking, a body of evidence to help articulate the value Edinburgh’s Third Sector brings to the city, and increased opportunities for the Third Sector itself to focus on the positive difference it makes each and every day to the lives of people in need in all parts of the city.

The Compact 10 year aims to deliver outcomes including improved understanding and better relationships between the Third Sector and our Public Sector partners, clearer strategic direction to the planning and delivery of Third Sector services, and a shared understanding on the part of all Community Planning Partners that a city with a robust Third Sector is a city where communities have a rich and supportive social fabric.

Complete the online survey (below)



A city for all ages? Have your say!

Edinburgh from Calton HillAre you aged over fifty?  Do you have an opinion on city services?  Of course you do!  Share your views at a session in Stockbridge next week:

EVOC (Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council) are holding discussion groups for older people (aged 50+) across the city as part of its evaluation of ‘A City for All Ages’. The North event will take place next Monday (14 July) from 2- 3.30pm at Stockbridge Library.

Participants can either drop in for a short time, or stay longer.

We are keen to get as many local older people along to this as possible to hear their views on what services are provided and where there is room for improvement.

If you are in this age group, please come along on Monday and take part. We’d also appreciate, if you represent a local group, if you can bring this to the attention of any older people your project is in touch with, and encourage them to come along, or please consider bringing a group of clients along? Refreshments will be provided and the event will be informal.

Any questions, please contact Alex.clark@evoc.org.uk, tel 555 9100

ACFAA Northgroup poster July


North Edinburgh’s voluntary sector to meet on Wednesday


A reminder to the area’s charity and community projects that Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum will meet on Wednesday 7 May at 10am in North Edinburgh Arts.

It’s been a wee while since the last Forum meeting and there is lots to discuss (see Agenda) so why not go along – new faces are always welcome!

If you do plan to attend, please contact EVOC’s June Dickson (telephone 555 9100 or email  june.dickson@evoc.org.uk) to let her know.

Forth & Inverleith VSF Agenda 7th May 2014

Local Voluntary Sector Forum to meet on Tuesday

Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum will meet on Tuesday (9 April) at 10am in North Edinburgh Arts.

Edinburgh Community Health Partnership’s Steven Whitton will deliver a presentation on the proposed North West Edinburgh Partnership Hub and Jen Richards from Pilton Community Health Project will give information about hosting Trussel Trust’s North Edinburgh Food Bank.

A reminder also that places are still available for the EVOC Thinkspace event ‘A Right State?’ on Thursday 18 April. ‘A Right State?’ is an opportunity for the voluntary sector to discuss welfare reform.

The event, which is being held at the Calton Centre on Montgomery Street from 9:30am to 1.00pm, will be built around small group discussions, with contributions from a range of ‘informed voices’ including Adrian Sinfield (Professor Emeritus of Social Policy, University of Edinburgh), SCVO’s Lynn Williams, Alan Sinclair of the City of Edinburgh Council, Linda Savage (Job Centre Plus) and Inclusion Scotland’s Bill Scott.

To register for this important event email dianne.morrison@evoc.org.uk  by Friday 12 April.


Forth Voluntary Sector meets on Wednesday

Supported by EVOC, Forth Voluntary Sector Forum brings together representatives of voluntary groups and community organisations to discuss issues of common concern. Forth VSF meets regularly and is currently chaired by North West Carers’ Sarah Mavor.

The next meeting of Forth Voluntary Sector Forum will be held in North Edinburgh Arts on Wednesday 14 November at 10am. New faces/organisations are always welcome!

For further information about Forth Voluntary Sector Forum contact EVOC Neighbourhood Partnerships Development Officer Kate Kasprowicz on 555 9100 or email kate.kasprowicz@evoc.org.uk