Exam arrangements now in place


The city council has confirmed alternative arrangements for pupils sitting exams next month who are affected by the current school closures.

The contingency plans have been put together as exams start in the first week of May, and all pupils will be sitting their exams in the schools they are currently attending.

The arrangements are:

  • Royal High, Drummond and Firrhill pupils will use their own schools
  • Gracemount and Craigmount will be sitting their exams at their host schools of Liberton and Tynecastle respectively

Individual schools will update pupils and parents regarding their specific arrangements.

Over the past week the Council has had very positive discussions with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) about exams and the contingency arrangements.

Education Convener Councillor Paul Godzik said: “With the first exams only a few weeks away it is absolutely vital that we have these plans in place and pupils are given notice as to where they will be sitting their exams.

“Pupils have enough to do with their studying preparations without additional worry over where they may be sitting them. Despite the hugely challenging situation the Council have tried to ensure our pupils are given every chance to prepare properly and that as far as possible they are not impacted by the school closures.

“We will be outlining in detail to the SQA the arrangements we have put in place and how this has affected pupils, as well as providing additional study support to pupils where we feel this is necessary.”

Jean Blair, SQA Director of Operations, said: “Clearly our primary concern is for all the young people involved. We continue to work closely with City of Edinburgh Council and the individual schools to support them in the practical arrangements for the exams, which begin on Wednesday 4 May.

“The national timetable of exams will continue as planned and pupils should continue with their studies in preparation to sit their exams on the dates in the published exam timetable.”

The programme of structural surveys arranged by the Edinburgh Schools Partnership is continuing. Parents will be provided with further information on individual school surveys once the full reports are received and assessed.

Total Craigroyston – the final report


The Total Craigroyston initiative came to a close at the end of March, as the localities model of the City of Edinburgh Council begins to be implemented. A ‘checking-out’ session was held on 23 March at Pilton Children’s and Youth Project to share with local people and workers the progress that had been made and to identify key messages for the locality management team (writes Tim Packer). Continue reading Total Craigroyston – the final report

PPPP High School closures: what’s happening next week

Current plans for next week are:


portakabins RHS

S1 and S2 students

S1 and S2 students should return to school at 9:40am on Tuesday 19 April. Students should report to the old front door beside the assembly hall. Please do not enter through any other school entrances.

S1 and S2 classes will be accommodated in temporary units that are being installed in the school grounds this weekend (16 and 17 April, above).

S3, S4, S5 and S6 students

The arrangements currently in place for S3 to S6 students will continue.

SQA update

Positive discussions have been taking place with the Scottish Qualifications Authority who have agreed that verification and examining visits for all subjects that were due to take place this week have been postponed and will be rescheduled with individual schools.

We will update students when we have more information.

Local PPP Primary Schools: info for next week

This is the latest information we have on next week’s arrangements:




Nursery children should attend the school on Tuesday 19 April.

Parents should bring morning pupils to Craigroyston High School reception at 08:45am and collect from the same place at 11:20am.

Parents should bring afternoon pupils to Craigroyston High School reception at 12:05pm and collect from the same place at 2:40pm.

Class Teacher Temporary location Phone Transport
AM Mrs Cross, Mrs McCabe and Mrs Chatir/Miss Porteous Cramond Primary School, Cramond Crescent, EH4 6PG 312 6450 Bus
AM Mrs Greenhalgh and Mrs Smith Queensferry Primary School, Burgess Road, South Queensferry, EH30 9NX 331 1349 Bus
PM Mrs Cross, Mrs McCabe and Mrs Chatir Cramond Primary School, Cramond Crescent, EH4 6PG 312 6450 Bus
PM Mrs Greenhalgh and Mrs Smith Queensferry Primary School, Burgess Road, South Queensferry, EH30 9NX 331 1349 Bus

P1 – P7

We aim to have nursery pupil arrangements in place from Tuesday and further information will follow.

Tuesday 19 April

All pupils should report the main entrance at Craigroyston Community High School at 9:00am. They will again be met by Craigroyston Primary staff.

Pupils should be collected at the following times:

  • P1 and P2 – 2:30pm
  • P3-P7 – 3pm

All children will be provided with a free packed lunch.



All P1 to P7 and nursery pupils should report to the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre on West Pilton Grove at their normal time on Tuesday 19 April, where they will be taken by bus to their alternative locations, listed below.

Parents should then collect their children from West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at normal pick up times.

Lunches and breakfast club

There will be no breakfast club. We will provide free packed lunches for all pupils.

After school club

North Edinburgh Childcare will contact parents directly about arrangements.


Class Teacher School Phone Transport
P1a Rona Bean Granton Primary, Boswall Parkway, EH5 2DA 552 3987 Bus
P1b Lucy Watson Granton Primary, Boswall Parkway, EH5 2DA 552 3987 Bus
P2a Susan Ewing and Morag Robertson Canal View Primary, 4 Hailesland Place, EH14 2SL 442 3894 Bus
P2b Fiona Bogie Canal View Primary, 4 Hailesland Place, EH14 2SL 442 3894 Bus
P3a Elaine Harvey and Sarah Jordan Leith Walk Primary, Brunswick Road, EH7 5NG 556 3873 Bus
P3b Alison Chalmers Leith Walk Primary, Brunswick Road, EH7 5NG 556 3873 Bus
P4a Stuart Harris Leith Walk Primary, Brunswick Road, EH7 5NG 556 3873 Bus
P4b Alice Jones Leith Walk Primary, Brunswick Road, EH7 5NG 556 3873 Bus
P5 Damien Couty Fox Covert Primary, Clerwood Terrace, EH12 8PG 339 3749 Bus
P5/6 Grant Chisholm Fox Covert Primary, Clerwood Terrace, EH12 8PG 339 2383 Bus
P6 Jude Thomas Fox Covert Primary, Clerwood Terrace, EH12 8PG 339 2383 Bus
P7a Niall Heron Leith Primary, St Andrew’s Place, EH6 7EG 554 4844 Bus
P7b Sarah Muldoon Leith Primary, St Andrew’s Place, EH6 7EG 554 4844 Bus
Nursery Susan Maclennan and Sarah Jordan Wester Hailes Education Centre, 5 Murrayburn Drive, EH14 2SU 442 2201 Bus
Nursery Jennifer Taylor Hope Cottage, Cowan’s Close, East Crosscauseway, EH8 9HF 667 5795 Bus



P1 to P7

All pupils meet their class teacher on the Astroturf at their normal start time (8.40am) on Tuesday 19 April.

Pupils should be collected from the Astroturf at 3pm.

For the safety of the pupils, please do not park on the streets around the school. You should enter the school by the main gates, drop the children and leave immediately by the side gate. This will help keep the children safe.


Morning and afternoon nursery children should report to the Astroturf at their normal times on Tuesday 19 April.

Morning pupils should be collected at 11:40am from the AstroTurf.

Afternoon pupils should be collected from the AstroTurf at 3pm.

Lunches and breakfast club

There will be no breakfast club. We will provide free packed lunches for all pupils.

After school club

North Edinburgh Childcare will contact parents directly about arrangements.

Contact the school

For all absence, and to contact school staff, please call 07570585468 from Tuesday 19 April.  Please do not contact host schools directly.


Class Teacher School Phone Transport
Nursery AM Lorna Manus Abbeyhill / Brunstane Primary 661 3054 / 69 4498 Bus
Nursery PM Lorna Manus Abbeyhill / Brunstane Primary 661 3054 / 669 4498 Bus
P1A Jennifer Mann Abbeyhill Primary, Abbey Street, EH7 5SJ 661 3054 Bus
P1B Claire Mitchell Abbeyhill Primary, Abbey Street, EH7 5SJ 661 3054 Bus
P2A Ann Maguire Flora Stevenson Primary, Comely Bank, EH4 1BG 332 1604 Bus
P2B Katie O’Mahony Wardie Primary, Granton Road, EH5 3NJ 552 3896 Bus
P3A Sophia Godard Abbeyhill Primary, Abbey Street, EH7 5SJ 661 3054 Bus
P3B Rose Hammett Abbeyhill Primary, Abbey Street, EH7 5SJ 661 3054 Bus
P4A Fiona Herbert and Anna Arnot Davidson’s Mains Primary, Corbiehill Road, EH4 5DZ 336 1184 Bus
P4B Chelsea Tidy Wardie Primary, Granton Road, EH5 3NJ 552 3896 Bus
P5 Natasha Millar Wardie Primary, Granton Road, EH5 3NJ 552 3896 Bus
P5/6 Fiona Herbert and Louise Cobban Davidson’s Mains Primary, Corbiehill Road, EH4 5DZ 336 1184 Bus
P6 James McNeil Davidson’s Mains Primary, Corbiehill Road, EH4 5DZ 336 1184 Bus
P7A Joyce Forsyth Flora Stevenson Primary, Comely Bank, EH4 1BG 332 1604 Bus
P7B Nikki Paterson Flora Stevenson Primary, Comely Bank, EH4 1BG 332 1604 Bus



P1 to P7

All pupils meet their class teacher on the Astroturf at their normal start time on Tuesday 19 April. Pupils should be collected from the Astroturf at normal times.

For the safety of the pupils, please do not park on the streets around the school. Please enter the school by the main gates, drop the children and leave immediately by the side gate. This will help keep the children safe.


Morning and afternoon nursery children should report to the Astroturf at their normal times on Tuesday 19 April and be collected at normal times.

Lunches and breakfast club

There will be no breakfast club. We will provide free packed lunches for all pupils.

After school club

North Edinburgh Childcare will contact parents directly about arrangements.

Contact the school

For all absence, and to contact school staff, please call 07342 908521 from Tuesday 19 April.

Please do not contact host schools directly.


Class Teacher School Phone Transport
P1A Mr Brendan Creaney St Ninian’s RC Primary School, 150 Restalrig Road South, EH7 6JA 661 3431 Bus
P1B Mrs Nicola Murphy St Ninian’s RC Primary, 150 Restalrig Road South, EH7 6JA 661 3431 Bus
P2 Mrs Karen Magill St Mary’s RC Primary, 63 East London Street, EH7 4BW 557 2455 Bus
P3 Miss Aoife Lambert Hermitage Park Primary, 9 Hermitage Park, Edinburgh EH6 8HD 554 2952 Bus
P3/4 Mrs Marion Ruthven/Mrs Caroline Par St Francis’ RC Primary, 20 Moffat Way, EH16 4PY 621 6600 Bus
P4 Mrs Aileen Hughes St Francis’ RC Primary, 20 Moffat Way, EH16 4PY 621 6600 Bus
P5 Miss Folan Remain at St Paul’s Annexe, St David’s Primary 07342 908521
P5/6 Miss Hancock Remain at St Paul’s Annexe, St David’s Primary 07342 908521
P6 Miss Fallon Remain at St Paul’s Annexe, St David’s Primary 07342 908521
P7 Mrs Pam Hamilton Hermitage Park Primary, 9 Hermitage Park, Edinburgh EH6 8HD 554 2952 Bus
Nursery AM Mr Kenneth Innes Viewforth Early Years Centre, 18 Viewforth Terrace, EH10 4LH 229 6667 Bus
Nursery AM Mr Kenneth Innes Lochrin Nursery, West Tollcross, EH3 9QN 229 7743 Bus
Nursery PM Mr Kenneth Innes Viewforth Early Years Centre, 18 Viewforth Terrace, EH10 4LH 229 6667 Bus
Nur PM Mr Kenneth Innes Lochrin Nursery, West Tollcross, EH3 9QN 229 7743 Bus

Forthview: going forth across the city


Forthview Primary pupils will return to school next week – but in classroooms scattered across Edinburgh. Dealing with the temporary closure of seventeen schools has been a logistical nightmare for council officials and it’s proved impossible to keep the Forthview kids together. Continue reading Forthview: going forth across the city

Hatching tomorrow: Spring Chickens at Royston Wardieburn!

New activities programme for adults at Royston Wardieburn

RWCC (2)

A reminder that the Spring Chickens starts tomorrow (Wednesday) @ 12pm Lunch Provided. We have the Living Memory Association coming along to the first session … Continue reading Hatching tomorrow: Spring Chickens at Royston Wardieburn!


‘The safety of children and our staff is our main priority’ – City Council Chief Executive Andrew Kerr


The Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council and senior education officials met with directors of the Edinburgh School Partnership (ESP) this afternoon (Sunday 10 April) to receive an update on the programme of detailed structural surveys which is underway on the PPP1 schools. Continue reading CLOSED SCHOOLS: DETAILED SURVEYS UNDERWAY

GameChanger community event at Easter Road

Get connected with your community this Tuesday


GameChanger are holding a free Community Event on Tuesday 12 April at Easter Road Stadium, taking place between 11am to 3pm.

The awareness day will help to showcase to the community what there is in the local area to help with their health and well-being, and is another event which demonstrates the positive impact GameChanger is having in the local area.

Attendees will be able to find out information across a wide spectrum of health issues including fitness, addiction support and mental health, as well as the related sub-topics that can help with your well-being, including information on healthy cooking, community gardening, yoga and dance.

Not only will it cover health and well-being, but it aims to highlight how to help with your employability and will offer advice on improving your digital skillset too. Information will be available for learning opportunities for students with varying disabilities and needs, as well as assistance for carers and advice on relationships and sex for young people. You can even find out what is happening at the upcoming Leith Festival.

For those with a keen football interest, you will also be able to discover a free online learning opportunity with the University of Edinburgh to study Football: More than a Game as well as opportunities for credit bearing face to face learning.

The event will take place within the Eighteen75 and Edinburgh Suites within the West Stand at Easter Road Stadium.